Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

087. Big Bone


My sleep is still messed up, but I'm trying to write a lot. I'm ramping up my writing recently at least!



Adam’s fingers twitched constantly as he slept, and when he awoke in the morning, he sat right up. He looked down at his hands, which felt so empty without a weapon nearby to grasp, and clenched them into fists. The eagerness to fill them with a blade caused him to jitter with joy. It only occurred to him in that moment that he didn’t have a decent weapon to protect himself, save for the javelin at his side. At least he had his spells.

He thrust the thoughts aside and leapt out of bed, his sore legs begging him to move quickly, and he darted out of the building. He glanced both ways before heading towards the Runeforge, nodding his head and waving his hand towards all the giants as they greeted him. The trek towards the Runeforge warmed him up, causing his sore legs to calm down. His eyes gazed on the mighty form of Kara, who had remained staring at the blade all night, still encased in the snow.

Adam decided to remain silent as he approached, in case his voice caused an issue with the enchantment. The cool breeze tickled his cheeks and his cloak fluttered in the wind. Soon Gotorsmith joined them, and Kara turned towards the pair.

“Good morning,” she said. “Did you sleep well?” Her eyes were gaunt and tired, as though she had been on high alert all night.

Adam nodded. His dreams had been sleepless, as they had been since he entered this world. “Just fine.”

“Well,” Gotorsmith replied, curtly. His gaze remained fixated on the blade ahead of him.

Kara finally moved, the snow dropping to the ground, before she grabbed onto the hilt of the sword. She grunted as she pulled the sword out of the jelly, her muscles flexing for only a moment, before the blade flew upwards, pointed towards the sky in triumph.

Adam’s brow began to sweat as he stared at the blade and his heart pounded in anticipation.

Kara turned to face him and then offered him the hilt of the sword, leaning down towards Adam so he could reach easier. The half-elf reached up and grabbed the hilt of the blade.

Magical Longsword
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.
Deal an additional 2d6 points of slashing damage with this weapon.

Adam gasped as he felt the blade trickle its magic through him, like a raging fire. He clasped the beautiful white handle carefully, his eyes going wide.

‘What a high-spec weapon! +2 to hit and damage as well as an additional 2d6 damage? Isn't that too much?!’ Adam's eyes snapped to Kara, whose eyes were twinkling brightly.

"So it finally revealed itself to you…” she said, her mouth slowly forming a grin. "Is it strong?"

"It's the strongest weapon I've ever held," Adam replied, giddily grinning wider back at her.

"There are very few weapons which are made so well as part of a rite," Gotorsmith said. "Such a blade would be gifted to a Chief, even a Prince." His eyes were covetous, and Adam felt a little guilty. The blade was worth a pretty penny, something which would paint a target on his back. At the same time, he was probably stronger than almost any adventurer in the world, so it would be a hard time grasping the blade from his warm, living grasp. This was a gift he was not worthy of.

"This blade… it's mine, right?" Adam asked coyly, withdrawing into his cloak, like a turtle into his shell.

"It is," Kara replied firmly. "I presented it to you, and so it belongs to you."

"Really?" Adam's eyes fell to Gotorsmith.

The giant nodded, but held out a hand. "May I examine it? I need to judge it for Kara's rite."

Adam extended it out towards him quickly, far too eagerly. However, he didn't want to be thought of as stingy, especially since the giants had been so honest and hospitable. It was the least he could do.

Gotorsmith brought it up to his eye and then twirled it once. He checked it from base to tip, as though it was an antique recently excavated. Within moments he held it out towards Adam, who received it from his grasp. He turned to face Kara.

"Let us go, Karasmith." With that, the giant turned and returned back to the village.

Adam looked to Kara, who looked to him in return. Her face slowly grew to a wide grin, and her eyes, once tired, now seemed so full of life. "Let us return."

"Let us." Adam nodded, smiling slowly. As they made their way back to the village, Adam glanced up at Kara. She walked with her head held high, her chest jutting out. "Thanks for your enchanting."

"I was one of three parts," she replied. "The blade only turned out well due to our combined efforts."

"Well… I think you did the best job, Karasmith." Adam smirked. "I just wanted to say your name second." Adam chuckled as they returned to the village fire.

"Reveal your sword," Gorotsmith said, motioning Adam to stop.

Adam looked up at everyone, all those eyes staring at him expectantly. He unsheathed the blade and then held it up, as though he was becoming a master of the universe. The blade gleamed even in the foggy sky of the north. All eyes fell to the blade before then falling to Gotorsmith.

"It seems I can retire in peace," Gotorsmith said, a wide smile painting his face as his beard shifted.

The giants all exclaimed and howled. Adam pulled back in surprise as they swarmed the giant woman, each of them wishing to give their congratulations to her, some even swarming Adam to see his weapon. Adam handed it over, far too anxious with the attention to hold the blade himself with so many people around. He spied Joti sitting by himself.

"Are you not going to congratulate her?" Adam asked, sitting down beside him.

"I will, when we return to our city," he replied softly.

"Why not now?"

"These are not my walls, and so I cannot congratulate her."

