Big Game Sniper

7. Ascension and Rewards

The prompts didn’t stop there.

Congratulations, you have cleared the [Clandestine Caverns] Dungeon!

Congratulations, you have completed GEAS Quest(Mandatory): Cull the Dungeon!

You must Ascend to receive your rewards

Warning: Dungeon will reset in 8 hours. Please exit the dungeon through the provided portal before then.

Jared looked around, confused for a second. “Is that really it? I didn’t expect all the rats to die once I hit whatever was in the center.” Standing, he made his way over to the corpse of the rat king to look for any usable materials. The only thing he could find worth taking was a single gray crystalline orb, a little smaller than his head. It had a hole straight through it, so he figured this was what he had hit to kill the rat king. Curious as to its nature, he identified it.

Rat King Core: Stone (Scarce, Great) - A large, stone aspected mana crystal that has been at the center of a Stone Rat nest for so long, it merged with the rats, creating a Rat King. Quality has been lowered due to damage to the crystalline structure. Useful in some crafting.

“Huh, so this thing turned all of the individual rats into one giant creature. I’m not sure if I should be impressed or horrified.”

It didn’t really matter. He gave the core to Mimi, who expanded her barrel into a large mouth, gulping the core down. With that done, he turned towards the exit portal, which had appeared about ten meters away.

“I don’t know about you Mimi, but I am ready to be out of these damn caves.”

The mimic gave a hum of assent, and he strode through the portal.

They appeared at his makeshift hide, where he had spent the previous night. Jared looked around to make sure they were alone, and after a moment, he was satisfied they were. Sitting down against the cave wall, he pulled up his profile to begin his ascension. Before beginning, he turned to Mimi. “Happy Ascending! See you on the other side!” He willed his ascension to start, and he was once again in the white void space he had gone to for his first ascension.

Ascension started.

Please choose a Primary Class Ascension

Scout Sniper - Exceptionally skilled in the fields of reconnaissance and precision strikes, Scout Snipers are used throughout many countries to aid their militaries. Gives bonuses to skills related to stealth, information gathering, and marksmanship

Provides 1 ALA and 1 PHY or PRO per level.

A straight upgrade to Marksman, if a little basic. What else you got?

Assault Gunner - Gifted in both melee and ranged combat, Assault Gunners often stay near the front lines of battle, where their versatility can sway the course of battle. Gives bonuses to skills related to marksmanship, melee combat, and physical durability

Provides 1 PHY and 1 ALA or PRO per level.

Nope, not happening. I’m staying as far away from monsters as possible. There’s got to be something better.

Big Game Sniper - Specialized in taking out dangerous targets from a distance, Big Game Snipers are always looking for bigger and stronger monsters to hunt. Gives significantly better bonuses when hunting monsters of higher level. Gives bonuses to skills relating to information gathering, marksmanship, and hunting.

Provides 2 ALA and 1 PHY per level.

Now we’re talking. Interesting that it gives more stats per level, but they’re fixed. Also, no projection. I don’t know enough about that stat to know if that’s going to hinder me in the long run. It doesn’t seem like I’ve used it a lot. At least, I haven’t noticed if I have. Any other options?

There was one more.

Eye Sniper - Knowing that the eyes are often a glaring weak point, Eye Snipers have honed their craft to be able to reliably land their shots to the windows of the soul. Gives significantly better bonuses when hitting creatures in the eye. Gives bonuses to skills relating to Marksmanship, Precision Striking, and Weak Point Strikes.

Provides 2 ALA and 1 PRO per level

Powerful, but specialized to the point of being almost useless in some scenarios. Like if the target doesn’t have eyes.

Going over his options, one more time, he considered each one carefully before making his decision.

Class Ascension Chosen: Marksman Ascends to Big Game Sniper

Skill Marksmanship Ascends to Sniper’s Marksmanship(Exceptional III) - You have shown you can be lethal, even at a large distance. Gives a 33% bonus to accuracy and damage while using projectile weapons specialized for long distance. Bonus is doubled if attacking a target more than 500 meters away. Bonus increases by 1% per level in the Skill.

Skill Stalking Ascend’s to Sniper’s Stalking(Skilled V) - The Big Game Sniper, in order to remain undetected, has learned the arts of self camouflage and silent movement. Your attempts to camouflage yourself are now 25% harder to see through and you are 25% better at moving undetected. When attacking a foe that has not detected you, your first shot deals 12.5% extra damage. Bonuses increase by 1%, 1%, and 0.5% per level in the Skill.

