Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 122 - Task 4

Wang Zisu was taken aback for a moment, then Bo Yan stepped away and walked out, blocking his way.

Then walk two quick steps to catch up with Xia Siyu’s pace.

Outside the villa is a coastal road. On one side of the road, there are cliffs. On the other side, there are European-style cottages, mostly white.

The blue sky, white clouds, blue sea, white houses, heaven and earth and sea are perfectly integrated.

Bo Yan and Xia Siyu walked side by side, and the hem of her skirt was fluttered by the sea breeze. Xia Siyu always twitters, maybe he is walking with him now. He has no topics, so he is very quiet. Inadvertently there is a feeling of peace and stability in the world.

I also sighed when I saw the bullet screen:

“I admit that I am a Yan Gou, and I actually think that these two people are a good match standing together.”

“With a calf, kick Xia Siyu away, Teacher Bo is so beautiful!”

“YJGJ (There is a Hong Kong sentence), Xia Siyu’s face is really not black.”

“It’s not black, or what a sugar daddy.”

Walking all the way to the alley, Xia Siyu was a little lost. When she was about to ask for directions, Bo Yan said lightly: “Here.”

“How did you know that you navigated?”

Bo Yan did not answer, Xia Siyu followed her all the way, and she arrived at the market soon. Bo Yan turned around and said lightly: “I watched your live broadcast yesterday.”

Xia Siyu said “Oh” without thinking too much, and walked directly into the market. She now has 18 euros left over from yesterday’s grocery shopping and 70 euros from everyone today.

But she can’t use money indiscriminately, who knows what the program group will make in the future, it is better to save some money.

Bo Yan followed her in and watched her head straight to the barbecue stall for five Euros a roast chicken.

Xia Siyu has arrived in the aquatic area again. Most of the fish sold abroad is like pork and beef, giving you a whole piece of fish. Looking at the price of three to twenty euros a pound, Bo Yan thought she would be expensive. Who knew Xia Siyu pointed at Yutou directly.

Fish head is naturally much cheaper than fish meat. This sea fish head weighs three pounds but only costs ten Euros.

She went to the pork stall again, and the stall owner was yelling enthusiastically. She glanced around and saw that the bag in the corner was filled with things that seemed a bit unwanted. She asked in fluent Sicilian: “I want this.”

Seven pig’s trotter, only five euros, plus some leftover vegetables from yesterday, is completely enough.

Don’t say anything, even the little friend in front of the barrage was dumbfounded by her operation:

“I can’t tell, Xia Siyu is quite good at shopping.”

“I thought she would buy grouper for twenty euros a pound! Who knew she bought a head.”

“Is the trotters in Italy so cheap? It’s less than one euro? It turns out that crooked nuts really don’t eat trotters!”

Bo Yan held the ingredients, his eyes a little surprised: “How do you know these things are cheap?”

Although it is common sense, she may not have this brain based on the usual IQ of Xia Siyu.

“It’s nothing, you’ll know if you buy more.” Xia Siyu said this casually, and suddenly his face changed slightly and he didn’t want to talk more.

Bo Yan felt it keenly, not to mention that there was still a camera behind it, and he didn’t say much.

When the two returned, and when they reached the intersection of the alley, she was attracted by the bulletin board with many advertisements on it.

Xia Siyu turned around and said, “Our chance to earn a hundred euros has arrived. The question is, what kind of work do you want to do? Do you want to fish or move bricks?”

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