Beyond The Outline

Chapter 106

Chapter 106 One hundred and six

In the middle of the school exam, there was a snow in the imperial capital. A few days ago, the last snow had not melted, and a thick white layer soon accumulated on the roof and ground.

Over the years, the contents of the school exams of the Central American Academy of Fine Arts have attracted the attention of art students, and they will provide direction for the next art students to prepare for the exam. Yangmei re-modeling and Tsinghua re-designing, but these two majors are also notoriously difficult to test. Many candidates will not be able to pass the test for a year or two…

Rao Kang Kai, a well-known “star player” in City A, did not dare to go up. When he asked Xu Sheng, he found it difficult to test him where to go. The master wrote lightly: “Take a look and then a design. .”

“You are really my father,” Kang Kai said, “it’s awesome.”

Few people in the “Three Primary Colors” studio dared to take the exams of these two majors over the years, because they knew that they were sad, and they didn’t dare to take the exams. Take last year’s candidates as an example. There are also more than a dozen people who have obtained certificates from the eight major academies of fine arts. That is, there is no major in styling in Central America, at most a major in urban design.

This year this year I also encountered a Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng invited Kang Kai to go with him before the test: “Testing?”

Kang Kai stepped back abruptly: “Excuse me, my ambition is not here. The exam questions for these two majors were abnormal last year, and I must be autistic after the exam.”

Xu Sheng: “Is it difficult?”

Kang Kai: “It’s not difficult, this is abnormal.” Kang Kai just wanted to stay away quickly, “My mother advised me not to touch these two majors.”

The several school exams that Xu Sheng took were all in **** mode.

Exam Questions-Major in Plastic Arts, Sketch: A young man, the model covers his mouth with his left hand, his right hand is hidden behind his left elbow, and his lower limbs are crossed. Color: Portrait of a young woman. Sketch of the proposition: My 2019.

For art candidates, the exam questions that year brought an end to their efforts over the past few years.

At the same time, the non-existent holiday quickly passed. Linjiang Sixth Middle School will start the next semester to allow the students to adjust their mentality. Meng Guowei said on the stage: “Don’t be nervous, we just finished another round of review. Let’s go home first. Adjust and adjust.”

When he spoke, his eyes swept across the stage.

Remembering that Xu Sheng’s seat has been empty for more than a month.

This occasionally stood on the podium and couldn’t see the back of the head lying on the table, which was a bit unaccustomed.

Qiu Qiu always asks: “When will Brother Sheng come back, can he come and save our new issue of blackboard newspaper.”

Tan Kai, who has experience in kindergarten crayon drawing: “Hey, do you want me to do it again?”

Qiu Qiu: “…” Fear.

Tan Kai: “Sister Qiu, don’t worry. As the saying goes, I will be able to learn from the experience and draw more on the blackboard this time…Where are you going, Sister Qiu? Don’t go.”

Qiu Qiu went to the back row and sat in front of Shao Zhan: “Learning God, when will my brother Sheng come back? Let Tan Kai draw the blackboard and report that this is the end of our class.”

Tan Kai walked over with the exercise book: “Sister, I have been offended.”

Shao Zhan: “He has been busy with the school exam recently. It is estimated that there is still a week left.”

Qiu Qiu let out a disappointed “Oh”.

Shao Zhan hoped that Xu Sheng would come back sooner than she did.

Occasionally, I wanted to say a few words to him between classes, only to realize that the person beside him was not there.

For the sake of review, I often go to the second year textbooks and look through the content that Xu Sheng scribbles indiscriminately on it.

Tan Kai: “Although I also miss Brother Sheng very much, I think I will definitely be able to paint well this time—”

Qiu Qiu turned his head: “You should shut up.”

After the school exams were all over, Xu Yaping wanted to ask Xu Sheng to go home and rest for a day before going to school. However, Xu Sheng couldn’t leave the culture class, dragged the box and directly boarded the bus back to No.6 Middle School: “No, I was asleep on the way back. All the way, you go to the company, I can go directly to the school.”

Xu Sheng glanced at the time before getting off the car. At two o’clock in the afternoon, they should still be in class at this time.

I clicked on Shao Zhan’s profile picture. After thinking about it for a while, I still planned to give him a surprise. I sent a photo taken on the high-speed rail: I just got on the high-speed rail.

Boyfriend: How was your test?

S: It’s okay, the school exam questions are not difficult.

