Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 143 - 143: The Opponent Kneels (Third Release, Seeking Monthly Votes)

Chapter 143: Chapter 143: The Opponent Kneels (Third Release, Seeking Monthly Votes)

Feng Jun also dared not look at Ye Qingyi for more than a second. He then exited WeChat and barely dodged an Innate Expert’s palm strike without hesitation, promptly leaving the Cultivation Space as well.

In the real world, he lit the Lei Guan and watched it burn down to the end before re-entering the Cultivation Space.

He viciously threw the explosives in his hand at the Innate Expert in the sky, then entered WeChat once more.

Originally, he had planned to buy something like a bomb-proof shield and hide behind it, but on second thoughts, two kilograms of TNT were not to be taken lightly, and it was indeed better to avoid the blast.

In the webcam view of WeChat, Xiao Yezi was propping her chin with her hands, still lost in thought.

After another two seconds, Feng Jun exited WeChat again and reappeared in the Cultivation Space, only to feel the ground tremble under his feet and the echo of an explosion ringing in his ears.

He could not afford to look at anyone else. His gaze fixed on the Innate Expert in the air, he saw the figure being thrown into the distance by the explosive shockwave.

In Minister Luo’s eyes, the opponent had vanished for a mere instant, only to reappear with a strange object in hand, which was then hurled towards him.

This was definitely not something good; he made that judgement in a split second. So, his first reaction was, should he run away?

However, though he wanted to flee, having spent too much time in this mortal realm and accustomed to being superior as an Innate Expert, he couldn’t bring himself to totally discard his pride: where would his face be if others saw him running away in a panic?

Only hesitating for that split moment, the object was already smashing towards him.

He had just launched a full-powered palm strike, and then, as Feng Jun had thought, only managed to be surprised, without making any other preparations.

At that moment, it was impossible for him to unleash another full-powered strike. In haste, he swept another palm at the object, but the power was only half as strong as before.

Of course, even a hurried strike from an Innate Expert was not something ordinary people could match.

At the same time, Minister Luo also slightly sidestepped to evade. To maintain his image, he didn’t move too far, but he did make way.

In fact, he thought about advancing to seize the opponent. After all, an Immortal’s close combat ability might not match up to an Innate Expert, and in terms of pure martial prowess, the other party was just an Intermediate Level Martial Master.

But whether to take action or not, he was still hesitant. His previous move could be excused as ignorance, but to forcibly make a move now would be blatant malice.

Anyway, the decision was quite difficult; he planned to observe the opponent’s technique before taking any action.

However, how could he have known that what was being thrown at him turned out to be an explosive with tremendous lethality?

When the Lei Guan detonator went off, he realized things were bad. He had witnessed the previous explosion, which seemed a bit large, but the potency… well, it was somewhat minimal.

This time, facing him, an Innate Expert, the adversary was using a similar method, and he knew without thinking that the force would definitely be much greater than the last one.

But at that moment, reacting was truly too late. When a Lei Guan detonates TNT, it is exceedingly fast; Minister Luo hadn’t even straightened out his previous thoughts when only the words “it’s bad” flashed through his mind and an even bigger explosion occurred.

Even though he was an Innate Expert and had gathered his qi to protect his body, in the face of absolute power, he could only succumb.

The fierce shockwave was not something he could withstand with his qi, and without anything to leverage in mid-air, he was directly blown away.

He didn’t even notice that Feng Jun had disappeared for a second, narrowly avoiding this explosion.

Minister Luo’s body was sent flying backward, and in truth, he suffered severe internal injuries. Although he had protected himself with qi, the shockwave of the TNT blast was enough to internally shatter bones while leaving the exterior of a person unharmed.

He was painfully aware that just this one hit meant he would need to seclude himself to recuperate; without three to five years, there was no hope of recovery — indeed, Immortals are Immortals, not something just anyone can mess with.

Such a painful realization.

Afterward, his body heavily crashed to the ground. Bouncing and then landing again far away after hitting the ground three times, he finally slowed down, rolled a couple more times, and then stopped moving.

Minister Luo wanted to get up and flee, but found his body limp and unable to straighten up for the moment.

He struggled to lift his head, only to discover not far from himself were the villagers of the Zhao Family fortress. Many of them were also toppled by the blast, swaying unsteadily and unable to keep their balance.

He was shocked again: I was blasted that far?

Being in the air, he indeed had been thrown very far, going beyond a mile with the three bounces.

The next moment, his vision blurred as the Intermediate Level Martial Master, who knew Immortal Techniques, landed in front of him.

For a martial master, a distance of over a mile was indeed almost instant.

Minister Luo mustered a forced smile, wanting to explain himself, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he spat out a mouthful of fresh blood.

Feng Jun drew the curved knife from his leg, expressionless, and chopped down mercilessly.

This man was an Innate Expert; he had to take advantage of the other’s weakness to end his life. Hesitation would only bring chaos.

