Big Manga

Chapter 1052

Chapter 1047 : Accompany

In December, when Meng Huo returned to the island studio to start producing “The Stupid Test Summoned Beast”, Tokyo’s “Shakugan Shana” was already on TV. ,

Bai Yan’s speed is obviously much faster than that of the island studio. The Tokyo painters have experience in making “Shakugan No Shana”, and basically did not spend much preparation time.

The heroine of “Shakugan No Shana” is dubbed by Takashima Kako, but this animation has helped Shen Jie even more after it was broadcast. This is the first animation to take over dubbing after she came back, allowing her to return to the audience. In the field of vision.

Of course, in addition to dubbing, Shen Jie also left Manga Island to participate in many media interviews and programs. The transition was smoothly completed and popularity began to recover quickly.

Xia Chuan, who had stayed for a long time, actually finished her performance in Suhua and surrounding cities, and was about to leave Manga Island. Before leaving, she found Meng Huo and bid him farewell.

“True, do you think the stage given to you by the company is too small?” Meng Huo asked her.

“How come? I never thought about it like this!” Xia Chuan was taken aback for a moment, and then surprised: “Why would my brother suddenly ask this?”

Meng Huo smiled: “I heard that there are many star companies want to invite you.”

“There are many, but I won’t go!” Xia Chuan nodded truly. There were indeed many celebrity companies who had invited her, but she had no intention of leaving Phoenix.

“Does my brother doubt that I will leave?”

Xia Chuan looked at Meng Huo angrily.

Meng Huo shook his head. He understood Xia Chuan’s true character and knew that she was not someone who would leave Phoenix Company casually: “I don’t doubt you, but wonder if the stage for you is too small and restricts your development. ”

“…I will arrange more business expansion for you.” Meng Huo got up and looked at Xia Chuan’s truth: “You are the pride of our company, the truth. You can lead other seiyuu to a higher level…the seiyuu is Stars, I never think that the status of singers or actors is higher than that of voice actors. One day, this industry will be recognized by everyone.”

He reached out and touched Xia Chuan’s real head: “Can you help me develop the future of the office and voice actors?”

Xia Chuan’s real eyes lit up: “I will work hard, brother!”

Meng Huo smiled, and Phoenix’s voice actor development has entered a bottleneck. At this time, a super-popular voice actor is needed to open up new markets and businesses. Shen Jie can’t count on it anymore, and Xia Chuanzhen has become the best candidate.

“But you chose Shen Jie at the beginning, right?” After sending away Xia Chuanzhen, Meng Huo called Alice. After hearing the matter, she suddenly asked: “Shen Jie disappointed you?”

“No.” Meng Huo shook his head. The world’s voice actor industry has developed rapidly, but it still needs to be done step by step, from simple dubbing to singers to stage performances. Step by step, gather popularity and increase social identity. When the foundation has been laid, it will be convenient for the next step of expansion.

Now is the time for the next step of expansion. Although Meng Huo did choose Shen Jie at the beginning, Shen Jie’s talent and personality are very suitable to be the leader in this industry, but she has her own ideas, and that idea is equally good. Meng Huo was not disappointed.

“Then what are you going to do?” Alice was very interested.

This is also the reason why Meng Huo called her. He intends to carry out further changes to the firm and make the voice actors more inclined to celebrities. At the same time, it will combine more of Phoenix’s business with voice actors to increase the scope of their projects.

Alice planned to do this before. She is more familiar with the firm than Meng Huo, and Meng Huo wants to hear her opinion.

“This is okay. I have restructured the office in this direction before, and now the voice actors operate in the same way as celebrities…If you want to go further, are you free during the holidays?”

Alice changed the subject: “I have a plan, it is difficult to explain it on the phone. Come over during your vacation!”

“Good.” Meng Huo agreed.

On Saturday, he returned to the Meng’s house. Alice handed him a thick stack of documents. Meng Huo took a look. The documents included plans for the real development of the firm and Xia Chuan. It was more detailed than he thought.

