Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 1874: Family (6)

Han Yifan saw Bo Yi at the airport when he left home a week ago.

He originally wanted to find Shang Feier, but as soon as he got off the plane, there was something in the company, and he flew over to deal with it without leaving the airport.

If such a thing happened in the past, as long as he didn’t have to be present to solve it personally, he would leave the matter to his subordinates to do it. After all, it turns out that if there are professional problems in film and television, let Bo Yan handle them. If the funds are not in place, just go home and scream. In daily operations, there is also a dedicated team. He hardly needs to do anything, and can follow Shang Feier around without hesitation.

But now, it’s different. Although professionally, he won’t intervene if he doesn’t understand. But he has to bear more for the operation of the company. Fortunately, I made a lot of money by pitting Bosch this time, and there will be no shortage of funds.

However, because of this, the company planned to open a few more projects at the beginning of the year and also signed several newcomers at the same time. As early as the first few years when it opened, the company had already signed several new recruits. I usually shoot web dramas, but also arrange dramas, which are not built according to the flow of traffic, let these actors take it step by step. If there is someone who can’t stand it on the way, or if there are other brokerage companies who want to fly solo, the company won’t force it to stay. But the rest, after several years of polishing, the acting skills have improved.

In addition, the company also specially raised a group of directors and screenwriters in the early days. In the past few years, it was just a little bit of online drama, but since last year, the company has invested in several movies that have made good profits. It has money and reputation, and its production has gradually improved. At this time, these directors, screenwriters and actors have been polished one by one. They are rich and powerful. Now is the time to get results.

In the early stage of the company, Bo Yan invested a lot of energy in it. In addition to participating in production, sponsoring, investing, and directing himself, he was also in charge of many business aspects of the company. The focus of his future work is estimated to be in the deduction career, at most being a consultant for the company, and checking on some projects. He will not take care of these management matters. He doesn’t care, and now only Han Yifan is in charge.

Independence is not just a matter of shouting a slogan. Not going home to seek help from your parents is just the first step. After that, he must independently learn to be on his own and take more responsibilities instead of being passive. The people around him, one or two are so enterprising, even Xia Siyu, who can pass by, has also worked hard in the past few years, and his achievements have skyrocketed.

Looking back at himself, he now probably knows why Shang Feier had been reluctant to marry him before. Who wants his husband to be unprofessional and he only knows to revolve around him every day? Men still need to be a little self-motivated, especially she is a very enterprising person, and she is very comfortable with Han Yifan, because she is in a relationship now. But marriage is much more considered than love.

But what Han Yifan didn’t expect was that when he finally finished his work and came to find her, he would meet the Bo family and his son on the way.

These days, Bo Qiliu and his father and son Bo Yi have had a hard time. The financial report fraud is a fact, and it was done under the direction of the two of them. After this incident, they wanted to prevaricate at first, and also wanted to sue the former financial officer who broke the matter on the grounds of business leaks. Bo Yan had been prepared for a long time. First of all, there was no clear data when the person broke the matter. Without data, the company machine would not be involved. It’s not so much a report as it is a Twitter. Bo Yan also hired luxury lawyers at home and abroad to defend the matter. Once it really gets into court, it won’t be passive. In addition, enough money is also given. Although this person is an informer of “conscience discovery”, financial report fraud is also involved, and once involved, he may have to go to jail. This thin remark has long been considered for him, and if he is really behind bars, he will be given a generous compensation.

Several channels came down together, and the former head of finance was very generous. Facing Bo Qiliu’s threat, he did not fear in the slightest. The threat is impossible, and it is true, they can only find another way.

Falsified financial reports are still listed on the US stock market. If they are not good, they will really go to jail. Since there is no denying it, we can only try to remedy it. First, you have to appease the emotions of the shareholders, and then you have to introduce someone to settle the matter, at least you can’t really go to jail. What’s more, the company’s rapid expansion in recent years has already encountered a bottleneck in funding. Now once the stock thunders, those borrowers will come up to collect debts in an instant.


Bo Qiliu and Bo Yi can be regarded as realizing that after the furniture fire in midsummer, not only did they lose a lot of money, but also what it was like to be chased by various creditors to force debts. It’s okay for Bo Yi to let him boast about it. When he encountered this kind of thing, he was so scared that he couldn’t stand up. Bo Qiliu dealt with this and dealt with that, too much to handle himself.

At this time, the old man Bo stood up. Although he had withdrawn from the company before, it was because of his poor health. Although he heard about this incident, his health was even worse, and he was almost out of anger.

But the matter has come to this point, it is not helpful to say more, but fortunately, he vaguely felt that something was wrong before, and made preparations. Replaced Bo Qiliu and took office by himself. The introduction of a financial officer, just like Bo Yan, was soothed in advance and was specifically responsible for backing the pot. Internally, we will first appease several major shareholders, so that investors who are rushing to collect debts will be ignored without the major shareholders withdrawing their capital, so as to avoid running. At the same time, the project champions who had low profits during the blind expansion period were cut off.

This incident really interrupted Bosch’s rapid and blind expansion, but the inside was riddled with holes. Although it was a fatal blow to Boss, so far, although the muscles and bones have been injured, they have not collapsed immediately. If it is later, things develop a bit more violently, and someone pierces this layer of window paper, it will be irreparable. For example, Lehman Brothers in 2008, a century-old company, went bankrupt without saying that it went bankrupt.

Although old man Bo came out to hold the battle, these days, Bo Qiliu and Bo Yi were still exhausted. But even though he was exhausted a little bit, he managed to hold back the downward trend that continued to collapse.

In particular, they didn’t know where they learned that this time, it turned out to be blunt words behind it.

Thinking of Bo Yan coming to the house pretendingly on New Year’s Eve, he started back stabs that night. This is really a good son of the Bo family! The Bo family father and son, who were frightened and furious, rushed over immediately.

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