Beneath The Crimson Tides

Entry 8


"One Piece" and all related characters, settings, and concepts are the intellectual property of Eiichiro Oda, Shueisha, Toei Animation, and any other entities associated with the creation and distribution of the original manga and anime series. No copyright infringement is intended.

The water vapor hung heavy in the air, invisible to the naked eye but palpable to my senses. I took a deep breath, feeling the air fill my lungs. My eyes locked onto the training dummy far away, its weathered surface scarred from countless impacts.

"Focus, Lucian," I muttered to myself, centering my being. "Feel the water in the air. Control it, make it yours."

I assumed the familiar stance of Fishman Karate as I raised my fist, channeling the energy within the air and focusing it through my arm. The Arabesque Tile True Punch was a technique I'd been honing for months, but mastery still eluded me. Master Namur had made it look so effortless while teaching me, his strikes piercing the air like invisible arrows.

With a sharp exhalation, I thrust my fist forward. For a split second, nothing happened. Then, a ripple of force shot through the humid air, disturbing the water vapor in its path. The dummy shuddered as the impact struck its chest, leaving a significant indentation.

I clicked my tongue, not entirely satisfied. For my age of a young 14 year old fishman, my progress was good, especially considering the difficult nature of the technique. It essentially worked by having the strike from my fist travel the highway of the minimal but existing water vapor in the air to hit a target from a distance.

It wasn't easy at all, but I had managed to achieve it, earning my purple belt and finally breaking through to the rank of expert practitioner. That being said, I was still a far cry from perfecting it like Jinbe or my teacher, who could create an omnidirectional shockwave capable of repelling multiple opponents at once. My single-target strike was just the beginning, but I knew I'd get there someday.

"You're improving, Luci'," came a deep, rumbling voice from behind me. I turned to see my father, his impressive goat-like form filling the doorway of our dojo. His curved horns nearly scraped the top of the frame as he ducked inside. "The Ryugu Kingdom wasn't built in a day, and neither is a master of Fishman Karate."

I couldn't help but smile at his encouragement. "Thanks, Dad. I know, I'm just being impatient."

"Strength will come with time and practice," he said, placing a heavy hand on my shoulder. "But for now, it's time to take a break. Your mother's almost ready for our day out."

The mention of our planned family day instantly lifted my spirits. It had been too long since we'd spent time together just for fun, without the pressure of training or my studies.

"Is she trying to decide which coral accessory matches her skin again?" I asked, grinning.

Dad chuckled, a sound that rumbled through his chest like distant thunder. "You know your mother. She wants to look her best, even for a casual outing."

We made our way from the dojo to the main part of our home. As we passed my room, I poked my head in to check on Silas.

"Hey, buddy," I called softly. Silas raised his head from his coiled up position, flicking his tongue in acknowledgment. "Want to come with us today?"

He seemed to perk up at the invitation, so I gently scooped him up and let him coil around my arm before settling on top of my head. His familiar weight was comforting as we continued to the living area.

Mom was fussing with her appearance in a large mirror made from polished abalone shell. Her blue skin, shimmered in the soft light filtering through our windows. The colorful coral clips in her hair added splashes of vibrant color against the deep blue.

"Oh, Lucian!" she exclaimed upon seeing me. "There you are. Are you ready to go? Do you need to change?"

I glanced down at my training clothes, still damp with sweat from my earlier exertions. "Yeah, I should probably freshen up a bit."

"Well, hurry up then," she said, her tone fondly exasperated. "We want to make the most of the day!"

"I'll be quick!" I promised, already thinking about our plans for the day. First, we'd visit the Mermaid Beach, then explore the Coral Garden shop at the Marine Shopping Mall, and finally end the day at the Mermaid Cafe. I'd heard rumors of a new attraction there, and my excitement grew as I hurried to get ready for our family outing.


The Mermaid Beach was bustling with activity as we arrived, the sun's rays filtering through the massive bubble surrounding Fishman Island, casting a ethereal glow on the white sand. Silas tightened his coils around my neck, clearly excited by the new sights and smells.

"Last one in the water is a rotten sea king egg!" Dad bellowed, already charging towards the shoreline. Mom and I exchanged a quick glance as i sat Silas onto a towel before racing after him, laughing all the way.

