Beneath The Crimson Tides

Entry 6


"One Piece" and all related characters, settings, and concepts are the intellectual property of Eiichiro Oda, Shueisha, Toei Animation, and any other entities associated with the creation and distribution of the original manga and anime series. No copyright infringement is intended.

I snap the book shut, leaning back to stretch my whole body from my legs to my tail, which had grown stiff from reading so long. The morning sunlight streams in from the open window, beaming straight into my eyes. Ducking my head to get the glare out of my eye, I get a good look outside, realizing it's almost time for my daily morning training to start. Time truly flies when you aren't paying attention, and I'm no exception.

It's been four years since Whitebeard and his crew decimated the invading subordinate forces of Big Mom and claimed our island as his own. Since then, peace has come like the tides. Though we still face occasional pirate attacks, the bigger crews passing through on their way to the New World don't dare stage an open invasion, lest they attract the ire of the tall man with a mustache he calls a beard.

For me, these past years have been a mission. Ever since my ambitious promise to myself to become king of the world, I haven't dallied. I've been working toward that goal, though of course, I can't yet start gathering my future army to march on and conquer lands. Instead, I've focused on what preparation I can do in the meantime. After all, if I'm going to wrest control of the world from its current owners' hands, I can't pray for luck and just do whatever comes to mind. No, I need a well-thought-out plan and comprehensive schemes utilizing the knowledge I have and the strength I will gain.

The first step in crafting those plans was something I should have done ages ago: writing down the knowledge I currently possess. I've recorded every last detail I could remember in my journal. After an instance where Dad almost found it while coming to wake me up one morning, I realized the danger. From then on, I've always kept it on my person and even crafted my own obfuscating code, just in case anyone ever finds it. It's basically flipping the words backwards and switching the first and last letters. To say the least, it's been a pain to learn how to write in this cipher, but the risk of forgetting this valuable knowledge is too great to ignore.

Aside from my continued martial training and becoming stronger, I've also started taking the route to intellectual strength by deepening my knowledge. Although coming from the modern world, I already had more knowledge than most in this world, I was self-aware enough to realize that it was wholly inadequate if I actually wanted to achieve my dream.

So, I implored my parents to hire tutors for me in any subject I thought I'd need and hitting the books: ships and navigation, geography, negotiation, military strategy and tactics and even medical knowledge most especially anatomy of my own and other races even playing chess. It's been a juggle to focus on both physical and mental training with my morning routine then going to the fishman karate dojo in the afternoon and finally coming home to start my educational lessons, but I've endured so far especially cause of my own natural regeneration and determination. I wasn't regrowing limbs or anything but the combined innate regeneration of both my races made this hectic schedule easier and training more fruitful.

The medical knowledge was mainly to learn where to strike to do the most damage, but it was also a gamble on my part to learn the esoteric Seimei Kikan art. It's most likely a long shot, as how to unlock the mystical Life Return technique was never really explained, but I have a theory – or more of a gut feeling, really. Seimei Kikan, from its properties of being able to fully control one's own body down to bodily functions or hair growth, seems to be about harmony between mind and body, truly becoming one.

With that in mind, I've added attempts to unlock Seimei Kikan to my meditation practice, though progress is slow as I don't really know what to look for or do on top of the fact that my race isn't a normal one but a hybrid between mink and fishman though from my own examinations of my body I don't seem to have a extra heart or anything though my racial abilities may factor in.

Besides my plans for world domination, which have been coming along well, there are still a bunch of kinks I need to iron out. Many things and people are in different places, courtesy of me being way before the canon timeline that follows Luffy's journey, but I have a framework for now.

As I'm lost in thought, I feel something crawl up my leg. Looking down, I see the familiar grey and blue serpentine face of Silas slithering up my seated leg. "Hissss," he greets me. A warm smile graces my face as I gently pick him up and place him in his favorite spot, adorning my shoulders like a living scarf. After settling him down, I look at his expecting eyes and raised chin. I can only roll my own as I unsheath one of my claws and scratch his favorite spot right under his chin. He leans into it, flicking his tongue contentedly.

I found Silas not long after Whitebeard and his crew left. Mom, Dad, and I were out for a fun day listening to the mermaids sing when we discovered him hidden in a coral reef crevice, injured but not severely. He was distrustful at first, but slowly grew to trust me and my parents, and I him. They allowed me to keep him.

