Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 6 Potter

Harry Potter, a child called "Savior" by wizards in the wizarding world. In the past eleven years of his gloomy life, he has never felt like this feeling. It can be said that he is truly under the spotlight. He remembered the scene when he was brought into the Leaky Cauldron by Hagrid: people shaking his hand, paying their respects. Although I really can't remember what I have done to make these wizards admire. But whatever.

Harry only knew that he was content and happy now. He dared to say that the dinner last night was the best and fullest he had ever eaten in his life.

kindness? most full? Sorry, it should be the most supportive.

The little wizards here are very friendly - except for the little boy on the train. He made his first friend his age on the train. The thought of never being hungry again, never facing Dudley's fists again, never facing the cynicism of the Dursleys again, never facing Aunt Marge's dog again. Thinking of these, Harry felt like he was dreaming.

But Harry soon began to feel uncomfortable.

On the second morning, from the time Harry walked out of the dormitory, some whispers kept ringing in his ears. And Harry could feel almost everyone looking at his scar. There will be a large group of young wizards crowded at the door between classes and after class, wanting to see Harry's true face. There will be people walking around him in the corridor and staring at him. Even when he went to the toilet, there would be a group of people standing outside the door.

Seriously, Harry kind of missed the Dursleys' stairwell. Of course, it's just talk. From one extreme to another, not everyone can adapt quickly. Fortunately, he has a friend named Ronald who will always follow him to help him out.

Although it was irritating and embarrassing to be watched by people as rare animals, Harry could sense that they were not malicious. No malice, no malice, but Harry was really tired of feeling this way. It was the fourth day since he came to school, and the people around him did not decrease at all.

In order to avoid these "Harry Potter watchers" Harry had to make a dangerous decision: go to class on a pinch. His new friend Ronald seemed a bit dissatisfied by this.

But Harry forgot one very important thing: he was not familiar with this school full of magic. He needs to know how long it will take to get to each classroom, as well as the specific route and the way to walk some stairs in order to "go to class at the right time".

But he couldn't, and neither could his friend Ronald. So naturally they were late for Transfiguration class on Thursday morning.

Professor McGonagall is a very strict witch, which Harry knew from the first time he met Professor McGonagall. Perhaps thanks to the famous name of "the savior", Professor McGonagall did not punish them. It wasn't Professor McGonagall that was bothering Harry, but a little witch named Hermione Granger. Although he had seen Miss Granger's nagging on the train, Harry still couldn't stand her twittering in his and Ronald's ears over and over again that they shouldn't do this or that. So Harry and Ronald decided to stay as far away from the preachy Miss Granger as possible.

Friday was an important and memorable day for Harry and Ronald, because they finally found the right way to the auditorium once and for all without losing their way.

"What classes do we have today?" Harry asked Ronald, who was sitting across from him, as he worked on an apple pie.

"Potions class with Slytherin in the morning, two sessions in a row." Ronald's mouth was full of food, and it made it hard for Harry to listen to him.

"Snape is the Head of Slytherin, and I've heard he's particularly partial to Slytherin students. We'll see if that's the case later."

At this moment, a female voice intervened: "Oh, yes, I also heard from Solim that Professor Snape is very partial to the students of his house, and is very unfriendly to Gryffindor. Solim said that Professor Snape will find every opportunity to deduct Gryffindor's points. "

Harry and Ronald knew who she was when they heard the voice. The two looked at each other, ready to continue to deal with the food in their hands.

"Wait, you mean Snape is going to pick on us?"

"Yes, that's what Solim said, so last night he helped me and Neville explain the 'dos ​​and don'ts' of potions class, and with his help Neville won't fry the pan when he boils the scabies potion ’” Hermione glanced at Neville, who was sitting next to her.

"Wait, Hermione, who is this Solim you're talking about?" Ronald asked. "Also, you said he helped you with Neville's potion lessons?"

"Did you sleep during the Sorting? He was the one who kept talking. And he's Neville's cousin."

"I remember him as a Slytherin."

Harry and Ronald looked at Neville together.