The cool water was a welcome relief after the walk from home. I dove beneath the surface, relishing the familiar embrace of the sea. Swimming and floating beneath the water with the help of my wings was... peaceful, for lack of a better word. I hadn't been much of a water person in my past life—not that I was afraid of it or anything—but now, in this life, where water is intertwined with who I am as a half-Fishman, I regret what I missed out on. The embrace of the sea, floating weightlessly within its serene calm, is an experience incomparable to much else. To immerse myself in something with which I share such a deep connection is truly elating.

When I resurfaced, I saw Mom and Dad already engaged in a splashing contest.

"Hey, no fair starting without me!" I called out, swimming towards them.

Mom grinned mischievously. "All's fair in love and water fights, sweetie!" She demonstrated this by sending a precise water pulse my way, which I narrowly dodged.

"Oh, it's on now!" I declared, readying my stance in the water.

What followed was a chaotic and hilarious three-way battle. Dad's powerful goat-like legs allowed him to create massive waves with each kick, while Mom and I countered with various Fishman Karate techniques. Water flew in all directions as we laughed and shouted playful taunts.

"Is that the best you've got, old man?" I teased, deflecting one of his waves with a slap of my palm.

"Old man? I'll show you old!" Dad retorted, his eyes twinkling with mirth as he launched into a spinning kick that sent a spiral of water our way.

Mom, ever the tactician, used the distraction to sneak up behind me. "Never lose sight of all your opponents, Luci'!" she warned, a split second before dunking me underwater.

After our water fight, we made our way back to the beach, still chuckling and shaking off the water. Silas, who had wisely remained on shore, slithered back up my arm and perched on my shoulder.

After playing in the water, we decided to cool off with some shaved ice from a nearby vendor. I savored the sweet, icy treat, opting for a cherry flavor.

"Hey, look at this," Mom said, pointing to a poster on the vendor's stall. "There's a sandcastle competition starting soon. Want to enter?"

"Absolutely!" I agreed enthusiastically.

We found a good spot on the beach and began our construction. Dad's strong hands were perfect for packing sand, while Mom's artistic touch added intricate details to our castle. I focused on creating a moat and outer defenses, channeling my inner architect.

As we worked, I couldn't help but feel a wave of contentment wash over me. It had been too long since we'd done something like this together, just enjoying each other's company on a fun day out.

Our finished castle was a sight to behold—a grand fortress with multiple towers, a working drawbridge (thanks to some clever engineering with seaweed), and even a tiny Ryugu Palace replica at its center.

"Not bad for a bunch of amateurs, eh?" Dad said, standing back to admire our handiwork.

Mom wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "It's perfect," she said softly.

Before we packed up, we decided to capture the moment. Dad set up the camera, and we all huddled together in front of our sandcastle, with the majestic structure towering behind us. The three of us smiled as the camera clicked, immortalizing the memory of our day on the beach.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the beach, I realized we'd spent hours here without even noticing the time passing. Part of me wanted to stay longer, to stretch this perfect day out as much as possible.

But the promise of more adventures at the Coral Garden beckoned, and I could just smell the delicious aromas of the food waiting for us at the Mermaid Cafe later.

"Ready for the next stop?" I asked, brushing sand from my clothes.

Mom and Dad nodded, gathering our things. As we left the beach, I took one last look at our sandcastle, committing it to memory.


The Coral Garden was a breathtaking sight, even for someone who'd grown up on Fishman Island. As we approached, I marveled at the vibrant colors and intricate formations of the coral structures. The garden was a vast underwater park, protected by a series of bubble barriers that allowed visitors to walk among the coral without disturbing the delicate ecosystem.

"Remember when we first brought you here as a little guppy?" Mom asked, her eyes twinkling with nostalgia. "You were so fascinated by every little fish and sea creature."

I felt my cheeks warm slightly. "Mom, come on. I wasn't that bad."

Dad chuckled, ruffling my hair. "Oh, you were worse. Remember the time you tried to hitch a ride on a passing manta ray?"

"Okay, okay," I conceded, laughing despite my embarrassment. "In my defense, it looked fun."