Stopping the chin scratch, I stand up and stretch my wings before heading to the bathroom to get ready. After a warm shower, while drying off, I get a good look at myself in the mirror. Although I've grown mentally, I'm still of short stature, though probably taller than most 10-year-olds at roughly 4'8" or 4'9". The most significant change is probably to my build, with my ab definition coming along nicely alongside my overall muscular definition, giving me a more lean and athletic look. Getting dressed, I start heading to the kitchen with Silas having taken a seat on my head, nestled in my hair.

The aroma of freshly cooked meat and seaweed bread fills the air as I enter the kitchen. Dad's at the stove preparing breakfast while Mom was seated at the table whose face was illuminated and softened by a warm smile as she sees me enter.

"Morning, champ," Dad says, having turned around from the stove in his apron smiling at me aswell "Ready for today's training?"

I nod, taking my seat at the table. "Always ready, Dad. What's on the menu for today?"

Dad turns, his hands holding a large platter of grilled fish. "Some grilled Barracuda Sea King with a side of kelp salad."

As he sets the platter down, Silas perks up, his tongue flicking out to taste the air. Dad chuckles, reaching out to scratch under Silas's chin. "Don't worry, little guy. We didn't forget about you."

Mom places a small bowl of raw fish next to my plate for Silas, who slithers down my arm and onto the table to enjoy his meal. We all dig in, the conversation flowing easily between bites.

"So, Lucian," Mom starts, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief, "are you ready for your green belt examination today?"

I finish my fish with a satisfied smile. "I'm ready for today," I say confidently, feeling a surge of excitement.

Dad laughs, patting me on the back. "We've seen how hard you've worked, and we know you're ready. You'll definitely ace it. "

I nod, a sense of determination filling me. I've been preparing for this moment for so long, having gotten my orange belt 2 years ago and working hard heading towards getting my green belt and becoming a adept practitioner and now that it's finally here, I'm ready to take on the challenge.

After breakfast, after getting dressed we head out to our usual training spot in the backyard. The familiar routine begins: horse stance, stretches, breathing exercises, then endurance and strength training. Each movement is practiced and precise, the result of years of dedicated training.

Finally, we reach the meditation portion of our routine. We sit in a circle, legs crossed, eyes closed. Usually, this is a time for clearing the mind, but today, I'm focused on a specific goal: unlocking Seimei Kikan. I've been working towards this for a longtime, studying anatomy and practicing intense concentration.

I slow my breathing, feeling each inhale and exhale. Gradually, I turn my focus inward, visualizing my body's internal systems. I picture my blood flowing through my veins, my heart pumping steadily, my muscles tensing and relaxing.

As I concentrate, I feel a subtle shift. It's as if I can sense each individual cell in my body, all working in perfect harmony. I focus on my right arm, willing the cells to respond to my thoughts. For a brief moment, I feel a tingling sensation, and my arm seems to... change. The muscles tighten and relax in rapid succession, creating a ripple effect under my skin.

My eyes snap open in surprise, causing me to lose concentration and the sensation immediately fades. But I'm left with a lingering sense of wonder and excitement. This was different from my previous attempts – more controlled, more deliberate. It wasnt much for now but my constant knocking on the door of Life Return had borne fruit and with time would be as ripe as can be. 

As I look at my parents, still deep in their meditation, I can't help but smile. This new development would play a big part in my journey ahead. And with my green belt examination looming, I might just get the chance to explore it further.

After meditation, we move on to practicing forms. I start with the Astra Discipline, my father's legacy. My legs, powerful from years of training, propel me through the air as I execute a series of high kicks. Each movement is precise, being able to maintain perfect balance even in the most challenging positions.

I transition smoothly into the claw techniques, my hands moving in blur-like motions cutting through the air so fast and sharp I can hear it. 

Next comes Fishman Karate. I flow through the forms, my movements reminiscent of water itself. Each punch and kick carries the potential to manipulate water, a skill I've honed over years of practice. I execute a Four Thousand Tile True Punch, the water coating my fist being leagues more refined than it had been so long ago when i first started learning how to control my water manipulating abilities, as my fist burst forward even if not striking anything the force of the strike sent ripples through the air around my fist.

