Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

[936] – Y04.036 – The Road to Home II

The light air of Life River allowed Vonda to finally relax within the carriage, staring out of the open window as they rode across the bridge of light, approaching the island. The workers, mostly women, assisted the group as they stepped out of their carriage, ready to take their mounts and vehicles off to one side. Adam held Vonda’s hand as he helped her out of the carriage, before offering his hand to Mara, who accepted his forearm. 

Adam said nothing while the women approached him, undoing his axebelt. The women smiled as Adam handed over all of his weapons and his shield, the half elf unstrapping his armour too. The mercenaries also removed their weapons and doffed their armour. Prince Morkarai did the same, not wanting to offend the Order, nor their patron, Mother Soza, Goddess of Life. Jurot also offered his axe and shield, causing Kitool and Jaygak to pass their gear along too. 

The group were quickly escorted into the stone fortress, noting the large open courtyard, which seemed even larger within. There were dozens upon dozens of acolytes around, and a large number of Priests, including a particular set of devoted followers who wore silver or gold suns beneath their holy symbols. 

‘I guess Bobby isn’t about?’ Adam thought, smirking slightly, before noting the sight of Hope Thomas, bowing his head towards the young Hope, who narrowed his eyes in return. ‘Is he still salty? Come on, man, that was almost a year ago now.’

A particular Mother approached, far too quick for a woman her age, her strides long and powerful. She reached out to hold Vonda’s hands within her own. 

“Mother Soza bless you,” Vonda said. 

“Mother Soza bless you,” Mother Florence replied, holding the young woman’s hands. She noted Vonda had gained some weight, and with the way she looked, slightly nauseated, while noting the young Ray trying to keep something close to her chest, the Mother smiled. “I will escort you all to your rooms.”

Lord Morkarai remained silent, finding it awkward to introduce himself as of yet, while Karza’s eyes snapped all across the fort. She could feel it, the heavy magic which pressed against her shoulders, and though she couldn’t feel the gaze of the Divine, she was certain there was still some greater connection from this place to some of the Lesser Divine at least. 

A pair of Hopes escorted the group to their rooms, each room rather small and bare, but well built with stone. As Adam placed down his back, he inhaled deeply, letting out a long sigh. He glanced all around the room, feeling the tingling sensation across his body.

“Excuse me, I’d like to pray and donate to the Good Mother, if it’s not a problem.”

“You may pray freely to the Mother within our temple,” the acolyte replied, bowing her head lightly.

“Is there a chance I can meet with Mother Priest?”

“Mother Priest is currently indisposed.”

“Right…” Adam sighed. “Alright, well, can I pray in front of a statue of the Good Mother?”

The acolyte reached into her sleeve before pulling out a small statue, offering it to the half elf with both hands and a bowed head. 

‘Is she picking a fight with me?’ “Thank you.” Adam plucked the statue from the acolyte and placed it onto the nearby cabinet. Once he was alone, he dropped down to his knees before the statue, placing down a gem in front of it, before falling into a prayer. 

Meanwhile, Vonda sat within another room with Mother Florence. She held the Mother’s hand within her own, the pair ruminating in the gentle silence. 

“Congratulations,” Mother Florence finally said after they had finished their silent prayers. 

“Thank you.”

“How are you feeling?”


Mother Florence wanted to say more, do more, but she allowed the young woman to bask in the silence for moments longer. 

While Ray Vonda remained with Mother Florence, Lord Morkarai sat with the two Hopes, who had assigned themselves to watch over the demons, who had assigned themselves to watch over the Prince. 

“We were not informed a Prince was visiting,” Hope Ava said, her green eyes staring over the fire giant curiously. She was a beautiful woman, in Morkarai’s estimations, with strawberry blonde hair cut short.

The Fifth Hope kept her attention on the demons, who seemed to do their best to ignore the dark gaze from her dark eyes. 

“I must apologise for not sending word ahead, it had slipped my mind due to certain matters,” Morkarai replied, drinking the warm tea they had set for him, not daring to warm it up while in the Order of Life’s Rose. 

“Should you require an escort, we can assist,” the Second Hope offered, smiling politely towards the fire giant Prince. 

“I thank you for your courtesy, but Lucy and Mara are quite capable themselves. Perhaps once I return back to my land, I will ask for your assistance, if the offer is still available.”

“It will surely remain, unless other matters call our attention,” Ava replied, doing her best to commit, but not completely resolutely.

As evening continued to fall, the group were invited to dine within the large hall, where dozens of acolytes and Priests sat for their evening meal, eating a light meal of grilled vegetables and fish, sometimes lathered in herbs and butter, porridge, and a small army of fruit, ready and eager to be devoured. 

Adam sat opposite a familiar face, one which was pale, the older woman’s deep eyes full of compassion and delight. She was also covered head to toe in her habit, even her hands were hidden away from sight. An amulet of Life’s Rose lay against her bosom, not truly betraying her rank within the order.  

“Congratulations,” Mother Priest said, her lips wide with joy. 

“Thank you,” Ray Vonda replied, while Adam replied with a nod, mumbling his own gratitude.

“Do you wish to give birth in the temple?”

“I will give birth within the Iyr,” Vonda replied.

“Will you raise the child within the Iyr?”

Adam blinked, having only just realised he hadn’t spoken to Vonda about that sort of thing yet. His eyes darted towards the woman, who sipped away at the tea, the subtle flavour dancing along her tongue.


“In a land full of death, I can only worry for your child.”

“The Iyr’s reputation with children is understated.”