We passed through the bubble membrane, the sensation always slightly ticklish. Inside, the garden was a serene wonderland. Schools of colorful fish darted between the coral formations, and bioluminescent creatures pulsed with soft light in the darker recesses. Silas, still perched atop my head, flicked his tongue excitedly at all the fish though i couldnt tell if it was just from excitement at the new sights or whether he was considering how they would taste.

"Where to first?" I asked, my eyes darting between the various pathways.

Mom pointed to a section showcasing rare and exotic coral species. "Let's start there. I heard they've added some new varieties from the New World."

As we strolled through the garden, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the diversity of life around us. Delicate anemones swayed in the gentle current, tiny cleaner shrimp darted in and out of coral crevices, and majestic sea turtles glided overhead.

We paused at a viewing bubble that extended into a kelp forest. Dad nudged me and whispered, "Look over there. See that eel poking its head out?"

I nodded, watching as a moray eel cautiously emerged from its coral hideout, its body glinting with an almost metallic sheen.

Our next stop was the "Touch Pool" area, where visitors could interact with some of the gentler sea creatures under the watchful eye of marine biologists. I gently ran my fingers over the rough skin of a small shark, marveling at the creature's sleek design.

"These animals are distant cousins of ours, in a way," Mom said softly. "It's important to remember our connection to all sea life."

As we continued our tour, we came across a coral restoration project. A group of merfolk were carefully tending to damaged coral, nurturing it back to health. It was heartening to see the effort being put into preserving this underwater paradise.

We decided to take a break at one of the garden's rest areas, settling onto a bench made from smoothed sea stone. The bench was positioned near a massive clam shell that periodically opened to reveal a beautiful pearl inside.

As we rested, enjoying the tranquil atmosphere, Dad pulled out some snacks he'd packed - dried seaweed chips and some fruit from the surface world. We munched happily, chatting about our favorite parts of the garden so far.

It was during this peaceful moment that I noticed a commotion near one of the main pathways. A crowd was gathering, their excited voices carrying even over the ambient sounds of the garden.

"What's going on over there?" I wondered aloud, craning my neck to see.

"Let's check it out," Dad suggested, his curiosity piqued as well.

As we approached the crowd, I could make out snippets of conversation:

"Can you believe it?" "...right here in the garden!" "I've never seen one up close before!"

Pushing our way gently through the throng, we finally saw what all the excitement was about. In the center of the path, surrounded by a respectful but eager crowd, was a pod of rare luminous jellyfish, their bodies pulsing with an ethereal blue light.

I felt a sense of awe wash over me. These creatures were said to appear only once every few years mostly keeping themselves hidden within the coral garden from the public and their presence was considered a good omen by many on Fishman Island. Their graceful movements, shimmering membrane, and the ethereal glow they cast on the water left us all in silent admiration and put the slight bioluminescent glow my wings emitted to shame.

Mom squeezed my hand gently, a smile playing on her lips. "We're lucky to see them today."

Dad nodded, his eyes reflecting the same wonder I felt. "It's not every day you get to witness something this special."

For a few more moments, we simply stood there, soaking in the beauty of the scene. It was one of those rare instances where time seemed to slow down, where everything else faded away, leaving only the magical moment we were fortunate enough to share.

Eventually, the creatures swam off into the distance, their luminous forms slowly disappearing into the deeper parts of the sea. As they vanished from sight, I felt a bittersweet tug in my chest—grateful for the experience but reluctant to see it end.

"Well," Dad said, breaking the gentle silence, "we still have some daylight left. What do you say we head over to the Marine Shopping Mall now?"

My eyes lit up at the mention of the shopping mall. It was always a treat to visit, with its bustling stores, fascinating items, and the lively atmosphere that seemed to fill every corner.

"Sounds great," I replied.

With a final glance at the spot where the creatures had disappeared, we gathered our things and began walking toward the exit to head to the Marine Shopping Mall.


After our serene time at the Coral Garden, we made our way to the bustling Marine Shopping Mall. The contrast was stark - from the tranquil underwater paradise to this hub of commerce and activity. The mall was a massive structure, its architecture a blend of surface world design and underwater aesthetics.

As we entered, I was immediately struck by the variety of shops and the diverse crowd. Fishmen, merfolk, and even some humans browsed the stores, creating a lively atmosphere.