As I practice, I'm acutely aware of my physical capabilities. At just ten years old, I can already lift several times my own body weight with ease – a result of both my hybrid nature and rigorous training since I was two. My speed and agility surpass that of even some adult Fishmen or Minks, allowing me to move with a grace that belies my young age.

Breathing heavily but feeling exhilarated, I finish my training just as the sun peaks high in the sky As we wrap up our morning training session, I can't help but feel a surge of confidence. Whatever challenges my green belt examination might bring today, I know I'm ready to face them head-on.


I was not ready to face them head-on.

As we arrived at the dojo for my green belt examination, my earlier confidence evaporated like water under the scorching sun. Standing there, a gentle yet knowing smile on his weathered face, was none other than Grandmaster Namur, the legendary master of our dojo.

"Ah, young Lucian," Grandmaster Namur said, his voice as warm and deep as the ocean currents. "I've heard great things about your progress. Shall we see how far you've truly come?"

I gulped, my eyes widening as the reality of the situation sank in. This was far beyond what I had expected. "Grandmaster Namur," I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper, "I'm honored, but may I ask why you're overseeing my examination personally?"

Namur's smile widened, revealing rows of sharp teeth that somehow seemed more reassuring than threatening. "A fair question, young one. I've been watching your progress from afar, and I believe you possess potential that surpasses the ordinary. This examination is as much for me to assess that potential as it is for your green belt. Ah and while this is your test to acquire the adept rank, i want to see your full arsenal that you have besides Fishman Karate. Now, shall we begin?"

Taking a deep breath, I nodded and stepped onto the mat. As we both took our stances, a silence descended upon the dojo, thick and heavy with anticipation. Namur's eyes, wise and piercing, seemed to stare straight into my soul, reading every doubt and fear that lurked within.

After what felt like an eternity, Namur moved first. Despite his age, his movements were fluid and as fast as a torpedo cutting through water. He thrust his palm straight at my face, and I barely managed to dodge, feeling the rush of displaced air as it passed mere millimeters from my cheek.

Instinctively, I countered with a Mantis Snap, taking a strong step forward before unleashing a quick, snapping jab. My fist crackled with electricity and was coated in a thin layer of water, the combination of elements singing through the air. Namur redirected it effortlessly, but I caught a twinkle of approval in his eyes.

"Good reaction," he said, his voice betraying no hint of exertion. "Now, show me more of what you've learned."

Encouraged, I pressed on, my heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. I flapped backward to create space, my wings stirring up a small whirlwind in the dojo. Then, tucking them in tightly, I spun into a Hurricane Whirl. My body twisted into a cartwheel that ended with a powerful downward kick, both electrified and water-coated, my heel aimed straight at Namur's head.

The Grandmaster caught my leg mid-strike, the impact sending vibrations up my entire body. But I was ready. Using the momentum, I transitioned into a Rising Thunder, my other leg swinging up in a reverse backflip kick, the bottom of my heel aiming to catch him off guard.

Namur released me, stepping back with a grace that belied his age. I flipped onto my feet, landing in a ready stance. "Excellent combination," he commented, a hint of pride in his voice.

Suddenly, the air around us seemed to charge with energy. Namur's movements became more unpredictable, a blur of strikes that pushed me to my limits. I found myself on the defensive, desperately blocking and dodging a flurry of attacks that seemed to come from all directions at once. One clipped me, sending me skidding back.

But I refused to stay down. Gritting my teeth, I burst forward with immense speed my feet left the ground as I tucked my wings in and launched into a Butterfly Cyclone. The world spun around me as I executed a mid-air sideways rapid rotation before throwing out an acrobatic kick, my foot crackling with electricity and surrounded by swirling water.

The kick connected, and for the first time, I saw Namur pushed back a step despite his block. A spark of triumph flared in my chest, but I didn't let it distract me. Using my leg, still in contact with him, as a springboard, I bounced off and landed gracefully on the ground in front of him.

Without wasting a second, I pivoted on my other leg quickly, launching into a FlashKick Flurry. Each side kick was a blur of motion, coated in electrified water that left trails of light in the air. Namur redirected each one, his hands moving with impossible speed, until suddenly, he swept my supporting leg.

