Beneath The Crimson Tides

Entry 3


"One Piece" and all related characters, settings, and concepts are the intellectual property of Eiichiro Oda, Shueisha, Toei Animation, and any other entities associated with the creation and distribution of the original manga and anime series. No copyright infringement is intended.

The morning sunlight filtered through the dome of Fishman Island, casting a warm glow on the coral tree where I sat, legs crossed and eyes closed, focusing on my breathing. This tree, vibrant with pink and orange hues, had become my sanctuary over the past three years, its Rays of Sunlight Tree Eve seeming to shine brightest here, warming every part of my body.

I inhaled deeply, feeling the unique mix of air and water that permeated our home. As I exhaled, my senses expanded, becoming acutely aware of my surroundings: the gentle rustle of leaves in the artificial breeze, the distant sound of bubbles rising from the seafloor, and the faint echoes of life from the bustling district beyond our yard.

Suddenly, footsteps caught my attention—heavy yet purposeful. I didn't need to open my eyes to know it was Dad.

"Luci'," his deep voice called from below. "Are you ready for today's session?"

Opening my eyes, I looked down at him from my perch. Dad stood there, his goat-like features set in a mixture of amusement and anticipation. His powerful frame was relaxed, but I knew from experience how quickly that could change.

"I've been ready for hours, Dad," I called back, unable to contain my excitement. With a grin, I spread my wings and in one fluid motion, leaped from the tree, gliding down to land softly in front of him.

Dad nodded approvingly. "Good. Your control is improving." Stepping back, he moved to the center of our makeshift training ground. "Before you head to the Dojo later today, Show me what you have learned of our discipline. Don't hold back."

I nodded, adopting a serious expression while feeling a surge of excitement not just for the impending spar with my father, but also for later when my mother would finally take me to the Fishman Karate Dojo. She had been an instructor there, but had taken leave to care for me. Now, she and the old man aswell despite being from a different race was actually apart of the Royal Fishman Army most likely because he was too strong to pass up for differing races but they were both finally returning to their duties.

I folded my wings neatly against my back, assuming the familiar stance of the Astra discipline that had become second nature over the years.

As we faced each other, I felt the familiar tingle of electro coursing through my body, ready to be unleashed. My hands flexed involuntarily, prepared to summon both electricity and water at a moment's notice.

"Remember," Dad said, dropping into his fighting stance, "this isn't just about power. It's about—"

"Control, strategy, and adaptability," I finished for him, mimicking his serious tone before breaking into a grin. "I know, Dad."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Alright, smart guy. Show me what you've got."

For a moment, we stood perfectly still, sizing each other up. Then, in the blink of an eye, the calm shattered. Dad launched forward, and I reacted instinctively, unfurling my wings to increase my speed, preparing to meet his charge head-on.

As Dad charged forward, I spread my wings wide, their translucent membrane catching the artificial sunlight filtering through Fishman Island's bubble. Using them to propel myself to the side at the last second, I felt the rush of water and air around me. His fist whistled past my ear, and I countered with a quick Eleclaw swipe at his exposed flank, my hand coated in a shaky mixture of water and electricity.

Dad twisted, effortlessly avoiding the attack. Flowing from the dodge, he pivoted, his powerful leg sweeping towards me in a low kick. I leaped to dodge it, my wings giving me extra height as I twisted quickly midair, slightly turning backward as I aimed a Qirin's Hoof Kick at his chest, water and electro surrounding my foot in a crackling, swirling mix.

He caught my foot with ease, but I was ready. I tucked my wings in and let myself drop to the ground headfirst, doing a handstand. The packed earth of our training ground was cool against my palms as I slapped them down, unleashing Electrical Luna. My electro flowed from my hands to the ground like a spiderweb, the current racing outward and forcing Dad to release me and jump back.

I quickly got off my hands and regrouped, not letting the opportunity slip I burst forward with a Battering Ram straight at my father the moment my feet hit the ground. Although I managed to hit him, the front kick I drove towards his midsection was blocked effortlessly. Barely moving from the impact, he used the moment to spin it into a counterattack.

His fist came at me like a sledgehammer as I crossed my arms to block trying to mitigate the damage but the impact still sent me skidding backward, my feet leaving furrows in the earth. It felt like my bones were rattling from the punch, but I pushed down the pain, my determination fueled by the thrill of the fight.

