Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 24 Entangled

Solim is eating now, he just moves the food to his mouth mechanically, and then swallows mechanically. His mind is not on eating at all right now.

Cyrna's last words to Solim before serving the table were "What if I had three at the same time?"

According to legend, possessing three Deathly Hallows at the same time will become the master of the God of Death. The specific source of this legend is no longer available. If Solim's previous conjectures about the Deathly Hallows were correct, the legend might be true. Owning one Deathly Hallows will rule out two ways of death, so does owning all three Deathly Hallows mean that the owner has ruled out the possibility of homicide, suicide and natural death? If you think about it carefully, it seems that life is just these three ways of dying.

Solim wasn't sure if his conjecture was true, but considering that Dumbledore and Grindelwald had frantically searched for the Deathly Hallows, it didn't seem too far-fetched.

Solim decided to think about this issue after eating. If his conjecture was true, then Solim would not even want to see the resurrection stone, but in this way, the promise to Snape would be a bit troublesome. Now Solim's head is a bit big, and he didn't expect Sirna's words to make the problem so complicated. Thinking of this, Solim glanced at his sister.

It is a story that every wizard has read as a child, even Solim, but no one has ever paid attention to these things hidden in this story. No, maybe not all of them - at least Dumbledore and Grindelwald tried to find them, and Dumbledore had access to all the Hallows, he just didn't have them all at the same time.

Dumbledore will give the Invisibility Cloak to Potter during this holiday. Originally, he had two Deathly Hallows in his hand. If the Invisibility Cloak is not given to Potter, there is no way of knowing what will happen when Dumbledore gets the Resurrection Stone.

correct! Thinking of the Resurrection Stone, Solim suddenly remembered that before Voldemort, the owners of the Resurrection Stone were his grandfather, Mavologunte, and his uncle, Morfin. How did Marvolo die? After his release from Azkaban, he returned home, but by then Merope, Voldemort's mother, had eloped with Tom Riddle. As a result, no one cooked for him, and in the end he starved to death. And Morfin died in Azkaban after Voldemort took the resurrection stone, and the specific method of death is unknown.

Solim can't remember some details, but if that's the case, then Marvolo's method of death can really be regarded as suicide. Thinking of this, Solim suddenly didn't want to eat anymore. He wanted to go back to his own room in the basement immediately, check it out, and study whether all his guesses were true or not.

"Boy, what are you thinking?" Elrond called out to Solim when he saw that there was something wrong with Solim's face.

Solim was still lost in his own thoughts, unresponsive to the outside world.

"Boy! Let me ask you what you think!" Elrond shouted again.

Solim still didn't respond, his brain was running extremely fast now, and he didn't even notice that his grandfather and sister were looking at him.

Elrond's face darkened, and he took out his wand and hit Solim.

Solim twitched and fell from his chair.

Sirna quickly jumped off the high chair she was sitting on, and was about to run to help her brother. She saw her brother was twitching on the ground in pain, his eyes were bulging, his teeth were clenched, and he was curled up together.

"Leave him alone, let him get up by himself." Elrond stopped Sirna. Glancing at the twitching Solim, Elrond picked up his knife and fork and continued slicing his steak.

When Solim stood up, his body was still twitching slightly, but this feeling was really long gone.

"Grandpa, don't you need to use the Cruciatus Curse?" Solim sat back on the chair trembling.

"Hmph! Who knows what evil you have been in! You didn't answer twice." Elrond put down the knife and fork, looked at Solim, "Besides, you are too slow, thirty seconds have passed, if this In Skull... hum..."

Solim didn't say anything, he knew what his grandfather was going to say. Indeed, my recovery was a bit slow. If it was still in Schuyler, Solim's performance just now was unqualified, so the extra Cruciatus Curse every month would not be able to escape.

"Tell me, what happened just now? Why are you thinking so preoccupied." Elrond asked.

Solim thought about it, and decided it would be better not to say anything until he figured it out.

Solim shook his head, "I think I'll talk about some things after I figure it out. If I need help, I'll come to you, Grandpa." Feeling that he had almost recovered, Solim stood up and prepared to go back to the basement.

Elrond kept staring at Solim's back until he disappeared around the corner, then looked at Selna beside him: "What's going on? Did you say something to your brother just now? When you came here just now, you were on the way Just whispering."

"I just told my brother what I found in the book." Sylna told Elrond what happened just now.

Narrowing his eyes, Elrond thought for a while, then turned his head and said to Sirna: "Then let's do this first, since your brother is back, then you will live next door to him, and you will also live in the basement in the future. Don’t live in the original place to save trouble.”

