Big Manga

Chapter 1132

Chapter 1124 : Exotic Princess

After finishing the graduation defense of the four Han Xuan, Shen Jie left on the third day. The night before she left, she accompanied Alice to clear the dungeon.

This is the first time Alice has cleared a copy of the “World of Warcraft” staff since the closed beta, but it is also the last time. The time to go back to work is getting closer and closer. In the last few days, Alice put her mind on the child.

On the weekend, Meng Huo helped Alice pack her luggage and drove her to the station.

“Jie’er is pleased to you. Although Mom and the others must take care of them better than you, don’t neglect him as a dad.” Before entering the station, Alice said to Meng Huo unceremoniously.

Meng Huo agreed: “I will come back early every day.”

He watched Alice and the bodyguards walk into the station before returning to Meng’s house. Alice returned to Ninghai within an hour by high-speed train, and Xu Jing was also waiting for her very early outside Ninghai Railway Station.

“Dad, why do you all treat me like a little girl who never went out.” Alice said, Xu Jing and Meng Huo took too much care of her, but made her a little uncomfortable.

“How’s your body recovering?” Xu Jing asked after getting Alice in the car.

Alice smiled and said, “It’s all right now.”

“It’s better to be more careful…I feel relieved about the Meng family’s care, but don’t be aggressive when you come back. This time you come back to understand the company’s situation. Just sit in the office and don’t walk around.” Xu Jing said : “If you need to go out to work, just ask someone to help you.”

Alice nodded helplessly: “I know.”

“Also don’t drive to work by yourself every day, I’ll arrange a driver for you…” Xu Jing is still a little worried about Alice’s body. She has just given birth to a child for more than a month and shouldn’t be too tired.

“The driver doesn’t need it.” Alice shook her head and refused: “I have a driver.”


“Shen Jie.” Alice said with a smile: “I asked her to pick me up every day. She also understands the company’s situation better. With her explaining to me, I should adapt much faster.”

Xu Jing nodded in satisfaction: “It would be great if she would help.”

With Shen Jie by her side, Alice’s safety is well guaranteed.

In fact, the current relationship between Shen Jie and Alice is very gratifying to Xu Jing. When he heard that Alice and Shen Jie were both walking with Meng Huo, he had no objection on the surface. But in my heart it is very unoptimistic.

Such a ridiculous relationship, even if it comes together temporarily, is destined to not last long. Judging from the eyes of all kinds of people Xu Jing has seen, their conflicts will inevitably accumulate more and more until they erupt. Sooner or later, one of the two women will quit.

However, they have been together for a year, and the current situation is quite different from what Xu Jing expected. Instead of conflicts between Alice and Shen Jie, they are getting along more and more harmoniously.

This miracle may be because these two people have a tolerant heart. Maybe it’s because Meng Huo has the ability to keep them from fighting each other-but for whatever reason, Xu Jing has now changed his views, and he is very optimistic that their relationship can be maintained for a long time.

“When you go home today, you can take a bath and rest early.” Xu Jing said: “You have to go to work tomorrow. Keep your energy.”

“Okay.” Alice nodded: “By the way, Dad, I want to ask you one thing.”

Before returning home, Alice told Xu Jing one thing.

The following day, Monday, it was just bright. Not long after Xu Jing had left, Shen Jie drove the car to his door and called Alice out.

“Alice, early.”

Shen Jie greeted Alice who walked out the door. Alice put on a formal dress and dressed very solemnly. Shen Jie hadn’t seen her like this for a year.

“You look so good that you are nostalgic.”

“Really? Shen Jie, am I getting fat? Why do I feel that this dress is a lot tighter?” Alice stretched her clothes, always feeling much tighter than what she wore a year ago.

“Maybe it’s a little fatter.” Shen Jie smiled. It’s weird if you don’t grow a bit of meat all day long, but Alice’s ‘fat’ is basically invisible. This may be because Alice is taller.

Come to the company. Alice attracted a lot of attention as soon as she got out of the car.

“Vice president? Isn’t that Alice vice president?”

“The vice president is back!?”