"Good combination," Dad said, his voice steady and unaffected, but I caught a glimmer of pride in his eyes. "But don't forget to use all your advantages."

Even through the haze of pain, I couldn't help but feel elation and genuine excitement. Sparring with my parents always brought a smile to my face. It wasn't normal, I knew that much, to feel this happy doing something as dangerous as fighting, but this joy wasn't something I planned to let go of, not again.

I looked at my father, who nodded in praise at my showing. Shaking my head, I chuckled, not just from happiness but also from the absurdity of the situation. "You know child abuse is illegal, right, old man? I'm gonna turn you in to the guard once I beat you!"

Dad's laughter echoed across our training ground, a warm sound that made me grin wider. Spreading my wings, I took to the air feeling the rush of it beat against me as I ascended. Reaching a good height, I dove down with a powerful flap, speeding towards my father like a bullet. His laughter was cut short as I dove into a Prey's Peril, both hands extended, claws poised to tear into him.

The old man sidestepped with fluid grace, but I was already twisting in the air, controlling my body and using my wings to change direction mid-flight.

I spun into a Tornado Drive, my leg whipping through the air. My quick follow-up connected with Dad, who blocked with his arm and shoulder, actually moving from the impact this time. A small victory, but it fueled my determination. He tried to grab my leg, but I flapped backward, putting some distance between us and landing on the ground.

This time, Dad didn't let up the pressure and was already chasing me down as soon as I tried to retreat. His imposing figure rushing toward me was daunting, to say the least. Despite that without hesitation, I rushed toward him as well, brandishing my coated claws. We started swinging at each other with wild abandon, me using Feeding Frenzy while he deflected with his fists. Although he didn't show it on his face, his fists were getting significantly scratched, even if not much blood flowed from the wounds inflicted on him.

Realizing I was making some progress, I decided to change tactics. As Dad's fist came in for another strike, I ducked low and executed a Crouching Dragon Sweep. My leg swept across the ground, aiming for his ankles, water and electricity trailing in its wake.

Dad, ever vigilant, jumped over my sweep with ease. But I was counting on this. As he was airborne, I quickly rose, channeling all my energy into a Raiju Knee Cracker. I launched myself upward, aiming to cave his chest in with my knee, the air around it crackling with energy.

For a brief moment, I thought I had him. But Dad showed once again his reflexes were on another level. He twisted in mid-air, narrowly avoiding my knee. As we both landed, I knew I had to keep up the pressure, my heart pounding with excitement and determination.

Without missing a beat, I spun into a Broadside Piston. My side kick shot out towards his chest, though he blocked it with his forearm. But I saw him slide back slightly. It wasn't much, but it was something, a small victory that sent a thrill of accomplishment through me.

"Excellent sequence, Lucian," Dad praised, a hint of pride in his voice. "Your combinations are becoming more fluid. You're really starting to blend both your mink and fishman abilities."

Breathing heavily, I grinned at him, my chest swelling with pride at his words. "Thanks, Dad. I'm not done yet, though!"

I charged forward again, ready to unleash another series of attacks. But as I neared, Dad's stance shifted subtly. I realized too late that he was done playing defense.

In a blur of movement, Dad closed the distance between us. His palm struck my chest with controlled force, sending me tumbling backward. I managed to spread my wings, using them to stabilize myself and land on my feet, though that didn't last long as I immediately fell to my knees. The impact of the strike left me gasping for air.

"Always be prepared for your opponent to switch tactics," Dad advised, his voice calm but serious. There was a gentleness in his eyes as he watched me struggle to catch my breath. "But overall, you've shown remarkable improvement. I think we can call it here for today."

I wanted to continue, to prove I could do more, but I knew he was right. My body was trembling from exertion, and my control over the water and electro coating was becoming even more erratic than it was before due to lack of perfection in simultaneously using my abilities. It was a stark reminder of how much I still had to learn, but it only fueled my determination to improve.

Nodding, I straightened up, trying to catch my breath. The cool breeze of Fishman Island helped soothe my overheated body. "So... how did I do... really?"