Neville nodded, "Yes, he's my cousin."

"Neville, why do you have a Slytherin cousin, the students of that academy will all turn black in the future..." Before Ronald could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the sound of an owl flapping its wings.

Now Harry was used to it. But at breakfast on the first day. A hundred or so owls suddenly flew into the restaurant, which really startled him. These owls fly around the dining table until they find their respective owners, dropping letters or packages into their laps.

So far, Hedwig hadn't brought Harry anything. It flew in sometimes to peck Harry's ear, beg for a sip of toast, and then flew back to the owl house to sleep with the other owls in the schoolyard. But this morning, it flapped its wings between the jam dish and the sugar bowl, and dropped a note on Harry's dinner plate. Harry opened the note immediately.

"What was written?" Ronald turned his head to look at the note in Harry's hand.

"Hagrid, it's Hagrid, he asked me to come to him in the afternoon." Harry borrowed a quill from Ronald and hurriedly wrote on the back of the note: "Okay, I'd love to see you soon." Then he let Hedwig fly away.

At the start-of-term banquet, Harry felt that Professor Snape didn't like him. It wasn't until the first Potions lesson was over that he realized he was wrong. It wasn't that Professor Snape didn't like him, he hated him.

Potions class is taught in an underground classroom. It's colder here than the castle keep above. Glass jars lined the walls filled with stuffed animals soaked in chills.

Snape, like Flitwick, picked up the roster as soon as class started, and like Flitwick, he always stopped when he called Harry's name.

"Oh, yes," he whispered, "Harry Potter, this is our newcomer - well known."

Draco Malfoy and his two henchmen, Crabbe and Goyle, put their hands to their mouths and giggled. After Snape called, he looked up at the class, eyes as dark as Hagrid's, but without Hagrid's warmth. His eyes are cold and empty, making you think of two dark tunnels.

"You have come here to learn the delicate science and exacting art of potion-making," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, but every word caught him. Like Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape had the intimidating power to bring order to the classroom with little effort. "Many of you won't believe it's magic, as there's no foolish wand waving here. I don't expect you to really appreciate the beauty of that simmering cauldron with its white smoke and fragrance, You don't really understand the liquid that flows into people's veins, the magic that makes people's hearts sway and their minds bewildered. I can teach you how to increase your reputation, brew glory, and even prevent death-but only one thing, that is, you are not me Just the kind of stupid fools you've come across all the time."

After he finished his short opening remarks, the class fell silent. Harry and Ronald raised eyebrows and exchanged glances. Hermione Granger almost moved over to the edge of the chair, leaning forward, looking eager to prove she wasn't a dumbass.

"Potter!" said Snape suddenly. "What would I get if I added powdered daffodil root to an infusion of wormwood?"

What grass root powder is put in what solution? Harry glanced at Ronald, who was just as dumbfounded as he was. Hermione's arms were raised high in the air.

"I don't know, sir," Harry said.

Snape curled his lips contemptuously.

"Tsk, tsk—it seems that fame doesn't mean everything."

Snape deliberately ignored Hermione's raised arm.

"Let's try again. Potter, if I asked you to find me a piece of bezoar, where would you find it?" Hermione raised her hand as high as she could without leaving her seat, but Harry had no idea What is bezoar. He tried not to look at Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, who were trembling with laughter. "I don't know, sir." "I don't think you've read a single book before term started, have you, Potter?"

Harry forced himself to stare straight into his impassive eyes. At the Dursleys', he had indeed read all the books, but could Snape ask him to memorize everything from A Thousand Miraculous Herbs and Fungi? Snape still ignored Hermione's trembling arm. "Potter, then tell me what's the difference between aconite in the shape of a boat and aconite chamaejasma?" At this moment, Hermione stood up, her hand stretched straight to the ceiling of the dungeon. "I don't know," Harry whispered, "but, I think, Hermione knows the answer, why don't you ask her?" Several students laughed. Harry caught Seamus' gaze, and Seamus winked at him. Of course Snape wasn't happy.

