Beyond The Outline

Chapter 108

Chapter 108 One hundred and eight

At the exchange meeting half an hour ago.

This year’s exchange meeting is full of flavor. Before Liyang targeted Linjiang, Yinghua challenged Linjiang with the shame of losing in the four-school league last year: “This year’s four-school league, we Yinghua will not retreat.”

Yinghua, as the leading school of key schools, has left other schools a few blocks away in the past dozens of league games. How can it be “insulted”.

Shao Zhan did not know where he came from. After enrolling in high school, their Yinghua never scored in the league.

Last year was too much!

They Yinghua didn’t even hold the second place!

After I went back, I found out that the second-ranked kid named Xu Sheng, usually ranked last in Linjiang’s grades, they still couldn’t understand why, and finally pointed the finger back at Shao Zhan——

Does Linjiang, Shao Zhan, think it’s too boring to play against them?

Bring your tablemates in and teach them by yourself, wanting to increase the sense of accomplishment!

If Shao Zhan knew that their brains were so big, he would give them three words: thinking too much.

Li Yang didn’t hold his first place in the joint entrance exam this time. He sat down for a long time and asked after hearing the “Four Schools League”. He expressed interest and raised his hands actively: “Our school has two outstanding students this year. Li Yang also wants to participate!”


“We at Liyang want to show our strength in cultural classes!”

Gu Yanwang recalled: “We have always adhered to the principle of making progress together and advancing together, so this year Liyang No. 2 Middle School wants to join, and we also welcome it.”

“Every year, the league time is adjusted. Everyone can prepare as usual. This year our team’s lineup is similar to last year. Two new high school students have joined. Come and introduce yourself.”

It was the first time for the freshman to participate in the league. The young and youthful faces were full of excitement and anticipation. The two new contestants briefly introduced themselves: “I will try my best to match the seniors Shao Zhan and Xu Sheng, maybe I There is no such amazing talent for competition as Senior Xu Sheng, but I will try my best—”

Xu Sheng, who has an amazing talent for competition, is now chaotic.

It was so chaotic that Shao Zhan patted his hand underneath, but he didn’t react.

Until Shao Zhan leaned over slightly and said two words in his ear: “Return to God.”

Xu Sheng temporarily moved the sickle of the **** of death hanging around his neck, and asked before dying: “Li Yang is going to compete, did those two get struck by lightning?”

Shao Zhan: “I don’t know.”

The last time Xu Sheng babbled that he had a talent for competition, it was entirely because of the exchange of bodies with Shao Zhan.

Some time ago, he trained and took the joint exam. He had already forgotten about the league. How could he have thought that this year’s league still has his place.

Xu Sheng’s brain was blank, and he had no time to control Liyang’s two: “Fuck, what should I do?”

Shao Zhan: “Get ready to talk to Director Gu about the story of hurting Zhongyong.”

Xu Sheng: “…”

“Don’t worry,” Shao Zhan said again. “Looking back and thinking of a way, I really can’t pretend to be sick and retire.”

Xu Sheng was silent for two seconds: “Do you think Lei will come if I call it sincerely.”

Shao Zhan: “…”

If he could, he really wanted to be struck by lightning again.

After the meeting

, Gu Yan called Xu Sheng alone: ​​”Xu Sheng, come over.”

Xu Sheng walked over slowly: “…Director Gu.”

Gu Yanwang pulled out the USB flash drive: “You performed very well last year. It was a blockbuster. The teacher continues to look forward to your wonderful performance this time.”

You have to jump in the pits you dug with your eyes closed.

Xu Sheng didn’t know how to say: “I…actually…” Maybe you have heard the story of hurting Zhongyong.

☃The latest chapter of Papaya Huang’s work “This Topic is Super Outline” was first published and updated on the whole network from https:”>a>, domain name ☃

Gu Yanwang is very confident in him. After all, it is Shao Zhan’s personally certified talent for competition: “You don’t have to be under pressure, just perform normally as you did last year.”

Gu Yan Wang said a few words without giving Xu Sheng any room to turn.

Xu Shengxin said that I was not normal last year.

I’m at the same table in my body.

I opened up.

… But obviously this cannot be said.

The matter of the five-school league soon spread throughout the school.

Especially high school seniors, all of them are like Jiufeng Ganlu. After the third year of high school, the entertainment life is severely lacking. Even the blackboard newspaper competition can be compared with relish. The five-school league competition has caused a high degree of discussion.

