Big Manga

Chapter 1126

Chapter 1118 : Test on Day 1

Lisa’s departure did not affect Meng Huo’s life except for one less person in the Meng family’s studio. ????????

She accompanied Anthony to Ninghai, and within a few days, news from Zhongxia Company leaked that Jingyue was a female cartoonist.

Naturally, this news appeared not accidentally, but deliberately leaked. When everyone thought Jingyue was a man, suddenly such news appeared, and it naturally attracted countless attention.

In order to find out Jingyue’s true identity, a large number of reporters came to Zhongxia Company. They kept guarding and investigating for several days, but found nothing.

Zhongxia will not divulge Jingyue’s specific information before the spring meeting, but in order to maximize the effect when Jingyue appears, it will occasionally throw out things that can be leaked to attract continued media attention.

Within a few days, there was news that Jingyue would appear at the spring meeting of Zhongxia Company, so that everyone’s eyes were focused on the spring meeting in advance.

Lisa was preparing for her appearance in an orderly and perfect manner. After seeing the situation for a few days, Meng Huo decided not to intervene in her preparations.

He had planned to give Lisa a hand when she needed it, but now it seems that he only needs to show up at the spring meeting.

At this time, He Qian had also confirmed the final list of “World of Warcraft” employee tests, and published it on the intranet. The selected employees received the CD from the game department on the same day.

The test time officially started at 8 o’clock this evening and lasted for one month. On the first day, when Meng Huo returned home from get off work, Alice had already installed the CD in the computer.

“Let me play first!” She said to Meng Huo with interest. Meng Huo nodded. He wanted to see the test, but he didn’t need to play it himself to see it.

At eight o’clock, Alice entered the account and password to log in to the game. There was only one server tested, and it was already on when she logged in.

Once entering the game is the interface for creating characters. Alice looked at the characters of different races curiously and said: “These characters are more refined than I thought.”

Meng Huo nodded. Compared with the previous “World of Warcraft”, the model made by Phoenix is ​​naturally much more refined in terms of model and aesthetics. After all, the technology and concept are ten years behind.

To be honest. If when he was preparing this game, the first portraits he took out were the original model portraits of “World of Warcraft”, He Qian and the staff of the game department would certainly not have much interest in this game.

“What race do you want to play?” Meng Huo asked.

“Humans, of course they are humans.” Alice answered naturally, and she put the selection interface on humans. I was thinking of choosing a career, but now the race options of human beings have dimmed.

“What’s the matter?” She widened her eyes in surprise: “The server is paralyzed?”

“Impossible.” Meng Huo categorically denied, what a joke! If even such a small number of employees test will have the problem of server paralysis, what games do they still have!

He took a closer look, and found that, except for humans and night elves, all other races were still optional, and then he understood.

“The number of human players is full. You can no longer create characters.”

Meng Huo told Alice the reason, “World of Warcraft” has many races, in order to be able to test various races at the same time. He Qian restricts the number of characters created in the game.

For people who have never played “World of Warcraft”, human beings are of course the first priority race, and they will soon be selected.

“The night elf… why is it gone!” Alice was surprised.

“The night elves look good, and they are also popular races. After all, they carry the word elves…” Meng Huo didn’t think it was weird. The beautiful-looking races were quickly selected.

Alice had no choice but to retreat. She frowned and looked at the other races, and then said, “Meng Huo, I have a problem.”

“what is the problem?”

“This game is divided into two hostile camps, but the balance of the camps is not well done. The alliance race and the tribe race give people too much difference.”

Alice pointed to the computer and said that the alliance is composed of normal races such as humans, night elves, and dwarves—but the tribes are strange races such as undead, tauren, and orcs. Anyone who looks at it will feel that the alliance is more in line with the player’s aesthetics. sense.

“The appearance balance of the role model is a bit of a problem. But the game data will not have…” Meng Huo nodded, and he also admitted that this version of the alliance has a lot of advantages in appearance.