D20 + 1 = 12 (11)

Adam stared at him, raising his brow. He wasn't sure, but he thought he saw Joti's beard shift slightly, though it could have been the snow and ice, which painted the beard near white.

"The blade is exquisite," Joti said. "It matches my own."

"What does your blade do?" Adam asked.

"Similar to your own. It has the blessing of the war born, just like yours, as well as the bleeding of the Wintermartha."

"Wintermartha?" Adam asked.

"Winter Mother. She is the Mistress of Winter."

"A god?" Adam asked.

"Some such, though She prefers her own title. Our people often pray to her, and many of us mark ourselves to earn her favour." Joti motioned to a rune on his right pectoral muscle. It was one of the more intricate designs, with hundreds of tiny runes making up the greater rune.

"Is she nice?" Adam asked. Mistress Fate seemed to be kind to him, so he wondered if there was a connection between them.

"She is as nice as she is terrible, and we love and fear her for it."

Adam placed a hand on his chin and squinted in thought. It was too hard to think about the giant’s words, especially after yesterday, so he decided against expanding on the thought.

"Your greatswort, is it related to the blade which Entalia had… borrowed?" Adam's asked as politely as he could.

"After she had taken it from my father, he had this blade forged. It does not possess the same strength, though it does not lack in power. My brother refused the greatsword, for he believed that Entalia held his rightful blade. He took to the greataxe because of such a belief."

"What is his greataxe like?"

"It holds the blessing of the war born, the same as ours, but also the blessing of the life drinker. With each attack he revitalises his vigour so he may paint the battlefield in blood."

"That sounds…"

"Cool?" Joti asked.

"Right!" Adam burst into laughter at the word. "Cool is the appropriate word." Adam reached down to the soft snow beside him and brushed through it absentmindedly. A thought flashed through his mind.

"How many years has Kara been smi-"

"Karasmith," Joti interrupted.

Adam cleared his throat. "Excuse me," he said, looking up at Joti's stone cold face with a sheepish look on his own. "How many years has Karasmith been smithing for?"

"She has been smithing since she could walk. One hundred and three years."

"So now she's gained the title of a Runesmith…" Adam paused. "Hold on. She didn't smith anything during her rite."

"She smithed the blade you hold," Joti replied simply. "She created a weapon capable of being enchanted to a high level in a single night, and then enchanted it to such a level. She also picked a suitable partner to assist her. There are many factors to take into consideration when declaring a Runesmith."

"How did she fail last time?" Adam whispered.

"She was unlucky."

"Unlucky? What do you mean?"

"Luck was not on her side, so she failed."

Adam stared up at Joti for a short while, but realised there wasn't much more he could get out from the man. "That's terrible." Adam, of all people, knew what it meant to be unfortunate, though it seemed to not be the fault of Mistress Fate, or so he assumed.

"No matter how hard someone works, or they talent they possess, a single bad day can ruin it all." Joti looked to the blue fire.

Adam followed his gaze and remained focused on the fire. "It's a shame, but that is life."

"We must continue to move onward with our lives, one step at a time. Even backwards is better than not moving at all."

"I'm not sure I entirely agree, but I can't entirely disagree either." Adam sighed.

“Have you named the blade yet?” Gotorsmith asked, appearing from the crowd. He sat down beside Adam.

“Named the blade…” Adam whispered to himself. “I haven’t… am I meant to be the one naming it? Isn’t Karasmith the one who made it?”

“It was made for you. If you would like for her to name it, we can ask her.”

Adam thought for a moment. “I want her to name it. She spent so much effort on it, and I would feel too guilty.” Adam rubbed the side of his neck, feeling a tenseness within it.

“Very well.” Gotorsmith rolled his shoulders and then smirked at Adam. “Are you going t-”

Karasmith appeared, interrupting the other smith’s words. “Have you named the blade yet?” she asked, her eyes still sparkling.

“We were just talking about that,” Adam chuckled. “I was hoping that you would name it for me.”

Karasmith crossed her arms and stared down at the snow in thought. Her icy-blue eyes squinted in deep thought. “Big Bone,” she said.

Adam looked up at her and blinked. “Big Bone?”

“Big Bone,” she replied, bowing her head. “Bone is another term for a brother.”

Adam blinked again. “Big Bone it is.” Big Bone sounded a little silly, but if it meant brother, he supposed it was a fine sentiment.

“Are you going to break it in?” Gotorsmith asked.

“Break it in?” Adam asked. “You mean you want me to use it right now?”

“Yes. Let us fight.” Gotorsmith formed a devilish smirk on his lips.

Adam looked up at the older giant. He was built like an ox, but he was also extremely old, even for a giant. Adam wasn’t sure he should be going around beating old men, he was certain his parents had taught him better than that.

“I’m not sure about that.” Adam rubbed the back of his head, looking away from the eager old man.

“No,” Joti said. He stood up and stared down at the half-elf. “I will do it.”



Patreon is going to get a bunch of updates soon! | Come join my Discord too!

Also check out Wayfinder by RottingBard and send him some love!

Thedude3445 also has a new work out called Her Golemancer Girlfriend so please give them some love too!

We've hit 1000 pages! Thanks for everyone who has followed me on this journey. I'll be editing this to try and get it published. Wish me luck!


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