Beyond The Outline

Chapter 43

Chapter 43 Forty-third

“Unity is strength !”

Broadcasting continues to impact everyone’s eardrums. The loudspeaker is hidden behind the door. The broadcast is not only in the bedroom, but the broadcast on the green road outside the window is also singing: “This power is iron, this power is steel!”

There was a wailing in the corridor, and despite reluctance, he responded positively.

After turning over, Hou Jun remembered the time given by the instructor yesterday. He suddenly sat up from the bed, closed his eyes and started looking for the military uniform, and put on him in twos or twos: “We only have fifteen minutes. Don’t sleep!”

Tan Kai is like a walking corpse, his behavior and consciousness are stripped away, his hands are heavy: “I’m so sleepy, I suddenly feel that studying is happier…”

Hou Jun smashed one pillow over, and Squad Leader Hou was not afraid of anyone in terms of organization and mobilization, and another pillow was smashed firmly on Xu Sheng’s head: “Don’t learn anything, get me up!”

Xu Sheng: “…”

Only then did Xu Sheng sit up. He put his hands on the sheets, glanced sideways, and saw that Shao Zhan was already wearing military training pants, standing next to the bed with his back facing him and his jacket. The upper body of the boy is naked and naked, with a smooth back line, prominent shoulder blades, and a thin waist down, still carrying the unique youthfulness of a teenager at this age.

Xu Sheng only caught a glimpse of this second, and after a second, his tattoo and back were covered.

Shao Zhan raised his hand to button up his clothes, did not pursue Xu Sheng’s gaze on him, only reminded: “You have ten minutes left.”

Only then did Xu Sheng “fuck”, lifted the quilt and began to change clothes.

It doesn’t take much time to put on clothes and brush your teeth and wash your face. Organizing things is the most time-consuming and laborious. Hou Jun finally folded his quilt into a regular tofu block, worried that the school bully would not act according to the rules. If he remembered correctly, yesterday When instructor Wang was teaching, this master didn’t even listen.

Hou Jun turned his head and wanted to urge him, and he turned to Uncle Xu, who was leaning on the bed rail and doing nothing, “Brother Sheng, you…”

Can you follow the rules!

Hou Jun couldn’t say this, because he saw Xueshen who was helping to fold the quilt, and he turned his mouth: “…you quilt is folded well.”

Xu Sheng agreed: “I also think I folded the quilt at the same table well.”

Xu Sheng was shamelessly begging Shao Zhan yesterday. Today he is even more straightforward: I won’t. You slept in this bed yesterday. Do you want to turn your face away from the bed after sleeping?

Shao Zhan dropped a sentence after stacking it: “Fold it by yourself tomorrow.”

Xu Sheng: “Okay, tomorrow I will find a way to beg you.”

Shao Zhan stopped talking, and finally took Xu Sheng’s military training hat on the bedside with a cold face, and buckled it on his head, covering most of his sight: “Button up your clothes, go down and gather.”

Ten minutes later, the radio changed from “Unity is Strength” to a rapid whistle. Accompanied by the sound of the flute was the sound of the instructor holding a big horn at the door of the dormitory building a countdown: “Classmates, you still have five minutes, three minutes, two minutes… the last minute!”

The entrance of the corridor was crowded with people, and the students walked out in a panic.

Xu Sheng was not in a hurry, and swayed slowly over, stuck at the last second to join the team.

In the morning, the training content is running, around the playground, five laps for girls and eight laps for boys.

Tan Kai almost ran away half his life as a representative of the physical education class.

Instructor Wang said: “If you stick to it, there are two laps left. I believe you can do it…” After the instructor said, Tan Kai, who saw his pace getting slower and fell behind and parallel to the first row of classmates, issued a soul question, “You kid really Is this a physical education representative?”

Tan Kai was even weaker to speak, and fell directly to the second row: “…I am.”

After this fall, the whole class couldn’t help but laughed at him: “Don’t you be ashamed of you, Kaizi!”

Tan Kai: “…”

Xu Sheng was too happy. He ran and laughed, and touched Shao Zhan with his elbow: “How can he become a class representative? If the physical education teacher is here, he will be dismissed on the spot.”

Shao Zhan cruelly restored the situation of the selection committee on the day: “Because no one wants to be.”


This cruel reality.

The sun was shining on this group of people, a thin layer of sweat was drenched on their backs, and the hot wind blew. Xu Sheng smiled unabashedly, and his tone of voice rose. He was not at peace for a long time, and he lifted his sleeves up while running. , Shao Zhan listened to the boy’s bright laughter, and his heart rate suddenly became unbalanced for a moment.