“I’ve been busy for several days.” Alice smiled: “On the basis of what you said, I also added a few projects that require dealing with TV stations. You can see if there are any problems.”

The project she said is something that requires the participation of different TV stations. For example, there is a Newcomer Voice Actor Award. The plan is to be organized by several TV stations. The audience will vote for the ranking of the newcomer voice actor every six months.

There are several kinds of awards of this kind, including newcomers and seniors, and a few other seiyuu rankings besides Phoenix.

“I see no problem.”

Meng Huo liked Alice’s plan very much. Although it would take some time to convince the TV station, with the current strength of Phoenix, this matter is not difficult to say.

Moreover, these TV stations have no restriction on which TV station they must be, and Suhua and Tokyo TV stations will definitely be happy to accept them. If it is difficult for CCTV to make sense, then it is the same for other TV stations, there will always be people willing to accept his olive branch.

“How did you make such a detailed plan?”

After receiving the documents, Meng Huo was a little surprised. Alice’s plan was too detailed, and it was in line with Phoenix’s existing conditions and could be implemented directly.

“I asked about the firm’s situation.” Alice laughed. Although she is in Meng’s house, it does not mean that her news will be blocked.

Through telephone contact with her subordinates, Alice also has a great grasp of the status quo of Phoenix Company, and some of these plans are plans that she has formulated before but have not yet implemented, and now they have met the conditions.

Meng Huo understood, and Alice stared at him expectantly: “Are you free today?”

“Yes.” Meng Huo nodded. Anyway, it was during the holidays. After Shen Jie left, he was not with him on Comic Island. When he came here today, he had already brought the work that needed to be handled.

“Then let’s go for a walk!” Alice said happily, “I haven’t been out for a while, I want to go out and get some breath.”

“Okay, but I have to talk to my mother and the others.” Meng Huo found Li Qin and the old lady. Li Qin didn’t mind very much, but the old lady frowned slightly: “Where do you want to go? do?”

“Anywhere, I just want to go out and relax.” Alice walked to the old lady and said, “If you don’t worry. You can also go with us.”

The old lady’s expression relaxed: “I see, you are always bored at home. We will accompany you out for more walks in the future, but today…”

She glanced at Meng Huo and said, “It’s better for you and your couple to go out… Meng Huo, the place will be arranged by me. Can I send some bodyguards to follow you?”

Meng Huo nodded, and the old lady called the housekeeper at random, asking him to choose some suitable places for the two of Meng Huo to go out for relaxation.

In order to prevent others from recognizing the two, the housekeeper chose some remote places within the Meng family’s sphere of influence, mostly resorts and scenic spots.

“How about this?” Alice chose a hotel by the sea and planned to spend the night with Meng Huo: “Are there many people here?”

“No problem, I’ll make arrangements right away.” The butler nodded, and soon arranged a pick-up and drop-off vehicle, and Meng Huo got into the car with a suitcase.

“This is work?”

“En. Work.”

Meng Huo simply replied to Alice. After the two arrived at the hotel, they realized that the butler’s arrangement was not only a simple pick-up and drop-off, and the entire hotel was packed.

The original residents of the hotel were all persuaded to leave, and the surrounding area was controlled by traffic, as if Meng Huo and the two had contracted the hotel and the beach.

Although this is only a remote beach and the control measures seem to have caused no suspicion, Meng Huo still feels a bit fussy.

“I knew this, it would be better to choose a hot spring hotel on the mountain.” He said. Alice laughed: “What’s the matter, you can treat it as a vacation.”

On the acceptance of the Meng family’s actions. Alice is obviously much taller than Meng Huo, but this is not to say that Alice has been corrupted, but that her original character is like this.

Growing up in an environment, Alice has a broader vision than Meng Huo. Although Meng Huo has good abilities, she sometimes has the same living habits as ordinary people. He has not yet accepted that the life that fits his current status is not just the Meng family. Master. It also includes Teacher He Xi.

But this is not a shortcoming. Such a Meng Huo always reminds Alice of his appearance when he first debuted. The purity and invariance are the most important factors that attract her.

