Big Manga

Chapter 1004

Chapter 999 : Vol. 1

“Teacher He Xi, this… everyone has filled it out.”

A few days later, Meng Huo received a form in the studio.

He looked at the form, which was a survey form. After he leaves in a few months, the island studio will be temporarily closed. He must first investigate what department the painters will go to for part-time jobs during that time, or directly enjoy their holidays.

The choices of the painters are clear in the table. I chose to go to Tokyo and Ninghai, and there are many people who have helped “Chong Wu Elf”, “Detective Conan” and Bai Ya’s lower animation respectively.

In addition to these departments, more artists have become accustomed to Su Hua’s work and do not want to leave the comic island. Therefore, the number of people who plan to go to Qinglong Studio to help adapt the text adventure game animation is the largest.

Menghuo asked Jiang Tianshi, and they welcomed the painters from the island studio to work.

Now that all the data are counted, two-thirds of the painters who choose to work part-time during the holiday account for two-thirds, and one-third of the painters choose to take a vacation. There was no pay for this vacation, and one-third of the number surprised Meng Huo.

“Why are so many people willing to take a vacation?”

he asked.

“We also want to take a break.”

“A rare long vacation, I don’t want to waste it.”

“Usually the salary is very high, a few months off is no big deal, I just can’t find time to rest, I don’t want to miss such a good opportunity.”

What the painters said made Meng Huo relieved. The salary and conditions of the island studio are very good. Many of them have small vaults and don’t mind the loss of months. This is true. .

Besides Meng Huo, Qin Ya did not choose any place this time. Perhaps this is also the reason why some painters plan to take a vacation.

“…Okay.” Meng Huo put the form away and said, “I will give it to the personnel department. When I decide to leave, the company will arrange a new job for you immediately… If you change your mind, then go to the personnel department to make changes yourself. Isn’t that okay?”

“no problem!”

The painters answered one after another.

“But the teacher…” At this moment, a person asked: “If you leave before the end of “Stones of Destiny”, what about this animation?”

Other people are also very interested. There are 25 episodes of “The Gate of Destiny”. Half a year of broadcasting time, when Meng Huo left, it was probably not over.

“Then you continue to finish it.” Meng Huo replied: “I promise that when I leave, there will be no more than five episodes of “The Gate of Destiny”. You will complete the last few episodes by yourself. Don’t tell me to do it all. No more.”

The painters shook their heads immediately: “No, of course not!”

“Teacher, don’t worry. We must do it!”

“If the script is detailed, four or five episodes are fine.”

“The stable child, we won’t let it go crooked!”

The painters are confident about this. They are also experienced employees for several years, and they can fully keep up with Meng Huo’s requirements.

If a new animation is not guided by Meng Huo, the studio is naturally prone to crookedness. But “The Gate of Destiny” has been broadcast for several months by then, and the details of the production have been standardized. As long as each artist continues to complete it in a stable mode, this is not a big problem.

Meng Huo was relieved, and the painter in the island studio had an arrangement. After he leaves, there is no need to worry about animation anymore. Several other departments such as “Detective Conan” and “Chong Monster” can operate normally, and the lower part of DreamWorks film is not a problem.

In terms of games, “Pokemon” will release a new version when he leaves. After that, Meng Huo didn’t arrange a task, but He Qian and her staff still have “World of Warcraft” in their hands, so there is no need to worry about work problems.

The business department and office are now operating independently, and Meng Huo does not need to worry about it. Therefore, before setting off for the trip, all Meng Huo had left was the comics problem-this time he wanted to take a good rest, and he should not spend much effort on comics during the months of travel.

Meng Huo serialized a lot of comics in the weekly. He decided to cut half of the comics to temporarily suspend publication, and save the remaining half as much as possible in the past few months. He first chopped “Soul of Chess”–for this reason, Qin Ya even got into trouble with him.

“Why is “Gossuki”? Its popularity is not lost to other comics!” There is another reason why Qin Ya feels uncomfortable: “Cut “Gossip”, but keep the serialization of “Shakugan Shana”, how fair is this?”

both work in the same studio. He is also He Xi’s assistant, but the treatment of “Hireki” is worse than “Saragan’s Shana”, which makes Qin Ya feel that she has lost to Baihan. What she is not convinced is that the popularity of “Hireki” is obviously better than that of “Shakugan”. Shana is much taller.

