Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 37 Surveillance

With Evans' unremitting efforts, the two sides had a cordial and friendly conversation. The two parties at the meeting fully exchanged views and reached an understanding.

By the way, Evans is the wizard who turned from a toad.

After a confrontation for a while, the two sides finally decided to sit down and have a good talk.

According to Evans, he found this good job with great difficulty in the end after various contacts.

Indeed, as Solim initially thought, Evans worked for the Presbyterian Church. He infiltrated Hogwarts for several purposes:

The first one is the main task of this year. It is to protect the Philosopher's Stone and not leave Hogwarts. This task is a task assigned by the Executive Committee under the Presbyterian Church. As long as the Philosopher's Stone didn't leave Hogwarts, Evans didn't have to worry about it.

The second is also a must-do job for those lurking in Hogwarts. That is to collect information about all the little wizards, talents, personalities, relationships, academic performance, what they did during school, etc... In short, all the personal information of the little wizards. After the information is collected, there will be special people to judge which young wizards are threatening and which young wizards can be cultivated. After all, there are not many families like Selwin and Orvis in the wizarding world, and no matter how good Schuller's teaching is, he can't conquer the world.

Third, spy on Dumbledore. Yes, spy on Dumbledore. You don't need to do anything, just monitor it. Dumbledore had never been a Presbyterian, never had been. For a great wizard who does not belong to the Council of Elders, it is quite normal to take surveillance.

Just because the Council of Elders left Voldemort alone doesn't mean they despised him - he was a great wizard after all.

The Presbyterian Church controls the whole of Europe, and the Kingdom of Ying is a piece of land the size of a palm in Europe. If the whole of Europe is regarded as a country, then the country of Ying is a province, and it is also a remote province. There is a crazy murderer in this province, doing things crazily in this province. But this lunatic only does things in this province, he doesn't move around the country to commit crimes, so the impact is very small. Therefore, the importance of the Presbyterian Church is limited. After all, Grindelwald did such a big thing back then, and the Presbyterian Council didn't care about it, let alone you, a bandit leader who can only run around in the countryside and commit crimes—and you are still half dead.

However, what Grindelwald did back then was whether the Presbyterian Church really didn't care about it, or it was intentional indulgence. It's hard to say, after all, so many people died, the material of this Philosopher's Stone... right, some things can't be thought deeply, otherwise it will scare people to death.

For Dumbledore and Voldemort, the two great wizards who are not under the management of the Council of Elders, the attitude adopted by the Council of Elders is: surveillance.

In more official terms: We will pay close attention to the follow-up development of the incident and take measures when necessary.

In layman's terms, we don't care about the matter between you Dumbledore and Voldemort. If you kill Voldemort, then everyone will be happy. You have made an important contribution to the stability of the wizarding society, and maybe you will be given a little red flower flower. But if you are killed by Voldemort, I'm sorry, then we won't wipe your ass for you. Unless Voldemort goes too far and things get serious, we'll deal with him.

Evans was the one the Presbyterians planted at Hogwarts, at Dumbledore's side. He didn't need to take the initiative to do anything, as long as he reported what he saw to the elders.

At Hogwarts, this is a good job. You don’t have to risk your life to work hard, you can stay comfortably in Hogwarts, and you can go to Hogsmeade for a drink if you’re fine, and you can sleep until you wake up naturally every day. What’s the difference between such a task and a vacation? ? It is nothing more than a little hard work to maintain the Animagus. But that's nothing compared to those really dangerous missions. Such a beautiful task naturally attracted the attention of many wizards, but in the end it was obvious that Evans had a more reliable connection, suppressed other competitors, and arranged him to come to Hogwarts.

And indeed, as Solim analyzed, Neville's uncle was the person in charge of this matter. Otherwise, how could an elder give a toad to a younger generation as a pet.

However, Evans is also complaining. Originally, he thought that he could enjoy Hogwarts comfortably, but unexpectedly, these brats are too troublesome, especially Gryffindor. According to Evans, Gryffindor Student files are the thickest. After all, he still has a task to collect the behavior of the students in the school. Solim knows how capable the Gryffindor gang is. Especially the twins of Harry Potter and the Weasley family, Evans said that these people have the most records, they are doing things everywhere, and just now he followed Potter and Weasley to Hagrid's hut, he just returned to the Gryffindor lounge, reported Before I had time to write, I was caught here.

"When I was on the road, I felt something was wrong. I felt like I was exposed." Evans said this, and glanced at his "master", "Little fat man, you were too strong at that time, You have never used such a strong force when holding me, and you almost squeezed my shit out."

"..." This sentence is level, and the few people involved couldn't answer it.

"So, according to you, Headmaster Dumbledore knows about you?" Solim asked.

"That's right, although he hasn't met me, but there are Presbyterians in the school, every headmaster knows this." Evans nodded in agreement.

"Boy of the Selwyn family," Evans said here with a smile, "I know what you are worried about. After all, your 'great achievements' have already been spread all over the world. You killed the heir of the Rich family. It is said to be the hottest news in Ying Kingdom in recent years. But you don’t have to worry, my surname is not Rich, and I am not one of those wizards who eat by watching their faces.” After finishing speaking, he gave a thumbs up, not knowing that he really appreciated it, Still joking.

Snape watched Solim from the sidelines. What his student had done in the past, Snape had no idea at all, but from Evans' words just now, he knew that his student seemed to have done something extraordinary.

Solim didn't think Evans was lying because it was completely unnecessary. And if it was a lie, it would be too easy to expose the lie, because Snape would definitely report it to Dumbledore. With Dumbledore's means, Evans probably won't be able to get out of Hogwarts.

"This conversation seems to be over," Evans said. "There is nothing left to say."

"I don't think so," Snape said deadpan.

Glancing at Snape, Evans said in admiration: "It's amazing, with your level of Occlumency practiced, I don't think it's easy for great wizards to peek into your thoughts.

It has to be said that Evans still has something to be sent to Hogwarts as an errand. At least his eyesight was there, Snape's Occlumency was of a super high level to be able to lie in front of Voldemort without revealing himself. For a wizard like Voldemort, the use of Legilimency is like breathing, and it has become instinctive - because he doesn't believe anyone, he will naturally use Legilimency to confirm whether the other party is lying.

"So, Evans, you've been exposed, so what are you going to do from now on?" Solim asked a question.

"What else can I do? I can do whatever I want." Evans said what I should do or what I should do. The previous headmasters of Hogwarts knew that there were Presbyterians in Hogwarts, so they didn't say anything, everyone It's all tacit. Now it's just that this layer of paper windows has been pierced, so what's the big deal.

"By the way, let me tell you, I have my job at Hogwarts, and my position is only 'bystander' and 'recorder', do you understand what I mean?" Evans said The information revealed here is subtle.

His subtext is that I am just a spectator, and I have nothing to do with Hogwarts.

"Oh, then in the next few years, I estimate that your workload will increase greatly." Solim also said a very interesting sentence, what will happen at Hogwarts in the next few years, Solim will know better than anyone else. clear.

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