Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

87. Leader

Jurot snarled, raising his axe again, but Adam placed a hand on his shoulder. The Iyrman turned, staring at Adam with his white eyes, before his pupils returned, his face going from red to the slight tan it usually was.

“Are you alright?” Adam asked, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly.

Jurot panted, his body cooling as the seconds passed. He nodded, before placing his axe aside, and dropping down to begin butchering the bears.

Kitool and Jaygak exchanged another look, before assisting him in butchering the bears.

Adam kept an eye out, wondering how much money they would make from the bears. “You two alright?” Adam asked, nodding to the porters.

“Aye I am,” Remy said, sipping some water.

“Couldn’t be better,” Jeremy replied.

Once they were done butchering, Jurot and Jaygak helped put the bears into the palanquin, carrying parts of the bears themselves since the palanquin couldn’t carry everything.

Their journey back was fraught with no danger, and soon they saw the comforting walls of the town.

“Whoa!” a guard shouted. “By the gods, that’s one load!”

Adam chuckled. “How goes it today?”

“Well, well,” the guard replied. “What’s in there?”

“Bears,” Adam replied.

“Bears you say,” the guard replied, whistling. “Good job.”

“Thank you,” Adam said, nodding his head. “We’d love to stay and chat, but it was quite a tough battle and we’d like to recuperate.”

“Aye, aye,” the guard replied as Adam handed over the copper coins.

Currency: 9CP -> 6CP

They made their way back to the guild, where Braun processed the three bears.

“Should we keep the fur to bring back?” Adam asked.

“We should think about gifts in the future,” Kitool said. “For now, we should prepare ourselves.”

Adam realised how awkward it was to ask to keep the fur of the bear which had almost killed her. “Right.”

Quest Complete: Bear Hunting
XP Gained: +175
XP: 1925 -> 2100
Stamps Gained: +1
Stamps: 13 -> 14
Currency Gained: +135GP

“Alright, we need to figure out how to split this,” Adam said. “You need to pay a tax to the Iyr, right?”

“Half,” Kitool said.

“Half?” Adam said, having forgotten how much the Iyrmen gave.

“It can be as low as one tenth, but usually it’s half,” Kitool said.

“Right, right, I think Jurot did mention that…” Adam tapped the counter. “Is that before or after the Guild’s share?”

“After,” Jurot said.

“We tax whatever goes into our purse,” Kitool said.

Adam continued to tap the counter. “I think…” He glanced at the Iyrmen, wondering if he should continue. “I think, maybe, we should create a Party Fund first.”

“A Party Fund?”

“It would be used to buy potions, weapons, gear, magical items. We should create a fund in which everyone can spend to make sure their gear remains in tip top shape, and so that when we get a Priest, they don’t have to worry about spending all their coin on trying to revive us, or for their other spells which will undoubtedly save our lives multiple times. I would benefit from it too, considering, you know, but that’s not why I’m recommending it.”

Jaygak and Kitool threw a glance between one another, but then looked to Jurot, who was the most senior Iyrman.

Jurot remained silent and still, going into thought. “Okay,” he said, finally.

“Good.” Adam sighed. “I have a lot of skills, as you know, some you might not know. Usually, Jurot and I quested near daily, but I think it’s a good idea if you guys have a break in between quests. During which, I would like to…” Adam leaned in to whisper, covering his mouth, “create some healing potions.”

Jaygak and Kitool stared at him. He could smith. He could enchant. He could alchemy. Just what couldn’t he do? They were fortunate to join Adam, though it also meant that higher glory was to be expected if they were in such a fortunate position.

“Now I understand why you want us to reach Gold Rank with you,” Kitool said.

“And why you are so confident in achieving that goal,” Jaygak said, smiling.

Adam winked. “Alright, let’s pay the porters first. I think… we pay them two gold each? That’s about the standard rate we gave them.”

Jaygak and Kitool looked to Jurot, who nodded his head.

“So. How much should we put into the Party Fund, and how much are we paying in Iyr Tax?” Adam asked, staring at them.

This time Jurot looked to Jaygak and Kitool, having not wanting to do any maths.

“Three, three, four?” Kitool asked.

Jaygak and Jurot nodded.

“We will put three tenths into the Iyr, three tenths into the Party Fund, and we will keep four tenths,” Kitool said.

“Sounds good to me,” Adam said. “I will…” Adam recalled Sonarot’s words to him. “I’ll put half into the party Purse and I’ll keep half. Aunt had asked me to keep the money, so that’s what I’ll do, for now. Though, since we have some extra coins, we can put those extra coins away first, and then we can count it out using a much easier number.”

The three Iyrmen nodded.

Currency: 15SP, 9CP -> 15GP, 14SP, 19CP

The guild doors slammed open, and standing in the doorway was a familiar figure. A man with a baby face and short dark hair. He was built almost as wide as a bull, and was thick with muscle all over, though he was far leaner than before. He was also carrying Jeremy and Remy, who were trying to pull the boy back.

His eyes found the half elf, and he stormed Adam’s way. Jurot stood, but waited as he noted Adam had stood up too, the half elf bracing himself.

Athletics Check
D20 + 6 = 20 (14)

Nobby almost tackled the half elf, causing him to slide back slightly, but he managed to keep himself on his feet. Nobby sobbed into Adam’s neck, mumbling something in between his sobs.

“There, there,” Adam said, rubbing the large boy’s back.