This made Kang Kai see that he must have vomited three liters of blood-you **** picked two of the most abnormal majors to take the exam, and it’s not difficult to say that after it’s finished, other candidates still have to live.

During class time, the corridor of the third grade teaching building was very quiet, only the sound of lectures from each class gathered together and faintly floated out of the windows.

Dust was flying in the classroom of Class 7, and the blackboard behind Zhou Yuan was densely written with steps to understand the problem. He waited for the students to copy it and erased a piece with the blackboard eraser, then turned to continue drawing: “Let’s look at the last big topic, in the picture. In the geometry shown, EA⊥plane ABC…”

Xu Sheng didn’t stay in the dormitory much after putting his suitcases away. He walked along the corridor to seven shifts, Zhou Yuan’s voice became clearer and clearer.

When passing by other classes, someone inadvertently raised his head and noticed the figure passing by outside the window. Only half of his face and a black earring hidden under the broken hair were visible.

This is… Xu Sheng?

Xu Sheng did not go to the front entrance. He originally wanted to go in through the back door to give Zhou Yuan and Shao Zhan a little surprise, but the back door of Class 7 was tightly closed: “…”

Xu Sheng scratched his hair and could only change his plan.

Shao Zhan copied half of the problem-solving steps. The sunlight outside the window was blocked by something. Yu Guanggang caught a glimpse of a hand on the edge of the window—a bandage was wrapped around the forefinger joint of that hand, and his fingers curled up and grabbed onto the protruding window edge.

Before anyone could see clearly, pressing down on his wrist, a figure flipped in from the rear window effortlessly, only a few seconds before and after.

Before Xu Sheng “Congliang”, it was commonplace to cross the wall. Everyone in the classroom was listening to Zhou Yuan’s lecture seriously. No one paid attention to the rear window and the little movement from the rear window. Xu Sheng straddled the desk with long legs. When Shao Zhan lifted his eyes to look at him, he put a finger on his lips and said, “Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.)

But in the blink of an eye, Xu Sheng stepped off the desk and sat down on the chair.

Xu Sheng put up a textbook that he hadn’t touched for more than a month and said, “I forgot to bring my school uniform, for fear that Zhou Yuan would catch me.”

He committed this rule very naturally.

Naturally, it seems that there is no blank period of more than a month in the middle.

Shao Zhan was in a trance for a moment.

“Isn’t this very simple,” Xu Sheng said, seeing the question Shao Zhan was copying, “Do you also copy this?”

Shao Zhan never copied simple questions like this, and only copied the third question for big questions. At most, write the second solution for other questions, which can be solved in two or two lines.

Shao Zhan didn’t continue to copy, he pulled out the test paper and took it on Xu Sheng’s desk: “What do you think.”

Only then did Xu Sheng see that it was not his test paper. There were no marks of scoring and no scoring. Two words were written in the candidate’s name column: Xu Sheng.

“When I come back, I will copy it myself.”

Not only this test paper, but also a stack of test papers on his desk. They were all simulated test papers taken when he was away, stacked in chronological order, and the idea of ​​solving the problems was clear.

Kang Kai: Are you at school yet?

Kang Kai: My mother, I took the exam as soon as I went back to school, and my eyes were blackened. Fortunately, I rubbed a few times when your partner gave you a make-up lesson, but I really didn’t see anything during the school exam.

Kang Kai: There are also the papers reviewed in the previous round, so high!

Xu Sheng forgot to turn off his mobile phone, took a picture of his own test paper before turning it off, and inadvertently (deliberately) focused on the problem-solving steps written by Shao Zhan: I also have a lot of test papers.

Kang Kai naturally didn’t miss that obvious little detail:…Damn.

Xu Sheng took out a pen from the belly of the table and sat in the class for a long time to copy the topic. Zhou Yuan turned around after filling the blackboard, “I don’t know what you all think about this auxiliary line, ah, I can paint everywhere, I really want to—”

Zhou Yuan stopped when he said this, and saw a man sitting in the empty seat in the back row: “Xu Sheng?!”

As soon as the voice fell, the other students in the audience swept back and said: “?”

Hou Jun was shocked: “Brother Sheng? When did you come back.”

Xu Sheng: “Do you miss me? I’ve been back for a while.”

Tan Kai was more shocked than Hou Jun: “Where did you come from?”

Xu Sheng: “…It’s not important.”

Zhou Yuan said hello in a very special way. He came up and threw a piece of chalk.