Hou Jun: “I heard that there is one more school this year? Li Yang also participated?”

Xu Sheng absent-minded: “Yes.”

Qiu Qiu: “Last year our class was not fully prepared. This year, we should help it with everything.”

Yuan Ziqiang: “This year’s venue is Xingjian, right? Xingjian’s kind of “noble school” must have a huge venue. Two big brothers, come on, I’m ready to shout for you.”


Xingjian is indeed a well-known “Hao”, and it is also the only “rich” school among all high schools in City A. It has set up several international classes for each grade to go abroad to study.

There are less than two weeks left until the five-school league is held.

When Hou Jun and the others dispersed, Xu Sheng sighed. The weather is not as cold as before. He only wore a pair of thin jeans, with a large back row and long legs stretched out. He confessed, “Fuck, I still pretend. Get sick.”

Shao Zhan also thinks this is the only way: “I will go with you.”


“Be a witness for you.”

Xu Sheng touched his nose: “Go step by step, I will pretend to have a cold these few days.”

Shao Zhan hooked the pen with one hand, reached into the belly of the table with the other hand and took out his hand: “Okay, I will check the news first before you install it.”

After he said this, Xu Sheng also remembered the painful experience of pretending to be sick last time: “…”

Although the issue of the five-school league has not been resolved, Xu Sheng temporarily left it behind and couldn’t help but smile: “Brother, did I say that you had a false cough at the time.”

After checking the news, Shao Zhan threw the phone back: “You cough like it?”

“Slightly more like you,” Xu Sheng recalled now, only feeling incredible, “I was so stupid when the **** I entered the isolation room.”

Xu Sheng also recalled the scene where Zhang Feng and the others snot and tear, looking at them through the bars: Don’t give up the hope of life——

Xu Sheng: “It shouldn’t be so coincidental this time.”

It was not so coincidental this time, and there was no news on the news.

The next day, Xu Sheng was about to take out his mask. Zhang Feng heard the news of the league and came to the seventh class to find him: “Are you going to participate in the league again?

Zhang Feng lay by the window: “Awe-inspiring boss, the real person does not show his face, what are you doing with the mask, are you feeling sick?”

Xu Sheng had already put on the mask, and a “um” sounded particularly dull through the mask, which caused Zhang Feng to not hear clearly.

Shao Zhan came a few minutes late. He threw the sugar he bought from the canteen when he passed the cafeteria on Xu Sheng’s table. As a witness, he opened the seat and was about to say something to help before sitting down: “He was cold at night…”.

⊖Would you like to read Chapter 108, Chapter 108, of “This Question is Super Outline” written by Papaya Huang? Then remember the domain name of https:”>a>⊖

Zhang Feng: “Speaking of physical discomfort, our school attaches great importance to senior high school students. We are worried about our health problems before the exam. Just a few days ago, one of our classmates sneezed, and Gu Yan directly took him there. When I went to the school infirmary, I took my temperature and planned to send to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination.”

Zhang Feng said with emotion: “The school really cares about us!”

Xu Sheng’s hands peeling sugar paused: “…”

Shao Zhan: “…”

Xu Sheng died slowly.

Zhang Feng didn’t realize that the bodies of the two people opposite were a little stiff: “Why don’t you talk anymore? What did he say at night?”

Shao Zhan turned around: “He slept late at night, don’t disturb him.”

Zhang Feng gave a stunned “Oh” and turned to Xu Sheng: “Boss, what are you doing with a mask?”

Xu Sheng: “Concave shape.”

Zhang Feng punched a question mark in his heart.

Xu Sheng raised his hand and hooked the edge of the mask, and gently hooked the black mask down, revealing a half-high nose bridge: “Wear it casually, can’t you pretend to be too forceful.”

“…” Zhang Feng said, “Okay.”

Although this statement is very inexplicable, Zhang Feng has to admit that the word “pretend to be forced” is used very well and is indeed handsome.

After Zhang Feng left, Xu Sheng pulled off the mask directly, stuffed it into the belly of the table, crushed the sugar, and admitted desperately: “Is there any competition questions? I will try a few sets.”

Embracing the Buddha’s feet is the last resort.

Shao Zhan didn’t give him random supplements. The scopes were all questions that could be used in the college entrance examination. He should be supplemented when the questions are improved.

