Big Manga

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 :era

“Detective Conan” single book released one day, sales in Ninghai City exceeded 700,000!

On the 12th, Lai Lu, a reporter from Comics News, who just got up, received a call from her boss. She checked the date. Half a year has passed since April Fool’s Day. Why is there such a ridiculous thing?

“Boss, stop teasing me, I will go to work on time today.”

“Why did I tease you in the early morning! Lai Lu, if you don’t want to be fired, rush to the Phoenix Building now. Xiao Wu has passed. You two must bring me the news no matter who you interviewed!”

The boss yelled and hung up the phone, and Lai Lu was stunned for a long time, only to realize that this was not a joke.

She stopped eating and hurried to the Phoenix Building.

“”Detective Conan”…700,000…”

If this news is true, then the storm it brings is too big. Usually, the editorial department of “Weekly Youth” will not accept interviews easily. Lai Lu must block the door before they go to work, maybe they can block one or two heavyweights.

But she was stunned when she came to the Phoenix Building, where dozens of reporters with microphones or cameras were waiting.

“Can’t they slow down!”

Lai Lu sighed secretly, and then joined up with her colleague Xiao Wu.

The news of the press is so fast, which is why they are called paparazzi.

However, it is not surprising that such a scene appears in major news. Lai Lu has basically determined that the news is true, otherwise these reporters will not be attracted. She still remembers the complacency on the face of Mrs. Mach, the author of “Sherlock” interviewed yesterday. I don’t know how he would feel when he heard the news?

Lai Lu has a great affection for that handsome cartoonist, and she can’t help feeling sad.

Teacher Mach is a genius cartoonist, and the sales of “Sherlock” are extremely hot. Who would have thought that the record would be broken the next day? In today’s results, the more talented Mach teacher is and the stronger the sales of “Detective Sherlock”, the more powerful the “Detective Conan” is revealed!

The editor-in-chief of Longteng’s comics once said that no matter whether it is hostile or not, a comic genius will always turn many people into stepping stones.

This sentence was originally a declaration of Longteng’s contempt for other peers, but today it seems to be full of irony: the genius of this company is being surpassed by a newcomer cartoonist, no matter how much Mach struggles, He Xi will step on him.


At eight o’clock in the morning, Alice took the makeup mirror and applied some foundation, and then rang the doorbell of Meng Huo’s house.

“Oh, it’s your sister!”

Li Qin opened the door with a look of surprise: “Come in, why is it so early today?”

“There is good news today.”

Alice closed the door, changed her shoes and walked into the room, and immediately found Meng Huo sitting at the table eating noodles.

“Are you still eating breakfast?”

“Yes, have you eaten yet, I will get you a bowl.”

Li Qin walked to the kitchen as he said.

“Sister Qin, no, I have already eaten it!”

Alice hurriedly walked over to stop her, she was a little embarrassed, and it was always bad to come over when others were eating.

“Then I will pour you a glass of water.”

Li Qin asked Alice to sit on the sofa, poured her a glass of water, and went back to continue eating noodles.

At this time, Meng Huo had finished eating. He drank the milk, dried his mouth with a paper towel, walked to Alice and sat down.

“What’s the news?” He asked, then looked at Alice’s face strangely: “You seem to have dark circles under your eyes. Didn’t you sleep last night?”

Alice was surprised. Didn’t she cover it just now? Meng Huo’s eyes are too powerful! Of course, this was just accidental. Meng Huo paid much attention to the problem of dark circles these days, so he noticed it inadvertently.

“I was busy last night.” Alice smiled wryly: “Detective Conan” is going to be printed. Those bookmarks are made elsewhere, and several editors haven’t slept.”

She regrets a bit, if she doubled the number of first prints, it would be much easier now.

“Reprint?” Meng Huo didn’t think it was weird that China is so big, the first printing of more than one million copies is certainly not enough: “How about the single-line sales yesterday?”

“This is what I want to say!”

Alice became excited immediately: “Wait, I’ll turn on the TV for you. The morning news will definitely be released.”

She turned on the TV and tuned to the Ninghai TV channel. Within a few minutes, the news of “Detective Conan” was broadcast.

“From news from our entertainment channel, the single book “Detective Conan” released yesterday reached 850,000 copies in Ninghai on its first day, breaking through the 700,000 copies of detective cartoons created by “Detective Sherlock” the day before… It is reported that “The Detective” “Conan” is the first original comic to achieve this sales. Experts predict that its final sales are expected to exceed 8 million copies, surpassing the adaptation of a popular novel, and this is only the first single book released by the comic…”

The sales scenes of various bookstores were scrolled on the TV, and then the camera shifted to the Phoenix Building.

“Reporters from the front.”

Among a crowd of reporters, Ye Xiong, the editor-in-chief of “Weekly Youth”, was blocked at the door and unable to enter.

“Editor-in-Chief Ye, the sales volume of “Detective Conan” has been confirmed, do you think this is a miracle?”

Ye Xiong’s face is obviously tired, but his eyes are very clear Of course, I don’t think that since I received the submission of “Detective Conan”, I believe it will be such a day! “He said vigorously: “This sales is only the beginning. The comics industry has changed. From now on, it will no longer be a vassal of novels. I believe that more outstanding original comics will appear, and comics will become a brand new one. , New things that can compete with any other cultural industry! ”

“Editor-in-Chief Ye, although “Detective Conan” sells more than “Detective Sherlock” in Ninghai City, “Detective Sherlock” has a wider range of fans across the country, and the outcome is uncertain. Compare the two characters of the Three Kingdoms, who do you think is Zhuge and Zhou Yu?”

“You don’t need to be circumspect, just ask me who will win!”

Ye Xiong glanced at the reporter who asked the question.

“But if you follow your analogy, Teacher He Xi will undoubtedly be Zhuge.” He snorted coldly: “Teacher Mach can’t be said to be Zhou Yu. Teacher He Xi’s opponent hasn’t appeared yet, maybe he will never appear…”


The reporters on the field were in an uproar, and they were all shocked by Ye Xiong’s declaration.

Meng Huo in front of the TV was also shocked by his attention. Unexpectedly, behind Ye Xiong, there was another even more exciting sentence.

“I believe that Mr. He Xi has started an era of original comics. I hope that all other cartoonists will realize this and use their wisdom and sweat to catch up in this era. Otherwise, this will not be an era of comics. .”

“It’s the age of He Xi!”

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