Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 416 Conflict

Draco is already very familiar with the confrontation between wizards. Harry, Hermione, Neville, Solim and even Silna have all fought against Draco. Except for Silna who doesn't like to do anything, Draco can stabilize the situation. The only winner was Neville, a little idiot who was extremely bad at dueling.

Harry is a typical Gryffindor. His body always moves faster than his brain, which gives him an advantage in duels. Draco is different. Solim has repeatedly criticized him for being too rigid and ignorant during duels. Flexible, but it depends on who he is competing with. Compared with Harry, who is very talented in dueling, and Hermione, who has the most flexible brain, Draco does still have many shortcomings, but against other peers, Draco has no concessions. reason.

As a pure-blood, Mars naturally has excellent magic power, but in a duel at the level of young wizards, the magic factor does not play a large role. It depends more on the young wizards' proficiency in spells and their application of defensive spells. Is it in place?

The showdown between Draco and Mars is slightly more interesting than the newly reborn Brawl - but it's just "some"

Draco's starting spells are still his three: Disarming Curse, Petrifying Curse, and Iron Armor Curse. If the Disarming Curse successfully hits, then the next Petrifying Curse will make the opponent lose combat effectiveness. But if it fails, then the previous one will The two magic spells can also make the opponent confused for a while. At this time, the iron armor spell can defend against counterattacks from the opponent.

Solim had sorted out some low-end duel routines very early on, and Draco and the others had been practicing those routines for several years. In terms of the connection of spells, "Mars on the opposite side was obviously no match for Draco.

But he is pretty good - although he is a little struggling and embarrassed, but at this age he can block the silent disarming curse and the petrification curse that follows, Mars deserves the evaluation of "good".

Solim frowned as usual when he saw Draco habitually cast an Iron Armor Charm on himself after shooting two spells.

Sirna on the side also said speechlessly: "Still the same as before...still the same, no progress at all..."

Although in the eyes of the students around him, Draco's two spells were very sharp, they were both silent spells, and they were connected very well. If it were them, they would definitely not be able to stop them. But for Solim and Silna, two people who often watch Draco's duels, Draco's old habits have not changed.

This is why Solim said that Draco was rigid and did not know how to adapt. The duel routines compiled by Solim only provide an idea and commonly used spell combinations. How to use them in a duel depends on the situation and situation. This is also Draco's biggest shortcoming: he has no ideas of his own and is too rigid. Even if he is dueling with the same person, the dueling process is not exactly the same. This requires the duelist to judge the situation by himself and use the magic spells he has mastered flexibly. Cope with changing situations.

Just like what happened to Mars just now: Although he blocked the Disarming Curse and the Petrifying Curse, he was in a very awkward state and his posture was out of shape. It can be said that Draco's two spells just now have completely suppressed him. All he needs to do next is continue. Just keep attacking, maybe the next spell will knock him down. But Draco rigidly followed the routines taught by Solim, fired two spells and then cast an armor spell on himself... This can't be said to be wrong. After all, there is nothing wrong with being careful in a duel, but it was obviously a mistake. A magic spell can solve the problem, but you have to give your opponent a chance to breathe...

Solim can only say that everyone's view and understanding of duel is different. If it were Harry, he would continue to attack until he or his opponent fell. Neville, the little idiot, is more inclined to defend and counterattack in duels. Every time he duels, he first protects himself and then looks for opportunities to counterattack. As for Solim, he either doesn't take action or does it with a thunderous strike, without giving the opponent any chance.

Although Draco's performance was somewhat rigid, the opportunities brought by this rigidity were not something Mars could take advantage of. He held on for a while longer because of Draco's rigidity, but in Draco's next round of attack, he Still knocked down by a stun spell.

Draco showed no joy after winning, he was secretly looking at Solim's face. He also knew just now that his old habit in duels had returned. Solim had told him many times, but he didn't know if it was because he was too skilled in those routines, but Draco just couldn't change it. .

"Very good..." Solim nodded with satisfaction, at least he didn't have to change a place to sleep tonight.

Coming to Draco's side, Solim looked at Flint who had been helped up and his legs were as weak as noodles and said: "I don't want to see something like this again this semester, it will affect my mood very much. "

"Marcus," Draco's eyes were a little complicated, "Is this what you mean or what your family means?"

Draco asked the question again, although he already had the answer in his mind...

Flint looked at Draco and then at Solim, grinning crookedly.

"Didn't you already guess it? I heard that you didn't go home this holiday?" Flint said: "Do you know what your behavior means now?"

Draco's face suddenly turned pale. Goyle and Crabbe stood next to Flint's group, staring at the patterns on the carpet in trance.

"It's really strange." Solim stood in front of Draco and looked at Flint sarcastically, "Voldemort actually asked you to do things for him?"

The name "Voldemort" is an absolute taboo here in Slytherin. No student has ever dared to call this name in public, not to mention that he is back now.

Some students in Slytherin even met the Dark Lord that everyone feared in Malfoy Manor during this holiday.

"How dare you!" Theodore pulled out his wand and before he could point it at Solim, he twitched and fell down like Flint before him.

"Nott, I know your father's current situation is very embarrassing..." Solim glanced at Theodore, who was twitching on the ground...but that's not the reason why you can point the wand at me. "

Theodore. Nott was helped up by several people. He stared at Solim fiercely, but he couldn't say anything harsh.

"Ah——that's right." Solim continued to stimulate Theodore in a tone of voice, "I was there when Voldemort cast the Cruciatus Curse on your father. I understand your desire to help your father, but please do what you can. I won’t be so gentle again..."

"Just wait - just wait," Flint took the lead. He knew that he had to stand up and say something at this time. With so many students watching, he couldn't retreat or escape. He didn't want to offend. that person. .

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