Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

[903] – Y04.003 – Long Goodbyes

“How can you do this to me?”

“Adam,” Jurot said, placing a hand on his shoulder. 

“Do you wish to be so cringe so early within the year?” Vonda asked.

Adam couldn’t believe his brother and wife were bullying him like this so early. “It’s my birthday. If I can’t be cringe today, when can I be cringe?”

“Do you wish to return to the Front Iyr?” Vonda offered.

“They’re taking the triplets too…”

“Then you may go.”

“Are you coming too?”

“I would like to spend some time with Mother Florence.”

‘Damn.’ Adam thought about how awkward it was. The triplets were having their birthday, and so was their mother. ‘If she stays here, then it’ll feel too distant. Konarot’s already awkward about their relationship. Should I just keep the triplets here? No, I’ll keep all of the children here, but what about their aunt? Lanababy’s going to go too. Can’t she stay too? No, the Iyrmen already said the children have spent too long outside of the Iyr.’

Vonda held Adam’s hands within her own. “It will be fine, Adam.”

Seeing the look on Adam’s face, even Mother Florence felt bad. She had intended to leave quickly at the beginning of the year, as the wedding had passed, though she wished to spend more time with Vonda. However, seeing the conflict on the half elf’s face, regardless of how much she disliked the boy, she couldn’t refuse how he embodied much of Mother Soza’s love, especially with his children, who were… special. 

“I will leave today too,” Mother Florence said, taking Vonda’s hands within her own, as the holy acolytes did. Technically, Vonda should have taken the Mother’s hands in her own since she was a Ray, but Vonda refused to do so to Mother Florence. 

Vonda smiled warmly towards the older woman, the pair remaining silent for a long moment. “I wish you a peaceful journey.”

“Ray Vonda…” the Mother called out, squeezing the woman’s hands, brushing the Ray’s knuckles gently. “Do not forget, you are still a Ray of Life’s Rose. If you need any assistance, we are but a Sending away.”

“I will send word when I can.”

Mother Florence reached up to the young woman’s face, brushing the young woman’s cheek with her thumb. She did not see the eyes of the young woman before her, but that of a young girl, who knew a deep dark secret, one which only the Mother knew, and perhaps now the young woman’s husband.

“Mother’s blessings upon you, Ray Vonda.”

“Mother’s bessings upon you, Mother Florence.”

“We should escort the Mother and the Seventh Hope,” Amokan said, still wiping his blade clean from slaughtering the beasts only a few minutes ago. The handsome Iyrman’s smile contrasted his bronze skin, his long dark hair a mess, his eyes filled with a ferocity that had not been satiated by simple beasts. 

“Are you asking for a fight?” Adam asked. “You haven’t even spoiled Inakan enough and you’re planning to leave.”

“We should leave soon since we have completed our tasks.”

“You should relax for a little while longer. What’s the rush? You’ll be gone for a few years at least, so you should spend more time spoiling your sister.”

“Will you not spoil her?”

“I will, but that’s different, and this is different.”

“We cannot send the Mother and Seventh Hope alone.”

“Who said we’ll let them go alone? We’ve got tons of people we can send. We’ve got Nobby and…” Adam thought for a long moment. ‘No, we can’t just send Nobby, he just got married too.’ “Dunes and…” ‘No, they just got married too. I forgot this is the newly weds arc.’ “We can send Lead Fred and Lead Jonn to escort them.”

“What of their return? They cannot return just with the pair of them.”

“I’ll send Brittany along too, and the farmers, they can go too.”

Amokan crossed his arms. He wanted to leave, but Adam was making it difficult. Though they hadn’t spent much time together, Adam was Jurot’s brother, so he needed to take the half elf seriously with that relationship in mind. Plus, once he was Chief, he would need a good relationship with Adam to keep him in line. 

“We can go,” Nirot said, too excitedly. “We can escort the Mother and the Seventh Hope.”

“You can’t,” Adam said.

“Why not?”

“You’re a Rot.”

Nirot blinked. She furrowed her brows, unsure if Adam was picking a fight with her. ‘No. He is too scared to pick a fight with me, even if he can beat me.’ “I cannot go because I am a Rot?”

“That’s right.”


“We can send the rest of the teens I guess…”

“They are no longer teens,” Jurot corrected.

“You know what I mean.”

“We should name them appropriately.”

“What was it that they wanted to be called?”

“Silver Fate Squad.”

“Oh, right. Then I’ll leave it to the rest of the Silver Fate Squad. I’ll have Lead Fred assist you too, no, Lead Jonn.” ‘If I send Fred out, George will feel lonely, won’t he?’ 

Adam checked up on the rest of the business, the workers all glancing his way after they gathered from their morning work. “I’ve got to return back to the Iyr due to some matters. You don’t have to worry though, Manager Dunes and Manager Amira will watch over you. Lead Jonn will be gone to escort Mother Florence and the Seventh Hope alongside the Silver Fate Squad. I’ll also be heading out later next month to escort an esteemed guest. I’ll make sure the Enchanter works hard this year so none of you go hungry.”

Dunes nodded towards the half elf, already guessing why Adam was returning back to the Iyr. ‘I will need to prepare gifts too.’ 

The businessfolk didn’t have much to say, considering it was pretty much business as usual. The farmers wondered if they were going to be sent out to escort the members of Life’s Rose, but once the morning meeting ended, they returned to tend to the fields. It was the first real day of work they had since they joined the business proper, and the strange familiarity of the work oozed through them. 

Their partners assisted them in the fields, but there was an awkwardness within the air. Rick could feel his wife’s gaze upon his back, and she knew what it said. ‘Just because we’re Experts, it doesn’t mean we can’t farm.’

