Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

085. Strong!


I'm off to make pastries!



Adam bit into the meat as Joti spoke with Gotorsmith in giant. The meat was something he hadn't eaten before and he couldn't quite place the taste either. It was definitely good, spiced with the typical frost giant spices. There was also a plate of cooked vegetables for him to dive into, though it seemed the giants preferred their vegetables raw. 

"We will remain here for a week," Kara said as she sipped on her hot soup. "Once I have taken the rite, we will continue along." 

"Why are we doing the rite now?" Adam asked curiously. He bit into another portion of meat. 

"It's because of you."

"Me?" Adam asked, surprised. He looked up at he, uncertain if it was a good thing or a bad thing. "What did I do?" 

"I created your blade," Kara said. "I must also enchant it."

Adam looked up at her in surprise. "A shame, I wanted to keep it." He smiled cheekily. 

"You will." 

Adam almost choked on his meat. "What?" He gasped for air, thumping his chest with the side of his fist before chugging down some water. "You what?" 

"The blade is yours to keep. You are to slay an icewyrm with us, and in order to do so, you must have the appropriate equipment. The blade is yours to keep. Since it was unenchanted, I am responsible for enchanting it so that I may earn my title."

"What title is that?"


Adam stared up at her. He was still unsure about receiving a blade for his hard work, but it seemed that she would be undergoing something important. 

"I didn't realise that was how it worked…" Adam eyed up their weapons. "Are your weapons all magical?"

"Yes," Sera said, leaning in as she slipped into the conversation. "It is required. Those without magical weapons will not be allowed to leave to slay an icewyrm or another such creature. We were given special permission by the Prince due to the situation." She looked to Kara. "Ten years you've waited."

Kara bowed her head. "I wasn't ready back then, though I thought I was. Now…" She looked towards Adam and then his sword. She then went back to eating her meal, her eyes glazed over as she thought of her task.

"Does that mean the Iyrman is going to get a magical weapon too?" Adam asked.

"Yes," Sera said, "though we had gifted him a magical weapon from our armoury."

Adam raised a brow. "Though mine will be made because Kara needs to go through her rite?" 

"Exactly so." Sera finished her soup and then grabbed a blue carrot. She snapped it in half and offered Adam the thinner half. "You will also assist her in the rite."

Adam had almost dropped the carrot in alarm. He stared up at Sera with furrowed brows. "Excuse me?"

"The weapon will be held by you, and she will enchant it. Your wills together will form a weapon." 

Adam looked down at the sword at his side. "Is that so…" Adam supposed Kara was great at enchanting. "If I had known that, I would have stressed an axe." 

"Are you not a follower of Arya?"

"I am, but… the weapon wouldn't have been for me. I suppose it would have been rude to gift a gift to someone else. I had a plan of forging and enchanting a weapon for someone."

"You were going to gift a magical weapon?" Sera leaned in. "To whom and why?"

Adam smiled, seeing how she was warming up to him enough to converse about frivolous topics. "Someone I know had just given birth recently, though I guess it's been a short while…" Adam rubbed the back of his neck. "I…" Adam wondered how much he should say. "Well, regardless, I wanted to give her a weapon as a gift since she had taken good care of me." It was mostly true.

"A lover?" Sera asked. 

Adam found himself choking a second time as he thumbed his chest again. "No!" Adam declared. "She's more like… an aunt?"

"Family." Sera nodded. 

"That's right, more like family…" Adam looked aside. He didn't want Lanarot to die young like her brother. No doubt by the time she would adventure, Adam would have been able to cast a resurrection spell, but he would prefer she didn't die in the first place. He was sure the Iyrmen didn't like the idea of casting such spells. 

"You are a sentimental person." Sera stared down at him. "Someone whose heart is still naive and innocent." 

"I suppose that's true." Adam shrugged his shoulders. 

"That's good." Sera placed a hand on his head. "Live like that. Many of our kind lose it by the time we become adults. The north is a harsh place, one where we cannot be naive or innocent." She ruffled his hair gently. 

"Leave him alone," Kara said, finally out of her thoughts. "He is a grown man now, you should show him more respect."

"Do not worry, I won't steal him from you." Sera laughed as she defended herself from Kara's backhand. 

"Ignore her," Kara said. "I have no interest in someone so young."