In that moment, as I looked up at my father, waiting for his assessment. Dad's stern expression melted into a warm smile, his eyes twinkling with pride. "You did exceptionally well, Lucian. Your mother and I are very proud of you. I believe you're more than ready for the challenges the dojo will bring."

"And also, I have a little gift for you." My ears perked up in confusion as I watched my father reach under his shirt and bring out something from within it. It was the necklace I had sometimes caught glimpses of – it didn't look expensive or special. If anything, it looked worn and torn, with the string holding the single tooth showing the toll of time. I had asked him about it before, but he only put a finger to his mouth and didn't answer, always acting mysterious.

My dad began walking toward me, his footsteps soft. The breeze ruffled my fur as he removed the necklace from himself and started to put it around my neck. I looked up at him still confused, my tail swishing with curiosity unconsciously.

"When I was still a young buckling," he began, his voice low and filled with memory, "my father gave this to me as well. I know you'll definitely kick whoever's ass you have to to get into that dojo today, so consider this my early gift." He ruffled my hair as he finished clipping it around my neck, probably with the goofiest smile I've ever seen on him.

The tooth felt cool against my chest, a weight that seemed to carry more than just its physical presence. I touched it gently, feeling the ridges and grooves worn smooth by years.

"And I know I don't say it a lot but..." he paused, his eyes meeting mine with an intensity that made my breath catch, "I love you, son."

The words hung in the air, more powerful than any technique we had practiced. I felt a warmth spread through me, not from exertion or my electro abilities, but from something deeper. Without thinking, I launched myself at him, wrapping my arms around his waist in a tight hug.

"I love you too, Dad," I mumbled into his shirt, feeling his strong arms encircle me in return.

As we stood there, the sounds of Fishman Island life humming in the background, I knew that whatever challenges the dojo – or life – threw at me, I had the strength of my family behind me. The necklace around my neck was more than just a gift; it was a connection to my family and my heritage,

With renewed determination, I stepped back, grinning up at my father. "So, when do we leave for the dojo?"


I walked alongside Dad through the winding streets of Waterwheel Town, my home on Fishman Island. The familiar hum of water rushing through the massive wheels that gave our town its name filled the air, a sound I'd grown to find comforting in a weird way. As always, I felt the weight of curious stares from passersby. I knew I stood out - a young boy with a mix of mink and fishman features was still weird to the citizens of fishman island although it has lessened after we have lived here so long.

Dad's thick goat-like fur brushed against my skin as we navigated the crowded marketplace. "Ah, Lucian, Deacon!" a familiar voice called out. I turned to see Mr. Takoyaki, his tentacles expertly flipping his famous snacks on a sizzling grill. "Care for a quick bite before your training?"

The old man chuckled as he immediately accepted the delicacy offered. "How can we refuse, Mr. Takoyaki?"

As we munched on the delicious food, I couldn't help but notice the tension in the air. Ever since Gold Roger's execution two years ago, there'd been an upsurge in pirate activity. Even here, in the relative safety of the ocean floor, people seemed on edge.

My mind wandered to recent events. Prince Ryuuboshi, the second prince of the royal family, had been born just two years ago. And only last year, the infamous 'Golden Lion' Shiki had escaped from Impel Down, sending shockwaves through the world being the first to do it in history. Then there was that business with Ohara...

It was clear that, just like I was growing and moving forward, the world at large was also progressing like a well-oiled machine. It was weird i can admit, but also exhilarating in a way. Being alive right here, right now, to witness—or rather hear about—these events happening in real time was surreal, even after all this time of living in this world.

"Look, Luci'," Dad's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. He was pointing at a newspaper stand. "Let's grab today's paper."

As Deacon paid for the newspaper, I scanned the headlines. Most of it was the usual stuff, but one article caught my eye. Crocodile had become a Shichibukai. I felt a chill run down my spine, remembering what I knew about this man from my previous life.

The Shichibukai system - pirates working for the World Government. Crocodile, with his sand powers and ruthless ambition, was a particularly dangerous addition to their ranks and it was only a matter of time before he got his claws hooked into Alabasta.

We continued our walk to the dojo, the newspaper tucked under Dad's arm. I tried to push my worries aside. For now, I'd focus on my training. But I couldn't shake the feeling that big changes were coming, both to Fishman Island and the world at large.

