Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 139 - Wedding Ring 1

Literally, as soon as Bo Yan got off the car, he saw a tall foreign man holding Xia Siyu. The two looked very close, talking and laughing. Then the two approached, as if they were about to kiss!

He was still holding an orange in his hand, but he couldn’t hold it firmly, and the orange rolled to the ground. As soon as Wang Zisu got off the car, he saw this scene, and rushed over at a speed of 100 meters: “Sister Siyu!”

Taking a closer look, Xia Siyu and the foreign man kissed close to each other, that is, hugging each other, with their cheeks close to each other. This is a normal foreign social etiquette, especially in Italy, which is famous for its romance.

After the oranges rolled, the staff nearby helped pick them up one by one. Bo Yan lowered his head and looked at a big and round orange at his feet. He gently kicked it with his toes, and the orange rolled off, just rolling to Xia Siyu’s feet and touching it lightly.

Sure enough, Xia Siyu first saw the oranges, and then followed the oranges and saw the thin words standing in the distance, which was a little confused.

Then there was Wang Zisu. He ran two steps and showed off at first: “I succeeded in climbing!”

“Awesome.” Xia Siyu smiled and rubbed his hair.

Then it was Bo Yan, he spoke lightly, and raised the rotten plastic bag to prove: “The bag is rotten.” Then he walked over comfortably and glanced at the small truck next to the foreign man. Although he doesn’t understand Italian, he still knows the animal signs painted on the truck. It is probably a driver who delivers goods.

“Are you the delivery boss?” He doesn’t speak Italian, but English is completely fine. Most young people in Europe can speak English.

Sure enough, with such a mouth, the foreign man smiled and nodded, and answered in English: “Yes.”

Bo Yan didn’t say anything, only his eyes fell on the arm he and Xia Siyu hugged, and then stretched out his hand to shake hands with him: “Hello, my name is Yan, I am glad to meet you.”

The foreign man also took the hugging arm and shook hands with him: “Hello, my name is Pietro. I am also a friend of Charlotte.”

Charlotte is the English name of Xia Siyu.


When Xia Siyu went to buy food today, he had already entrusted the stall owner to order the chicken feet and gave him the address. The owner of the local farm delivered the goods himself.

Who knew it was Pietro.

Because an acquaintance came, the program team actually invited him in for a cup of green tea. He smiled and introduced everyone, saying that he was born in Sicily and grew up in Sicily. The farthest place in his life is when he graduated from high school and went to Rome with a few classmates. When he grew up, he also inherited his father’s farm in Sicily. He proudly said that most of the chickens and ducks in the market here come from his farm.

Several guests next to him looked surprised, Wang Zisu also asked: “Then how did you meet Si Yu, is it because she came to shoot a magazine or something?”

Pietro shook his head: “No, she is my neighbor, but she moved away a long time ago.”


This time, not only the guests, but the program group and the audience watching the live broadcast were shocked. Wang Zisu asked: “Didn’t you say that you have always been in Italy and have never been abroad?”

Pietro nodded: “Yes.”

In other words, Xia Siyu really lived in Italy?

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