Big Manga

Chapter 1013

Chapter 1008 : No need to do it

“No!” After receiving Alice’s report, Meng Huo refused on the spot: “Shen Jie, what is she messing around!”

“I don’t think she is fooling around, she is very serious.” Alice shook her head, and then smiled: “But this method is really too risky. I have to teach that person how to do it yourself- I still have a lot of friends in Yanjing, you can ask them to beat him a little bit in the entertainment circle.”

“No, your approach is not good…”

Meng Huo also doesn’t like Alice’s approach very much. She has enough contacts to give Hu Yaotian a little bit of a blow, but there are companies like Star Dreams, and there are probably many people who want to help-Meng Huo doesn’t want it because of this. It made Alice owe too much favor.

Besides, what’s the big difference between Alice’s method and Shen Jie’s? However, one is direct and the other is indirect, both of which cannot be seen. It’s not that Meng Huo can’t accept this kind of action, but instead of this way, he wants to warn others in an honest way that he is not so easy to bully.

“Since you can’t find evidence, you don’t need to stay there.” Meng Huo said, “Leave this to me!”

“You?” Alice was a little surprised that he let himself give up so easily: “Why, I haven’t…”

“I know, but I can’t leave everything to you.”

Meng Huo said that he knows Alice’s ability and she can definitely come up with a solution, but now he has a new idea: “Don’t worry, you should go back to the company first. I have something to say at the regular meeting in the evening. ”

Every week, Phoenix Company will hold at least one video conference where high-level leaders from all over the country gather. This week is held today.

“…” Alice was silent for a while: “Then I need Shen Jie. She has to work by my side for a week. Is this okay?”


Meng Huo is very strange, this kind of thing does not need to be reported to himself.

Alice then hung up the phone, and she took Shen Jie back to Ninghai. At eight o’clock in the evening, the two appeared on the video conference video on time—except for them. The heads of various departments were also present.

“This time there are more people than before. Is there anything important for him?” Alice thought, but the theme of the meeting was the same as in the past, until 9:30 in the evening. When the meeting was about to adjourn, Meng Huo hurriedly stopped everyone.

“Tonight’s meeting is postponed a little bit, I have something to say.” His words did not surprise everyone. Many department members who had nothing to do with the meeting were called over. There must be something important.

“…Forget it. Zhou Qian, leave it to you!”

However, after a short pause, Meng Huo turned the topic to Zhou Qian who was next to her.

“Okay, teacher.” Zhou Qian stood up, and several subordinates behind him immediately operated the computer to project a document on the screen, so that all the executives in the three places could see the text on it.

“At the suggestion of Mr. He Xi, our department proposes to focus the company’s next development on the realistic promotion of the comics peripheral industry.” Zhou Qian said in the document: “This is a research report that replicates the comic island model in other places. .”

“Copy Manga Island Mode?”

“A new comics business center is going to be established again?”

As soon as Zhou Qian’s words came out, everyone was full of uproar and surprise. In fact, this topic has long been the focus of their attention-Phoenix’s comic island has been successfully established, and its business model has been a great success. It can be extended to other places.

It is obviously not enough for Phoenix Company to have only this comic business center. Affected by the comic island, similar comic business streets have begun to appear in various parts of China, but they are all small and small, except for the comic island. It’s the comic business street of Zhongxia Company in Ninghai.

“The goal of Manga Island that year has been achieved. Today’s competition has become fierce*. We have to build commercial centers similar to Manga Island in different cities before other companies, providing comic peripheral sales, seiyuu performances, and fan activities. , Comic artist signing event and other facilities and stages.”

Zhou Qian said: “We have a huge advantage in establishing a commercial center in the comics industry. If we can expand the number, it will not only allow the company’s surrounding industries to advance by leaps and bounds, but also attract more readers and fans, and stabilize the company’s position. ”

Although Manga Island is a mecca for manga. But most of the fans are unlikely to travel all the way here, let alone understand the charm of various activities-in this case, Phoenix should expand the activities and products to fans and take the lead in establishing in key cities. Comic business center.