The timeline was progressing and although i didnt really have a exact timing on everything or even remember all that would happen considering how massive this world is i could still recognize a few events just as I remembered them from my past life. Shiki's escape, the Ohara incident, and now Crocodile becoming a Shichibukai. The chess board were unfolding, setting the stage for the era I knew was coming. An era of great pirates, of dreams and ambitions that would shake the very foundations of this world.

And somehow, in this new life I'd been granted, I knew I'd be caught up in it all. The thought both excited and terrified me. What role would I play in the events to come? How might my presence here, my knowledge, change things? even now i was still unsure what place i would have but i had time, for now at least.

The dojo luckily was not that far away from our home being a little more near the middle of fishman island, As we approached the unfamiliar building, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. The Fishman Karate dojo came into view, and I couldn't help but stare in awe. It was an impressive structure, being a unique blend of wood and coral with the wooden framework provided a sturdy skeleton, while coral formations filled in the walls seemingly purposefully shaped in waves, creating a beautiful, organic pattern.

The entrance was marked by a simple yet elegant arch, with a sign that read " Fishman Karate Dojo" with a statue of a fishman flanking the door with which the words engraved at the bottom read that his name was Triton, the founder and first user of Fishman Karate. Large, bubble-like windows dotted the facade, allowing glimpses of the activity inside.

As we entered, the scent of saltwater mixed with polished wood filled my nostrils. The main training hall was spacious, with a high ceiling supported by thick wooden beams. Along the walls hung scrolls detailing various forms and philosophies of the art, their presence adding an air of ancient wisdom to the place.

To my surprise, Mom was there, talking with one of the instructors. She turned and smiled as she saw us approach.

"Deacon, Lucian! I'm glad you made it," she said, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

Dad grinned, "Wouldn't miss it for the world. Our boy's first day at the dojo is a big event."

As they chatted, and Dad started to leave, I noticed his expression change. A strange smile crept across his face, and he put his finger to his lips in my direction before turning to leave.

"Well, I'll leave you two to it. Goodbye for now," he said, that mysterious smile still in place.

Mom and I exchanged confused glances. "Deacon, what are you up to?" Mom asked, a mix of curiosity and suspicion in her voice.

Dad just chuckled and waved as he left, offering no explanation. Mom sighed and shook her head, a fond smile on her face despite her apparent exasperation.

"That father of yours," she muttered, then turned to me. "Well, Lucian, are you ready to meet the sensei?"

I nodded, trying to push my curiosity about Dad's behavior to the back of my mind. As we walked further into the dojo, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Mom had already taught me some Fishman Karate, but this was different. 

We approached a stern-looking bald fishman with blue scales and a impressive beard and a dorsal fin like spin going down his head. He stood with his arms crossed, observing a group of young students practicing basic forms and correcting some who was performing it incorrectly.

"Sensei Koral," Mom said, bowing slightly. "This is my son, Lucian. We've come to officially enroll him in the dojo."

The sensei's gaze fell on me, and I felt like he was looking right through me. "I see," he said, his voice deep and gravelly. "And what experience does the young one have?" Seems like Mom has already told him she started homeschooling me.

Mom made a serious face as she answered and said firmly, "Apprentice."

Apprentice isn't the highest rank in Fishman Karate far from it, but considering my age it would attract some skepticism. As my mom had explained it to me, the ranks progress starts at White Belt/Beginner, Yellow to Orange Belt/Apprentice, Green to Blue/Adept Purple to Brown/Expert and lastly the Master Rank or Black Belt. Currently, I’m at the Yellow Belt level and to start on your journey as a true practitioner of fishman karate moving on from the white belt and becoming a apprentice you need to know how to use the Hundred Tile True Punch. Essentially for the higher ranks  the technique remains the same physically, but the difference lies in the refinement and skill in water manipulation of the user. This distinction is what caused Sensei Koral's eyes to widen in disbelief.

"Apprentice? But that's..." he began as he looked at me, but was interrupted by a voice that seemed to come out of nowhere.

"Why not test him then, young Koral?"

Everyone turned towards the source of the voice. An elderly fishman stood there, his weathered skin telling tales of countless battles and years of experience. Both Mom and Sensei Koral immediately bowed deeply.

"Grandmaster Namur," they said in unison, their voices filled with respect.