Tan Kai, amidst everyone’s ridicule, simply gave up on himself, ran further and further behind, and finally fell to the last row and stood side by side with Xu Sheng and others: “Brother Sheng, Brother Zhan, don’t make fun of me anymore, hit me and me again. I’m going to fall into another company…”

Hou Jun hates that iron can’t make steel: “If you fall into another company, don’t come back!”

Not only the person next to him, but the voices of everyone in Class 7 also rushed in with an overwhelming attitude.

Shao Zhan narrowed his eyes and asked whether the sun in the morning is so warm.

“Okay, very good, our Seventh Company, with no one to lead, with our own perseverance, everyone except the sports committee has persevered,” said instructor Wang after the training was over, “worthy of praise.”

After training seven, students line up to go to the cafeteria for breakfast.

There is a half-hour break in the middle, and we will gather again at 9 o’clock, and then start the morning activities.

After getting acquainted with the Luzhou base for a day yesterday, the students are already familiar with the cafeteria. They are already hungry. The food in the Luzhou cafeteria is average, and it feels very good to eat after replacing it with food that is usually disgusting: “I I must be hungry. How can this hard-boiled egg be so delicious?”

“And this white flour bun, delicate!”

Shen Wenhao praised: “It is soft without losing tenacity. After suffering, it returns to sweetness. From the tip of the tongue to the bottom of my heart, the aroma of flour comes out—”

Not to be outdone, Hou Jun lowered his head and took a sip of porridge, followed by admiration: “This bowl of millet porridge, there is less rice and more soup, just two words after drinking it, smooth!”

Tan Kai watched as they had blown everything on the table, so he could only cast his eyes on the only remaining pickles: “This… this is a bit difficult.”

Xu Sheng: “…”

Shao Zhan: “…”

Xu Sheng put his chopsticks aside, joined the rainbow fart army, and said, “I’m coming.”

“This pickle…” Xu Sheng paused, completely forgetting his Chinese proficiency. He thought for a long time before he thought of the word “refreshing”, but before he could blow it, the corner of the table was hit by someone.

Their table was very close to the dining window, and separated from the aisle next to the row. The movement was not small at that time, and the entire table was skewed by a few centimeters.

“How did you walk and hit someone’s table?” The voice was familiar.

Xu Sheng raised his eyes and saw Yang Shiwei coming out from the back of the person who hit the table with a plate. All of them were wearing Honghai’s military uniforms, and they seemed to be together. He said with a smile but a smile: “–I don’t apologize to others yet. .”

Xu Sheng subconsciously looked at Shao Zhan’s reaction and found that his face was frighteningly cold.

The person who was carried back by Yang Shiwei grinned and apologized: “I’m sorry, I’m holding things, it’s something wrong.”

After he finished apologizing, Yang Shiwei let go of his hand holding the man’s collar and stood at the table of Shao Zhan: “I didn’t have time to have a good conversation when I met you last time. I didn’t expect you and I to be fate, ah. By the way, introduce myself, I am Shao Zhan’s junior high school classmate.”

This sounded nothing wrong, but the atmosphere was not right, and the tone was not right.

Hou Jun and Tan Kai looked at each other, shouldn’t they say hello.

Yang Shiwei had just opened the scene, and there was obviously a big drama behind.

Shao Zhan is not afraid of him, nor is he afraid of what he is talking about here. Since Xu Sheng told him that he had met Honghai’s people, he had been mentally prepared, and Yang Shiwei was not so easy, but it was always troublesome. He just put down his chopsticks. He got up and said, “I have something to go out and say,” before he said it, the opposite Xu Sheng simply said: “I don’t need to introduce myself, there is nothing to know about.”

Originally, Yang Shiwei’s attention was on Shao Zhan, but he was taken aback by the words that came out on the opposite side.

He turned his head and looked over, only then did he notice the boy across the table.

never seen it.

This face grows like this, as long as you have seen it, you are unlikely to forget it. He looks careless. At the end, he even gave a smiley face like no money, but there are two words in the smile: please get out. .

“Also,” Xu Sheng said again, “Don’t stand here and get in the way.”

He Yang Shiwei believed that few people in his life dared to be arrogant in front of him. When he was in junior high school, Shao Zhan was the one, and the one in front of him who didn’t know where he came from was the second.

Who the **** is this! Yang Shiwei shouted in his heart.

Where did it come out, and challenged him.

Yang Shiwei was stunned by Xu Sheng’s words, and the following lines were forgotten.

Hou Jun knows how to look at people. This is obviously a grudge. He picked up the plate and said, “I’m done eating, walk around, let’s go back and rest quickly.”