Once Nobby was done crying, he wiped his face with his sleeved.

Spell: Tricks

Adam dealt with the mess using his magic, and looked up at the boy. “Good news, then?”

“Thank you,” Nobby said. “Me dad’s all good now.”

“That’s good to hear,” Adam said, patting the boy’s shoulder.

Jeremy and Remy let Nobby go, not that they could take the boy down, and threw a look to Adam. “What’s all this about?”

“Nothing,” Adam said. “I just took care of his dad, that’s all.”

Remy and Jeremy exchanged a look. “Wasn’t that a hundred gold?”

“Well,” Adam said, “I got a huge pay day the previous night.” He winked. “Come on, let’s go get some jam buns, shall we?”

“I didn’t work,” Nobby said.

“No,” Adam said, patting his shoulder. “You worked hard for your dad though, eh Nobby?”

“I’m not sure he can pay you back,” Remy said, eyeing Adam suspiciously.

“It’s alright,” Adam said. “We can consider it an investment. Nobby’s got a good build, so I’d like to discuss with his parents about a job I want him to take one day, but for now, let’s just eat some jam buns.”

“Did you work hard today?” Pam asked, smiling as they stepped into her bakery.

“Ten jam buns and the rest on bread,” Adam said, placing down the gold coin.

Currency: 15GP -> 14GP

“It is my turn to pay,” Jurot said, throwing a look to Adam.

“We’ll talk about it later,” Adam said, nodding his head slowly. “What we should be talking about is how we killed four bears today.”

“Four bears?” Pam asked, glancing around to note the two Iyrmen behind. “One for each of you?”

“Something like that,” Adam said, elbowing Jurot. “Go on, Jurot. Why don’t you tell her about what we did while the bread’s being packed?”

Jurot cleared his throat and began the tale, all the while Adam joined the two women. He smirked at them, and Jaygak smirked at him while Kitool shook her head. Once the story had been told, and the bread had been packed, they stepped out and enjoyed their jam buns.

“Here,” Adam said, handing most of the bread over to the porters. “For the rest of this month, come to the Adventurer’s Guild every morning with your palanquin. You will find out if you have a job when you arrive. If I don’t need you, I’ll pay you a gold coin each anyway, and you can spend it with your families. I would prefer that you don’t take another job, in case I need you for the next day. I don’t want you getting injured because of another job.”

“You’ll pay us even if we’re not working that day?” Remy asked.

“That’s what I heard,” Jeremy said, nodding his head.

“That’s because you heard correctly,” Adam said. “If you’re not required, I’ll pay you a gold still. I want you at my service as my porters, our porters, this month.”

“I heard the good man,” Remy said.

“I did too,” Jeremy said, nodding his head.

“Good. I’ll leave a message at the Adventurer’s Guild if I leave inexplicably, and they should have the coin on hand to pay you for that day, and you can go about the rest of your days, business as usual.”

“Right, whatever you say,” Remy said.

“I’m working too?” Nobby asked.

“That’s right,” Adam said, patting his muscled shoulder. “You’ll be there too.”

Nobby nodded his head slowly, not understanding exactly what he was meant to do, but he’d just follow his uncle.

Once the Iyrmen returned to the inn, they ate their evening meal. Being Iyrmen, they didn’t have to pay, and considering Adam still was under the effects of the deal, he didn’t pay either.

In the evening, Adam formed a meeting with the party in the girls’ room, which was a slightly larger room with a pair of beds. “I would like to be the leader of Fate’s Golden,” he said.

The trio stared up at him expectantly.

“Not because it would be great for my status, lording over a bunch of Iyrmen,” he said, sarcastically. “I’m sure there will be times we will need a leader to lead. I’m not saying any of you are worse than me, and I’m not going to say I’m better than any of you, but I would like to know that once we’re in the thick of things, we’re all on the same page. I might say or do something which sounds ridiculous, but I want to know that you’ll be following the order, and then I’ll explain later.”

“I was…” Adam cleared his throat, glancing to Jurot for a moment. “I was born in another culture, in a place far from this. You could walk ten thousand miles in any direction and you wouldn’t find it. I was born with specific beliefs. I… I really don’t want to die.” Adam stared at the trio. “I know it’s what you Iyrmen are all about, but I don’t want to die, I’m sick of it. I want to adventure, you know. I want to slay manticores, and great beasts. I want to save a Princess in her tower, slay the dragon which, for some reason, has her captive. I want to return back to the Iyr and see my little sister again.”

The trio stared at him long and hard.

“I don’t want to die, not yet. I don’t want you to die yet either. If you’re going to die, I want it to be in a blaze of glory, not against a bear, or a wolf, or a tiger. So I’m asking you to trust me. I’m asking you to let me carry you to Gold Rank, and then we can figure out the best end to your story.”

“You saved my life,” Kitool said. “Dying to a brown bear immediately after setting off would have been a shame to my family, which is already struggling. You have enchanted a weapon for two favours. You are asking a favour, but there will be no charge, Adam.”

Jurot nodded.

“I really want to be the leader but I know no one will vote for me,” Jaygak admitted.

"Even though I said I'd be the leader, I want you to understand that if any of you want me to step down, I will. And, I'll be taking your words into consideration. In fact, there will be times when I'll leave matters to you. I'll do my best to make sure no dishonour comes to your name."

"I trust you, Adam," Jurot said.

Adam smiled.



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Adam wants to be bossman.

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