Big Manga

Chapter 1150

Chapter 1106 : Distant time and space

On Monday, at nine o’clock in the morning, Qin Ya came to the door of Alice’s office with the plan. Just as she was about to knock on the door, the door to the company suddenly opened.

“Then Vice President, I’ll leave first.” A figure was talking to the office, and then walked out, closing the door easily.

“He Qian.” Qin Ya greeted her: “Are you here to make a report, too?”

“Yes, I just finished the personnel grouping and gave the list to Vice President Alice.” He Qian smiled, and then asked: “Qin Ya, there is no one in your house two days ago. I heard that you went to Tokyo and had a good time. ?”

“It’s okay…” Qin Ya nodded. Although she could not see Teacher He Xi, the group of them was still welcomed, and they did their best to play.

“Have you seen Teacher He Xi?” He Qian asked.

“That’s not the case. The teacher said he was going home.” Qin Ya shook her head.

“That’s a pity.” He Qian smiled: “Next time I have the opportunity, I also want to travel to Tokyo. When will you be free, take me with you by the way. We can make appointments with a few more people.”

“No problem, when.” Qin Ya responded. She didn’t really like the trip to Tokyo, but it was indeed an opportunity to meet Teacher He Xi, and she was happy that someone would take the initiative to bring it up.

If she was alone, Qin Ya would be really embarrassed to pass.

“En…it’s still early, wait for after the carnival.” He Qian thought for a while, she probably didn’t have much time before the carnival.

“Then you planned too early.” Qin Ya was a little disappointed. The carnival is still two months away. It seems that if you want to see Teacher He Xi in these two months, you have to discuss with Ling Shuang.

After He Qian left, Qin Ya knocked on the door.

“Please come in.” Alice sitting in the office said, Qin Ya walked in. Saw she was putting up a list.

“Is that the group list of the game department?” Qin Ya asked curiously.

“Yes, it was very successful.” Alice nodded, even though she was not familiar with the existing staff of the game department. But the list states which are technical employees and those are artists… You can understand the basis of the grouping at a glance.

In terms of the technicality and professionalism of the employees, this list does nothing wrong. In fact, the list only needs to be decided by He Qian. Alice didn’t need to interfere at all.

She just received Meng Huo’s request. With the help of asking He Qian to report the list, she looked at the group of Meng Huo’s junior high school classmates.

Meng Huo didn’t know what the reason was. He wanted to assign that classmate to the development team of “World of Warcraft”, but was afraid that his own intervention would arouse the other party’s disgust, so he asked Alice to help secretly.

However, in the list provided by He Qian today, that person has been assigned to the “World of Warcraft” development team, and Alice does not need to act.

I saved a job right after I went to work. Alice is in a good mood.

“Come here so early, Qin Ya, is there anything urgent for you?”

Qin Ya shook her head: “There is nothing urgent. Here is the plan for “The Emblem of the Star Realm”.”

She gave Alice a plan.

“The new animation plan? Is it ready so soon?” Alice took the plan in surprise. Neither she nor Meng Huo had forced Qin Ya to produce the detailed plan within what time frame, Qin Ya Moves faster than she expected.

“The time for preparation and screening has also come out…”

Alice saw that it was confirmed in the plan that the first episode of “Astral Coat of Arms” was completed in the first week of next month. This means that from the second week onwards, “Astral Coat of Arms” can be broadcast. Out.

“Are you sure you can catch up?” While pleasantly surprised, Alice did not forget to be cautious: “You must not rush, Meng Huo said. He hopes you can make this animation seriously.”

“No problem, I’m serious… I have deduced many times in the last two days, this time is enough.” Qin Ya explained. She saw the production process of “We Still Haven’t Known the Name of That Flower That Day” in Tokyo.

The start time of the two animations is not much different. “The Emblem of the Astral” has already had a preparation period of more than several weeks, and there is plenty of time, and there is no need to delay it.

“That’s it… But you were on vacation in Tokyo two days ago, and it was amazing that you took the time to deduct this.” Alice praised.