"Where should we start?" Mom asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

We wandered through the mall, window shopping and occasionally stepping into stores that caught our interest. It was as we passed a clothing store that something caught my eye. In the window display was a sleek black leather jacket with fur trim around the wrists and neck. I stopped in my tracks, drawn to it like a magnet.

"You want to try it on, Luci'?" Dad asked, noticing my fixation.

I nodded, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious. We entered the store, and the shopkeeper, a friendly octopus fishman, helped me find the right size. As I slipped the jacket on, it felt a bit tight in the back, stretching slightly over my tucked wings. Despite the slight discomfort, it felt right. I turned to a nearby mirror and took a look at myself, unable to stop the cheesy grin that spread across my face.

I turned to face my parents.

"Oh, Lucian," Mom said softly, her eyes glistening. "You're growing up so fast."

Dad chuckled, a teasing grin on his face. "It suits you, son. But don't think for a second that just because you're getting bigger, I won't still kick your ass."

Mom playfully slapped his shoulder as he laughed. "Really, dear?" she said, shaking her head with a smile.

"We'll take it," Dad said to the shopkeeper, his voice gruff with pride.

As we left the store, jacket in hand, I felt a mix of excitement and nostalgia. It was just a piece of clothing, but somehow it felt like so much more.

Our final stop for the day was the famous Mermaid Cafe. As we approached, the lively music and cheerful voices spilled out from the entrance. But as we neared the door, memories surfaced in my mind—a time that felt so long ago but also like it was just yesterday, when, as a small child, I witnessed Gol D. Roger obliterate a pirate crew before walking away. It evoked a weird sense of nostalgia to be back here, at a place so monumental to who I had decided to become in this new world.

I abruptly stopped near the entrance, and my parents noticed.

Mom gently placed a hand on my shoulder. "Lucian? Everything okay?" she asked, concern in her eyes.

I nodded, offering a small smile. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine."

With that, we headed inside, ready to enjoy the evening together

Inside, the cafe was its usual whirlwind of color and activity. The mermaid waitresses, many of whom I'd known for years, greeted us warmly as we made our way to our regular table.

Ishilly, a mermaid with striking green hair, swam over with a grin. "Hey, Lucian! Nice jacket. Trying to impress someone?" she teased, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

I rolled my eyes good-naturedly. "You know me better than that, Ishilly. Just felt like a change."

As she took our orders, I noticed several of the other mermaids glancing our way and whispering among themselves. Mom caught my eye with a knowing smile, but I just shrugged. After years of visits, I was used to the playful attention from the staff.

As we enjoyed our usual favorites - grilled sea king for Dad, kelp salad for Mom, and spicy coral soup for me - I saw a familiar figure gliding towards us. Madam Shyarly, despite being only 16, carried herself with the confidence of someone far beyond her years. Which was well-deserved confidence; despite being only two years older than me, she had already become the owner of the Mermaid Cafe, turning it into a staple of Fishman Island.

"Lucian, it's good to see you," she said, her voice carrying its usual mix of warmth and mystery. "I trust you're enjoying your day out with your parents?"

I nodded, smiling. "We are, thanks. How's business been?"

Shyarly's expression turned thoughtful. "Busy as always. But... there's been an odd feeling in the currents lately. Almost as if something significant is on the horizon." Her gaze seemed to pierce right through me. "You haven't felt anything... unusual, have you?"

I hesitated, thinking of the nagging feeling I'd had all day. "Nothing specific," I said carefully. "Just a general sense of... anticipation, I guess."

She nodded slowly. "I see. Well, enjoy your meal."

As Shyarly glided away to tend to other customers, I couldn't shake the feeling that her words held more significance than i thought. My parents exchanged glances, clearly picking up on the tension.

"Everything okay, son?" Dad asked, his voice low.

I forced a smile. "Yeah, just Shyarly being her usual cryptic self."

As we finished our meal, surrounded by the familiar warmth of the Mermaid Cafe, I tried to push away the growing sense of unease.


As we made our way home, the streets of Fishman Island were bathed in the soft glow of the night .The day had been nearly perfect, filled with laughter and family bonding and a all around relaxing day. Yet, that nagging feeling of unease still lingered in the back of my mind.