Time seemed to slow as I felt myself falling. But before I could hit the ground, muscle memory kicked in. I pushed off with my hands, transitioning into a Geyser Talon. My foot thrust upwards, aimed at Namur's chin.

He leaned back, avoiding the kick by a hair's breadth. "Creative use of techniques," he said, nodding approvingly. "Now, show me some of your mastery of Fishman Karate. This is still the examination for your green belt, after all."

I nodded, focusing on the moisture in the air around us. It responded to my will, gathering around my fist as I launched forward with a Thousand Tile True Punch. The water compressed into a tight layer, enhanced by the crackle of my electro as it met Namur's own punch head-on.

The collision sent a shockwave through the air, rattling the windows of the dojo. I winced, my arm trembling from the impact, but pushed through the pain. Transitioning smoothly, I brought my other fist down in a Coral Hammer, aiming to slam into the old fishman with it like a sledgehammer.

Namur blocked it, but I saw a flicker of respect in his eyes. Taking advantage of his focus, I opened my left hand and grabbed him, locking my hands around his arm in an iron vice grip - the Shark's Grip. I unsheathed my claws, feeling them sink into his tough skin.

For a moment, surprise flashed across Namur's face. Capitalizing on this, I pulled my right hand back and swung it toward his chin with a Current Backfist. Water swirled around my fist, charged with electricity that crackled ominously in the air.

But Namur was far from beaten. With lightning-fast reflexes, he used his free hand to counter, perfectly timing a strike to the bottom of my outstretched fist that knocked it upward. Despite the pain from his bleeding arm, he then cocked his fist back and unleashed a Hundred Tile True Punch straight at me.

I saw it coming and jumped backward, putting up a guard. But it might as well have been an open hit. His water-coated fist slammed into my guard with such force that I felt as though my arms would shatter. The impact sent me careening through the air, but I managed to flip backward, using my wings and agility to land safely.

Panting heavily, I knew the end was near. Every muscle in my body screamed with exhaustion, but I refused to give in. With a final burst of energy, I charged forward, my legs pumping with all the strength I could muster.

As I neared Namur, I leapt into the air, tucking my wings in tight. My legs extended to slam into him with a Fissure Kick, plummeting towards him like a meteor. Both legs extended in a dropkick, coated in electrified water that left a trail of sparks in my wake.

Namur crossed his arms, blocking the powerful kick. The impact sent tremors through the dojo floor, cracking the tiles beneath us. As I bounced off his guard, I spun in mid-air, my wings spreading to stabilize me. I brought my leg down in a front flip axe kick, Falling Thunder, aiming for Namur's shoulder.

He sidestepped the attack, but I wasn't done. As soon as my foot touched the ground, I pivoted, channeling all my remaining energy into one final technique. I ran forward, gathering water around my fist and concentrating my electro to its maximum. I jumped and threw out a side kick with all my might, Tsunami Wave Kick.

Namur's eyes widened slightly as he raised his arm to block. The kick connected with tremendous force, pushing him back several feet, his sandals leaving skid marks on the dojo floor.

As I landed, I stumbled, my legs shaking from exhaustion. But I knew I had one more technique to show - the lynchpin for my passing to get a green belt. Steadying myself, I took a deep breath, as i took up the familiar stance of the fishman karate discipline and started focusing all my remaining energy.

"Four Thousand Tile True Punch!" I roared, lunging forward with a punch that contained every ounce of skill and power I possessed. Water swirled around my fist in a tight, compressed layer, crackling with intense electrical energy.

At the same moment, Namur met the attack head-on. His eyes sharpened with determination as he mirrored my stance. "Fish-Man Karate: Five Thousand Tile True Punch!" he bellowed, his fist surging forward with immense power. The water around his fist condensed into a dense, spiraling vortex, shimmering with a faint blue light.

Our fists collided in a spectacular explosion of energy and water, the sheer force creating a shockwave that reverberated throughout the dojo. For a moment, everything seemed to pause, the energy crackling and dispersing around us in a dazzling display of light and power.

As the last echoes of our final exchange faded, I stood there, breathing heavily, my body trembling with exhaustion but my spirit soaring. 