But before the game is launched, he can spend more resources on the tribe to promote it, which should allow the game to maintain a certain camp balance after the launch.

“The next version of the tribe will have a race with superior appearance to join.”

Meng Huo said that the next version of the tribe will join the blood elf race, this race is very beautiful. Can make the overall appearance of the tribe catch up with the alliance.

Alice was surprised: “Isn’t it better to add it now?”

“I think too, but the story of the game hasn’t reached that point yet…” Meng Huo shook his head. He also considered joining the blood elf race in advance, but the plot did not reach that point. After thinking about it, he still followed the original story. Steps to go.

Of course, the blood elf model has been completed, although players in the game cannot choose this race for the time being, but with the blood elf model, they can at least be addicted to their eyes.

Among them, the model adopted by the queen of the undead race is the model of the blood elves. When the new version is released in the future, her model will not need to be revised.

“If you don’t know what race to choose, you can choose a profession first.” Meng Huo said: “The professions available for each race in this game are also different. What kind of profession do you like, we will find the race to choose.”

“That…” Alice thought for a while: “Choose a treatment, it’s easy to play with.”

“Then you are wrong, the treatment here is not easier to play than other professions…” Meng Huo said, but still gave her advice according to Alice’s words.

“If you want to heal, you can choose a priest.” He looked at the races that can choose a priest, and finally pointed to the undead: “How about the undead priest?”

“The undead…too disgusting…” Alice shook her head, and then asked in surprise: “Isn’t the priest treated with blood?”


“The undead is a dead person, why does the undead have a priest?” Alice wondered.

Meng Huo smiled and said: “Priests can also be divided into light and evil. The priests in this game are not only talented in healing but also fighting shadows, they are also in line with the evil sense of the undead…”

Alice understood. She looked at the undead priest, but still didn’t like the appearance of this race, so she switched to the Tauren character creation interface.

“Do you want to play Tauren?” Meng Huo asked.

“I feel the furry feeling of the tauren, so cute…” Alice smiled: “You can’t choose humans and night elves, then choose this one.”

“So what kind of profession? Tauren does not have a priest.”

“Let me see…the soldier…” Alice finally chose the tauren warrior. Then he just entered a name and created the character.

After creating the character, after reading the article, the tauren stood in the birthplace.

In this employee test, “World of Warcraft” did not have cg nor used the appearance animation of each race. Both of these have been done almost, but He Qian has not put it in.

However, although there is no animation, when she saw the vast grassland where the tauren was born, Alice still opened her eyes a little surprised: “It’s so beautiful here.”

“The scenery here in Tauren is very good.”

Meng Huo nodded. Then I noticed that the village in the birthplace was full of players, and Alice was surrounded by tauren in novice clothes, bustling with excitement.

“Fuck, this scenery is so beautiful!”

“The sense of operation is so strong, you can feel the weight when you walk…”

“What’s the task, where’s the task? I can’t wait to go out and have a look!”

The Tauren people were talking in a hustle and bustle, and many people were calling friends in the same department, and then went out of the village in groups to do tasks.

Alice completed several speaking tasks under the guidance of Meng Huo, and after knowing how to operate, she began to accept the task of killing monsters.

However, the first task is very difficult to do. There are tauren around the village, and a strange one comes out. There will be a few tauren rushing to fight soon.

Alice ran for five minutes, but didn’t even grab a monster.

“I really want to shout: What a shame I am…” She sighed. If she told the people around that this account is Meng Huo’s account, no one would dare to rob her.

But she still didn’t do it. If everyone knew about it, she wouldn’t be able to play games happily in the future.

Under the guidance of Meng Huo, Alice learned to form a team. She added two tauren who also did the first task. After having a small team, several people separated to rob monsters, and finally made progress.

quickly. She found the last mission monster, and when she was about to kill it, suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed. This blame is dead.

“The mission is completed, what’s the matter?” Alice asked, “Why did it suddenly die?”