Xu Sheng: “…”

Zhou Yuan: “It’s nothing, I’ll just make sure-Shao Zhan, what are you blocking for him.”

This confirmation method is special enough.

Xu Sheng’s return to school inexplicably drove the atmosphere of the class. They had been suppressed for too long during this period. Tan Kai and the others came around like a gust of wind: “Is the exam finished? What kind of art exam? I heard that you are still in the imperial capital… ”

Zhou Yuan didn’t stop them, but walked over and asked, “How is it, do you need a teacher to accompany you for another year next year.”

Xu Sheng smiled and said: “No need, thank you teacher, I am very touched that you have such a heart.”

Post it in Sixth Middle School.

-Xu Sheng is back? ?

-I’m back, I don’t know how he did in the exam. I just passed their class and saw Xueshen lecturing him.

-Envy, I also want to be at the same table with Xueshen.

After Xu Sheng returned to school, he was no more relaxed than in the studio. He started to make up cultural classes day and night. Kang Kai said he had a hard time and went to the two schools to test the most difficult majors, but he was most worried about not being able to enter the small circle. I still passed the school exam and never passed the culture class.

There is a sentence in the “Guide to Applying for Fine Arts”: It is best for candidates to apply for this school with a cultural score of 420 or more, and be cautious when applying for a score of 400.

He now has an average score of just over one hundred, and he can get a hundred and two in mathematics, but his English has just pulled down the score for the extra test.

He and Shao Zhan’s tuition mode is reversed. In the past, the “reward” was given to Xu Sheng unilaterally by Shao Zhan. Now that he has finished speaking a few questions, Xu Sheng listens carefully, and then releases his pen from time to time to let him. Come closer: “I didn’t catch the sentence just now, what formula?”

“You come closer.”

When Shao Zhan approached, Xu Sheng directly put a sticker on his lips: “Mr. Shao, your reward.”

Shao Zhan: “That’s it?”

Xu Sheng tilted his head and smiled: “You are asking a lot, sir.”

At the end of the entrance exam, Linjiang Sixth Middle School’s matters about “art students” are temporarily put aside, and no one expects Xu Sheng to get a high score in the exam. On the contrary, the leaders of Liyang No. 2 Lieutenant Colonel were full of spirits every day. The culture class of their school has sprung up this year, with two wizards appearing, and the art class is as good as in previous years—just waiting for the scores in the joint entrance exam.

The director Jiang who went to Linjiang to participate in the exchange meeting last year sat in the office, relaxed with his hands folded behind his head, and chatted with another teacher: “The content of this year’s school magazine can be conceived in advance. To fully demonstrate the strong strength of our school, the first place is definitely still in Liyang…Didn’t Director Li, who is in charge of fine arts, say that this year’s fine arts scores are much higher than last year.”

“Okay Director Jiang, I’ll make arrangements right away.”

With such an energetic face, Director Jiang ushered in the day when the results were announced.

“The number one in the entrance exam is…Yes…” The teacher who came to report said it was unsatisfactory.

Director Jiang patted him on the back: “Don’t get excited. Oh, I think you are too excited. As for being so happy, what’s so exciting? Isn’t it the first place in the entrance exam? Knowing that you are happy, learn from me and calm down. Some. Come, tell me now, which student from our school is the first one?”

“No, it’s not from our school,” the teacher said. “It’s a student from Linjiang.”

Director Jiang froze, and the whole person petrified: “…what did you say?”

“Oh, Ms. Meng, what are you excited about?” Gu Yan was frowning in the office of the director of Linjiang No. 6 Middle School. “Did Xu Sheng fail the exam again?”

Meng Guowei rushed all the way up. At his age, this little belly, it was good to be able to run so fast. At this moment, he couldn’t breathe, so he could only shake his head.

“I’ll just say, what art test did he take well? When did we have an art test candidate in Linjiang?” Gu Yanwang sighed when he said that, regretting it, “Lao Meng, I know how you feel now, and I too Very sad, very sad. Calm down. One failure means nothing. Tell me how far he is from the passing score this time.”

Meng Guowei checked the scores, and until now, he is still in the stage of speaking bad words. He reluctantly said: “First, first.”

Gu Yanwang was not surprised at all. His heart hurts even more. He was confused and said: “…Why did you get the last one in the exam?”

Meng Guowei had a mess in his mind, and organized the language to say: “Director Gu, it’s a positive number.”

“First in the city.”

“The total score in three subjects is 450. He scored 446 in the exam.”

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