"Four Thousand Tile True Punch," he said, nodding. "Executed with skill beyond your years. Well done, young Lucian. You've more than earned your green belt."

"Thank you, Grandmaster," I said, my voice hoarse. "But...what happens now?"

Namur placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Now, Lucian, we discuss your future. Your potential is great, and I believe you're ready for more advanced training. How would you like to become my disciple?"

My jaw dropped. This day had taken more unexpected turns than I could have imagined. Before I could answer, a booming, jovial voice echoed through the dojo. "Sensei, you old sea dog! Still terrorizing the young ones with your training, I see!"

We all turned to see a massive figure standing in the doorway, his imposing silhouette backlit by the afternoon sun. As he stepped into the light, I recognized him immediately. After all, how could I not recognize the iconic visage of Fisher Tiger?

Namur's stern expression melted into a warm smile. "Tiger! You brat!" He laughed, striding forward to clasp arms with the towering fishman. "What brings you to my humble dojo?"

"Can't an old friend drop by to see how his former teacher is doing while on the way to the palace?" Fisher Tiger grinned, his sharp teeth glinting. His eyes swept the room, landing on me. "And who's this promising fighter?"

I stood there, momentarily taken aback but quickly composed myself. Namur chuckled, patting me on the back. "This is Lucian, one of our newest adepts. He just earned his green belt with a performance that would make even you proud, Tiger. Maybe even will come to surpass young Jinbe's achievement as the youngest black belt master."

Fisher Tiger raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. "Is that so? Well, young Lucian, it seems you've caught the eye of one of the toughest instructors I know. That's no small feat."

I bowed deeply, my heart racing with excitement. "Thank you, sir. It's an honor to meet you. Your reputation precedes you."

Fisher Tiger laughed heartily. "Ah, reputation. Sometimes it's more trouble than it's worth. But tell me, Lucian, what drives you to push yourself so hard in your training?"

I straightened, meeting his gaze. A thousand thoughts raced through my mind - memories of my past life, knowledge of this world's future, and the complex emotions that came with it all. I chose my words carefully.

"To be honest, sir, it's complicated. I've seen... I mean, I know there's a lot of injustice in the world. The divide between humans and fishmen, the suffering of the ordinary people even beyond just here on our home. I want to be strong enough to navigate this world and maybe, just maybe, help steer it in a better direction."

Which technically wasn't a lie, sure the motivations for doing it may or may not be slightly selfish but it does not change the fact that it is a good action nonetheless to kick the world government from their throne especially as I of course don't intend to be a tyrant.

Fisher Tiger's eyes narrowed slightly, a flicker of intrigue crossing his face. "Those are some heavy thoughts for someone so young. You speak as if you've seen more of the world than most twice your age."

I smiled wryly. "Let's just say I'm a quick study, sir. And I pay attention to the stories that come through Fishman Island."

Namur cleared his throat, reminding us of his presence. "Speaking of the world beyond, Tiger, you mentioned you were on your way to the palace?"

Fisher Tiger nodded, his expression turning more serious. "Ah, yes. Just thought I'd stop by your dojo on my way there, old friend. There are some... delicate matters I need to discuss with the royal family."

"I see," Namur said gravely. "Well, don't let us keep you. But perhaps when you're done, you could join us for a meal? I'm sure Lucian here would love to hear some of your stories."

Fisher Tiger grinned again. "Now that's an offer I can't refuse. I'll swing by after my business at the palace is concluded." He turned to me one last time. "Keep up the hard work, Lucian. The world needs more thinkers like you."

As Fisher Tiger left the dojo, I turned to Namur, my mind reeling from everything that had just happened. "Sensei, I... I would be honored to become your disciple."

Namur smiled, a rare softness in his eyes. "Then let's begin this new chapter of your journey, Lucian. The path ahead won't be easy, but I believe you have what it takes to make a real difference in this world."


Authors Note: 

Thanks for reading the chapter :) If you have any thoughts/criticisms you'd like to share or ideas for the story be it ideas for powers/techniques, characters, plot points or anything else let me know in the comments, ill try to get to them. Also for any if interested this is Crossposted on webnovel, scribblehub, AO3 and though webnovel is the one i mainly use and have in mind. ill try to post images for characters or gifs for techniques on the sites that will let me. Anyway Bye!

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