Beyond the Timescape

Chapter 186: Something Happens....

Chapter 186: Something Happens....

The seventh zombie ancestor statue grotto was still and peaceful. Normally speaking, there was never much activity in this place. The Seazombies didn’t permit breakthroughs here. Therefore, the silence was normal.

The only people allowed to use the blood elixir for healing were extremely high-ranking individuals, or those who had performed amazing services to their people. Because of that, there weren’t many cultivators present. That added to the peacefulness, and also ensured that no one would dare to make any sort of commotion. For many years, no member of any other species had ever infiltrated this holy land of the Seazombies. The heavy guard outside, plus the spell formation defenses, would make it very difficult to do so.

That said, such events had occurred on a few occasions in the past.

Those who attempted to get into the grotto would attempt to absorb the blood elixir, or steal parts of the statue. The nine divine likenesses were built from special, extremely rare materials. In fact, such materials could only be found in those nine statues, which was why so many other species were keenly interested in them.

The statues were incredibly durable. Even if they were damaged, they would automatically repair themselves very quickly. Besides, not many people would be able to not only sneak into the grotto and deal with the Seazombies guarding it; therefore, the statues had never been defaced in that way.

Of course, if someone strong enough came along, they might be able to harm the statues. However, someone that strong wouldn’t need to sneak in. They could just demand cooperation from the Seazombies.

Furthermore, once those special materials left the Seazombie island, they would lose their miraculous qualities and become ordinary in nature. Therefore, as time passed, and other species learned those things about the statues, people gradually stopped being as curious about them.

And because they could repair themselves, they still looked exactly the same as the day they’d been made. There were legends, of course, that there had originally been more than nine statues, and that the current number were only the ones the Seazombies had managed to preserve.

Regardless, they were holy objects, and any who came with the intent to damage or steal them would have to deal with the wrath of the Seazombies. After all, if the statues were to be harmed in any way, the Seazombies would see it as a humiliation.

The last time someone infiltrated one of the grottoes was a full sixty-year-cycle in the past. It was a Foundation Establishment cultivator who used some unknown method to steal a large quantity of the blood elixir, and barely escaped with his life afterward. The Seazombies were enraged, and tried for years to track him down and kill him. Unfortunately for them, the thief was profoundly talented, and escaped any traps they lay for him. Eventually, he was taken in as a son-in-law by an almighty individual, forcing the Seazombies to temporarily abandon their efforts. However, from then on, security around the grottoes was increased.

The Foundation Establishment cultivator who accomplished that had risen to prominence in the last hundred years or so, and had become the peaklord of the Seventh Peak in Seven Blood Eyes. He was... Master Seventh.

On this day, a similar event was taking place again, in the grotto housing the seventh zombie ancestor’s divine likeness.

Xu Qing carefully absorbed the blood-colored elixir and stored it within himself. As he did, his dharma apertures seemed to quiver with greater anticipation. Of course, the surrounding dangers, especially the Gold Core cultivator atop the statue, made Xu Qing’s heart tremble with fear. So while he absorbed the elixir, he kept a close eye on everything around him.

I can’t get too greedy. I’ll just take what I need. Once I’ve filled up, I’ll get out of here.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he started absorbing the elixir even faster.

At the same time, his shadow was there in the elixir, its hundred-plus eyes open and looking around curiously. Then it absorbed a small portion of elixir, whereupon all of its eyes narrowed as if in intoxication. After that, it started absorbing the elixir as quickly as possible.

Seeing that, Xu Qing thought for a moment, then secretly took out his black iron skewer and put it into the elixir. Patriarch Golden Vajra Warrior shivered in anticipation, and when he started absorbing the elixir, his eyes shone.

Does it work on everything? thought Xu Qing. Surprised, he secretly unleashed Golden Crow Assimilates Myriad Spirits, whereupon the totem tattoo on his back flickered and then began to suck in large quantities of the red liquid.

Xu Qing couldn’t have been more delighted.

When the Captain noticed what Xu Qing was doing, his eyes turned bloodshot, and he immediately felt a bit jealous. For Xu Qing to absorb so much elixir so quickly was obviously a big loss of face to the Captain, and therefore he looked around to make sure no one was watching, then took out a little bottle and put it down into the elixir.

Instantly, large amounts of blood elixir poured into it. It was a miraculous bottle that could hold a lot of liquid in it, but it filled up fairly quickly. Not making a sound, the Captain put it away and took out a second bottle. In that manner, he personally absorbed the elixir and also stored some in various items, and thus was able to match Xu Qing’s speed.

When Xu Qing picked up on what was happening, he looked over with a frown to see the Captain looking back at him, an expression on his face that said, “Can you top this?”

Xu Qing was well aware of how crazy the Captain was, and didn’t feel it necessary to try to compete with him in craziness. Therefore, he kept reminding himself not to get greedy, and to only take what he needed. Once he had absorbed enough, and once his shadow and Patriarch Golden Vajra Warrior were full, he would leave.

That said, neither himself, the shadow, nor the patriarch were full yet. And thus, after a bit of thought, Xu Qing started inching closer to the statue. After all, it had quickly become obvious that the closer you got to the statue, the higher the quality of the blood elixir. As he neared the statue, it was to his delight that he realized he could absorb the elixir much faster. It was the same with the shadow.

Around this time, it became apparent that the patriarch was the most useless of Xu Qing’s assets, as he was already full, and couldn’t absorb any more. After scanning the iron skewer, Xu Qing put it away, feeling a bit irritated.