The employees who were about to go to work looked at Alice in surprise, and some familiar people immediately ran over to greet her enthusiastically.

“Alice, welcome back!”

Ye Xiong, who happened to be at the door, greeted Alice, and at the same time he was relieved in his heart.

“I haven’t seen it for a year. Alice’s temperament seems to be a bit different. But with such a good complexion, the rumor that Miss Alice and Teacher He Xi were quarrelsome is indeed false…”

Ye Xiong thought so, he couldn’t rest assured after the news of Alice’s return came out, after all, she left too suddenly and took too long.

But as soon as he saw Alice’s smile today, Ye Xiong knew he was worrying.

“Editor Ye, long time no see.” Alice greeted Ye Xiong, and then saw a group of surprised cartoonists behind him: “Many cartoonists, what are they doing?”

“Oh, they have a meeting today.” Ye Xiong smiled, and Shen Jie also recognized a few acquaintances: “Long time no see, Teacher Tomato, Teacher Hua Meng…”

Tomato and Huameng were also in the cartoonist group. After they greeted Shen Jie, they looked at Alice curiously: “Miss Alice, when will you be back?”

“Yesterday.” Alice nodded with a smile, then took Shen Jie’s hand and said: “Let’s go first, Shen Jie, there is still a lot of work to be done to you today.”

“it is good.”

Shen Jie bid farewell to several cartoonists, and then left with Alice.


Tomatoes watched this scene blankly. Shen Jie and Alice were so friendly, and other cartoonists looked normal, but in their opinion, it was indeed abnormal.

“Hey, why are the two of them still talking and laughing?”

Tomato pulled several companions aside and asked in a low voice, but she was also very strange: “Didn’t that girl Shen Jie like Teacher He Xi for several years? According to our guess, she should hate Alice now, right?”

Several cartoonists were full of doubts, but they didn’t think of that possibility-normal-thinking people wouldn’t think about it there.

“Maybe we guessed wrong?”

“Impossible…Are there any other suspects besides Miss Alice?”

“Do you see if there are any clues in her, do you see anything? Does she look like a mother?”

“I can’t see it, who can see it!”

“Miss Alice gave birth to a child at this age. I heard that her body is easy to lose shape, but it doesn’t seem to lose shape. Rather, she seems to have become more sexual…”

When Tomato didn’t finish speaking, Hua Meng hit him with a fist.

“What’s the sex? Don’t look at her with that kind of look, be careful that I inform Teacher He Xi!”

Tomato frowned. What is that kind of look? A man will pay more attention to a beautiful woman. Isn’t this normal? And after a year, Miss Alice now has something more inexplicable, which seems to attract men’s attention even more.

“Well. Miss Alice is so good at maintenance, there should be no body deformation problems.” Wang Yanmeng said: “We still don’t guess randomly. If it is, it will be determined sooner or later… and if we go on, we will Must be suspected.”

“makes sense……”

The cartoonist’s eyes were already looking curiously, and they quickly stopped talking.

Alice brought Shen Jie back to her office. Shen Jie suddenly smiled: “Did you see Teacher Tomato and the others be like that?… Aunt Qin told them about Jie’er. I think they guessed it was you. I was so surprised to see me with you.”

Alice smiled at the corner of her mouth: “It should be.”

She also noticed the surprise in Tomato’s eyes, after Li Qin told the story about the child. Her suspicion is the greatest. Alice was also a little worried. Today, she and Shen Jie could at least confuse these people again.

Although Alice did not believe in Li Qin, she did not trust these cartoonists as much as Li Qin’s mother and son. She felt that it was better to conceal it for a longer period of time.

“Why are they here? Did you arrange it?” Shen Jie suddenly had an idea. It was a coincidence that Tomato and the others appeared there. The editorial department would rarely call cartoonists over on Monday morning because of their work and There are many meetings.

“I asked my dad last night…”

Alice did not deny that it was indeed her arrangement for Tomato to appear here. She asked Xu Jing to arrange a job for the editorial department, and the editorial department summoned many cartoonists, and Tomato was also present.