Mother Priest wasn’t sure if she could convince Vonda, but she had already planted her within the business for her own sake, and she wasn’t foolish enough to peek into the Iyr. “Your children will always be welcome here.”

Adam’s ears twitched, and though he wanted to speak up, he remained silent. He thought of his triplets, his twins, and his youngest son. ‘Yeah, right…’

“We had some trouble upon our journey. I hadn’t realised I was pregnant, and there was… a situation.” 

“A situation?” Mother Priest asked, reaching out a hand to place atop Vonda’s, squeezing it for a moment. 

“I fell within the ocean and it was quite turbulent.”

“Have you felt any stomach pain?”

“Not in some time.”

“I will check upon you later tonight.”

“Thank you.”

Adam cleared his throat. “Yeah, thank you, Mother Priest.”

“How did such a situation come to pass?” Mother Priest asked, her accusatory glare falling upon the half elf. 

Adam bit his lower lip. “Well…”

“Prince Morkarai wished to trouble Adam, and troubled us all,” Vonda said. “He regrets his actions dearly.”

Morkarai glanced to the side, his eyes full of guilt. “Indeed. I am ashamed.”

Mother Priest sipped her tea, unable to taste the tea for a moment, instead feeling her own stomach churn. She inhaled the vapours of the tea before placing down her cup. “We are fortunate to be Priests of Life. Mother Soza blesses us with healthy bodies, and though we still feel the typical symptoms of pregnancy, we are particularly resilient when it comes to pregnancy. It is difficult for the children within us to grow up without great health, though that does not mean we should test it.”

‘That’s good news, I guess…’ Adam rubbed the side of his neck for a moment. “Right, about the donation, how much would be acceptable?”

Mother Priest glanced towards the visitors Adam had brought with them, this time it wasn’t just any peasants, but a Prince, a dragon, and a figure who gave an aura of death. Then of course there were the Iyrmen, the demons, and somehow, children. 

“There is no need for a donation,” Mother Priest replied.

“There’s no way I’m coming to Life’s Rose without a donation, especially not when I’m worried about so many other things,” Adam replied. “I’m not sure how long we’ll stay, but let’s just say a hundred gold for now.”

Mother Priest bowed her head, returning back to her meal, her thoughts preoccupied with Vonda’s worry.

“I noticed that not all of the Hope are around this time,” Adam said, glancing aside to the three hopes which remained. 

“The Hopes and Rays are working elsewhere,” Mother Priest replied simply. 

“Right…” Adam decided against asking more, not wanting to know more. “I appreciate your help in this trying time, Mother Priest.”

“Ray Vonda is no stranger to our order, nor are her children.” Mother Priest caught Adam’s eyes, noting how the young half elf held a question within his eyes, but he decided against asking. She decided not to reply to the unanswered question, allowing the half elf to trouble himself for once.

Jaygak sighed, feeling the awkwardness in the air. She glanced around the Aldishmen, and not just any Aldishmen, but Eastern Aldishmen. ‘Will they cause trouble again?’ 

Though Jaygak preferred less trouble here, she could feel how eager Jurot was for trouble. Last time, they had dared to speak ill of their elders. The Order of Life’s Rose, which had not dared to step out to face against the monster known as Asa during the civil war, the same civil war which had taken Jarot’s leg and Otkan’s arm.

Jaygak’s eyes fell to Adam. Last time he had come, he had decided to beat their Hopes with his peculiar abilities, the most of important of which was perhaps his ability to shift Fate. Now, the half elf was so meek. 

‘Should I cause trouble?’

Kitool pressed her knee against Jaygak’s, causing her to huff and glance aside. 

‘I was just thinking about it, that’s all…’

Bilal’s eyes fell across the entirety of the fortress, noting the pathways he could take to leave, pathways which were available only to his fleet of foot, and perhaps, Kitool’s. 

“Saba,” Zainab asked, holding up a piece of fruit for the older Aswadian, who guiding the fruit to the girl’s lips. 

“You should eat it.”

“This is Life’s Rose?” Ali asked. 

“It is.”

“It is so big.”

“It is.”

Ali’s eyes continued to dart all around, while Omer picked away at his food. 

‘No meat? No meat? You cannot grow big without meat.’

“Omer, you must eat up all the food, even if there is no meat,” Bilal stated.

Omer raised his brows towards Bilal and quickly stuffed the vegetables into his mouth, chewing them with great effort. “There is no basar!”

“Do you think Aldland has basar?”

‘No meat, no basar…’ The boy drank the milk, wincing at the flavour. ‘No goat milk? I want to go back home!’

As Bilal urged the children into their room, Jurot and Jaygak assisting the children to bed after their bath, Kitool placed a hand on Bilal’s shoulder. 

“Do not cause trouble in Life’s Rose.”

“I will not.”

“Okay,” Kitool replied, allowing the fellow to enter the room. She slipped away into the shadows, returning back to her own room beside theirs, along with Lucy and Mara. 

Adam sighed, laying upon his bed by himself. ‘I need to do something…’

Meanwhile, as the stars sparkled in the dark sky, Vonda remained silent, focused in her meditation within the depths of Life’s Rose. Mother Priest continued to paint the markings against the young woman’s stomach, the concoction formed with holy water and shredded silver. 

The gentle chanting from the Rays filled the air. This was magic which was not like the spells they formed, for they understood the effects of the spells to a great degree, but this magic? 

It was old.


They only assumed the magic would help, but in order to make sure Ray Vonda remained healthy and gave birth to a healthy child, the Order did what it could to make sure the myths of Life’s Rose continued to live within the hearts of the people.


Friendship ended with Kalid



is my

best friend

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