In the evening, Xu Sheng sat at the desk with a few “competition practice papers” spread out on the table. Before he raised his pen, he couldn’t help looking back at his short life: What is it that made him a scumbag on this path? What, let him encounter these.

Xu Sheng struggled to make up, but in other words, he was a person who had experienced the last league match. He had seen some problems before.

It is said that fortune and misfortune depend on each other. After Xu Sheng started to make up the competition questions, he scored an unprecedented high score on the math simulation test a week later: 131 points.

When Zhou Yuan handed out the test papers, his hands were trembling: “A good Xu Sheng, with a score of 131. The teacher never dreamed that you could get this kind of score on the test——”

Xu Sheng: Thank you, teacher, I never dreamed that I would have today.

Although he occasionally got a high score on the math test, Xu Sheng still had no idea. The difficulty of the contest question was far from that on the test paper. He added that it is already great that he can understand the question now, basically only Being able to answer the first question is a waste of time even after thinking about it.

The eagerly anticipated five-school league is held on Sunday as usual.

This year, it is no longer Linjiang’s home stadium. The sixth middle school students need to gather in advance and take a bus to Xingjian Middle School.

Xu Sheng’s participation in the league this time is different from last time, and he puts on the school properly.

Clothes-the rules are not so rules, he was full of calculation formulas when he was washing, his coat zipper was open, and he was caught by Shao Zhan directly before going out.

Xu Sheng leaned his back against the door, and was forced to wake up a bit more clearly by the breath that Shao Zhan snatched away when he suddenly approached.

Shao Zhan gave him a heavy kiss on his lips. He moved his hand down and touched the cold zipper. He pulled the zipper up with his backhand: “If you don’t know, please leave it blank. If Director Gu asks, let him come to me. .”

There can be many rhetoric.

For example, the question he was pressed was not accurate.

Can always get past.

There were a total of eight contestants in the Linjiang Sixth Middle School competition group, but a lot of spectators went, and a total of three buses were sent.

There is still a long distance between the school gate of Xingjian Middle School and the complex building. The European-style carved guardrail encloses the school. After the iron gate is slowly opened, you can pass through a green lane before you can see the complex building and the “Xingjian”. Big print.

A brown-gray clock with Roman numerals is hung on the tall spire on the right side of the complex.

On the side is a line of school motto like small print: a person who dares to waste even an hour’s time shows that he still doesn’t know how to cherish the full value of life. -Darwin

The “rich” school has a well-deserved reputation.

Linjiang arrived early. When the participating group got off the bus, the other schools on the square hadn’t come yet. The classmates whispered: “This is too arrogant.”

“I heard that Xingjian is a noble school, but I didn’t expect Haocheng to be like this.”

The banner was drawn up on the square in advance, “The 16th Five-School League is launched in our school-warmly welcome all participating schools”.

Xu Sheng sat on the steps in the center of the square, and Shao Zhan took advantage of the last moment to instill knowledge theorems on him: “Do you remember Seva’s theorem?”

Xu Sheng’s characteristic is that he is able to put on airs, even if he doesn’t remember at all, he is still very confident when he says the three words “I don’t remember”. Sitting on the flower bed and sitting on the flowerbed is a feeling of “Lao Tzu City”.

In less than ten minutes before and after, buses from other participating schools slowly drove in from the school gate, group after group of competition groups walked off the bus, and the second school visited was Yinghua, who I saw last year. Yinghua has graduated from the third year of the senior year in which Yinghua competed last year. The fresh blood of the senior year has been replaced. I heard that Yinghua also has two talented players who are difficult to deal with this year.

The uniforms and logos of these schools, Xu Sheng, were seen in the league last year.

These contestants all got off the bus in batches, basically six to eight people. However, the last bus that drove in was different from all other schools. There was a card in the window that said ” Li Yang”.

The bus door slowly opened, and several teachers got off the bus first.

Then the two teenagers got off the bus one after another.

The sun was bright at noon, and the one who was walking in front pulled his hat up with his backhand before getting off the car and bent down slightly. The black hat covered more parts, covering the young man’s overly delicate and even sharp eyebrows.

He put his hand on the door of the car and waited until he got out of the car to see the person standing behind him from the perspective of others. The other young man was tall, with his head sideways smiling and greeted the driver’s master, when he turned his head to the side. You can clearly see the sharp neck line of the teenager.

Until the one who got out of the car first knocked on the door twice, warning: “Get off now.”

…The other schools are all from the same team, and there are really only two in Liyang.

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