
Chapter 35: ~Visit.~

“The shamanistic rituals, which are practised by the Dwemer, take their magic in a completely different direction. The Dwemer delve much deeper into the art of using sounds and objects to guide their spells.

We have to admit that their art enables them to accomplish some feats which are out of our reach. That doesn't mean that the Dwemer's magic is superior to ours. Relying on spells and magical circles gives Nict the advantage in speed. That's beyond doubt.”

-Papyri magicae.

***Free City States of Nict, Capital***

***Lucas Gejene***

“Yes. All you have to do is to step onto the disc, then you place one foot on one of the runes. Now you speak the password and infuse mana into the disc. You'll be teleported to the disc which you selected by stepping onto the rune.” Helen bends down and points at the runes. “This spiral for infinity is the disc at the palace, the alpha is for the disc at the Zait's main house and the omega is Stella's mansion.”

“If the other side is in use, the disc will give off a warning and you'll have to try again.” Helen steps onto the disc with one foot in the centre and the other on the omega. “The password is 'I wish for the heavens, I wish for the skies.'”

Helen disappears in a flash of light. I look a little dumbfounded at the disc. Our people tried for years to unlock the mysteries of our ancestors. There wasn't the slightest hint that anyone is even close to understanding the old artefacts, which were left behind. And now some youth shows up and builds this like nothing?

I step onto the disc like Helen did. “I wish for the heavens, I wish for the skies.” Nothing happens, so I infuse mana into the artefact. A flash of light blinds me for a second and I find myself in a small staircase for a house with three floors.

Helen is in front of me and waiting for me. She grabs my hand and pulls me off the disc. “That's so cool right? I can imagine so many new possibilities for the country!”

“Stella's boyfriend. How did he accomplish this feat?” I squint my eyes at the artefact on the floor. It's identical to the one in Helen's office. “Now I remember! Isn't he the same guy who was involved in the summoning incident? Quarma Zait went to great lengths in order to downplay the situation! The whole incident was fishy.”

Helen walks up the staircase. “You are right, but you should first meet the both of them. They match with each other really well.”

I follow my wife and overtake her on her way to the uppermost floor. Arriving there, I enter a central corridor and walk along it, taking a look into the rooms to the left and right. It seems to be a neat and orderly little living area.

At the end of the corridor I find a big living room with a table and a couch. The shelves on the walls are full of books and there isn't much decoration, but what draws my attention is the pair on the ground.

Stella is on top of a guy with her legs intertwined with his. Her tail is wrapped around both of them, pulling their bodies tightly together while they are kissing, her hands are around his head. He has both of his hands on her ass cheeks, massaging them with force.

I don't fail to notice that she is rubbing herself against him. What the hell is this bastard doing to my beloved daughter! She was so cute and innocent when she was small! I'll strangle him! Nobody treats my baby like that! At least they are dressed.

“Oh, my! Seems like we barged in on something.” Helen steps to my side with one hand on her cheek. “Should we come back later?”

That's when Stella and Azir notice our presence and freeze. One moment later they hurriedly try to untangle themselves from each other, which doesn't look that easy.

Helen pokes me from the side. “What do you think? We can count on being called grandparents soon. Stella seems to be ahead of Sola. Hahahaha. I wonder who'll lay the first egg.”

Finally the both of them are standing side by side, though I notice that Stella still has her tail around Azir's belly. “Mom! Dad! Such a... surprise! Why don't you take a seat?” Stella gestures at the sofa.

Azir bends down and whispers. “I told you that an alarm function is indispensable before we hand them out!”

I move over to them, while glaring at the dark haired guy at Stella's side. He is slightly taller than her, but still smaller than me. His horns curve backwards around his head and I don't fail to notice that he has a fit, trained body, though not too muscular. Probably he is practising a martial art, I think his father likes to wield the spear.

“Dad, that's Azir, my fiance.” Stella pushes Azir forward. “Azir, that's Lucas Gejene, my father.”

Azir puts on a forced smile and offers me his hand. The same hand which defiled my daughter's ass a moment ago! I grab it and infuse mana into my muscles in an attempt to crush it!

For a moment he resists, but then I notice a few satisfying cracking sounds while Azir's facial muscles twitch a little.

“It's a pleasure to meet you. To be honest, I am a little surprised to come back and find my youngest engaged to someone I've never met before.” I press down one final time and let go.

“Thanks! Of course I wished that meeting my future -father in law- would happen under better circumstances.” Azir's left eye twitches a little while he smiles and massages the injured hand. A moment later he opens and closes the hand like nothing happened. “Could it be that you are interested in warcats? I have a particularly interesting member of this species in my garden. Surely he would like to make your acquaintance.”

This little bastard is baiting me! And his hand! That can't be, I crushed it! I felt the bones break! He didn't cast a spell. I forcefully avert my eyes from his hand and to his eyes. “To be honest I am much more interested in your creations. How did you solve the teleportation problem?”

He makes a dismissive gesture. “I simply read some books on the issue in the library. That place is full of lost knowledge and it is a hobby of mine to uncover the mysteries of old times. Unfortunately, I fear that the theory behind the teleportation spell is a little too complicated to explain it in easy terms. Let's just say that I shortened the cast and designed the disc to take care of the complicated part of the spell.”

Stella steps in, hugging me from the side. “Is it really necessary to have such a heavy discussion. We have to get to know each other first! Since we are all family from now on.”

“Sure, family.” I glare at Azir to make sure that he understands.

After Stella let go of me he bends down and whispers into her ear. “I think he hates me!”

I hear you! Be glad that Helen is on your side! Otherwise I would throw you into a dungeon to test out your worthiness!

For the next hour we indulge ourselves in friendly small talk, though the heavy atmosphere between Azir and me isn't lifted that easily. I know that he is probably one of the best male partners for Stella, but after seeing him violate my daughter's butt I can't forgive him.

Watch your back Azir! I have my eyes on you!


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