It happened that Shen Wenhao and Yuan Ziqiang couldn’t get the product: “I haven’t finished eating…”

“Also eat a fart,” Hou Jun forcibly snatched the buns from Shen Wenhao’s hands, put them on the plate, and calmly told him, “You are finished.”

Yang Shiwei: “Okay, then I’ll just say it, you may not know…”

Xu Sheng looked behind him and said: “—Hello instructor.”

Yang Shiwei was taken aback and turned around.

Shao Zhan was pulled by Xu Sheng’s hat. After Hou Jun and the others retreated, Xu Sheng also stood up lazily with the plate, the other hand pulled his hat brim, and signaled: “What are you doing in a daze? .”

The meeting filled with faint gunpowder was calmed down by Xu Sheng’s foolish words and retreat with his classmates in due course.

“Where, I didn’t see the instructor.”

“Where is the instructor,” Yang Shiwei cursed in a low voice, “I was fooled.”

After talking, Yang Shiwei stared at Shao Zhan’s leaving back, gritted his teeth: “…this thing is endless.”

After Shao Zhan poured the dinner plate, Hou Jun waited at the entrance of the canteen. After seeing Shao Zhan, they didn’t ask much, and they went straight to the canteen.

In addition to training such as standing military posture, kicking and walking forward, the activities of the day today also visited the military hall, but I didn’t have much encounter with Honghai’s people. The Luzhou base is too large, and people from my school may not be able to touch it, let alone Honghai, unless the other party directly comes to the door, like the previous two accidental collisions are unlikely.

The evening activity ended early.

When Xu Sheng came out of the shower, Shao Zhan was no longer in the dormitory: “Where am I at the table?”

Hou Jun: “Lao Meng just came over and called Brother Zhan away. It seemed to be about the host of the training party. I don’t know the details.”

Xu Sheng didn’t ask much, but he checked the time on his mobile phone, and there were a few unread messages in the notification bar.

One is Zhang Feng’s: Is it a game?

The others were sent by Kang Kai.

Kang Kai: My mother said that the examination has been reformed this year. This is a new textbook for training.

Kang Kai: The scope of the exam has been expanded a lot.

The pictures Kang Kai attached are several books. The cover is a fan painting. The top one is “Scene Sketch”. In addition to this one, there are two books “Landscape Colors”.

Xu Sheng has been away from the studio for a long time, and Kang Kai occasionally sends him relevant news. Most of the time, he uses “help me to see this painting” as an excuse, and he hasn’t pointed it out.

Kang Kai also worried whether his purpose was too obvious. After the station that day, the communication between the two on the Internet was mainly based on chatting.

He happened to be in the studio.

After waiting for a long time, before Xu Sheng could reply, he couldn’t help but open it, adding: My mother asked me to send it to you, and it didn’t mean anything else.

After sending this sentence, the man opposite finally returned.

S: Yes.

S: How is Aunt Kang’s health recently?

Kang Kai: Very good, she always talks about when you will come back to see her, I suspect that I am not my own.

The two of them chatted with each other. Xu Sheng finished replying. After waiting for Kang Kai’s reply, he swiped the chat history back. He hesitated for two seconds, and then clicked to save on that picture.

At this moment, the door of the dormitory was knocked, and the boy with an unfamiliar appearance hesitated to open the door: “Is there learning God?”

Hou Jun was close to the door: “My brother Zhan is not here, I will tell him if there is anything waiting for him to come back.”

“There are a few people outside…not from our school. They said to find him,” the boy said. “Also, if you don’t see anyone within five minutes, don’t blame him for being unsympathetic, saying you want to do something. Shake it out directly.”

Hou Jun: “Huh?”

Xu Sheng’s typing hands paused.

After thinking about it, unless the other party came to the door, otherwise he would not be able to meet in the Luzhou base. This really came to the door.

five minutes.

Whether Shao Zhan can come back within five minutes is a question.

Xu Sheng thought about Shao Zhan sitting on the window sill against the wind last night, as well as the posture of the group of people in the cafeteria in the morning looking for faults. He went on fire for no reason: “Where are they?”

The boy who was spreading the message was also temporarily stopped by someone before coming in, asking him to take the message to: “In, in the alley beside the second building in Area A…”

the other side.

Kang Kai was planning to figure it out slowly. After thinking about this common sentence, he went back to the topic. This Xu Huashen didn’t paint anymore. Not only was he sad, but his mother was also in pain.

I am sad that there is a wizard missing in the painting world! It is the loss of the major art institutes!

Xu Sheng’s several paintings two years ago have still been pasted on the wall of his studio and have not been taken off until now.

Kang Kai was about to type, but a sentence came back from the other side.

S: Don’t tell me, I have something else.

Kang Kai:?

S: I’ll go to a fight first.

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