Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 1735: Click to show (1)

Some very talented directors will shoot with their own artistic style. But Bo Yan is different. Although he hopes to be more literary, but now the company is in the initial stage: it needs money.

There are so many whimsical ideas in his head that he can’t take pictures at this time. The best thing is to take a better script, shoot according to that script, and tell the story honestly, just as it says.

Ideological, artistic, and whether it can be passed down through the ages are all important. But at this moment, bread is more important. If he shoots according to his mind, the public may not accept it. Even if he wins the prize in the end, but the box office loses, the company will lose money.

But he is certainly not reconciled to only shoot a “documentary” of cats and tigers. The original work of “Sunrise” is actually a bit gloomy, a fallen heroine who cannot turn her head back, a society that is decadent and cannot be redeemed, some people who shouldn’t but died miserably, people with conscience have no strength to change, and those without conscience are still doing The last carnival.

Such a story is not as **** as “Thunderstorm”, nor is it as crazy as “The Wilderness”. It’s great to be a literary film. If you want to move closer to a commercial film, you can only slightly modify the personality, and some conflicts have to be more severe. Especially when it is released on Valentine’s Day, it must be a tribute to feelings.

In addition to making certain changes to the protagonist’s personal settings, he also uses the mirror to create a different mood of the protagonist by using light and shade, colors, flowers, and costumes, fierce, lazy, desperate ridicule. He never told the time on TV, except for the bells, radio broadcasts, and light and shadow. Don’t write any explanatory things, and use lens language to present it.

The first time viewers may not be aware of these details, but they can subtly feel that time is advancing and the protagonist’s mood is changing.

However, most of the people in the audience are senior industry insiders, journalists with tricky angles, and some film enthusiasts. Their grasp of mirroring, light and shade, color, light and shadow should be stronger than the average audience. But even without realizing these techniques, the movie still tells a simple and easy-to-understand story silently.

He stood on the stage and asked everyone to ask questions: “Are there any questions? You can express your own opinions.”

He just finished speaking, he paused, and laughed: “I know that there are a lot of screens, and I have invited you to come, not for your opinions. It is for you to say something nice, go back and write a few better articles. The comments of the audience are attracted to the audience. Even if the filming is bad, try to make everyone exaggerate. In fact, standing here, I probably know what everyone will say. Whether there is talent or thought, you will know when you watch the movie This is my first filming, so don’t ask for more fancy. Just tell the story in a logical and logical way. For the rest, please comment.”

At the scene, there was a slight pause for several seconds, then applause broke out.

How to say, there is one thing, whether it looks good or not, the audience has eyes and can see clearly. It’s easy to see how much the director has put in his thoughts, whether he cheated money or filmed with his heart, and how the actors are.

This is a very complete work. The script is based on the original work of Mr. Cao. The character has been changed but there is no major change. The tone is still there. The story is also a good story. Unlike some big directors who want to play with stream of consciousness, they will tell you from the very beginning that he is telling you a story, and the details can flow from the story.

I’ve seen it for the first time, but it’s a long-distance reunion, the tragedy of emotions that are different from each other, and life experience is ups and downs. But after reading it, I think about it again, and I can feel the taste if I think of any scene inside. Especially with the addition of easter eggs, the heroine who was originally mortal seems to have the possibility of coming to an end again.

After Bo Yan said that, the following discussion became heated. For example, he was asked: “Why do you want to modify the personality?”

Although he also admitted that after changing the feelings of the male and female lords more profoundly and purely, it is true that the weight of love takes up more and stimulates the eyeballs. When the two are separated, it also stimulates the eyeballs even more.

Bo Yan replied: “It’s just a little artistic creation. If you copy every word from the original book, it’s no different from watching a drama.”

Some people criticized him for being low-minded. Although he has an original plot, it is love again, which seems to be of a low style. Although there are new ideas in the mirroring, the whole film does not have a particularly impressive idea. In other words, those thoughts are Cao Yu’s, the original book, not his.

Bo Yan laughed: “I definitely can’t compare with Mr. Cao. I admit that the love scene has been enlarged and some modifications have been made for the sake of commercial trade-offs. I hope not to take away the original tone.”

Some people pointed out some inappropriate points in the rhythm of his story. Although a little modification was made, the rhythm was slightly longer in the first half hour. After all, it was adapted from a drama.

Bo Yan nodded humbly: “It is true, I also need to strengthen the sense of rhythm in this place.”

He was really laying the groundwork in the early stage. In the first 30 minutes, he explained the background of all the characters and the origin of the story. From 30 minutes later, everyone gathered in one place, and then increased the explosion points little by little. In the last half an hour, the big characters’ Destiny pushed to a climax. The early stage is indeed a bit slower.

Some sensitive film critics noticed the lens, light, shadow and color inside. The simplest and easiest thing to find is that the heroine has a different mood, and the flowers in the room are different from the clothes she wears.

Bo Yan also nodded honestly: “When the original writing was written, apart from dialogue, many people’s moods and situations could not be visualized. I asked the heroine to change into different clothes to express her feelings. But now it seems— —Slightly superfluous.”

Bo Yan said that he “overwhelmed the snake”, he meant that Xia Siyu acted… it was really good.

In the trailer released a few days ago, there was some Xia Siyu wearing a cheongsam, but it basically didn’t match the plot. There were only one or two simple shots. Although it was amazing enough, when combined with the plot, it was almost like-come alive. The same.

She lived in that old house very obediently. The supplies, furnishings, clothing around her, and her breathing seemed to merge with that old building.

She is like a person living in that era, brilliant, fresh, and decadent.

As Zhang Ailing said, a gorgeous robe was covered with lice.

At the beginning, the film critics did not comment on Xia Siyu because Bo Yan didn’t let them boast, but only asked them to comment.

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