"I'm not that young," Adam replied. "How old are-" He shut his mouth so quickly, he almost bit his tongue. It was still rude to ask a woman her age, even if she was a frost giant. 

"I have been alive longer than you will live," Kara said bluntly, though Adam could tell she didn't mean anything by it. 

"That is quite aged," Adam replied as diplomatically as he could. 

Charm Save
D20 + 7 = 26 (19)

Kara raised her brow, staring deep into his eyes. She was judging him to see whether or not he deserved a little battering, but Adam merely responded with a smile. Luckily for him, she seemed to be placated by his sweet look, and she returned to her meal. 

Once they were done eating, Adam was led to a large building, made of thick grey stone, the white snow forming some small contrast against it. The insides were expectedly large, with a giant bed, desk, and wardrobe. Each were made of white wood, one which seemed resistant to the cold since they were in great condition and they didn’t give the feeling of being new. 

He placed down his items into the wardrobe and then hopped onto the bed. He felt like a child as he climbed into it and then bounced, feeling how sturdy it was even though he was in his heavy chain mail. 

Once he was done doffing his armour, he stepped outside into the snow and looked around. He could see the various giant children staring at him, one of them even readying a snowball to toss at him when another giant shouted at them. The child scrambled away as the woman approached the half-elf.

“Very sorry. They not seen your kind.” Her words came out slow, her face filled with concentration.

Adam smiled. “It’s fine.” Adam waved his hand, as though dismissing the issue. The woman said something in giant, a thanks, and then left to scold the rest of the children, who scattered. 

“Adam,” called Joti from afar. “Will you join our meeting?”


Adam marched over to Joti, following him to a large building near the flames. The outside was plain, except for some small runes along the top of the building. The inside of the building was a single large room covered with furs, with Gotorsmith at the end. Joti led the half-elf besides the rest of the group, those that had come along with Joti, as well as four others.

"Kara is to take her rite," Gotorsmith said. "I will assist in holding the blade, as is my right."

"I will enchant the blade," Kara said, "and Adam will hold the hilt." 

Joti looked at Adam, his face shifting into thought. "You wish to assist Kara with her rite?" 

"Yes…" Adam replied, his voice uncertain. He wasn't sure what kt required, but Kara seemed to want his assistance. 

"If you are uncertain, I will take your place." Joti stared down into Adam's eyes, waiting for a clear answer. The giants did not take to uncertainty. 

"I will do it. I'm not sure what is required of me." 

"You are to hold the hilt of the blade as Kara enchants it," Gotorsmith said. "You will need strength and tenacity. It will take some days to complete the rite." 

"Will I be able to rest and sleep?" Adam asked, recalling how the giants were able to remain awake for at least an entire day without an issue. 

"Yes. The rite will last no more than six hours each day." 

“No more than six days…” Adam whispered, reaching up to his chin and squinting. It sounded like hard work, so how could he so casually talk about six hours each day? Adam looked to the giants and their bulging muscles, then nodded his head. Right, that’s why. “Alright, that doesn’t sound like an issue. When are we starting?”

“We will start in the morning if you are well,” Kara said, looking to Gotorsmith, who nodded in confirmation. “I will go to sleep early tonight to prepare.” Kara stared at the smith for some time, but he shook his head. 

“There is another matter to discuss,” Gotorsmith said, his eyes falling to Adam. The pure whites seemed to look through the half-elf, as though he was a translucent film. “You are a mysteriously powerful individual. Is it true you can cast third gate spells?”

“I can.”

“Which kind?”

Adam paused for a moment. He looked to Joti and tried to recall which spells the giant knew about. Did Aksak also speak with the giant? Adam wasn’t sure how much he should reveal. 

“The arcane kind,” Adam replied eventually. It was technically not a lie.

D20 + 2 = 9 (7)

“Is that all?” Gotorsmith asked.

“No,” Adam replied, bowing his head slightly. “I can also cast spells of the divine at third gate as well.”

The giants straightened. One of the giants who had come along with Gotorsmith, with a shaved head, grumbled aloud in giant. Gotorsmith raised a hand and clenched his fists, staring into Adam’s eyes. There was an expectation within them.