“She knew about the holiday.” Qin Ya was surprised. She didn’t tell other people about the trip to Tokyo. It was enough for He Qian to know. After all, the two lived in the same community. Moreover, she would walk around from time to time, and it was true that she and her assistants did not hide much from her.

But Alice has no relatives with her for no reason. How did you know this?

“Did Teacher He Xi tell her?” Somehow, Qin Ya’s head suddenly showed what Xia Chuan really said to her on Saturday. But he shook his head again.

“Nothing to be surprised, even if Mr. He Xi told Miss Alice, it would not be surprising.” She thought so, but unconsciously quietly looked at Alice who was looking through the plan.

Alice did not notice her anomaly, and the plan seems to be fine: “Has the animation voice actor decided?”

“The selection of most of the roles has been completed, and the remaining main players can be determined in these two days. These are not problems.” Qin Ya paused and said, “The problem is the premiere TV station. The time for the bidding meeting is up to you. Approved.”

The director of each animation studio of Phoenix Company has great authority. One of them is to appoint animation voice actors. However, once it involves a project that directly benefits from animation, it still has to be approved by the upper management of the company.

The animation bidding for “The Emblem of the Stars” will be determined by Alice in time and invitations. Qin Ya can participate and has the right to choose the TV station, but in the end, whether the TV station can win the project depends on the company’s review.

Alice will send someone to supervise the progress of the bidding meeting and make sure that the entire bidding process is fair and equitable and that the value of the animation has not been artificially reduced.

This is a necessary measure. Otherwise, if the directors are given full rights, then no one can guarantee that they will not fill their pockets and cause a bidding farce.

“The sooner the bidding will be, the better.” Alice thought for a while, “Will it be okay for the weekends this week? You prepare the promotional samples for the TV station before then. The samples have a great influence on the bidding price. .”

“I know.” Qin Ya nodded, having been He Shi’s animation deputy for so many years, what an animation should do from the beginning to the end, what is important and what is not so important. She is all clear.

Alice is not as clear about animation matters as Qin Ya, and when she sees her full of confidence, she naturally doesn’t worry about it.

The next few days. Qin Ya seized the time to make sample trailers, and also perfected her comics during the lunch and evening breaks.

After traveling in Tokyo. Her thinking has indeed expanded a bit, and the degree of modification of the comic has broken through the bottleneck of last week.

After the latest manuscript came out on Thursday, Ye Feimeng couldn’t put it down: “It’s done! Qin Ya, that’s it! This manuscript is absolutely up to the standard, this is the highest level of our cooperation!”

“But I feel almost…” Qin Ya turned the manuscript, still a little bit uneasy.

“I think it’s very good. There is really nothing that can be modified.” Ye Feimeng said: “You should also be satisfied. Is it possible that you have to make your manuscript more than Jingyue to be enough?”

Qin Ya nodded: “If it can be done, then it will naturally be the best.”

She is not dissatisfied with this manuscript, but the quality of the manuscript cannot be said to exceed “God of Cooking”, at most it is close to the other party.

“Come on, Qin Ya, don’t continue to be horny. It is meaningless for you to compare the previous plots of the comics with Jingyue.” Ye Feimeng sighed: “The comics are based on the whole, even if it is not comparable to her at the beginning, but I will read the two. The comics are of the same standard. As the plot progresses in the future, you still have a chance to surpass it.”

She felt that Qin Ya was good at everything, but she was too horny. What Qin Ya is fighting against “God of Cooking” is not the main plot of the comic. It’s the beginning of the comic-because both comics are just the beginning.

However, the good manga at the beginning may not be good forever. Qin Ya’s manuscript is already close to “God of Cooking”, at least if it is taken out, others will not say that it is far from “God of Cooking”.

This will do. Even if there are some gaps, you can slowly get it back in the future. After all, the comics with the theme of “God of Cooking” have less potential for development in the later stages.

“Yes, teacher, it’s already very good like this.” After Ye Feimeng persuaded Qin Ya. Two of her assistants also interrupted: “It might be worse if you change it further.”

“I don’t think that apart from Mr. He Xi, no other cartoonist can say that he can win if he wants to defeat Jingyue at the beginning.”

