Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 414 Signals And Nonsense

Umbridge was very rude, but Dumbledore still showed his grace, and he gave Umbridge the chance to speak without seeming to care.

"Thank you, Headmaster," Professor Umbridge said with a fake smile, "Thank you for such a warm welcome."

The fake smile on Umbridge's face will make people instinctively feel disgusted at first sight, and many students in the audience have already frowned. They were going to see what this ungrateful woman could say.

Her voice was high, high-pitched, and breathy, like a little girl's voice. Judging from the expressions of most students, this obviously made them feel uncomfortable. Many students' buttocks (let's just use this word to avoid possible irritation) were moving back and forth on their stools, and it seemed that Umbridge's voice was hurting them.

"Well, I must say, it's great to be back at Hogwarts!" She grinned, showing off her sharp teeth. "It's so nice to see all these happy little faces looking up at me. alright-!"

The students frowned.

"Little face"? Draco was a little unhappy, "Does she treat us as children?"

"Perhaps compared to this old woman, we are indeed all children." Silna's words were obviously much more lethal than Draco's, but it was a pity that Umbridge could not hear them.

There was a chuckle from all around Slytherin.

"I eagerly hope to get to know you all soon. I believe we will become very good friends!"

After hearing this, the students exchanged glances with each other. Some wore barely concealed smirks. "I will be friends with her, as long as you don't let me borrow her cardigan." Parvati whispered to Lavender, and the two of them laughed silently.

Everyone around the long Gryffindor table also began to snicker, and everyone obviously didn't take Umbridge's words seriously.

Professor Umbridge cleared her throat again, but as she continued to speak, some of the breathiness in her voice was lost. Now her voice has become much more serious, and her words are dry, as if they have been memorized in her heart.

"The Ministry of Magic has always believed that educating young wizards is a very important matter. Some of the precious talents you are born with may be fruitless if they are not cultivated and exercised under careful and careful guidance. Unique to the wizarding world Ancient skills must be passed down from generation to generation, otherwise they will disappear. The precious treasure trove of magical knowledge accumulated by our ancestors must be protected, replenished and perfected by those who are fortunate enough to engage in the noble profession of education."

At this point, Professor Umbridge stopped talking and bowed slightly to the other teachers, but none of them returned her bow. Professor McGonagall's black eyebrows were tightly knitted together, making her look like an eagle.

"The successive principals of Hogwarts have all innovated when shouldering the important task of managing this famous historical school. This is completely appropriate, because if there is no progress, it will stagnate and decline. However, at the same time, progress for the sake of progress This practice should never be encouraged. Our traditions have been tempered for thousands of times and often do not need clumsy revisions. A balance must be achieved between the old and the new, between permanence and change, between tradition and innovation. between......

Umbridge's words were very vague. Although they contained many obscure hints, it was obvious that the vast majority of students did not have the ability to extract them. Unlike students who like to be straightforward, adults - especially politicians like Umbridge - like to speak in roundabout ways.

There was silence when Dumbledore spoke, but now the students were whispering to each other, and the auditorium was noisy. The students all thought that Umbridge's speech was just some useless clichés, and very few students could bear to listen.

Umbridge didn't seem to notice the restlessness of the audience. She continued to talk to herself, as if the little movements of the students below didn't exist. Unlike the students, the professors listened very carefully.

"Because some changes have achieved good results, while other changes will be found to be mistakes in decision-making when the time comes. At the same time, some old habits will be retained, which is understandable, and some habits have become obsolete. It must be abandoned. Let us keep moving forward and enter a new era of enlightenment, efficiency and reasonableness, resolutely maintain what should be maintained, improve what needs to be improved, and abandon what we should ban."

It wasn't until Dumbledore took the lead in applauding that the students followed him as if they were waking up from a dream. However, the applause was sparse. Many people were still distracted and didn't even realize that the speech had ended. Before they could start applauding properly, Dumbledore stood up again. got up.

0…Please give me flowers…

"Thank you very much, Professor Umbridge, your speech is very enlightening." As he said, he bowed to her, "Okay, as I just said, the Quidditch selection will be... ."

"Inspiring? What inspiring?" Draco was confused. He looked at Solim: "What did the woman just say mean?"

There are many students like Draco, and it can even be said that the vast majority of students cannot understand the meaning of what Umbridge just said.

"It means that the Ministry of Magic is going to intervene in Hogwarts." Hermione said to Harry: "What she said is not all nonsense."

"Really?" Harry said in surprise. "That sounds like nonsense to me."

"Yeah, luckily I grew up next to Percy." Ronald on the other side yawned and agreed with his buddy, "This is probably the most boring speech I have ever heard.

. "

There was a clanging sound of tables, chairs and benches all around. It was obvious that Dumbledore had announced the disbandment of all teachers and students in the school, because everyone stood up and prepared to leave the auditorium. Hermione jumped up, looking alarmed.

"We should go give directions to the first years!" Hermione looked a little flustered, after all, this was her first time doing something like this.

The same goes for Draco on the other side. If Sirna hadn't reminded him, he would have been ready to run away at this time.

"Look, what's the point of being a bad prefect?" Solim said to Sirna: "It's a lot of shit and not much good."

Not only was it no good, it was simply trouble - being Draco and Pansy. When Parkinson led the Slytherin freshmen into the lounge, almost all the Slytherins were here. Such a scene is very rare - so rare that Solim has never seen it. There are very few old students in Slytherin who are interested in competing with freshmen. At most, it is only second-year or second-year students. The senior students have already seen it. Got into his dormitory.

But today's battle looks very unusual. .

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