Big Manga

Chapter 71

Chapter 70 :Find

Shen Jie’s group is the big sister’s favorite Zhengtai League. Although the name is funny, they are not much different from other fan groups.

As the largest organization of female fans, hundreds of members participated in this “Detective Conan” reader thank-you meeting. On weekends, there were nearly a hundred in the afternoon, and the number of people on this day was the largest. The reason was that it was a time when various groups competed with each other under the official leadership of Phoenix Company.

There are ten groups participating in the performance, and these groups were originally against each other. In addition, this was the first event. Every group was very excited to achieve good results and increase their influence in the future, so they sent the strongest representatives to participate.

However, before that, everyone didn’t know what other performances were being prepared. When the venue was about to open in the afternoon, the female fans of the Big Sisters League found that they were very close. Several groups prepare performances similar to them, and there are bands participating.


“Look over there.”

Zhou Qian pointed to the left. Shen Jie and Meng Huo followed her fingers, and soon saw several young people holding musical instruments surrounded by readers.

“That is a famous local band, and not only them, but also the Little Apple band over there. They are bands from southern Jiangsu, and they are also famous on the Internet.” Zhou Qian shook her head and sighed: “One is justified. There are two bands, we don’t have to play at all.”

Shen Jie is dumb, she is self-confident, but others are bands, they are nothing compared.

The meaning of    Zhou Qian is already obvious. They don’t want to play the piano and sing to confront the two bands head-on, but plan to switch to other shows.

“Meng Huo…”

Shen Jie looked at Meng Huo a little embarrassed.

Meng Huo frowned slightly. He wanted to take advantage of this time to get the song out, but he was not the dominant player this time. These female fans have already made a decision and probably won’t change it.

“What are you going to perform?”

He asked aloud that if it wasn’t a particularly outstanding performance, he might still have a chance to fight for it.


Zhou Qian observed Meng Huo’s expression and was surprised, why is this child not angry? Ordinary people who have worked so hard to prepare for so long, and are suddenly announced that they don’t want you, how can they get angry.

But he doesn’t lose his temper. Some words can cause disputes without saying directly. In fact, the girls in the Big Sisters League don’t believe this high school student.

He has no piano level and original songs. If it weren’t for Shen Jie, Meng Huo wouldn’t even have the chance to be on the candidate list.

Zhou Qian’s thoughts flashed, her mouth did not stop.

“We have alternate performances. Twenty sisters practiced collective dance.”

Dance together?

Meng Huo took a look at the female fans. These female fans generally look better, and many of them wear similar short skirts. They dance, which is indeed very eye-catching.

He seems hopeless to play.

“Well, I won’t participate anymore.”

Meng Huo said, he understands the psychology of these female fans very well, so he is too lazy to be boring.

A few minutes later, the Cultural Center opened, and fans walked inside one after another.

Because he doesn’t need to be on stage, Meng Huo leaves the Big Sister Alliance and intends to act alone. But Shen Jie, who was guilty in her heart, also followed, and of course the two roommates didn’t need to say much.

“Sorry, Meng Huo, let you run for nothing.” Shen Jie apologized several times on the way, Meng Huo shook his head and smiled: “Okay, it’s not your fault, and it’s not a bad thing. At least we have time to play. .”

Entering the cultural center, Meng Huo found that Phoenix had prepared many interesting games, such as circle, shooting, claw machine, etc. The prizes were pillows and cups from “Detective Conan”, and many fans gathered together.

The peripheral copyright of “Detective Conan” has not yet been developed, so all the items on the scene are directly printed with photos. The exterior is rustic and the interior is rustic. Meng Huo did not find any satisfactory items.

But the atmosphere in the whole venue was very lively. The fans were very interested, and even if they were not very good prizes, they had a lot of fun.

Driven by this atmosphere, Meng Huo felt a little eager in his heart. He suddenly flashed an idea that he could build a street of comics similar to Japan’s Akihabara, and make comics and its surroundings become a culture.

He has seen on TV that there is a movie street in Yanjing. The whole street is an industrial street formed around movies. The number of tourists received every day is not lower than that of the Forbidden City. If you plan to build a comic street, Meng Huo does not need to fumble and can refer to the construction.

But it is too early to say this. He has no funds or strength, so he can only put his thoughts in his heart temporarily.

“it has started!”

As they walked, the crowd suddenly cheered.

Meng Huo looked up, and on the far stage, a familiar figure walked up.

“Welcome everyone…”

Ye Xiong from the editorial department of “Weekly Youth” stood on the stage and gave a thank you speech. The content was old-fashioned, and Meng Huo didn’t continue to read it. When he looked up just now, he seemed to have left something strange. People in comic hoods were selling things in remote corners of the venue.

“Conan and Xiaolan!”

Shen Jie also noticed them and exclaimed: “It should be the staff who pretended to be, let’s go and take a look.”

When she gets excited, she doesn’t care about anything, grabs Meng Huo and walks over there.

Conan and Xiaolan are the heroes and heroines of “Detective Conan”. When they come closer, they are actually pretended by the male and female staff. Because they are wearing headgear, they can’t see the real person but… …

“Xiao Lan is Alice, right?”

Meng Huo thought in his heart that he had been with Alice for a long time, and at a glance he recognized that the woman dressed as Xiao Lan was Alice.

“What is she playing?”

Alice did not say hello to him, but instead patted the table and said in a voice changed by a voice changer: “These guests, do you want to buy a postcard?”

On the table, there were postcards signed by Meng Huo, but there were not many people watching.

“My signature is so worthless…”

Meng Huo smiled bitterly. Although he didn’t expect much, it was too deserted. He drew out a postcard and was taken aback for a moment.

No, there is no signature on it?

“Postcards, we have bought them in the past two days.” Shen Jie didn’t even glance at the postcards, she asked with bright eyes, “Can you take pictures with us?”

Alice shook her head and pointed to the sign next to her.

It is forbidden to take pictures——

“that is not……”

And in the crowd at this time, a woman who Meng Huo hadn’t noticed also noticed the situation here.

“Isn’t that the girl I met with Teacher He Xi that night?”

He Qian stared at Shen Jie, and then slowly shifted to Meng Huo: “Is he teacher He Xi?”

(Thanks to Genesis Wu for the reward, Khan… It has been passed on for several times, but I don’t know what happened.)

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