Skill Marksman’s Vision Ascends to Sniper’s Spotting(Proficient VII) - A Sniper can spot even a hidden target from a great distance and take it down without being noticed. You can detect, identify, and kill targets at any distance, as long as the target is within your field of vision. Additionally, it is 17% easier for you to spot hidden creatures and objects. This bonus increases by 1% per level in the Skill.

Skill Desperate Marksman’s Concentration Ascends to Sniper’s Focus(Unskilled V) - Heighten your focus for a short time, making the world seem to slow down. Activate the skill just before firing, to grant a period of greatly enhanced focus, allowing for greater accuracy and damage. Effect time increased and stamina cost lowered slightly per level in the Skill

May you never miss your prey

Skill Field Dressing Ascends to Big Game Harvesting(Unskilled VIII) - You have proven able to harvest useful materials from creatures you kill. You are able to find and harvest useful parts slightly easier. This bonus is greatly increased if you are the one that killed the creature and if it is larger than you. This bonus increases with Skill level.

Skill Unlocked! Big Game Tracking(Unskilled I) - A hunter is always able to find his prey, and you are no different. You are able to locate and follow traces left by creatures slightly easier. This bonus is greatly increased when tracking a creature you intend to hunt, and if that creature is larger than you. This bonus increases with Skill level.


Primary Class(6/10)

Sniper’s Marksmanship(Exceptional III)

Sniper’s Stalking(Skilled V)

Sniper’s Spotting(Proficient VII)

Sniper’s Focus(Unskilled V)

Big Game Harvesting(Unskilled VIII)

Big Game Tracking(Unskilled I)


Jared just stared, taking in everything he had just read. Ascending wasn’t just a minor change, it was a qualitative upgrade to everything. And as he read the next prompt, he realized this was just the beginning.

Auxiliary Class Slot Unlocked!

Please choose one of the following options to receive your Auxiliary class and complete your ascension


Ammunition Maker

Camouflage Tailor

Without even looking at the descriptions, he selected Ammunition Maker. He had Mimi to be his gun, so gunsmith was out, and if he needed new fatigues or ghillie suits, he could always commission a tailor or make it himself. What he needed right now was a way to sustainably supply himself with ammunition.

You have selected Ammunition Maker as your Auxiliary class. Please select a specialization for your creation process



That was a surprise. He tried focusing on each, but no more information was forthcoming. Thinking about each, he concluded that mundane would give him skills to physically create ammunition using methods like blacksmithing. He wasn’t sure what all magic entailed. It could allow him to make bullets out of magic, or be something completely different.

Either path was a risk. He didn’t know anything about smithing, and he was sure it would take a while to learn. The last time he had been offered magic, he had refused it to double down on his strengths. Now, there was no such option, so he decided to risk it.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

You have selected the Magical specialization.

Auxiliary Class gained! Ammunition Maker(Magical)Lv. 1

You gain 1 Projection

Skill Unlocked! Create Ammunition(Unskilled I) - Using your mana, mold, reshape, and combine materials to create ammunition for weapons you are at least Proficient with. Control increases and Mana cost decreases per level in the skill

Ascension commencing…

Name: Jared Moore

Primary Class: Offensive Powerhouse Big Game Sniper Lv. 10

Auxiliary Class: Ammunition Maker(Magical) Lv. 1

Ascension: Improved


Free points: 4(ALA or PRO), 1(PRO), 1(PHY)

Physique: 8

Physical: 6

Magical: 2

Alacrity: 15

Physical: 8

Mental: 7

Projection: 8

Evocation: 4

Manipulation: 4


Primary Class(6/10)

Sniper’s Marksmanship(Exceptional III)

Sniper’s Stalking(Skilled V)

Sniper’s Spotting(Proficient VII)

Sniper’s Focus(Unskilled V)

Big Game Harvesting(Unskilled VIII)

Big Game Tracking(Unskilled I)

Auxiliary Class(1/5)

Create Ammunition(Unskilled I)




Offensive Powerhouse(+)[Active]

Eye Hunter

Naomi’s Savior

You have 1 unused Active Title Slot

The itching sensation once more suffused Jared’s body, but with increased intensity. He tried to clench his teeth as every cell of his body felt like it was vibrating, but he was frozen in place. The itching increased steadily, morphing into a tearing pain that filled his being as he was forced to experience his body being remade cell by cell.

