Big Manga

Chapter 161

Chapter 158: Comics and games 1 up

Meng Huo asked Alice galgame and got the same answer as he expected.

“This…I haven’t heard of this kind of game…”

Alice frowned and thought for a while: “If you say that, it might be possible. Different game categories have different review standards, which means that there are many loopholes in this new type of game. We can also perfuse the past. ”

This is the so-called scoring. The policy stipulates that it cannot, but scouring and playing can.

Meng Huo was very excited when he heard this answer. It seems that God is still very nostalgic for him, at least “fate/stay, night” will not cause a miscarriage.

This was originally a story produced by the game, but it would be more appropriate to switch back to the game. Moreover, Meng Huo has already completed the initial data. He has added more staff these days and set it up.

“You can revise the update notice of “Weekly Shonen”!”

Meng Huo said: “While it hasn’t been released yet, now I am going to change it. I want to make “fate/stay, night” a game instead of comics.”

“it is good.”

Alice nodded, she was a little disappointed, she did not expect such an accident.

In fact, she even wanted Meng Huo to modify the background of Saber and continue to launch this comic, but Meng Huo wanted to make a game, so she chose to believe in Meng Huo.

“”Fate/stay, night” is no longer drawn. Will there be new comics released next week?”

Alice asked again.

“Yes.” Meng Huo nodded, “I will prepare other comics, and there may be more than one.”

He decided to cut down the comics in the magazine, which had too much influence on “Weekly Boys” and “Weekly Girls”. Although the quality becomes better. But comic readers who have been cut in half will certainly not be happy. Magazine sales will drop for a while.

In this mode, Meng Huo’s solution is to launch a comic by him. His comics can bring hope to the magazine. Originally, he planned to put “fate/stay, night” in the young manga, and the girl manga also prepared a new one. .

Thinking about it now, both have to rethink.

With the addition of “fate/stay, night” games and company affairs, Meng Huo has a hunch that this week is definitely his hardest week.

“That’s good. I’ll wait for your new comic.” Alice nodded, and hurried to the publishing house to revise the updated notice of “Weekly Shonen”.

At eight o’clock in the evening, the conference hall on the second floor of the Phoenix Building

“Teacher He, it’s better to be famous than to meet!”

A middle-aged man wearing glasses and Meng Huo shook hands, and then took out a business card: “My name is Wang Lei, the editor-in-chief of Guangming Daily!”

“Hello there.”

Meng Huo smiled and accepted the card.

After he separated from Alice, he came here to meet with cartoonists. Several newspaper reporters were present. These reporters were selected by Xu Jing, who had a good relationship with Phoenix and could be trusted.

The cartoonists are already seated in the hall. There are males and females, and the number is more than 60.

The editors had already told them that the magazine was going to be cut in half. These cartoonists appear to be very noisy, with everything from nervous and worried expressions to angry and desperate expressions.

After everyone arrived, Meng Huo walked to the front desk.

“Everyone, be quiet!”

The editors keeping order quieted the cartoonists and turned their eyes to Meng Huo.

“It’s nice to see you all tonight.”

Meng Huo didn’t talk nonsense, and said bluntly: “I think everyone knows the reason for calling you here tonight. Now the company has handed over the decision of “Weekly Boy” and “Weekly Girl” to me. The chairman hopes I can improve their quality.”

“I made a decision. Next week, “Weekly Boys” will cut ten articles and “Weekly Girls” will have seven. The rest are the comics that I think are slightly better than theirs after comparing with the summer magazines.”

When this passage came out, the reporters were excited. They knew why they called themselves over. This is big news.

“Weekly Shonen” cut ten comics in half, what is the concept? This magazine usually has between 20 and 22 articles, including short comics. Meng Huo waved his hand and half of it was gone.

“Weekly Girl” cut seven articles in half, but its original number is small, and it faces the same fate as “Weekly Girl”.

“This teacher He Xi is really crazy…”

Wang Lei thought, but quickly wrote down the incident.

“Teacher He, you can’t do this! Even if the company was cut in the past, it would tell us the time for the cut in advance. This time there is no warning, it is too unfair!”

A grumpy cartoonist stood up.

“I know.” Meng Huo nodded, “That’s why I called you to give you an explanation.”

He looked around the conference hall and looked at every cartoonist.

“All of you present are seniors. I have been in Phoenix for eight months, but in these eight months, I have understood a lot and I am full of admiration for you.”

Meng Huo said:

“The cartoonists here are all cartoonists who insist on originality and are unwilling to adapt novels. Only after walking this path can I understand how difficult your persistence is.”

Most of the cartoonists in Phoenix Company are those who are unwilling to give in to novels and love originality. They are commendable in this era when novel adaptations are king.