Mana: 44 -> 41
Spell: Spectral Sentinels

Adam sighed and then nodded. He grabbed the amulet of Sozain and then held it up. “Come to my aid,” Adam incanted, raising a hand into the air as the entire area around them flooded with white light and owls appeared. 

“Spirit Sentinels,” Gotorsmith said. 

“It’s known to me as Spectral Sentinels,” Adam replied. 

“Perhaps in your tongue or translation. Many of our Runesworn learn such spells. Will you be willing to show me your arcane abilities as well?”

“Alright,” Adam replied, wondering which spell he should reveal. 

Wizard Spell Available
Magic Arrows, Mirror Mage, Haste, Thunderstep, Shatter, Shield, Invisibility, Fireball, Tower of Adam, Counterspell, Dimensions    

Counterspell would have been good, though it would require another person to cast a spell. Haste was a great spell, but he hated the side effect at the end. Tower of Adam was a good spell too, but it did take some time. 

Dimensions it was.

Adam inhaled and then leaned back to look at the door. He wondered how far it was, but realised it wouldn’t matter too much. “Be right back,” Adam said as his body quivered and he appeared two metres away from the giants, still in his sitting position. 

The giants stared at Adam, surprise colouring their faces. It wasn’t how most people looked surprised, there were no gaping maws or raised brows, but the look of intense concentration and glances between one another.

“Which spell was that?” Gotorsmith asked.

“Dimensions,” Adam replied, a little confused. “What seems to be the issue?” Adam asked, glancing between all the giants. 

“We had asked for you to display a third gate spell.”


“Did you mean to reveal the fact you could cast fourth gate spells?”

Adam stared up at Gotorsmith for a long moment. With each passing second he could feel the heat spread through his cheeks and his face. He reached up to wipe his sweaty brow, and then shook his head. 

“Oh man,” Adam groaned quietly to himself. “Yeah… I was meant to keep that a secret. I only just learnt the fourth gate spells.”

Gotorsmith let out a roaring laughter, throwing his head back as his chest shuddered. It was like thunder rolling through the building. The other giants remained silent and Adam kept rubbing his head. 

‘Oh man…’ Now there were people who knew that he had access to fourth gate spells, and how quickly he had achieved the ability to cast such powerful spells. Joti even knew how many Fireballs he could cast in one go too, something which was very rare, especially for someone who could use a blade as well as Adam.

“Strong!” Gotorsmith eventually exclaimed. “You certainly weren’t putting ice in my mouth, Chief. The boy is a monster. Is he really human?”

“He is, but there seems to be some circumstances.” Joti turned to glance at Adam for a moment, a knowing look in his eye.

‘Just how much do you know?’ Adam wondered. He narrowed his eyes but then sighed, rubbing his forehead further. “Now that I’ve outed myself, can I leave?”

“You plan on leaving within the week to slay an icewyrm?” Gotorsmith looked to Joti.

“That is the plan currently.”

“With the power of the boy, then I’m sure you’ll do just fine. I will ask for some dragon meat for the use of the forge.” Gotorsmith brushed his beard. “It’s been some time since we last tasted such a delicacy.”

“It will be done,” Joti said, bowing his head. 

Gotorsmith turned to look at Adam again. “I’ll be seeing how you grow, young man.” The giant extended out a hand. Adam reached out to shook it, feeling the giant apply a little pressure. Adam returned the favour until they both continued to one up one another.

D20 + 8 = 22 (14)

Tough Save
D20 + 7 = 16 (9)

Adam pressed a little harder as he resisted the strength of the giant, until Gotorsmith eventually bowed his head and grunted. The giant eased up his hand and pulled back, staring down at the boy. 

“Are you aiming for the stars?” Gotorsmith asked.

“The only thing I’m aiming for is my own freedom.”

“Freedom…” Gotorsmith fell into thought. He raised a hand to dismiss the giants, and Joti motioned for Adam to leave. These giants were awkward conversationalists. 

Joti stepped outside with the half-elf. “So you can cast fourth gate spells...”

“It appears to be the case,” Adam replied, rubbing the back of his neck. “I only found out recently. I didn’t mean to keep it from you, I just wanted to get used to it.” A half truth and a half lie.

“Very well,” Joti replied, leaving Adam alone to his thoughts. 

‘Come on Adam, didn’t you say you were going to be careful?’ he berated himself. 



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