She likes Meng Huo, not because of his talents, but because of his eyes that have never been polluted by money and pollution, which is exactly what she has never seen before.

The two have just settled in the hotel. Alice said happily: “We should go for a walk on the beach.”

Meng Huo walked with her on the beach for ten minutes, worried about Alice’s body, and proposed to return to the hotel.

However, not long after he sat down, Alice took him out again, set a table on the lawn in front of the hotel, and sat down and drank tea in the sun.

“I think I live in Qin Ya’s girly cartoons.”

With the warm winter sun shining on her body, white foreign tables, delicious desserts and fragrant tea, Alice looked at Meng Huo and felt like she had entered Qin Ya’s comics.

“The ending of “The Legend of the Galaxy Diva” is really impressive.”

Meng Huo knew why Alice suddenly said this sentence, because the ending of the revised “Legend of the Galaxy Diva” is not much different from the current situation of the two.

The Galaxy Alliance did not lose the war. The male protagonist survived, and the female protagonist chose to live in seclusion after completing the greatest performance of her life. She and the male protagonist built a beautiful house by the sea, and the final The scene is the same as that of Meng Huo.

The pregnant female protagonist sits on the beach and sips tea leisurely, facing the ocean and the sunset. This picture also appeared on the cover of “Weekly Girl”, which was regarded as a classic by many editors.

Qin Ya was also enthusiastically sought after by fans because of this romantic ending. For a while, Qin Ya surpassed Meng Huo, and Qin Ya was proud of it for several days.

“Look, this is the strength of the first person in the girl manga, if I want to do it, I can do it!”

She said this to Meng Huo, and when Meng Huo said this to Alice, Alice couldn’t help but giggled.

“Then you don’t harm her. If the editors hadn’t pressed her manuscript for a long time, the fans would be angry because of the original ending of “The Legend of the Galaxy Diva”, and Qin Ya might be hiding at home now and dare not come out. Up!”

Of course she is also a joke, Qin Ya is not such a timid person, but the original ending will indeed cause great dissatisfaction among fans. This is an indisputable fact.

In the evening, Meng Huo, who had lost money with Alice for a day, was preparing for work. He was worried that Alice was bored, so he took out several stacks of manuscripts from the box and asked her: “Would you like to read?”

“what is this?”

“The storybook of the game.” Meng Huo put the manuscript in Alice’s hands and said, “It may be boring, but you can help me see it.”

Alice nodded: “Is that “World of Warcraft”?”

She knew that Meng Huo had been preparing for this game for many years, and now she has let the game department go out. She can see that she takes it seriously, and Alice is also very curious.

“Yes, you can tell me if you have any suggestions, and I will let them change.”

Meng Huo said that of course he did not write these manuscripts, and he did not have so much time. These are the plot data compiled and enriched by his dictated outline and then compiled and enriched by the writer and game department.

But these materials are not finished products, and each piece of information must eventually be handed over to Meng Huo for review to prevent the game plot from getting out of his grasp and there are still a lot of bugs to be corrected.

The game department has now successfully completed the relocation, but is still expanding its enrollment. Meng Huo intends to complete the revision of these information as much as possible before the enrollment expansion is completed.

“It’s not boring.” Alice looked at it for a while, her eyes gradually lit up: “It’s so funny, it’s no wonder that the game department is so caring!”

The information in hand is not the situation exists Just like the script, the reading sense is not strong, but the plot is really rich and interesting. Alice now understands why Meng Huo put so much thought on it.

If this game is successfully made, it is likely to construct an epic story world.

“Josie said when can the game be done?”

Alice asked.

“If it goes well, you can see it next year.” Meng Huo can’t give Alice a specific time, but if the expansion of the game department goes smoothly and the information on his side is also timely, “World of Warcraft” will definitely be able to catch up. Test it next year.

“This game also needs a lot of voice actors…” Alice wondered whether “World of Warcraft” and voice actors could be linked for promotion.

She didn’t care about this game before, but this game seems to be popular with many voice actors. Of course, the powerful voice actors lineup might be able to win the game before the game is released. (To be continued.)


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