We passed a newspaper stand, and on impulse, I stopped to pick up a copy. "Just realized I haven't read today's issue," I mumbled, more to myself than to my parents.

Flipping through the pages as we walked, I skimmed the headlines. Most of it was mundane - local news, updates from the surface world. There was a brief article about a pirate captain named "Red-Leg" Zeff causing trouble in Sabaody Archipelago before escaping into the Grand Line which stood out of course as i recognized zeff but besides that familiar name nothing else seemed of significance had happened

Then, my eyes caught a small headline, tucked away in a corner as if it were an afterthought. My heart stopped.

"Notorious Fishman Criminal Fisher Tiger Dead!"

The world around me seemed to fade away as I read the brief article. It wasn't even a major story - just a few paragraphs about the death of the man who had liberated countless slaves, who had formed the Sun Pirates, who had been a hero to so many. A footnote in history who the news outlet didn't even deem important enough for major headlines.

I felt the newspaper shaking in my hands. My parents must have noticed the sudden change in my demeanor.

"Lucian? What's wrong?" Mom's voice sounded distant, concerned.

Without a word, I handed them the newspaper. I couldn't bring myself to speak. The lump in my throat threatened to choke me.

"I... I need to go home," I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper.

I stumbled towards the way home, my feet moving on their own accord. My parents' worried voices faded into white noise as my mind replayed every moment I'd shared with Fisher Tiger. His strength, his kindness, the way he'd ruffled my hair like the child I appeared to be, promising to see the difference I would make in this world. Empty words now, echoing in the void of his absence.

I stumbled into my room, barely aware of closing the door behind me. The crumpled newspaper fell from my hand as I collapsed onto the bed. Silas slithered up, his cool scales a familiar comfort against my neck.

Fisher Tiger was gone. The words on that small, insignificant article blurred as I stared at them, willing them to change. But they remained, cold and unforgiving.

A memory surfaced - Fisher Tiger's voice full of hope for the future. A future he'd never see. A choked sob escaped me, and for once, I didn't try to hold it back. What was the point of control now?

As the tears flowed, so did the memories. Not just of Fisher Tiger, but of another life, another death. Lightning, fear, and then... nothing. No mourners, no legacy. Just another nameless victim of chance.

My fingers dug into the bedsheets. It wasn't fair. Fisher Tiger deserved more than a footnote, more than to be forgotten by a world he'd tried so hard to change. And I...

I had known. The thought hit me like a physical blow. I had known, and I had done nothing. Fear of exposure, of changing too much - they seemed like such hollow excuses now.

My eyes fell on the new jacket hanging on my closet door. It suddenly felt like a costume, a child playing at being grown-up. But I wasn't a child, was I? Not really. I had been given a second chance, knowledge that could make a difference. And what had I done with it?

Silas tightened his coils, as if sensing my turmoil. I stroked his scales absently, my mind racing. The world was changing, had always been changing. And I had been content to watch from the sidelines, planning to play it safe taking advantage of what i could.

No more.

I sat up, wiping my eyes. The grief was still there, a dull ache in my chest. But alongside it, something else was growing. Determination? Resolve? Whatever it was, it felt right.

I picked up the newspaper, smoothing out the creases. Fisher Tiger's name stared back at me, a challenge and a promise. I couldn't change what had happened. But the future? That was still unwritten. No matter what it was or will be, if I had the will and the desire to change it, then the consequences to the timeline be damned. If I truly want to change this world, I cannot be afraid to let myself be swallowed by the tides of change that will inevitably follow.

As night deepened around me, I sat there, mourning not just Fisher Tiger, but the comforting illusions I'd clung to for too long. For now, in the quiet of my room, I allowed myself this moment of grief - for the hero the world had lost and would soon try to forget but one i would not allow to fade from my mind.


Authors Note: 

Thanks for reading the chapter :) If you have any thoughts/criticisms you'd like to share or ideas for the story be it ideas for powers/techniques, characters, plot points or anything else let me know in the comments, ill try to get to them. Also for any if interested this is Crossposted on webnovel, scribblehub, AO3 and though webnovel is the one i mainly use and have in mind. ill try to post images for characters or gifs for techniques on the sites that will let me. Anyway Bye!

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