Meng Huo had no choice but to invite Qin Ya to dinner, and spent a lot of time explaining to her why he did this.

The various achievements of “Gossip Soul” are very good, it is second only to “Detective Conan” and “One Piece” in the magazines of Phoenix Company. And the reason why Meng Huo chose to suspend its serialization was actually because of its solid foundation. Stopping the serialization will not have a very big impact.

“The loyalty of the readers of “Gossip” is very high. After the publication is suspended for a few months, the popularity will return immediately after the resumption.” Meng Huo said: “But “Shakugan no Shana” is different. Once the publication is suspended for a few months, the loss will be great.”

“Shakugan no Shana” because of its special serialization experience, its status in the weekly magazine is not as good as Meng Huo’s other comics. And the animation hit effect of “Shakugan No Shana” will last for a long time, and it will also help the sales of comics. It is the time to make persistent efforts.

If you stop it after a few months, the effect of the supplement will be hard to say.

Of course, the reason why Meng Huo chose to stop the publication is not only because of the basic foundation of the comic itself, but also because of the ability of the assistants. Just like “Detective Conan”, Meng Huo is basically not responsible for its usual serialization. Xi Wenlin and Tomato are responsible for the design and publication of each case. In this case, it naturally does not need to stop publication.

But Qin Ya can’t draw “The Soul of Chess” well by herself. Although she has learned some Go knowledge, her chess skills can’t keep up with the ability to create chess games on her own.

“And you can take a little rest, okay?” Meng Huo also considered Qin Ya’s hard work with him in the past few years. He also wanted to take this opportunity to loosen her up. This woman doesn’t have his physical heritage, she is taller every day. In fact, Meng Huo is still a little worried about the intense work.

Qin Ya gave up when he heard this.

“Forget it, if you don’t paint, you won’t paint… Anyway, it’s not me who is the trouble.” She muttered, and the news of the suspension of “Soul of the Game” spread out, and those chess players must be nervous to death. Then Meng Huo knew how much trouble he had caused.

But Meng Huo didn’t know if he didn’t foresee this situation, or didn’t care about the players’ thoughts at all, he had no intention of changing his mind at all.

On Sunday, the day before the broadcast of “Stones of Destiny”. After the busy start of school, the four Liu Yi suddenly sent a text message to Meng Huo, asking if he could go to his house to play-Meng Huo immediately agreed.

This was the first time that Liu Yi and the others took the initiative to send text messages to Meng Huo. Not only Meng Huo was surprised, but Shen Jie was also surprised.

“What kind of wind is blowing today, you will actually come to the door.” When I went to pick them upstairs in the evening. Shen Jie smiled and said, “Let me guess whose idea is—Liu Yun, it must be yours, right?”

Liu Yun raised her eyebrows: “Does this still have to be guessed? The three next to him are all cowards.”

If you want to say who is most likely to initiate an active attack among the four, it is undoubtedly her. Han Xuan and the three of them didn’t dare to disturb Meng Huo unless they encountered very important things.

“What’s the matter today?” Shen Jie asked curiously. Even Liu Yun, she didn’t think it was okay, she would be so proactive.

“Isn’t “Stone of Destiny” going to be broadcast tomorrow? It’s the ugly animation of the male protagonist…” Liu Yun said: “Many of us spoof the male protagonist on the Internet and make him a variety of emoticons, so I’m a little curious. I want to ask Meng Huo why he designed him so ugly.”

“Actually, it’s not ugly.” Shen Jie shook his head: “It’s just a comparison of his other animations. This time the setting is really different.”

She saw that Liu Yun was hiding. These four people have never come for an animation. But just conceal it. Shen Jie didn’t think they could do anything big, at most it was just a few small requests-this can also be heard during dinner.

But to Shen Jie’s surprise, Liu Yun and the others may have retired on the spot, but they didn’t tell the story and they chatted with Meng Huo about “The Gate of Destiny”.

They asked about the content of the first episode, but Meng Huo didn’t know how to spoil it. The plot of “Stones of Destiny” progressed very slowly. For many viewers, the first few episodes should have been boring and jumping plots.

