Beyond The Outline

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 Twenty-eighth

It is a rumor that there are four teachers in one class each month, so it is simply unrealistic to have four teachers in so many examination rooms.

Seeing that there were only two teachers invigilating the exam, Xu Sheng was relieved.

Otherwise, he doesn’t know how to block the test paper in the middle of the exam.

It’s just a little bit more troublesome. The invigilator in the first examination room is the Chinese teacher of the next class. Although this teacher does not take the seventh class, he is Xu Shenggao’s class teacher at the time.

The woman is slender in high heels. After distributing the exam papers, she stood on the stage and read the exam papers from beginning to end, then put them down and reminded: “…there is no big problem, just relax and answer.”

What can the teacher worry about for the candidates in the first examination room?

It’s so worry-free.

All of them are good seedlings of 985211, and there is no need to invigilate the exam, even if there is no teacher in the classroom, nothing will go wrong.

After Xu Sheng finished writing his name, he let out a sigh of relief, turned the test paper over, and began to look at the questions word by word.

If you don’t understand it once, read it twice.

If this was before the day of jumping back to the wall, Xu Sheng himself wouldn’t believe it: he, Xu Sheng, could one day have such a correct attitude towards exams.

The surrounding students had already buried their heads and started answering the questions. For a while, there was only the sound of the pen tip on the answer sheet in the examination room, and the sound of turning pages from time to time, and the fan was spinning overhead.

When Xu Shengzhen began to look at the questions, he found that there were many familiar questions on the examination papers.

Through these questions, he seemed to see Shao Zhan taking a bath at night and drawing questions in his bedroom. The young man’s eyebrows were drooping, and he circled the question with his pen. He looked up and saw that the person opposite was not listening at all. He hid one hand underneath and was secretly playing with the mobile phone. He turned the pen upside down and nodded on his forehead. “Listen carefully.”

Shao Zhan’s bet is really accurate.

Xu Sheng glanced over the questions on the entire test paper and found that 80% of the test sites had been covered by Shao Zhan.

Not only Chinese, but also other subjects.

But there is an impression, and whether or not to write are two different things.

Xu Sheng could only bite the bullet and try his best to answer.

The invigilator originally sat on the edge of the podium. After sitting for a while, he was probably tired. He remembered to stand for a while, so he began to walk back and forth around the aisle—especially like to stay at seat 1.

Although the female teacher has never taught Shao Zhan, the student’s reputation in the grade group is enough to impress any teacher in any class.

She wanted to see how Shao Zhan answered the question.

Stand on the side and glance at the answers to the candidates’ exam papers to estimate the performance of the students in this exam. This is the habit of every invigilator.

However, every time her gaze swept to the corner of the answer sheet, the first grader swiftly pulled out the test paper and covered the answer sheet with the answer on the left half!

This speed is staggering, the curling face is tightly blocked, a word is not seen, and there is a posture of “If you don’t go, I won’t let go”.

“…” Is this a quirk unique to the first grade?

Don’t like to let people see the answer?

The female teacher looked at him again, and walked around the other group with a question mark on her face.

The final examination room.

Although Shao Zhan saw a few of them that Xu Sheng handed over before the exam

Looking at the exam paper, Xu Sheng’s answering method is really difficult to replicate. He leaned back and turned the pen in his hand, but he did not start answering the questions for a long time.

The penultimate person at the front desk is a quick and fast hand, never stopping.

The black ink pen in Shao Zhan’s hand fell on the table after turning a circle. Shao Zhan simply threw down the test paper and lay down for a while as Xu Sheng said. Before he got down, he reached out and patted it down. Shoulder.

The second one didn’t look back, and he leaned back. Xu Sheng was really pitted by Xu Sheng. He leaned against the back desk and asked, “What do you want to do again.”

Shao Zhan’s tone did not fluctuate: “Give me a copy of the answer later.”

Second to hear “Answers: https:” >a>_”

These two words immediately exploded: “It’s not enough for you to use the same trick once. Do you want to insult me ​​a second time?!”

The tragedy that gave the answer last time is really lingering in Dao Er’s heart.

I vaguely remember how sincere Xu Sheng’s words were at that time, sincerely boasting that the average score is only 50 points, and expressing in good time, “I don’t care about other people’s answers, I think you have potential.”

The central idea.

It was so complacent, and finally let go: “Let’s do it, I will give you the answer.”

As a result, Xu Sheng actually used the excluded answer** in that exam, and got even higher than him!

In fact, I’ve never felt afraid of this school bully before, and he’s still very good at talking. However, I don’t know if it’s his illusion. Today’s “Xu Sheng”

It seems not as easy to talk as before.

The boy suddenly approached him, and the distance between the two shortened.

The second one only felt a chill coming towards him, his heart tightened, as if he had returned to the moment when he was pushed on the table just now, and then four words rang in his ear: “Will you give it.”

Shao Zhan’s voice didn’t actually have the feeling of forcing others, but the awe-inspiring sense of oppression still went straight into the second ear.

The second one didn’t even react, and he blurted out: “…here.”

Insult it.

If you don’t give it, the school bully is afraid that he will have to give him another meal after class.

The second-to-last answer came quickly from the front row.

Shao Zhan really didn’t want this answer as he thought it was. He was completely using it for reference, to see how real scumbags would answer the question.

“The exam is over, please put down your pen and stop answering the questions.”

“Please stay in the original examination room. After 15 minutes, take the next exam, the second exam subject, mathematics.”

The broadcast is repeated twice.

After Xu Sheng handed in the paper, it was probably because the classroom was too hot and tense, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his back.