However, this is not a reason to allow quality to fall behind. Meng Huo talked about the emergence of Zhongxia, the changes in the comics industry, and Phoenix’s difficulties. Every cartoonist knew about these things, and they were speechless.

“There is a revolution in the comics industry. If you want to survive, the quality of magazines must be improved.” Meng Huo said: “Slashing the mess is the best way to solve the problem. Frankly speaking…too tacky. The work limits the future of our company.”

“I don’t want to drag oil bottles anymore.”

Meng Huo’s words were very straightforward, and he also touched the pain in the hearts of many cartoonists.

Even the reporters who bowed their heads felt uncomfortable while dragging the oil bottle, but right? Now the Phoenix company’s support is entirely dependent on Teacher He Xi. Without him. Perhaps the Phoenix Company has already been shattered by the wave. In front of Teacher He Xi. Most of the cartoonists in Phoenix are dragging oil bottles.


There was silence in the meeting room, and no one refuted Meng Huo.

Meng Huo felt that his words might be too heavy.

“I won’t let you lose your job for no reason.” He changed the topic and said: “After deciding on the serialized comics, I will compensate you for the loss of a few weeks of manuscript fees. If you want, you can come over and be mine. assistant.”

“I will pay the same remuneration as you did when you serialized it, and your income will not change. One month later. It is up to you to decide whether to continue or not.”

A group of inhaling sounds resounded in the conference hall.

“Teacher He Xi’s assistant!”

The cartoonists hadn’t reacted yet, and the editors jumped up first.

“Teacher He Xi, what you said is serious!”

“Really.” Meng Huo nodded and smiled: “I really need an assistant this month. If you don’t mind, come and help me. I will teach you something, and I hope you will grow up in the process. If you can learn Whatever happens, draw more interesting comics, the doors of “Weekly Shonen” and “Weekly Girls” will still be opened for you…”

Meng Huo’s purpose is to reduce the workload. One game, two minimum comics, he cut seventeen. Seventeen cartoonists, don’t know if there are enough…

These cartoonists have qualified drawing skills, and serializing uninteresting stories in magazines is a waste of resources, and the benefits are definitely not as good as following Meng Huo. ”

“Yes, I do!”

“I am willing too!”

Some cartoonists who were originally downcast were excited, and even the cartoonists who weren’t cut in half looked envious. They were cut in half to get the opportunity to be Heshi teacher’s assistant, and their income was not reduced, and this was not a loss.

“Teacher He Xi, are you, are you going to release a new comic!?”

At this time, only Wang Lei noticed the difference. The hidden line in Meng Huo’s words was that he wanted to publish a new cartoon? If it’s not a new comic, how can you need so many assistants?

This issue of “Weekly Youth” has not yet been published. If the news is true, it will be the headline of the major newspapers.

“Yes, I will release a new comic next week.” Meng Huo nodded and smiled: “There is another game ready to start, and it is estimated that it will be released soon.”


The others looked at each other, what a pity the pace is too fast!

Phoenix Company entered the game industry after entering the animation industry, that was too fierce! Are you not afraid of losing money? The reporters’ thoughts were entangled, but no matter what they thought, they were a little excited. First, they cut 17 comics, then released a new work, and finally made a game.

As soon as the news goes out, He Xi’s fans will not be happy to death!

“It can definitely be the headline!”

After the meeting, the reporters rushed to interview Meng Huo. Meng Huo did not refuse all this time, but accepted exclusive interviews from several companies.

He didn’t reveal much, but it was exciting enough.

The next day, Ninghai’s newspapers were once again occupied by news from Phoenix Company. Countless people heard the news, especially the news of entering the game industry. The news of entering the game industry was even more heated, and some game manufacturers came out to scold them.

Everyone thought what a madness. Only a few senior officials of Phoenix knew that Meng Huo had entered the game industry at a cost of only about 1 million yuan.

This cost did not burden Phoenix at all , but the sensational benefit it caused was great. Xu Jing saw Meng Huo’s face printed in the newspaper for several days, and he liked it more and more.

“This kid really is my lucky star.”

Meng Huo’s move was so earth-shattering, attracting everyone’s attention.

“The Devil Cartoonist…”

Xu Jing thought of the code name, and smiled from ear to ear. Although he didn’t know who said the code name that was circulating in the ears of him and Zhongxia’s senior executives, it was really appropriate!

Devil cartoonist, this is someone else’s devil, a devil full of charm.

Nowadays, what a pity it didn’t spend a cent on advertising, and even the new work surpassed Zhongxia comics in public opinion before it was launched. When the comics come out next week, other people will not be crazy!

What kind of manga is it?

Xu Jing began to look forward to it… (to be continued, please search, the novel is better and updated faster!

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