This animation should be viewed as a whole. The first episode of the animation is the beginning and the end. Need to read it to fully understand. If Meng Huo told them what was said in the first episode, it would actually be a spoiler for the entire animation.

“Tomorrow’s episode has no content. It just uses suspense to make the protagonists shine. You don’t have to expect too much.” Meng Huo said. The first episode of “Stone of Destiny” is actually all kinds of big holes, and the plot behind it is slowly filling the holes.

Liu Yun was disappointed: “Doesn’t this mean that you can’t slap your classmates?”

“Slap on the face?”

“Yes, my classmates said that the male lead is too ugly. I said “The Gate of Destiny Stone” would definitely look good!” Liu Yun said with a distressed expression: “This is good. If the first episode can’t change your opinion, then you can Wait a few more episodes.”

Shen Jie smiled: “Then you have to wait a few months. I can’t understand the first episode. I will understand after more than a dozen episodes.”

She also heard what others said, and had never seen the script with her own eyes. Before the animation was made, the scripts of each episode of the animation looked very boring, especially the rigorous animations such as “The Gate of Destiny”.

Liu Yun understood a little: “Does “The Gate of Destiny Stone” resemble “The Wine of Eternal Life”?”

“The puzzle-solving process is a bit similar, but it feels different.” Meng Huo shook his head. In his opinion, these are two different styles of animation, with only a small degree of similarity in the technique-but audiences have to watch many episodes. Will slowly understand the content.

This is a rather slow-moving animation. Meng Huo didn’t expect much from the response from its beginning, let alone the protagonist’s too many slots. After the first few episodes of the animation were broadcast, the media was absolutely uniform. Criticism.

However, this kind of criticism will not have much impact on Meng Huo and Phoenix. Not only that, Meng Huo also believes that a considerable audience group will patiently watch it-this kind of hard-to-understand animation is not the first. Appeared again.

After dinner, Meng Huo and Shen Jie sent away four young people.

“They seem to have something to ask you.” Shen Jie said.

Meng Huo felt it out, but they still waited for them to say it themselves. These four people are a bit unable to speak, but if it is really important, as long as they are willing to say, Meng Huo will help naturally.

If they kept silent, Meng Huo would choose to ignore it. He couldn’t take the initiative to help them every time.

The next day, “The Gate of Destiny Stones” premiered on Suhua TV. The ratings of the first episode were not very good. The number of viewers during the broadcast was declining, just like last year’s “Wine of Eternal Life”.

After reading it hard, the evaluation on the Internet is not very good. Many viewers are incomprehensible. Some people inquire about the content and some people say sarcasm on the forum and Weibo of He Shi’s Home, which looks messy.

“Have you finished watching the first episode? I watched it a bit messy. Who will analyze it for me? What is the theme of this animation? What will be the theme of the whole animation?”

“By the way, why did that woman die and live? Is this a bug?”

“Fuck, the male protagonist is worse than we thought! Even if he looks ugly, I didn’t expect to be full of nonsense, the more he looks like neurotic…What’s wrong with the teacher, such a protagonist is really no problem?”

“The plot of the first episode is a bit jumpy. Although it doesn’t cause people to fall into complete chaos like “Wine of Eternal Life”, there is still a feeling of deja vu-that feels really uncomfortable I will wait for the animation to end I’ll buy Bd later.”

But apart from the negative reviews, there is one difference between “Gate of Destiny” and “Wine of Eternal Life”, that is, the number of viewers who have positive reviews and expectations for it-even if this episode of animation even has an op Neither ed nor ed appear.

“I am relieved to see so many people complaining, “Stone of Destiny” will definitely be a work of God!”

“If you look at teacher He Xi’s animation carefully, you will find that there are few useless things in his works. Everything that appears in it must have its principles. A small detail may be a big foreshadowing. And this episode The plot was so stuffed that the opening and ending songs disappeared-the song is the sign of Mr. He Shi, the sign of abandonment was replaced with the plot, this is a lot of information!”

“That’s right, the details of this episode are not simple, the specific answer will be developed in the future, I look forward to it being another masterpiece!”

“This is an animation that needs to be watched with IQ, and the troll will not be watched with IQ!” (To be continued.)

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