The old fishman chuckled, his eyes twinkling with wisdom and a hint of mischief. "Now, now, no need for such formalities. I'm just an old fish curious about this young sprout."

Sensei Koral straightened up, still looking a bit flustered. "Grandmaster, you heard...?"

"I did indeed," Grandmaster Namur nodded. "And I think a demonstration is in order. If young Lucian here is truly at apprentice level as his mother says then to determine that we would need proof before a yellow belt is given."

Mom nodded, her face still serious. "I understand of course, Grandmaster. What do you propose?"

The old fishman stroked his beard thoughtfully. "How about a match? Let the boy face one of our apprentice-rank students in the pond training ground."

Sensei Koral nodded in agreement. "Very well. I'll arrange it immediately."

As they discussed the details I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. This was my chance to prove myself, to show what I'd learned from Mom's teachings and not prove her faith in me was wrong.

"Follow me," Sensei Koral said, gesturing for us to come along.

We made our way through the dojo as my mom showed me the dressing room where i put on the familiar white garbs of a karate user that had the holes on the back to accommodate for my wings. Eventually reaching a large open area in the middle of the dojo. There were numerous pools or Moreso shallow ponds of clear water that dominated the space along with various sparring platforms scattered throughout that had kids, teenagers and even some adults of various ages sparring on them.

As we approached, I could see other students gathering, curious about what was happening. Sensei Koral called out to one of them, a young fishman boy who looked a bit older than me but not too much. "Kai, come here. You'll be sparring with our new potential apprentice."

The boy named Kai looked surprised but nodded, making his way over to us. As he approached, I sized him up, trying to gauge what kind of opponent he'd be.

Grandmaster Namur stepped forward, addressing both Kai and me. "This will be a friendly match to assess young Lucian's skills. The rules are simple: no serious injuries, and the match ends when one of you yields or is unable to continue. Do you understand?"

We both nodded, and I could feel the anticipation building in the air. As we moved towards the water training ground, I caught Mom's eye. She gave me a small, encouraging nod. I took another deep breath, centering myself. Whatever happened next, I was ready to give it my all

As Kai and I faced each other in the shallow pond, I could feel the eyes of everyone in the dojo on us. Kai, being older and more experienced, had a confident smirk on his face. I took a deep breath, centering myself and focusing on the water around me.

"Begin!" Sensei Koral's voice rang out.

Kai wasted no time, charging forward with a quick Water Shot. I narrowly dodged, feeling the droplet whistle past my ear. Impressive speed, but I couldn't let that intimidate me.

I countered with my own Water Shot, aiming for his chest. Kai easily deflected it with a Sharkskin Palm Thrust, the water splashing harmlessly to the side. He followed up with a flurry of punches, each one coated with a thin layer of water.

I backpedaled, using the Sharkskin Palm Thrust defensively to knock away his attacks. The force behind each of Kai's punches was significant, but this was nothing compared to the old mans hits. 

Seeing an opening, I attempted a Spear Wave, focusing on the water below us to come up to create a sharp spear of water. It was nothing compared to the likes of Jinbe's Spear wave that could blast through a ship easily but mine was a threat nonetheless. Kai's eyes widened slightly, clearly not expecting this technique from someone my age. He managed to dodge, but not completely, the water grazing his side drawing blood that stained the water below a crimson red.

Kai's expression turned serious. "Not bad, kid," he grunted, before unleashing a barrage of Water Shot: Shark Arrows.

I gritted my teeth, focusing on the water around me. Folding my hand into a knife-hand form i slammed it down onto the ground below as I used the Surface Splitter technique, my  karate chop sent a shockwave through the water strong enough to eliminate all of Kai's Attack.

The onlookers gasped, and I caught a glimpse of Mom's proud smile from the corner of my eye. But I couldn't let myself get distracted.

Kai dodged my sea splitter and burst forward towards me to press his advantage, closing the distance between us. We exchanged a flurry of punches, the impacts sending ripples across the pond's surface. Despite his greater experience and age, I found myself holding my own not being pushed back at all.

As the fight wore on, I could see Kai starting to tire. It was time to end this, thoughts raced through my mind as i quickly formulated a plan.

