Big Manga

Chapter 150

Chapter 147 : Devil cartoonist

Jiayuan Community

Watching the animation’s ending song come to an end, praise rang out.

“This is the first time I have watched it. This animation is very exciting!”

“I look forward to the next plot. It seems that I will have to go to the animation department in the future.”

Several assistants and editors have never seen “Chong Wu Elf” beforehand, and I didn’t expect it to be so good. The animation department of Phoenix Company was established for two months, but it did not have much communication with the original departments. The cartoonists and editors are very unfamiliar with this department.

In fact, when the animation department was first established, the Phoenix company also caused quite a stir. At that time, they faced the pressure of Zhongxia Comics and saw that the company blindly entered the animation industry, and the first work was “Chong Thing Pokemon”, an animation that was not recognized by the outside world. Most people did not take it seriously.

However, after watching the first episode of “Chong Wujin” today, these people are convinced.

“He Xi, what a teacher really does is outstanding!”

Since his debut, He Xi has created miracles time and time again, none of his works have not sold well, and this animation will certainly be no exception.

The editors looked at the kitchen with envy, where Alice helped Li Qin prepare dinner.

That beauty editor is the luckiest person in the entire Phoenix Company. She will become the exclusive editor of Teacher He Xi, and it will be long-term, completely cutting off other editing opportunities.

“Teacher He Xi, I heard that you created all the songs in this animation?” Xi Wenlin asked nervously: “And those elves, are you setting them?”

Before Meng Huo answered, Teacher Tomato laughed.

“Yes, that was all made by Teacher He Xi!” His eyes flashed suddenly, and he turned to Meng Huo: “I said teacher. I heard that you are working on a new theme during the Chinese New Year, is it true!?”

The other editors looked at each other, yes, how did they forget about it. Why Xi is preparing a new theme, that is the blessing of the cartoonists of the entire company!

Gundam and Magical Girl comics from the previous few months. Those cartoonists have become best-selling writers, just like Teacher Hua Meng. Since she changed her painting of Magical Girl, her popularity has greatly increased. If it weren’t for the birth of Zhongxia Comics, Teacher Hua Meng could be with the romance princess Qin Ya. The girl manga market is in a showdown.

This phenomenon has greatly increased He Xi’s popularity in Phoenix. If there were people who were jealous of his achievements before, then all cartoonists now regard He Xi as a person worthy of respect and expect him to come up with more themes and ideas. There are even a few cartoonists who have finished the serialization. Willing to open a new comic is just waiting for He Xi to make a move.

In the eyes of the editors, He Xi’s subject matter is more realistic. If the manga artists under them seize the opportunity, their bonuses will also be higher.

“Hey, teacher, are you ready for the new theme?”

“What the subject matter is, let me reveal it!”

The editors pestered Meng Huo to ask questions. Meng Huo hadn’t discussed with Xu Jing, so it was naturally difficult to disclose.

He perfunctorily twice, and shifted the topic to the animation: “Just now “Chong Thing Pokemon”. What do you think is weird?”

“Strange? Nothing…”

The editors saw that Meng Huo didn’t want to answer, so they didn’t ask more questions, but they really didn’t see any strangeness in “Chong Thing Pokemon”.

“I think ting is good.”

“The graphics and music are good, the voice actor… well, the voice actor is fine.”

This is what Meng Huo wants to know. The biggest problem of “Chong Wujing” is the voice actors, especially the voice that Shen Jie dubbed Xiaozhi. Although she can be very good, she is a beginner after all.

The editor’s answers relieved Meng Huo, his evaluation of Shen Jie was still too low. A beginner can match the voice to this level. After she has mastered the skills, it will not be against the sky!

Meng Huo glanced at Shen Jie appreciatively, and was about to say something, when the phone ringing suddenly rang.

He took a look. The caller turned out to be He Qian, why did she call?

“Teacher He Xi!”

However, when the phone was connected, Meng Huo was surprised by the voice inside. Isn’t this Li Hua?

“Li Hua, what’s the matter?”

“Ah, it turned out… Teacher He Xi, He Qian is discharged from the hospital. She said she wants to work in our company. Did you agree to her.”

Li Hua asked on the phone.

“Leave the hospital?” Meng Huo was surprised, and then said, “Well, you can let her come.”

Although it was a reward, Meng Huo felt that He Qian was definitely his lucky star. I won’t talk about the things in the previous life. The success of Phoenix Animation is also the intermediate role of He Qian.

“Give her a good job.”

Meng Huo thought to himself, and then hung up.


A voice suddenly sounded, Meng Huo was taken aback and found Shen Jie appearing beside him.

“Well, yes, is there any problem?”

Meng Huo said in a cold sweat, Shen Jie was too fascinating.

“No.” Shen Jie pouted slightly: “Meng Huo, I want to continue to be a voice actor.”


