Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

[910] – Y04.010 – A Fair Fight I

Adam watched from the cart, having fired off a single Flame Bolt towards the wolves, while the Iyrmen made short work of the wolves, three dead within seconds, while the rest of the wolves darted away.

XP Gained: +100
XP: 3 700 -> 3 800

Adam’s eyes fell down to the three large wolves which had fallen, each dire wolves like Kit’a and Jay’a. ‘Have we really grown that much stronger?’

The Iyrmen, who had burst forth with death, didn’t even break a sweat. Lucy, however, remained beside Mara, staring down at the wolves awkwardly. She had been so eager to slay them upon first sight, but after a few moments, she realised how little she wanted for their deaths, especially considering their company.

‘Last year I didn’t get to fight much, but now…’ Her eyes fell to Vonda. The shame filled the young woman.

“You didn’t want to fight?” Adam asked.

“Are wolves worthy enough for me to kill?” Lucy replied, huffing as she rested her large greataxe against her shoulder, her eyes towards the sky, avoiding the gazes of her companions.

“There is no need to take much from the beasts,” Amokan said, taking note of Vonda’s presence. “We should take a few pieces for our trophies and leave the beasts behind for the forest to consume.”

The Iyrmen began to butcher one of the beasts to part between themselves, while Vonda prayed for the beasts’ souls, and the group continued along their way. The villages on their journey gave them little trouble, while Adam handed over the gold for the gate fee. The villagers’ eyes lay cautiously upon the charcoal skinned fellow.

When they came across the third village, the Iyrmen paid keen attention to how many labourers were working on the northern side of the village, and the soldiers overseeing the task.

‘A road?’ Jurot thought. ‘Towards the new forts they are building?’

It was the day before Red Oak when Adam recalled the Aldish were building new forts, as they came across an outpost in which they found some trouble. The Vice Commander of the Order of the Thousand Hunts glared towards the group as they approached.

“Halt!” shouted the Commander of the fort, an old man as pale as time, who wore his wrinkles with pride, like the medals over his breastplate. He wore full plate armour, with a long dark cape, and he rested his elbow casually between the hilt of his blade and his side. “I hear there are demons afoot within your group.”

“Greetings Commander,” Jurot replied. “I am Jurot-,”

The Commander drew his blade, pointing it towards the Iyrman. His eyes then fell across the pair of red skinned women to the side. “Are you the demons?”

Lucy began to sweat slightly, noting the archers upon the walls, with bows pointing against the floor, with arrows knocked, ready to be drawn.

“Excuse me,” called the smooth voice of the Prince. “I am Prince Morkarai, Seventh Prince of the Fire Giants of Shakador.”

“A Prince? What is a Prince doing, cavorting with demons?”

“They are escorting me safely to return home.”

“Demons, escorting?” the Commander asked. “Have they charmed you?”

‘Damn it,’ Adam thought, his sharp sigh breaking through the silence around the group.

Thankfully, there was still wisdom within the group, as a figure removed her helmet, revealing her face. She smiled, her lower face partly burnt. She reached down towards her amulet, holding it with both hands.

The Commander’s eyes darted from the Prince to the figure who had removed her helmet. His blade pointed downwards, away from the group. “Blessings upon you, Mother.” The Commander’s voice held the slightest doubt, vaguely recognising the black attire the woman wore, keeping her hair hidden, and only her face open to the world, not even her ears peeking against the world.

“I am Ray Vonda, of Life’s Rose,” Vonda said.

The Commander inhaled deeply, his eyes falling across the Vice Commander of the Thousand Hunts beside him for a moment. “What do we owe the pleasure, Ray Vonda?”

“We are merely escorting the Prince safely through the land. I have been tasked by Mother Priest to watch over those you call demons.”

An awkward silence filled the air for a long moment, while Vonda smiled politely towards those within the fort.

A soldier glanced towards his companion. ‘I didn’t sign up to shoot arrows at a Ray.’

‘Relax,’ the soldier replied, squinting her eyes towards the woman. ‘No way we’ll shoot arrows at a Ray.’

The Commander inhaled sharply. There was still a doubt within his heart. She was too young to be a Ray, that was for sure, but there were very few people who would pretend to be a Ray. “Do you have any proof you are a Ray.”

Vonda held up her amulet, and the Commander marched down from the walls, the gates opening as the Commander stormed forward without missing a beat, the Vice Commander trailing behind him.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again, Vice Commander,” Vonda said, smiling politely to the Vice Commander of the Thousand Hunts.

“…” The Vice Commander vaguely recalled the woman. ‘Did she pass by with the Hope previously?’

“The Seventh Hope passed by a few weeks ago,” the Commander said. “Do you know of him?”

“Hope Thomas,” Vonda confirmed. “He was escorting Mother Florence. They arrived for my wedding.”

“Your wedding?” the Commander asked.

“I married at the end of the last year.”


“Thank you.”

Adam stood a little taller. ‘Yeah, that’s right.’ “There were also a group of Iyrmen, and a young woman escorting them, right?”

“Correct,” the Commander said, checking the amulet thoroughly, before handing it back to the Ray. ‘If they know this much, then it should be fine.’ His eyes scanned across the tattoos of the Iyrmen. “Are you all related to those who passed by?”

“They are our younger cousins,” Jaygak confirmed.

“My father is in charge of escorting them,” Amokan said.

“Prince Morkarai, was it?” the Commander asked.


“And you are returning home?”


“What brought you to Aldland?”

“I was given a task by my family, and I have completed it.”

“What task was that?”

“I was to assist the Iyr.”


“I was to defend it.”

“From what?”

“From whatever may have come to threaten it.” Morkarai’s eyes remained staring at the Commanders.