“The more comic business centers, the higher the popularity of the comic island.” Zhou Qian finally said: “This is a very useful direction for us, not to do it now. In the future, the difficulty and competition will be much higher.”

“But what should I do?” After Zhou Qian finished speaking, Takashima Eiji asked: “The company has discussed this before. Isn’t it a bad choice to choose a partner?”

It’s simple to say to establish comic commercial centers in major cities in China, but it’s quite difficult to do. It’s all big cities that can build comic commercial centers, and it’s not easy to establish a commercial circle in these big cities. Very large investment and personal connections.

Phoenix has discussed this topic before, and finally put it aside for the time being because of its complexity. Is it possible that the current problem has been solved?

“Zhou Qian, did you persuade the Qianjia Group?”

Alice looked at Zhou Qian with a little surprise. She knew that Zhou Qian had been discussing this with Qianjia Group before. Qianjia Group is a century-old company with four core industries: commercial real estate, high-end hotels, cultural tourism, and chain department stores. Commercial plazas named after it can be seen in every major city.

“No.” However, Zhou Qian shook her head. The Phoenix Company is developing very fast. Qianjia Group is very interested in them, but has not yet agreed to cooperate in establishing comic commercial centers in various places—they already have many theme commercial centers under their umbrella.

“Qianjia did not believe that Manga Island’s business model could be extended to other cities.” Zhou Qian said: “They are very cautious.”

“So I want to come first by myself.” Meng Huo interjected: “We will pilot in a city first. If the pilot is successful, presumably those commercial real estate companies will be interested-we can also change the passive form. .”

He is very unwilling to help others and still have to look at the faces of others. The comics industry will definitely bring huge benefits in the future. As long as those people can see this clearly, they will come to discuss cooperation with Phoenix on their own, and the conditions will also be met. Equality is a lot.

“How exactly do you want to experiment?” Xu Jing asked, who had been silent.

“Teacher He Xi’s suggestion is to directly buy the right to use a commercial plaza with acceptable conditions.” Zhou Qian helped Meng Huo answer: “Although the initial investment will be large, this can be done to renovate the plaza according to my own wishes, which saves a lot of trouble in the later stage. .”

Buying a commercial plaza—everyone took a breath of fright when they heard this sentence.

“Let me ask.” Lin Mingzhe asked nervously, “Which city does the teacher want to conduct the pilot in?”

Meng Huo pointed his finger at the map on the screen: “Of course it is here. There are a lot of people and the most influence.”

Everyone saw that the place he was referring to was the capital of China, Yanjing City.

Lin Mingzhe’s heart beat with fright: “Teacher. Why not in Ninghai and Tokyo?”

“Because our fan base in Ninghai and Tokyo is very strong, we don’t need to worry for the time being.” Meng Huo took back his hand and said, “Yanjing is a place that all big companies can’t escape. DreamWorks is also there. Now it happens that we need to gain a firm foothold. It’s best to choose here as a pilot.”

Lin Mingzhe’s face turned pale: “But teacher, have you thought about the cost of this!”

Commercial squares are not ‘squares’, squares are simple, but commercial squares are synonymous with expensive, especially commercial squares that meet the requirements of Menghuo. They are definitely not small squares and cannot be placed in unpopular areas.

“A commercial plaza in the Third Ring Road of Yanjing City is worth 2 billion to 6 billion yuan. Teacher, are you sure you want to buy it?” Lin Mingzhe looked at Meng Huo. Phoenix has never done such a large amount of expenses in its history. Is the rent bad? Why buy it!

“I have already selected one.” Meng Huo said lightly: “There is a big stage next to this commercial plaza. I think it can be used as a place for voice actors to perform. The two facilities add up to 6.8 billion.”

The audience was silent.

“Do you have any suggestions?” Meng Huo looked at everyone and said, “If I don’t agree, I can buy it in my own name and then lease it to the company.”