“You are so cunning…” Shen Jie couldn’t help sighing, she almost didn’t realize that this matter was tricky. Alice is much smarter than her in small movements.

“You go to work first, there seems to be no help here,” Alice said. She looked at the office carefully, and although she hadn’t used it for a year, there was no trace of dust.

Xu Jing had been cleaned up in advance, and Alice was not in a hurry to let Shen Jie help herself. She must first call the ministers of other departments to ask about the situation.

Shen Jie nodded, then turned and left. Before she went out, Alice remembered one more thing and said: “By the way, you come to me before get off work, and you have to ask you to go out with me at noon…”

Shen Jie stopped: “Who are you going to count this time?”

“Don’t say it so bad, it’s not a calculation… Lisa knows that I’m back, she wants to see me.” Alice gave Shen Jie a blank look and said, “You can take me over!”

“Okay, it’s simple.” Shen Jie nodded, she thought it was something bothersome.

After a busy morning, Shen Jie took Alice to the International Hotel where Lisa was located. It was also the first time for Shen Jie to come here. When she went in, she found that the entire hotel was wrapped up, and there were Many reporters.

“Sister, welcome!” Lisa greeted Alice in the lobby, rushing at the first sight.

“Lisa, have you been living here for a while?” Shen Jie asked curiously.

“Yes.” Lisa replied holding Alice in her arms.

“That’s really extravagant…” Shen Jie was speechless. It has been half a month since Lisa left the Meng’s house, and this is a top hotel. How much did she get for renting the entire hotel! And also had to continue to rent for a while, it seems that Anthony really loves Lisa.

“This is not luxury, but marketing.” Alice touched Lisa’s head and smiled: “Looking at the outside situation, this place attracts a lot of attention, right?”

Lisa nodded: “There are reporters peeping outside every day! I dare not even open the curtains.”

She rented the entire hotel, which is not as high as the average height, and white bodyguards and police are protecting both inside and outside the hotel, which will naturally attract a lot of media attention.

Alice understands that this is Lisa’s way of debut. What she wants to take is the identity route, using her noble identity to create public opinion and a huge amount of attention after exposure.

“Kingyue is an exotic princess, which will excite all your fans.” Alice nodded in praise.

“Exotic princess?” Shen Jie tilted her head: “Lisa?”

“Yes.” Alice nodded.

“Aren’t you the Duke’s daughter?”

Shen Jie was surprised when Lisa was a princess. Lisa smiled and replied: “In addition to being the daughter of the duke, I am also one of the princesses recognized by the royal family. In our country, it is not only the daughter of the queen who is a princess. .”

“You are a real princess!?” Shen Jie opened her eyes wide.

“Yes.” Lisa nodded, but was not very proud of it: “This princess was not obtained by my ability, my foster father… Duke Anthony’s status is very high, and I got the status of this princess after I became his adopted daughter. .”

An unhappy flashed across her eyes: “…Actually, this would have belonged to that person.”

Shen Jie knew who that person was. She remembered the scene when Anthony came to find Meng Huo. It turned out that if Meng Huo agreed to go to London, he might be a foreign prince now Prince… “Shen Jiefu thought about it.

“But now, Qin Ya is going to suffer.” Alice laughed. She didn’t expect Meng Huo, but she saw the terrible situation Qin Ya could face when she attended the spring meeting in advance.

One is a romantic princess, the other is an exotic white princess, and two princesses. It is impossible not to be compared by others on the occasion of the Spring Festival.

However, Lisa, an exotic princess, is a real princess, pushing her to be higher, and Qin Ya will be in luck.

Alice sympathizes with Qin Ya a bit, but she agrees with Lisa’s debut strategy. As a foreigner, Lisa’s recognition in China will be lower. Now her aura has increased, and her charm will also greatly increase.

Lisa’s debut strategy is different from that of Meng Huo. Meng Huo took the low-end route back then. It was an inspirational story of ‘civilians striving to make progress’. The high-end route that Lisa is going to take is also full of topical topics.

The famous Chinese cartoonist Jingyue is not only a beauty, but also a noble princess. This topic has been enough to make the press hype for a year. (To be continued.)

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