“Cobra?” Adam asked towards the young woman who had all but shaved her head, the young woman wearing fresh wraps around her fists and forearms. 

“Do you want us to go with the Silver Fate Squad?” Cobra asked, standing at the ready. 

“No, no, you can stay here.”

“You’d prefer us here?”

“We still need some of our own guards at the fort. It’s awkward if too many of them are Iyrmen.” ‘I need to prepare their payment too.’ Adam reached over to his chest, feeling the book against his chest. ‘I should double check how much are in the coffers.’

“Okay,” Cobra replied awkwardly. 

“Plus, the undead will rise up sometime later and I’ll be occupied at the time. Dunes and the Iyrmen should be able to deal with the undead, but you’ll be needed too.”

‘The undead?’ Cobra thought. ‘Didn’t they already raise during the Twilight Month?’

‘Should I really send Jonn? He’ll be so much better against the undead. Still, I can’t send Fred. Maybe…’ “Could you call Brittany for me?”

The young woman arrived swiftly, her soft steps near silent upon the fort’s floor. She had short chestnut hair and dark eyes. The young woman was adorned in light leathers, and carried upon her back a bow made of deadwood as well as a pair of magical blades at her side. “Executive.”

“I was planning on sending Lead Jonn ahead, but I realised it might be best for him to stay here, what with the undead raising and all. We need to send someone who is related to the business proper, though. Fred can’t go, because… you know. Nobby just got married. I can’t ask Korin or Lady Sara, they’re not really a part of the business. Cobra and the others… I want to make sure their siblings are settled properly before sending them out, and the rest of the business members, well…” Adam raised his brows. 

“You want me to represent the business?”

“You wanted to travel, right? The Silver Fate Squad is strong enough that you don’t have to worry about most threats, so you should be safe.”

A flash of fire filled Brittany’s mind. If it had been years ago, she probably would have believed Adam’s words, but after meeting that monster, she wasn’t so sure. “I’m not that strong.”

“Your sword play might not be as good as Nirot’s, but who can use a bow as good as you?”

“Executive Kitool.”

“Perhaps, in some ways she might be better, but I’ve seen how your arrows tear through bears twice the size of me. You’re an Expert now, trained by Iyrmen, and your arrows have struck through hydras. Last year I asked you if you wanted to compete against the Whirlwind Arrows, and I wasn’t doing that because I thought you’d embarrass yourself.”

Brittany’s cheeks flushed slightly. The magical blades at her side, gifted to her by the business, felt so heavy. “I’ll do my best, sir.”

“Mister or Executive, yeah?” Adam winked. “If you don’t want to go, that’s fine, I’ll send Jonn, but I want you to go. The Iyrmen, they might get a little crazy, but with you around, they won’t do anything too silly, and they’ll come back home safe and sound.”

‘You want me to shepherd the Iyrmen?’ Brittany’s eyes remained cautious and incredulous.

Adam smiled in response. “Don’t worry, you just need to show your face. Leave the talking to the Iyrmen.”


Adam bowed his head, dismissing the young woman. He watched her leave, going to prepare herself. ‘She’s got to learn to show off more.’ Adam made his way to the Silver Fate Squad.

“Jaygak?” Adam asked, spotting the Iyrman speaking with her cousins, who had lined up before her.

“I was just telling them they shouldn’t get themselves killed.”

“Asking Iyrmen not to die?” Adam joked.

“What am I meant to say to Taygak?” Jaygak asked.

“You could tell her he died a good death, isn’t that right, Laygak?”

“Cousin Adam is right, for once,” Laygak replied.

“What do you mean for once?” Adam narrowed his eyes at the Iyrman, who was no doubt Jaygak’s cousin. “Anyway, your task is to escort the Mother Florence and the Seventh Hope safely. You should prioritise Mother Florence’s safety while escorting them, do you understand?”

The Iyrmen exchanged glances between one another. They understood the relationship between Vonda and Florence, though the Mother didn’t seem too happy about Adam. 

“Okay,” the Iyrman replied.

“I’m sending Brittany with you, she’ll be representing the business too. Once your task is complete, you can spend a short while relaxing, but then you’re to escort her back to the business safely.”


The groups gathered at the gates of the large fortress which imposed upon the islet between split rivers. The businessfolk and all the Iyrmen gathered about to say their goodbyes to the esteemed visitors of Life’s Rose.

“Mother’s blessings upon you Ray Vonda,” the Seventh Hope said, standing tall and proud within his full plate armour. A fellow considered a Master, even if he was the weakest of the Seven Hopes, he still gathered respect from any commoner within Aldish lands, and the surrounding lands, even the Iyr.

“Mother’s blessings upon you, Hope Thomas.”

“Though you may remain within the Iyr’s land, do not forget your roots.”

Ray Vonda smiled a polite smile towards the Hope. “I will never forget my roots.”

“Hope Thomas,” the voice cut through the air. 

Hope Thomas’ body filled with a deep chill, which crept into his heart. His eyes slowly turned to meet Adam’s, the half elf grinning wide towards the Seventh Hope. The Hope’s arm throbbed from the memory.

“May Lord Sozain watch over your journey,” Adam’s lips said, but his eyes spoke another sentiment. ‘You punk! How dare you talk like that to my wife? Didn’t I beat you hard enough?’

“Mother’s blessings upon you, Brother Adam.”

Adam slowly nodded his head. “Yeah.”

Vonda let out a soft sigh, though allowed Adam his moment. She was glad he didn’t start any bother with the Hope while he remained with them, and she was even more grateful that the Seventh Hope had learnt to keep his mouth shut around the Iyrmen. ‘Mother Soza guide you both.’


Adam really should have beaten him up harder. 

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