“Someone killed it for you,” Meng Huo said. He asked Alice to shift the camera, and then saw a tauren shaman named “The Big Pirate” behind him casting spells to fight monsters around.

The tauren played for a long time, and after lighting up all the blue, he sat down and drank water.

A line of text appeared on the chat channel.

Big Pirate: “What’s the matter. Why do I kill so many monsters and the mission doesn’t move? Has anyone encountered this situation?”


The tauren all around had ellipsis.

A player replied: “Did you not look at the colors of the monsters? They have been beaten by others. They are other people’s monsters. Of course you don’t count as if you beat them…”

Big Pirate: “Is that so? How do you see if someone else played it? This game is so troublesome!”

Tauren around: “…”

Most of the participants in the test are employees who can play games. There is basically no Xiaobai. Everyone did not expect that there would be such a person who did not even know the basic knowledge. How was she selected?

Meng Huo moved in his heart and vaguely guessed who she was.

“Give me the keyboard.” Meng Huo asked Alice to get out of the way and sent a message to the “big pirate”: “Qin Ya, you haven’t played online games?”

After a long time, the ‘big pirate’’s reply appeared on the screen: Teacher He Xi, Teacher He Xi?

Meng Huo thought that it was Qin Ya. From the name “Pirate”, he guessed that this person should be Qin Ya. Although it is possible that the names are given by employees who like One Piece, these employees are all selected by He Qian, and there will be no such common sense mistakes.

And Qin Ya’s CD was brought directly from He Qian, she was not the one to be singled out.

“Actually, it’s the first time I play this kind of 3D online game.” Qin Ya replied: “I thought it was very simple. I didn’t expect to have to grab the monsters.”

Alice chuckled and laughed: “I thought Qin Ya was good at playing!”

“Me too.” Meng Huo was a little surprised, and said, “The team still has a place. Invite her to play together. She just doesn’t have a team either.”

“Okay.” Alice invited Qin Ya to join the team, and then started the task together. Although Qin Ya was clumsy, but joining the team, the task was done quickly.

However, after two hours, they were only at level 8.

At ten o’clock, Alice was a little tired from playing: “I don’t play anymore. Too many people are robbing blame. Let’s take a bath… This upgrade is so slow!”

She bid farewell to her teammates, closed the game, and decided to play again tomorrow.

“The first version is like this…” Meng Huo nodded. The current upgrade rate is much slower than the later versions, but this is the first version and the upgrade difficulty is relatively high.

On the first day of the test, not many people passed the tenth level.

Before going to bed, Qin Ya thanked Meng Huo on the phone: “Teacher He Xi, thank you when you played the game just now.”

“No need…” Meng Huo asked, “Is it fun?”

“En…it’s a bit difficult for me, I can’t adapt.” Qin Ya said: “I will ask my assistants to help me play tomorrow daytime. They are very interested. They will improve their level. No one will fight with me tomorrow night. ”

Meng Huo nodded: “I also asked someone to help me upgrade.”


“…My mom Meng Huo replied that this is the result of his discussion with Alice. Alice will continue to play games during the day, but she can’t reveal the relationship between her and Meng Huo, so she can only say that she is playing games. The person here is Li Qin.

Of course this answer made Qin Ya stunned: “Auntie also plays games?”

“If it’s interesting, she will play…” Meng Huo said, and then stopped talking about it. As soon as he went to work the next day, he went to the game department as soon as possible.

“The undead clan is still interesting. I saw the statue of the undead queen for the first time last night. Many undead players are asking why the female undead is not that model…”

“By the way, who is the undead thief in the first place? Two hours at level sixteen. It’s too abnormal. How could he level up so fast!”

When Meng Huo entered the game department, the employees here were discussing the situation of the test last night. Meng Huo found He Qian and asked about the results of the first day of testing.

“Very good, there are no existing problems.” He Qian was satisfied with the first day of testing. Dozens of high-end players have now passed level ten and are starting to challenge the dungeon. (To be continued.)

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