“Of course.” The Commander glanced between them all. “You may enter the fort. The demons are considered under the watchful eye of Life’s Rose.”

“I must press the issue,” the Vice Commander said.

“We do not support your action,” the Commander stated, firmly.

“We do not need you to support our actions, it is our oaths which we obey.”

“Do you truly wish to press the issue?” Ray Vonda asked, her smile still so polite.

“I must.”

Morkarai’s eyes fell to those who wore amulets, eleven total, the ten heavily armoured fellows stepping up behind their Vice Commander. ‘How troublesome.’ “Must you step forward to attack those who are escorting me?”

“If it is a matter of escorting, we will send two of our own to replace the fiends.”

“You will be unable to send them,” Mara said, crossing her hands over her navel as she straightened up, her eyes darkening. “They will not survive.”

Though the Vice Commander’s eyes fell to the demon who spoke to him, a deep heat of hatred filling his bones, he could see from his peripheral vision of the Iyrmen shifting about. They twisted their bodies from side to side, while one stretched herself against her staff, while the figure in purple remained still like a statue.

Adam leaned in towards Vonda. “Will he step back?”

“He may not,” Vonda admitted.

“I won’t kill them, but…” Adam motioned his head to the Iyrmen around him.

Vonda inhaled deeply. “I can only request you do not kill them, but am I able to stop Iyrmen from killing?”

“You just need to ask, and I’m sure our brother won’t kill anyone.”

“…” Jurot nodded.

“Jaygak, Kitool, will you two kill if we ask you not to?”

“It’s more difficult not to kill,” Jaygak said.

“Yeah, so won’t it be more impressive?”

‘He’s right.’ “I will not kill, but… I wish to face the Vice Commander.”



Adam frowned. ‘I wanted to beat him up.’ “Okay.”

“Then I won’t kill,” she replied, smirking as she donned her helmet once more.

“I will not kill if it is requested,” Kitool stated calmly, stretching out her neck from side to side.

“Shikan, Timojin?”

“You would ask us not to kill?” Shikan asked.

“Seriously? Are you going to treat my wife like this?”

“Okay,” Timojin replied.

‘His wife?’ The thought passed through all those around him. ‘Was he talking about the devilkin, or the human?’

“Dear, why don’t you step back, I don’t want to get blood on your armour,” Adam said, placing a hand on Vonda’s back, guiding her to step aside. “Why don’t you remain beside Prince Morkarai, that way we’re still considered to be escorting him.”

“You will be outnumbered,” Morkarai said, cutting through their thoughts of figuring out who the fellow in purple armour was talking about.

“That’s fine.”

‘Why are they speaking so casually?’ the Vice Commander thought. “It seems you Iyrmen have yet to learn about this world.”

“We know more than enough, Vice Commander Harrison,” Amokan said, flashing a wide smile. “Your companions make up four who hold the title of Senior, and six who hold the title of Warrior.”

“If you know that much, you should step back.”

“How strong are Seniors and Warriors?” Adam asked.

“Seniors are between Experts and Masters. Warriors are Experts.”

“What?” Adam asked.

“If you know that much, you should step back,” Vice Commander Harrison said, drawing his blade, pointing it towards Lucy and Mara, calming his rage. “We will forgive you for your transgressions if you step back now and allow us to execute the demons.”

“Hold on,” Adam said. “I feel like this is bullying.”

“We are executing justice,” Harrison stated, his voice growing deeper and darker, full of authority.

“Lucy, Mara, you two should step back.”

“What?” Lucy asked.

“I will not step back.”

“You need to step back, otherwise how can we show off?” Adam asked. “If we talk about how we beat up a bunch of Experts, it’s not that impressive, but if we’re outnumbered two to one, then it’s acceptable.”

Lucy blinked. “If they want to take our heads, they won’t do it without me tearing them apart.”

“Take your heads?” Adam asked, donning his red shield, gripping it tight in hand. “If they want your head, they should at least be as strong as that bastard.”

The air suddenly shifted as Adam pulled out Wraith. The shaft was grey, the blade made of a steel the colour of dark night, with a small streak like lightning across its side. He could feel it brimming with great power. It was a weapon which was considered among the best he had made.

Jurot drew his own axe, the purple metal gleaming in the late afternoon sun, the young Iyrman’s body full of deathly anticipation. Phantom’s magic filled his fingers, the blade perhaps considered the best that Adam had made, except one which could trade blows with it.

Kitool grasped Tigerstaff in hand, feeling its great magic within it. The same staff which, if she had used it against Jurot, would have certainly granted her victory in the tournament two years ago. It was, as Adam would put it, a really nice staff. On the outside there was nothing special about it, but within Kitool’s hands, she could feel as though she could defeat the Vice Commander. No, perhaps she could defeat even the Commander of the fort. This staff, no doubt, matched the might of Phantom.

Jaygak strapped her shield, and unsheathed her own blade, the dark steel barely catching the light. The magic within it coursed through her finger tips, through her hand and up towards her shoulder. The blade glowed gently upon Jaygak’s will, the young woman’s eyes glued to the Vice Commander. The blade was also among the best Adam had made.

Shikan and Timojin drew their own weapons, each considered Basic Enhanced, and though not quite as good as any of their companions, they were better than the Basic weapons their opponents held.

‘I almost feel bad for them,’ Shikan thought.

‘I should beat them well since I cannot kill,’ Timojin thought.

The Vice Commander could feel his hairs stand on end, and as his blade pointed towards his opponents. He could feel it. A chill which he hadn’t felt in so many years.

Battle Order (Dexterity)
D20 + 1 = 2 (1)


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