Finally, it came to an end, leaving Jared feeling wrung out, but refreshed. Almost as soon as it finished, he found himself back in the cave. Mimi poked him with a pseudopod, showing that she had finished her Ascension as well. Curious about what she had received, he pulled up her profile.

Name: Naomi(Mimi)

Race: Mimic

Subrace: Equipment Mimic Lv. 10

Ascension: Improved

Hunger: Slightly peckish


Free points: 0

Physique: 10

Physical: 5

Magical: 5

Alacrity: 8

Physical: 4

Mental: 4

Projection: 9

Evocation: 2

Manipulation: 7


Racial (3/3)

Consume(Skilled VI)

Adopt Shape(Skilled IV)

Copy Skill(Unskilled I) - You have learned to copy more than just physical forms, but also the abilities of your prey. When you witness a Skill being used, you may copy that Skill if its level is no more than 1 level higher than this Skill. This number increases by 1 per level in the Skill. You can remember a number of copied Skills equal to level in this Skill. Skills copied(0/1):

Subrace (3/10)

Equipment Eater(Skilled VI)

Extradimensional Stomach(Proficient VI)

Equipment Durability(Unskilled VII) - You have eaten many pieces of equipment, and have decided to take the form of one. You fully understand any piece of equipment you Adopt the Shape of. When you take the form of a piece of equipment, damage to you will be reduced by 14% if an enemy is not targeting you specifically. This bonus increases by 2% per level in the Skill


Friend of Jared Moore

“Wow Mimi, that’s quite the upgrade you got there. Good job.”

Seeing that she had spent all her stat points reminded him that he still had some to assign, as well as the rewards from the quest and dungeon. Starting with his stats, he put his PHY point into magical, his PRO point into manipulation, and split the rest of his points evenly between physical and mental ALA. Confirming his choice, he nodded in satisfaction.


Free points: 0

Physique: 9

Physical: 6

Magical: 3

Alacrity: 19

Physical: 10

Mental: 9

Projection: 9

Evocation: 4

Manipulation: 5

Next, he decided to activate the Spelljammer Title, filling his second Title slot.

Finally, he pulled up the rewards prompts.

Congratulations, you have cleared the [Clandestine Caverns] Dungeon!

Congratulations, you have completed GEAS Quest(Mandatory): Cull the Dungeon!

Ascension completed… Calculating rewards…

For completing the [Clandestine Caverns] Dungeon, you are awarded 100 gold Imperials and 1 piece of class specific equipment. Please select one of the following options:




He didn’t need a weapon as long as he had Mimi, and he had most of the utility tools he would need for the near future. If the dungeon was anything to go by, he needed armor.

Armor selected! Delivering rewards…

A wooden trunk appeared in front of Jared, and opening it, he found a pouch full of gold coins and a bunch of green-dyed leather. He pulled it out and found it was a two piece set, to cover the chest and legs. He identified them, and was surprised at the result.

Sniper’s Leather Jerkin(Uncommon, Magnificent){1/2} - Provides basic protection against most cutting and piercing attacks. While wearing both pieces of this set, all Sniper class skills are increased by 1 level. Requirements: Sniper Class

Sniper’s Leather Trousers(Uncommon, Magnificent){2/2} - Provides basic protection against most cutting and piercing attacks. While wearing both pieces of this set, all Sniper class skills are increased by 1 level. Requirements: Sniper Class

He immediately pulled on the armor, finding it fit perfectly.

If the dungeon reward was this good, what is the quest reward going to be?

He didn’t wait to find out.

For completing the GEAS Quest(Mandatory): Cull the Dungeon, you may choose one of the following rewards

Primary Skill Upgrade

Auxiliary Skill Upgrade

New Primary Class Skill

New Auxiliary Class Skill


Going over his options, he considered what he needed. The first option he eliminated was a new title. He already had several, and some came with heavy drawbacks in many situations. He needed to be ready for anything, at least until he could find some civilization. So that left the Skills. Going over his lists, he was fairly happy with his Primary Class Skills. Sure, this might give him something rare and powerful, but he could probably get any skill it gave him on his own, with time. He also felt fairly confident with his progress so far, having gained several levels in each, even in the short time he had been here.

That left Auxiliary Class Skills. His Auxiliary Class was going to be his main source of ammunition, which he was running low on. He didn’t even know what Skills he might need, aside from the one he was given. So he decided to trust what the system had already given him.

Auxiliary Class Skill Upgrade selected!

Skill Create Ammunition Upgraded from (Unskilled I) to (Exceptional I)

Jared grinned. He had some Skills to test.

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