I deliberately left an opening in my defense. As expected, Kai took the bait, lunging forward with a powerful Hundred Tile True Punch aimed at my midsection. I dived low as quick as i could splitting my legs and at the last second i slammed my hand into the ground once again using the Surface Splitter technique on the water beneath us.

The shock wave caught Kai off-guard, disrupting his balance and even knocking him back a little as he was hit. In that moment of vulnerability i immediately jumped up as i got into the familiar karate stance and with every ounce of strength i could muster I unleashed the strongest Hundred Tile True Punch i could viciously slamming it into his open chest.

The impact sent Kai flying backward, landing with a splash several feet away. He tried to get up, but slumped back down, as he was coughing and raised a hand in surrender.

"I... yield," he gasped out.

The dojo erupted in cheers and murmurs of disbelief. I stood there, very tired but nonetheless the smile that spread across my face was so wide i thought my cheeks might rip. As Sensei Koral raised my hand in victory, I looked for and found my mother jumping excited and cheering for me with a some random but clearly annoyed person as i gave her a thumbs up beside that i had also caught the approving nod from Grandmaster Namur.

With a flourish, Grandmaster Namur stepped forward, his presence commanding silence. He held out the yellow belt with a warm, proud smile. My heart raced as I accepted it, the weight of the belt symbolizing both achievement and responsibility. Carefully, I wrapped the belt around my waist and secured it, feeling its significance settle over me.

Just then, my mother ran out from the crowd, her face radiant with joy. She enveloped me in a tight hug, her cheers and laughter mingling with the applause of the dojo. “I’m so proud of you!” she exclaimed, her voice breaking with emotion. I hugged her back, savoring the moment.


After the impromptu yellow belt promotion match between Kai and me, I was assigned to the Apprentice group with the other kids. We were introduced to our new Head Instructor, Sensei Jin who then gave me and the other kids a complete tour of the Fishman Karate dojo. The sun was starting to set, painting the already beautiful hues of orange pink mixed with the illumination from the sunlight tree eve as me and my mother began to leave the dojo.

As we stepped outside, Mom suddenly wrapped me in a tight hug, lifting me off my feet.

"Oh, Lucian! I'm so proud of you!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with joy. "I love you so much, my little warrior."

I felt warmth spread through my chest at her words, hugging her back just as tightly. "Thanks, Mom. I love you too."

She set me down, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I have something for you," she said, reaching into her bag. "A little congratulatory gift for passing your test."

She pulled out a beautiful white wooden monk bead bracelet. As she began to slip it onto my wrist, she explained, "I had this custom made from sunlight tree eve wood. It's said that the light from the sunlight tree eve can nourish the spirit and cleanse the mind. I thought it would be perfect for your journey in Fishman Karate."

As she fastened the bracelet, her eyes caught sight of something else. "Wait, what's that around your neck?"

I looked down, realizing she had noticed the necklace Dad had given me earlier. "Oh, Dad gave it to me this morning.."

Mom's expression cycled through surprise, annoyance, and then settled on a mischievous grin. "That sneaky goat! He beat me to it!" She laughed, shaking her head. "Well, two can play at that game."

She grabbed my hand, suddenly energized. "Come on, Lucian. We're going to make your and your dad's favorite!"

As we rushed home, Mom's eyes twinkled with mischief. "But you know what? Your dad doesn't get to have any. That'll teach him to try and one-up me on gift-giving!"

I couldn't help but laugh at Mom's playful competitiveness. As we hurried through the streets of Waterwheel Town, the weight of the bracelet on my wrist and the necklace around my neck reminded me of how lucky I was. Not just because of my success at the dojo today, but because of the love and support of my parents.

The smell of thunder king leviathan soup would soon fill our home and my belly aswell, a perfect end to an eventful day. And as for the old man? Well, I had a feeling he'd find a way to sneak a bowl anyway though he better pray to Neptune, Poseidon or whoever so he doesnt get caught as mom might drown him in water.


Authors Note: 

Thanks for reading the chapter :) If you have any thoughts/criticisms you'd like to share or ideas for the story be it ideas for powers/techniques, characters, plot points or anything else let me know in the comments, ill try to get to them. Also for any if interested this is Crossposted on webnovel, scribblehub, AO3 and though webnovel is the one i mainly use and have in mind. ill try to post images for characters or gifs for techniques on the sites that will let me. Anyway Bye!

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