At this moment, many people took a breath. They all knew He Xi was rich, but they were still shocked by his understatement. Shen Jie was also dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, Meng Huo was so rich that he could invest billions by himself.

Alice was surprised, but she was not surprised by Meng Huo’s funds—in fact, because she had helped run the fund and was Xu Jing’s daughter, Alice knew Meng Huo’s wealth quite well. 6.8 billion is a big number for him, but it is not difficult to come out.

What surprised her was the stage Meng Huo said. Now that there is a stage and it is in Yanjing, Alice slowly understands something.

At this time, Xu Jing smiled: “You can’t buy it yourself, since it’s the company’s business. Then do it… I agree.”

“Mr. Xu!” Lin Mingzhe stood up in shock: “Are you crazy? This money is more than what we spent in the past few years!”

“But didn’t we come out?” Xu Jing looked at Lin Mingzhe with a smile. If last year, he would not dare to agree to this easily, but the three movies after the establishment of DreamWorks brought huge profits. Now Phoenix The company can indeed afford the money.

Even if the Phoenix Company will be in a tight situation for a while after it is released, according to the current situation, they will be able to get over it in less than half a year.

“…I agree too.” Alice thought for a while, and agreed with her: “Now it’s harder for the company to spend money than to make money, so you can’t put all your money away.”

The emergence of animated films has brought the unprecedented development of Phoenix. The box office income of any movie is enough to maintain all the expenditures of Phoenix for a year. This situation may not change in the next two or three years-Alice thinks The company’s pace can be bolder.

Integrating comics into reality is the general trend. When Comic Island was first established, many people were puzzled. Now they all see that comics can form an industry. With such a consensus, Phoenix has no reason not to increase investment.

Xu Jing, Alice, and Meng Huo reached an agreement. Although the others were shocked, they couldn’t change the implementation of this decision.

“Where is the specific address of the commercial plaza you chose?” Alice asked Meng Huo.

“Here, it’s not far from DreamWorks.” Meng Huo opened the map and found the corresponding place to zoom in and said: “Jiahao Plaza, we can rename it after we buy it, and make it the center of the comics industry in Yanjing and its surrounding cities. Events can be held frequently, the next stage is provided to the company’s voice actors, or it can be opened to the outside world…”

Meng Huo slowly explained it, and many of the people who saw the location opened their eyes in surprise, especially Takashima Eiji.

“This is not…”

He felt that the address was very familiar. The stage where Kako Takashima was injured is right next door. The whole Yanjing is so big. Why did the teacher choose this place instead of choosing any place?

Knowing the location of Takashima Kako’s accident, other people’s hearts were refreshed-this place was not chosen correctly, Mr. He Xi was going to sit down directly next to the other party, once they bought the commercial plaza and stage there, Isn’t the Hu Yaotian next door trouble sleeping and eating?

A tiger was sitting next to him, and he set up a stage, and his job was threatened.

Alice’s heart is really like this almost burst into laughter—Meng Huo is a private vengeance. It happens to be a lesson to Hu Yaotian by the company’s development route. Now Phoenix Company can’t beat him, and wait until later. Isn’t that just a matter of getting along with the neighbors?

This is a shame, and Meng’s chosen address is not bad, and Alice can’t fault it.

“What is he going to do next…” Alice couldn’t help but think, she was a little curious about Meng Huo’s actions. The acquisition of the commercial plaza and its transformation is a long work, at least until Meng Huo returns from the trip. It will not end.

Although the news of the acquisition itself can warn others, telling them not to provoke Phoenix, otherwise you might as well put the kitchen knife by your side and be ready to cut vegetables at any time.

But Alice felt that it was impossible for Meng Huo to put Hu Yaotian’s beating on Hu Yaotian after the trip. He should have attacked Hu Yaotian during the acquisition process, but how to do it made her very curious.

She didn’t even think that Meng Huo didn’t need to do it himself. (To be continued.) Happy reading every day

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