Okay, once the shadow and I are both full, I’m leaving!

With that plan in mind, he kept getting closer to the statue. After the time it takes an incense stick to burn, he was right by the statue’s foot.

Meanwhile, the Captain noticed what Xu Qing was doing, and also started shifting to a more optimal position. Eventually, Xu Qing was right next to the statue’s left foot, and the Captain was next to the right foot. In the Captain’s mind, Xu Qing was acting a bit crazy. After all, why had he stuck around absorbing the elixir for so long without leaving?

No way. I can’t be outdone by my own subordinate. Grrrrr. What, he thinks he’s crazier than me?

The Captain suddenly took out ten bottles and started filling them all at the same time.

Looking over, Xu Qing frowned.

The Captain is being way too greedy. If he keeps this up, we’ll be discovered! I can’t stick around here for much longer. I just need to take what I need, no more. I can’t get greedy!

Xu Qing kept absorbing the elixir for the time it takes half an incense stick to burn. At that point, he realized that he was absolutely full, and couldn’t absorb any more. Though nothing about him looked out of the ordinary, he felt like he was about to explode. From the emotions of contentment rolling off of the shadow, it seemed it couldn’t absorb anything further either.

Then Xu Qing checked his Golden Crow Assimilates Myriad Spirits, and found that it still wasn’t at capacity, so he leaned back, allowing his back to touch the statue itself.

I can’t get greedy. However, though I, the shadow, and the iron skewer are all full, the golden crow still has some room left....

With his back touching the statue, which was the source of the elixir’s power, his totem tattoo began filling up rapidly. All of a sudden, some ripples spread out over the surface of the elixir, causing Xu Qing’s heart to fill with alarm. He immediately slowed down his absorption speed.

The Captain’s eyes were wide as he looked over at Xu Qing. Then he looked down at his bottles, gritted his teeth, and took out an additional ten bottles.

After enough time had passed for an incense stick to burn... the golden crow was reaching the point of being full.

However, that was when Xu Qing realized something strange was going on. As he used Golden Crow Assimilates Myriad Spirits on the divine likeness, there was something else on the move inside the statue other than its energy and blood. It seemed to be some current of power. No observer would be able to detect that current, but with Golden Crow Assimilates Myriad Spirits, Xu Qing could.

After a short time, he realized the current was a manifestation of impurities within the statue. Because the impurities had no way to leave, they built up inside. What was more, the fluctuations of the impurities caused Xu Qing’s heart to pound with anxiety. The fluctuations were unstable, to the point that the slightest instigation could cause them to explode.

Xu Qing was shocked. After all, if an explosion did occur, it would be terrifying, and he would be caught up in it. He was suddenly struck with an intense sensation of deadly crisis.

If this thing explodes, it’ll probably cause a chain reaction with other things in the statue.... This situation is far too dangerous.

Keeping his guard up, Xu Qing slowly retracted Golden Crow Assimilates Myriad Spirits, making sure not to disturb that current. Afterward, he sensed that, having removed his own gravitational force, the current was now moving upward, and was more unstable than ever.

Looking up, he spotted the Gold Core boy sitting cross-legged on the statue’s hand.

Slowly getting to his feet, Xu Qing moved away from the statue.

The motion caught the attention of the Captain, who looked over in shock. Xu Qing looked back at him and gave him a meaningful look.

The Captain hesitated, then got to his feet. However, his expression was one of hesitation and even defiance. He wasn’t pleased with how things had gone so far.

Besides, this whole thing isn’t as crazy as when the old man did it, thought the Captain. If he left now, and no one ever found out what happened, it wouldn’t matter. But if he did leave, and then people found out, it would be downright embarrassing. Chances are, people will find out. And people will also find out if I do something really outrageous. So I might as well go for it. That way, when the old man hears about it, he’ll have no choice but to admit I outdid him.

After a bit of thought, a crazy look appeared in the Captain’s eyes. [1]

Xu Qing was still backing away, and was still trying to wordlessly tell the Captain to do the same. But then he saw that crazy look, and he groaned inwardly. Convinced that something bad was about to happen, he unhesitatingly backed away faster than before.

Meanwhile, the Captain suddenly burst out laughing and pulled a lump of flesh out of his robe. The flesh pulsed with the aura of godliness, and as soon as it was out in the open, caused terrifying fluctuations to roll out in all directions. Just as the fluctuations rolled out, the Captain bit a huge chunk out of the meat, chewed it, and then swallowed it. Rumbling sounds echoed out from inside him and he erupted with glowing golden light. Instantly, all the surrounding Seazombies opened their eyes.

The Captain activated his life flame, and at the same, opened one of the seals within him. His entire person shone with golden light as he jumped onto the statue’s toes. Then, he completely ignored all the surrounding Seazombies, including the Gold Core expert, as he opened his mouth and took a huge bite out of the statue’s toe!


1. What I’m translating as “the old man,” comes with some deeper implications that Chinese readers jumped on. There were many comments on this chapter regarding this. I think it comes across in English as well, but just in case, I’m going to spell it out plainly. Basically, by this point many Chinese readers were speculating that the Captain is either the son of Master Seventh, or the “Eldest Brother” among Master Seventh’s apprentices, i.e. the top-ranking apprentice or “grand highness.” Obviously some of you readers have made similar speculations. The fact that the Captain refers to Master Seventh as “the old man” is the first super concrete evidence to lend weight to this. ☜

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