Solim is now looking for books in the library in the basement. He now needs the book that records the Gaunt family, and the book that records the Deathly Hallows. In a word, he needs all the information that can prove his conjecture.

Elrond was already waiting for Solim when Solim entered his room with a levitating spell and a pile of books. Looking at the pile of books behind Solim, Elrond frowned: "What's going on, what did you think of?"

"I have an immature guess," Solim replied to his grandfather as he piled all the books on the table: "We all read the story of the three brothers when we were young, but no one went deep into the hidden things in the story. Sirna's words remind me." Solim turned to look at Elrond, "That may not be just a story, a children's book."

"Go on."

"We all know that the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Invisibility Cloak are the so-called Three Hallows." Solim began to organize the books he had brought back.

"The owner of the Elder Wand died of homicide, the owner of the Resurrection Stone died of suicide, and the owner of the Invisibility Cloak died of old age-natural death. I want to check, the wizards who have these Deathly Hallows in the past, they What is the method of death, and does it conform to the method of death represented by these objects."

"So? What does this have to do with you?" Elrond asked, crossing his arms, "Seeing how you care so much, or are you thinking about one of them?"

"Do you know how many catties and taels you have? Except for the Elder Wand, which everyone knows is in the hands of Old Man Deng, the other two have long since disappeared. Are you so courageous now? Dare to hit the Elder Wand Idea?" Elrond taught Solim from the sidelines.

Eh? Why do these words sound so familiar?

The words "what does it have to do with you" and "a few catties" seemed to be what Solim said when he taught Harry Potter a lesson. Within a few days of turning around, I was taught a lesson by the same words.

Solim looked at his grandfather dumbfounded: "I didn't say that I wanted to fight Dumbledore, how dare I."

"Then I don't understand. Then why are you looking for information in such a hurry? Or..." Elrond stared at Solim, "Do you know the whereabouts of the other two?"

Alas, it is a wise saying that people grow old and smart.

Nodding helplessly, Solim said: "I know the locations of the three Deathly Hallows. Didn't I tell you before dinner that I was going to Little Hangleton? The Resurrection Stone is there. I want to get the idea of ​​the Resurrection Stone." , but if it is to get the resurrection stone and finally commit suicide... I am a little hesitant. That's why I want to prove my guess is wrong."

"Little Hangleton?" Elrond touched his chin, "This name is a bit familiar."

"It turns out that Gaunt..."

"Oh, I remember that family of lunatics," Elrond narrowed his eyes, "If you say that...that idiot Riddle..." Elrond suddenly opened his eyes wide and excitedly said to Solim: " Horcrux! The resurrection stone is that idiot Horcrux!"


What else could Solim say?

"Grandpa, how do you know that the resurrection stone is a Horcrux?"

"This idiot, Riddle, made a Horcrux. Everyone knows about it. That witch named Evans used a blood curse. At that time, the Spell Management Committee investigated this matter for a while, but it was ignored later. " Elrond said in a natural tone. "Riddle is an idiot, the elders will be lazy to deal with him and let him make trouble. Anyway, Dumbledore will deal with him. Besides, it may be a secret to the outside world that Riddle made a Horcrux, but after knowing that he is not dead, we people It was immediately deduced that he made Horcruxes."

This is the benefit of ancient families. They have a long history and a large number of books, which makes them know much more than ordinary wizards. At a time when ordinary wizards were still celebrating the end of the Dark Ages, these people knew that Voldemort was not dead, and deduced from this the fact that he made Horcruxes.

"Besides, for ordinary wizards, Riddle's life experience may be a secret, but for us, he has no secrets at all. Who doesn't know that he is Marvolo's grandson? The ring of the Gaunt family is the resurrection stone , This is known by many people, and the whereabouts of the resurrection stone was unknown later, and many people thought it was in Riddle's hands, so it seems that this is the case. The resurrection stone should have been made into a Horcrux by him."

Hearing Elrond's words, Solim couldn't laugh or cry. With just such a little information, his grandfather identified a Horcrux of Voldemort.

"Yes, the Resurrection Stone is his Horcrux. But why call him a 'fool'?" Solim asked.

Voldemort is still a great wizard no matter what, Elrond is about the same age as Voldemort, you are not a great wizard yet. What qualifications do you have to call someone a fool.

"Hmph! What is it if a Horcrux is not a fool?" Elrond said confidently, "Not to mention that he took the initiative to make Horcruxes. He is so stupid." Seeing that Solim didn't understand, Elrond began to give Solim explained.

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