Meng Huo’s eyes widened, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

And Shen Jie was very simple. After she said that, she turned and walked to the kitchen.

“Teacher He Xi!” Tomato looked at Shen Jie’s back and asked curiously: “Shen Jie is a voice actor?”


Meng Huo calmed down and nodded with a smile on his face: “The protagonist Xiao Zhi of “Chong Wu Elf” is her voice.”


“I can’t tell at all, isn’t Xiao Zhi a boy?”

The others were shocked.

Soon, Li Qin and Alice prepared dinner. On the first day of moving to a new house, the meal was treated as a fire meal, and it was eaten lively until nine o’clock.

Then the guests began to disperse, Shen Jie and Li Qin were in charge of washing the dishes, while Meng Huo sent assistants and editors to the gate of the community.

“Teacher He Xi, you are usually too desperate.”

On the way, an editor said to Meng Huo: “Other cartoonists hire two or three assistants for serializing one work. If you serialize two at the same time, you are also responsible for animation and other tasks. Why don’t you consider adding several assistants?

“Yes, teacher He Xi. My teacher Kusano has always wanted to learn from you. If you need an assistant, you can tell me at any time.”

“Isn’t Mr. Kusano’s serialization only halfway through? Ms. Songyuan, who I am in charge of, is just about to finish the serialization. His drawing skills are very good and he is most suitable to be an assistant!”

This group of editors did not forget to promote their cartoonists when they left. It’s not surprising that they wanted to help Meng Huo in the move.

Meng Huo felt sad.

Alice told him that the comics industry is developing rapidly, and new comic artists have emerged in Zhongxia Comics. Those comics are not as good as Meng Huo, but they have dealt a huge blow to other original comic artists of Phoenix Company.

They are all eager for Meng Huo’s help. The actions of the editors are actually a manifestation of this desire.

“I will think about it.”

Meng Huo nodded and agreed with the editors, but he knew that assistants were not the solution. To save Phoenix Company and the original cartoonist, he had to do more.


Yenching. Central Ministry of Culture.

In an office, several clerks are collating information.

“Has Ninghai’s latest information feedback come back?”

“Some reports and photos have been scanned… This time the target person is incredible. His fans gather in more than a dozen squares in Ninghai. Fanatics can be compared to celebrities.”

“Normal, Renshuai is easy to attract fans. We have investigated him for nearly 20 days. Every time the report comes back, I am shocked. Now I am almost numb.”

“Hurry up and sort out the information. I want to get off work.”

“How many days do you want to investigate? Why haven’t we said anything?…This photo is a bit interesting. This is in a square. A paralyzed old man stood up after watching the animation… Do you want to hand it in? ?”

“I rub, you are too exaggerated… veto!”

“Agree to veto!”

The clerks were chatting and working, and the movements on their hands were not slow at all. They quickly sorted out the information properly, wrote out reports and put them together.

The title is written on the file bag early-“Caricaturist He Xi’s Investigation Report No. 18”.

The report is submitted and has been reviewed by several layers. Then finally fell into the hands of an old man.

The old man sat in the room filled with books, put on his glasses, and carefully examined the report. On his desk, 17 copies of the same report were stacked on top of each other.

After reading this report carefully. The old man picked up the phone.

“You can stop.”

His voice is a bit old: “He Xi’s animation evaluation has passed.”


The voice on the other side was abruptly restrained: “Director, that animation only aired in the afternoon, why did you come to a conclusion so quickly?”

“It’s no longer necessary.”

The old man said slowly: “His assessment can be over long ago, but the animation is just about to be broadcast. I want to watch it again.”


The person opposite the microphone Shen Yin: “But Minister, he still has a musical talent that hasn’t been evaluated.”

“Music?” The old man shook his head: “We have a lot of musicians. What we lack is cartoonists… The manga business is still very weak, so what a shame.”


“Well, although Zhongxia is our supporting enterprise.” A flash of light flashed in the eyes of the old man: “But what a pity the potential is great, you warned Zhongxia, I have already told you the content.”

“Yes it is……”

“Also remind those capitalists that the central government has begun to provide protection to He Xi.” The old man said: “Don’t let news flow to the market. The government maintains traditional neutrality and does not hinder normal competition.”

“Okay.” The voice in the microphone agreed, and then asked: “So, what is the official code name?”

The government will not directly say the name of the object it wants to asylum, because it is easy to leak and affect the market, so it usually gives people a code name, so that only people who should know it will know.

The old man thought for a while.

“I remember a child got the code name of the angel cartoonist. So what a shame, it’s called the devil cartoonist…”

“A cartoonist with devilish skills and seductive power.” The old man smiled: “I look forward to how far he can develop the comics industry.” (Your support from Dingtian Novels is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read.)

Ps: The first update on July 19th, the lowest third update today!

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