Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 1773: A long time must be divided (4)

She is impulsive and emotional, and he is rational and stable. When getting along well, she didn’t feel anything wrong, and even she sighed countless times in her life. Fortunately, she had a blunt word around her. If there were no blunt words, she would not cheer up so quickly. Without the guidance and theoretical guidance of blunt words, her acting skills may not be so quick to learn.

Bo Yan is not only her lover, but also her partner at work, and a comrade-in-arms fighting together. The two have the same work pursuits and common enemies. She relies on him in work and depends on him in life. Before she knew it, Bo Yan had invaded her life very deeply.

So now looking at Bo Yan’s face, her anger is almost erupting like a volcano. She suddenly thought, this is not right. In the past, Xia Siyu was fearless about everything. At that time, I was ruthless and ruthlessly kicked. When I entered the entertainment industry, I didn’t give fans any face. I did what I wanted, and I just wanted to.

That was because she was focusing on herself at the time. She liked Bo Yan, but she only liked it. It might not be much better than a domestic pet dog. So he and Xia Siwei were a little closer at the time, and she kicked away. After they got married and reunited, for a long time, she also put her own ideas first. So she rushed ahead alone, causing a lot of trouble, and Bo Yan helped her wipe her **** behind.

Before she knew it, she fell in love with Bo Yan, and her weight gradually increased. So Bo Yan didn’t respond to her feelings in the first place. She would jump repeatedly, happy for a while and angry. So if Bo Yan didn’t contact her, her whole body was about to collapse. Including now, the first time I saw Bo Yan, I was very angry because I cared about her too much.

The comparison group is Qin Baizhou. Qin Baizhou stabbed her back in the team incident. Although Xia Siyu was disappointed, was she angry? not at all. Because Qin Baizhou is not her lover, it is not too important. Although they are friends who have been with each other for many years, they can only drift away if they can’t get along.

But it’s not the same. One of his small actions can cause such a big reaction.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with blunt words, he has always been him. The person who changed was herself, and she took Bo Yan too seriously, that’s why she was so angry.

She shouldn’t be angry with him, she should be angry with herself.

Bo Yan saw Xia Siyu stunned on the spot, thinking she wanted to understand, and was planning to continue coaxing her. I found Xia Siyu’s eyes sharpened suddenly, and then raised his hand again.

Want to slap him again? That’s right, it’s not the first day that he knows Xia Siyu. This guy likes to beat people when he gets angry, and he can’t get rid of this problem for many years. Just hit it, after all, it’s a woman, and a slap doesn’t hurt much.

Who knows, Xia Siyu’s slap was lifted up, but instead of hitting him, he slapped himself on the face.

With a “pop”, it was super crisp, and the thin words were silly.

Good guy, this guy is so cruel that he even hits himself! And this slap, judging from the sound, was even more cruel than the slap that just hit her. After the slap, her pink face instantly became red and swollen.

Unexpectedly, Xia Siyu was too inadequate to slap, and even prepared to wave his hand again and slap himself again. Bo Yan quickly intercepted her wrist. Although I don’t know what happened, how did she succeed in fighting like this? She beat herself, he felt more distressed than she herself.

“do not do that.”

“You let go! You don’t care about me!” She just wanted to fight, to wake herself up. Remind yourself that you should never put other people in a more important position than yourself, even if that person is blunt.

Yes, this time she was sulking. In fact, she also knew that it was not the fault of blunt words at the beginning. Of course, when the Cold War broke out, he didn’t say that a greeting was a bit unexpected, but it was not a principled error.

But people will change. What if Bo Yan really has two minds in the future? What if you don’t love her so much in the future? This time Bo Yan was willing to come over to coax her, but her feelings faded in the future. She was angry and entangled here. Bo Yan didn’t know at all, or even if she knew it, she didn’t think it mattered–women, she likes to find herself boring. He shouldn’t touch the mold.

What about her? She can’t foolishly let her emotions worry about this man, it will ruin her.

She wants to break free, but also beats herself, she wants to wake herself up early.

The more she broke free, the tighter she held her thin words. He came here, in fact, quite calmly. Even if Xia Siyu’s eyebrows were cold, even if Xia Siyu slapped him, he has not panicked, but he is really panicked now: “Wife, why are you angry at me, you hit me, can you hit me? Don’t charge. Exhale yourself.”

He grabbed her hand and patted his face again, but still did not quench the anger in Xia Siyu’s heart. Bo Yan was really a little panicked this time, he grabbed her hand again, and kissed and kissed his lips: “Please, don’t hurt yourself, it’s all my fault, you hit me.”

Xia Siyu wanted to break free, he wanted to control, and the two people dragged it for a long time before finally ending the tug of war. For a long time, maybe Xia Siyu ran out of energy first, and her original anger also calmed down.

Xia Siyu, who replied rationally, looked up at Bo Yan, who also looked at her.

His face is still handsome, his eyes are still affectionate, but Xia Siyu dare not look at it again. She exhaled for a long time: “Boss, I don’t like you so much anymore.”

Obviously it wasn’t a very angry tone, and it wasn’t unfeeling, but he was slightly shrunk when he heard the thin words. His Adam’s apple was up and down, and it took a long time to speak, his voice a little hoarse: “I’m sorry.”

Although he still apologized, it was obviously heavier than the previous coaxing tone.

But he paused and said: “You can not like me that much, as long as you don’t refuse, I always like you. To be honest, I still don’t know why you were so angry in the first place. Contact, I admit, at the beginning I was really afraid that I was wrong to say something that angered you, and wanted to wait for you to calm down for a few days before talking. But thinking about rain, I want to tell you that in my heart, I have always liked you more than just. ”

“You are smart, you can learn everything at once. You are strong, and you will not want to give up when you encounter difficulties. Especially your talent in acting. It is not an exaggeration to say that I am a little jealous of you. I have a hunch , You will soar into the sky one day, reaching a height that I can’t reach. But besides jealousy, there is more-pride. Really, I am proud of you. I also hope that one day when I introduce it to the world, no He would say, “This is the wife of the thin words”, and he would say, “This is the husband of Xia Siyu.””

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