The two assistants are already very tired. This comic has been revised dozens of times, and then continue to be revised. Then you have to be aesthetically tired. Moreover, the opening plot of Jingyue’s “God of Cooking” is the ultimate level that has been carefully modified. At the beginning of that level of comics, apart from He Xi, it can be said to be confident and beyond, no one can guarantee it.

“Teacher, this manga of yours, there will certainly be many people who think the beginning is great, and Teacher Jingyue’s “God of Cooking” is not as good as yours!”

“Yes, at least I prefer the beginning of this manga by the teacher.”

The persuasion of the two assistants made Qin Ya compromise, and what they said was correct. This manuscript was already Qin Ya’s full strength, and she couldn’t continue to modify it.

Although there are still some subtle things that seem to be changeable, once they change, they may lose another sense of beauty and become worse. The best way is not to modify it.

“Well, this manuscript is the final draft!”

Qin Ya finally made a decision, then put the manuscript into the document bag, and wrote the name of the comic-“Faraway Time and Space” on the outside of the bag.

After receiving the manga manuscript delivered by Qin Ya personally on Friday morning, the editorial department of the girl, the female editors became bustling.

“Is “Distant Time” finally finished? It has been delayed for nearly a month…”

“Lead editor, can you copy it for us to see? The original manuscript is pretty good, but I want to see what Qin Ya has changed it into now!”

“Her requirements are too high, I am afraid that it will be too late, but not as good as before.”

“Just don’t repeat the mistakes of “Phoenix”.”

The editors are very interested in Qin Ya’s new work. They are not optimistic about it, but most people’s hearts are full of expectations.

The editor made five copies of the comics and handed them to the leaders of the five groups for review. Qin Ya is the most popular girl cartoonist in their editorial department, and each comic must pass the eyes of all the group leaders.

Sitting in the office, Li Yu stared at the team leaders curiously. She was also very interested in Qin Ya’s new comics.

“Haha, it’s interesting. This manuscript is really interesting!” The leader of the second group was the first to finish reading. She stood up and said, “This is the most interesting girl cartoon I have seen recently. Teacher Qin Ya The amendments were not in vain!”

“Unexpectedly…” The leader of the first group also read the manuscript and became excited: “I didn’t expect that she could edit it so well. If I didn’t say that this was her work, I might think it was something I saw. Pity the teacher’s new work!”

“Similarly, the quality of this beginning is indeed ridiculously high.”

“This cartoon can set a new record for Teacher Qin Ya. We should discuss with another editorial team and ask if we can borrow their resources to promote it together!”

“Good way, I will notify the editor-in-chief right away!”

The group leaders praised Qin Ya’s manuscript unanimously, and the editor-in-chief even immediately picked up the phone to contact the editor-in-chief who was working abroad.

Li Yu and the other editors were very curious, and they all ran over after seeing the group leaders reading the comics.

“Leader, show me…however, the evaluation is so good!”

“I want to watch it too. I can see Mr. He Xi’s feeling in the comics. “Distant Time and Space” must be a great masterpiece.”

“Can you surpass “God of Cooking”?”

Enthusiastic editors immediately grabbed the copied comics Li Yu could not get them, but she and other editors surrounded the group leader, and they could barely see the comics. content.

The first page of “Distant Time and Space” is the cosmic landscape dotted with stars. The story begins to tell in the beautiful narration: It is far away, far away, the other side of time and space…

This is a fantasy story that breaks through the limitations of the idol type of “The Legend of the Galaxy Diva”. “Distant Time and Space” is Qin Ya’s first story portrayed in a huge universe.

“Really beautiful painting…”

Li Yu was first attracted by the pictures in “Distant Time and Space.” Qin Ya’s girl cartoons are always well drawn, but this time it is better than ever.

The importance of drawing skills in girl manga has always surpassed that of juvenile manga. In recent years, many talented and powerful cartoonists have appeared, such as Zhao Mei and Ling Shuang, who were originally considered by Li Yu to be in The person challenging Qin Ya on the screen.

However, at first glance, the number one female cartoonist is still Qin Ya, who has gone all out, and no one can surpass her in a short period of time. (To be continued.)

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