Fearing that other students in the examination room would ask him with questions, he left the classroom directly after he handed in the papers.

Xu Sheng really had nowhere to go after he handed in the papers, so he avoided the crowds and went to the small shop near the cafeteria to buy food. The small shop only had a small window open. This small window was still a little short for the height of “Shao Zhan”, so he was bent. Waist, pointed at a few things across the window.

“Okay, there are seventeen in total,” the boss tore off the transparent plastic bag from the side and put things in, “I don’t have enough change, classmate, would you like to make a whole?”


In order to make up the number, Xu Sheng took a candy bar in hand.

Then he sat in the dining area on the side and took out his mobile phone to show his sympathy to the same table.

-How are you.

-Are you still alive?

Shao Zhan probably didn’t look at the phone and didn’t reply.

Xu Sheng didn’t send any more news. He finished the sandwich in his hand and removed the candy in his pocket. Then he bit the candy and walked to the school building… The candy still tastes mint, and the ice makes people sober.

He didn’t return to the first examination room, and he didn’t dare to return. He knew that he was correcting the answer by seeing a group of people gathered through the window.

He went around in a circle, and only felt his breathing smooth when he went to the final examination room.

Still comfortable in this examination room.


In the end, the people in the examination room were busy writing a cheat sheet for the next exam. The classmates gathered in a few groups, and there were also people who hid in the corner of the back door and played games. It may be that the exam was too exhausting just now, and Shao Zhan was lying on the desk to make up for his sleep.

Looking at it from Xu Sheng’s angle, only the hand of the young man on the edge of the table and half of his neck can be seen.

Shao Zhan is incompatible with the entire environment of the final examination room, but there is no fusion.

There seemed to be two repulsive qualities in him at the same time.

Shao Zhan didn’t want to sleep, but after closing his eyes, his consciousness was drawn away in the mixed sounds around him.

“Why do you come to the exam every time?”

“I came back and sat in the exam room for two hours just to hand in a blank paper… People who really want to give up will not do this kind of thing. Look at the others in the exam room. Those who really don’t want to learn.”

“Shao Zhan,”

The voice asked again, “What are you struggling with? ❄https:”>a>_❄”


The dreams are bizarre, and the pictures continue to look back, like fragmented black-and-white silent films, connecting the time and space that are in disorder and real existence, and multiple voices are interspersed in the ears, and it is difficult to distinguish whether it is reality or illusion.

The position in front of Shao Zhan was empty, and the second one was pestering in the back door game group.

From the moment Xu Sheng entered the door, the final examination room fell into a very strange silence.

“That’s Xueshen?”

What is Xueshen okay to do in their examination room? !

Then they looked at “Xu Sheng” as if there was no one beside Xueshen

He sat down on the front vacancy with his long legs on the ground, his hands resting on the back of the chair.

Everyone was “learned to find a school bully”

This scene shook for a while and didn’t know how to react.

Xu Sheng wanted to talk to Shao Zhan for a while.

Seeing that he was sleeping, I didn’t want to disturb him. I wanted to leave a candy on Shao Zhan’s table and left. As a result, as soon as he stretched out his hand, before touching the desk, Shao Zhan opened his eyes.

He was particularly keen on these people who were approaching suddenly. He hadn’t seen who the opposite person was, and Xu Sheng’s wrist was already grabbed by him in the next second.

“Don’t be so passionate.”

Xu Sheng grabbed the sugar and said in a daze.

Shao Zhan returned his thoughts and let go of his hand: “What are you doing here.”

Xu Sheng said: “Your exam rooms are all correcting the answers, and I’m afraid that I will come back and ask me what the answer is, come and avoid it for a while.”

After Xu Sheng finished speaking, he passed the candy in his hand: “Do you want to eat it?”

Shao Zhan didn’t say he wanted it, and Xu Sheng stuffed the sugar directly into his hand.

“Mint, refreshing. I think I did well in the test. The first time I **** looked at the question so carefully, this time I must have performed supernormally,” Xu Sheng said, “Don’t worry too much.”

Shao Zhan peeled off the sugar paper, and the mint smell really rushed over his head.

Accidentally calmed the emotions: “You may not understand what it means to play super long.”

Xu Sheng: “What do you mean?”

Shao Zhan: “What do you mean.”

Xu Sheng: “Fuck.”

“You can just hand in the blank papers for the next exam,” Shao Zhan said. “Handing in blank papers is better than filling in the answers upwards.”


Will Shao Zhan die if he doesn’t mock him for a day?

Level ten players with taunting ability.

The monthly exam lasts for two days.

These two people, Xu Sheng and Shao Zhan, lived like a year. They were in deep water, and they were tortured. There was one after another.

The exam bell rang again.

Until the last clear and long exam bell is over—

Accompanied by the cheerful voice of Gu Yan Wang on the radio: “Students! The monthly exam is over. I believe that all the students will do their best to submit a perfect answer sheet. No matter the result is good or bad, the most important thing for us now is to quickly correct it. With a new attitude to meet the next stage of learning…”

Xu Sheng couldn’t hear the rest of the story clearly, because as soon as he put down his pen, he heard a thunder that could almost overshadow the radio.


This sound is almost an illusion.

The people in the examination room were still laughing and talking to each other, and no one seemed to have heard the loud noise. At the end of the exam, the invigilator also breathed a sigh of relief and smiled and greeted everyone to collect the exam papers from the front to the back.

Xu Sheng couldn’t hear anything and couldn’t move.

He can only see the invigilator’s mouth opening and closing, as if the scene in front of him is slowly moving away from him, there is a strong sense of withdrawal that does not belong to this world, and the thunder outside the window is getting louder and louder. !

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