"Sit down," he yelled at Hermione. "Let me tell you, Potter, daffodil root powder and wormwood can be mixed together to make a powerful sleeping potion, which is the water of death. Bezoar comes from the stomach of a cow. A kind of stone taken out of the plant has a strong detoxification effect. As for the aconitum acanthus and chamaejasma aconitum, they are the same plant, and they are also collectively called aconitum. Do you understand? Why don’t you write them all down?”

Then there was a sudden rustling of quills and parchment. Snape said over the din, "One point from Gryffindor for contradicting the professor, Potter."

Harry saw Malfoy nearly fall off his chair laughing. The Slytherin students also stared at him with great interest, whispering to each other and watching him laugh from time to time.

At this time, Harry noticed that there was a different person in Slytherin: he kept his head down and read the book, neither laughed at himself with the classmates next to him, nor laughed like Malfoy and almost fell off the chair.

"This is a strange man." Harry thought.

Under the influence of Ronald and Malfoy's appearance, not to mention the impression Snape gave him just now. Harry had a real distaste and disgust for Slytherins. But this person seemed to be different from other Slytherins.

Potions class continued, but nothing improved for Gryffindor. Professor Snape asked everyone to prepare the scabies potion, but something always happened on Gryffindor's side: Seamus Finnigan blew up his griddle, Ronald did something, his cauldron twisted into a twist, Lavender There was an unpleasant smell coming from Brown's cauldron.

The only ones on Gryffindor's side who weren't in trouble were Hermione and Neville, whose cauldrons didn't explode or emit a bad smell. The potions in the crucibles of the two of them were exactly as stated in the book.

In contrast to Slytherin, the little snakes were quietly busy with their work. It wasn't like Gryffindor's side was running around and had problems all the time, Snape had deducted points more than once for Gryffindor's problems, including Harry's already deducted seven points.

"Neville, how did you do it?" Ronald's cauldron was dead, and there was nothing he could do now.

"Don't you know how to read?" Hermione said impatiently next to Neville, "The steps and methods are clearly written on the blackboard. I would like to ask how you did it."

Hermione couldn't understand it, the clear steps and practical methods were written on the blackboard. Why is there always a constant situation on Gryffindor's side. Hermione saw that Solim had bottled his potion and handed it to Snape. And Gryffindor's fastest self was two or three steps away from Neville.

After class, Harry noticed that Hermione and Neville were standing at the door waiting for someone. After all, they were the only two of them who finished the potion in the whole of Gryffindor just now, and it was impossible not to attract attention. Harry dragged Ronald along slowly, wanting to see what they were going to do.

Finally the Slytherins walked out of the classroom as well, and Harry saw the only Slytherin who wasn't laughing at him walking towards Hermione and Neville.

"Thank you Solim, I would be doomed today if it wasn't for you."

"Shouldn't you be thanking me, Neville? Don't you have a long memory for what happened last night?" Hermione complained. "Solim, you don't know that Neville was just about to put porcupine quills in the cauldron in class. Fortunately, I kept watching him, otherwise what happened last night would have to happen all over again."

"Okay, okay, there is no class in the afternoon, what are you going to do?"

Hearing this voice, Harry finally remembered who Solim was, and he still remembered the sorting ceremony. Harry signaled Ronald to keep silent, dragged him to hide behind a corner and continued to eavesdrop.

"Solim, do you have time tonight? I'm almost done with the book you lent me."

"Well, you go back to your old place after supper. Pick another one for yourself."

Hearing their voices fade away, Ronald couldn't wait to say to Harry: "Two traitors from Gryffindor! You are so close to those poisonous snakes. What do you think, Harry?"

Although Harry didn't think Hermione and Neville would be traitors to Gryffindor, he also wanted to know why they were so close to that Solim. Forget about Neville, Hermione said they were cousins, but why did Hermione get involved in it. According to Hermione, they had practiced making scabies potion last night, so Hermione and Neville could finish Snape's homework in class today.

Thinking of this, Harry said to Ronald: "Leave them alone, I will go to Hagrid's place in the afternoon, and when I come back in the evening, we will ask Hermione and them, what do you think?"

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