However, when the saber slashed across the opponent’s chest and abdomen, it bounced off unexpectedly—unable to breach the defense?

Minister Luo, however, spat out another mouthful of fresh blood due to the vibration.

Feng Jun’s gaze moved upward to the opponent’s exposed neck, hesitating for a moment—would it be alright to decapitate him?

He didn’t have any moral scruples, but cutting off the head of a living person in full view of an audience seemed a bit too bloody, and he wasn’t sure if it was in line with the norms of this realm.

Just as he felt that cutting his hair short was no big deal, but in this place, it marked him as a complete oddity.

Alright, he had to admit, he was somewhat unclear whether his saber could actually penetrate the opponent’s neck defense.

But Minister Luo breathed a sigh of relief; he wore armor, and his neck was protected by a Dharma he practiced, making it difficult for ordinary blades to harm him. Just then, it occurred to him—the weapons held by his opponent seemed to be ordinary, with no divine weapons in sight!

Yet this very sense of relief deeply irritated his opponent.

Feng Jun gave him a cold glance, raising his hand to draw a spike over a meter long from behind his back.

Upon seeing the long spike, Minister Luo’s eyes widened in horror as he blurted out, “Spare my life!”

No sooner had he claimed his opponent lacked divine weapons than one was produced—a rare item that was as good as any divine weapon, if not better. Indeed, it was a Spiritual Hedgehog Spine!

Having taken part in the killing of two Spiritual Hedgehogs, Minister Luo was more than familiar with the object. In fact, he could even discern that the Spiritual Hedgehog Spine in Feng Jun’s hand was far superior to ordinary ones.

That is to say, those spines weren’t just shed by a Spiritual Hedgehog but rather were plucked fresh from its body!

What kind of strength would that require?

No wonder he didn’t carry divine weapons—why would he need them, having a motorcycle at hand, what use would there be for a bicycle?

Recognizing the Spiritual Hedgehog Spine, Minister Luo couldn’t care less about his own injuries as he bled and pleaded for mercy.

Feng Jun’s hand swung downward, thrusting the spike toward the other’s neck, and he spoke without expression, “Did you ever think of sparing my life when you struck me with that palm?”

“He who kills must be prepared to be killed in turn,” Feng Jun had never possessed what some might call a woman’s mercy.

In his desperation, Minister Luo didn’t bother with further words, flipped over in full force, and cried out, “Immor…”

He intended to reveal Feng Jun’s identity by screaming, “Immortal, spare me,” but before he could finish his plea, the long spike penetrated the back of his neck and emerged from the front.

In an instant, Minister Luo’s body convulsed violently, his legs kicked aimlessly, and then he was still.

Feng Jun pulled out the spike and glanced coldly around him, only to discover that the recent TNT explosion had blasted a shallow crater where he had been standing. Lang Zhen and the Deng Family Brothers were sitting on the ground nearby, gasping for breath.

Lang Zhen fared slightly better, while from the eyes, ears, mouth, and nose of the Deng Family Brothers flowed fresh blood—they too had not escaped the blast unscathed.

The low-rank martial master they had been fighting against was not faring much better; propped up by his longsword on the ground, he was gasping for air with blood dripping from his mouth.

The high-rank martial master who had been shot in the thigh was in a much better condition, being a bit farther from the blast. His orifices showed no signs of bleeding, but the terror in his eyes was irrepressible as he huddled aside, not daring to make a sound.

In short, when the TNT exploded, all ongoing skirmishes came to an abrupt halt.

And the two hundred-plus people from Zhao Family Manor stood there, dumbfounded as chickens made of wood—none dared to make a move or a sound.

Feng Jun hesitated for a few seconds before kicking off the ground and charging with the spike toward the high-rank martial master.

If he could kill this man, the others would be trivial—two low-rank martial masters, one wounded, the other being Elder Zhao of Zhao Family Manor, and there was one intermediate-level martial master who had been blown away by his grenade, who, even if not dead, was seriously injured.

Only this high-rank martial master still seemed capable of fighting despite the bullet wound in his thigh.

His plan wasn’t wrong, but he could never have dreamed that just as he darted out not even a hundred meters, the high-rank martial master threw down his weapon, raised his hands high, and bellowed, “Mercy, my lord, I surrender!”

At these words, Feng Jun halted in surprise, then turned to look at Lang Zhen with profound bewilderment—What the heck, surrender was an option? What happened to the dignity of a martial cultivator?

Lang Zhen, aware that his boss was somewhat naive, coughed softly and said, “Since he hasn’t kneeled on one knee, you may kill him…”

This statement implied that… if one kneeled and surrendered, they couldn’t be killed?

It appeared to be utterly illogical to Feng Jun, who felt befuddled. However, that didn’t stop him from raising the spike once more.

“I surrender!” The high-rank martial master screamed at the top of his voice and knelt down on one knee.

(Third update, the monthly tickets are rising a bit too slowly, calling out loudly for support.)

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