big perfect anchor

Chapter 11 Step 1

Chapter 11 The First Step

"I walked by you alone, and I had nothing to say to you, and I dared not look up at you, O face!"

"The setting sun in the sky once again reflects my face, and once again reflects my uneasy heart. What kind of place is still so desolate, and the endless journey is so long."

"I want to go from south to north, and from white to black. I want people to see me, but not know who I am."

By 75 o'clock in the evening, Chen Hao sang on the mic four times in total, one song at a time, with an average of one mic every [-] minutes.

In these few hours, excluding the first eight groups of 520 song gods that Ye Zi brushed out, a total of gifts worth 400 yuan were received, and the actual income was more than 1000 yuan, including 66 yuan from Ye Zi. In Mai Xu, she slapped the screen with 88 slaps to support her, and each time she swiped [-] groups.

The number of Zhenaituan fans increased to 58.

And this afternoon, the number of online users of "Golden Melody Singing" was no less than [-], and even after six o'clock in the evening, there was a situation where the screen was swiping and asking Haozi to sing on the mic, but the anchors who climbed the mic were basically hardened After all, the channel stabilized its popularity, so they ran over to climb the mic to increase the exposure rate regardless of the sound of the public screen telling them to roll down, which made the time interval between Chen Hao's mic increase every time.

Ye Zi chatted with him more than once: "You should have your own live broadcast room."

There are similar words on the public screen: "Anchor, when will you have your own live broadcast room, pull attention, you must come!"

"Is the official person blind? Such a good singer, and let him climb the mic here, why should he be given a time slot on the official channel, so that he has enough time to perform well."


"What time will the anchor climb the mic, please make way for other anchors not to climb the mic, otherwise you will die."


"666 upstairs!"

With four songs, Chen Hao conquered a considerable number of people. With the addition of some funny songs, the "Golden Melody Singing", which was already on the verge of being banned, became lively at the end of this golden autumn, but it also made the field control very difficult. It’s helpless, many of the tourists’ voices are not very good, and everyone has the qualification to climb the mic. This is the official decision. Today is very lively, and there are a lot of anchors on weekdays. , I came here today, except for two nights on weekends, there are very few times when the number of hosts on the mic exceeds [-].

This Haozi deserves special attention. ——The sub-channel administrator of Golden Melody Singing.

Haozi, the company's newly signed temporary contract anchor, has no live broadcast rights, let alone a live broadcast room. Today, he received a gift of 3000 yuan, and he will continue to pay attention tomorrow. ——Chen Hao, the administrator of the data department of the contracted company 'Joyful Times'.

Chen Hao did not add friends extensively, nor did he set up a live broadcast group. He is not very familiar with these things, and he is not good at communicating with a large group of strangers to make them like him more. A leaf has already made him free in the afternoon The time was filled with chatting, he just sang to everyone very hard, looking for some songs during the waiting time.

This afternoon, it proved once again that the future with absolute strength cannot be limited. I don’t need to call everyone to pay attention to me after going to the mic, and I don’t need to talk to connect with each other. I just need to sing my song well. Originally, there were only more than 3000 followers. No. This day and a half in the "Golden Melody" climbing wheat, growing to six thousand, in the future, a better future will beckon to myself.

"Haozi, add a WeChat account. Tomorrow I will bring a few little sisters to listen to your singing." Facing Ye Zi's request, Chen Hao hesitated for a moment before adding the other party's WeChat account. Just like those anchors in the past, when you meet a local tyrant who refreshes yourself, you can go up and lick it vigorously. You just sent an emoji to confirm that we are friends, then turn off the computer and take a rest. This old configuration will be unbearable once it works for a long time Heavy duty computer.

It's already 10:400, and the qualification for climbing mics is until 800:600, and it's impossible to get in line for me before [-]:[-], so I simply come down, Chen Hao doesn't know, when his account changed from "Golden Melody" After leaving the live broadcast room, in just [-] minutes, I typed some on the public screen, and I didn’t say anything. I originally went to the sub-channel with [-] people, but it dropped to [-] people. I can’t say that the [-] people They were all fans of Chen Hao, but they felt that they heard a nice voice, and then listened to some KTV-level voices, and felt bored, so they might as well go shopping elsewhere.

Of course, this afternoon, there were also those who attacked Chen Hao on the public screen, and some who scolded him privately. More than three years ago, he couldn't bear it long ago, and he would definitely reply: "MD I sing so well It’s not to make you feel ashamed to see others, just lie down honestly when you are ashamed to see people, and don’t run up to grab the time of Mai Xu.”

There are still black fans in such a kid channel. Apart from the anchors of the same channel, they are their relatives, friends or guild staff. Please come here to stimulate Chen Hao’s mentality. It’s been more than three years. Not to mention the invincibility of mentality, at least the influence of this level can be completely ignored.

Turn off the computer, turn off the lights, and Chen Hao went out to his parents' room. After seven o'clock, no one came to disturb him. Of course, he knew what was going on. Fortunately, the Internet anchor industry has been called the promotion of grassroots stars in the past few years. If Lulu has been recognized, not only will he not be treated differently by everyone, but he will also feel that it is uncertain when my child will become a big star.

"Mom and Dad."

The kang was hot, Chen Yuanping was smoking a cigarette and leaning on the kang to watch TV, while his mother was sewing the quilt under the light, and looked up at the TV from time to time. This year's busy farming season ended early, otherwise Qiao Xinmei wouldn't have called her son to let him come back. I can't bear to see my son, whom I haven't seen for several years, really came back to help the family with work.

Waiting to sell corn, waiting to exchange a year's harvest into money, is also announcing that the countryside is about to enter the slack time for farming. Of course, hardworking families will be busy until the snow falls, and there will always be such and such odd jobs. Good job, but compared to the tiredness during the busy farming season, for Chen Yuanping and his wife who are used to doing farm work, it has come to a time when they are more relaxed in their childhood.

"Sit for a while, the food is in the pot, and Mom will bring it to you."

"No need, Mom, I can do it myself."

The meals are all leftovers from yesterday's big meal. There are two plates and a rice bowl in the cauldron. One plate is selected from yesterday's leftover dishes, and the other plate is obviously freshly fried twice-cooked pork today.

Of course, Chen Hao would not go to tell his mother, Mom, that you don’t need to cook for me tomorrow. When Kang Shang needs your care, if you can find out this touch and give half of it to treat your parents, you will be considered a filial son.

"Son, will you be able to eat at this hour in the future?" Qiao Xinmei watched her son gobble it up, and hurriedly handed a large glass of warm water, which had cooled down a lot, to her son, with a distressed expression on her face. It was almost eight o'clock.

"Today is the first day. Tomorrow, just call me for dinner at home. I spend most of the time waiting."

"Oh. Eat your child slowly, no one will grab you, eat more, you will lose weight."

In the eyes of mothers, children are always thinner, and they can't wait to eat all the delicious food, so that mothers will feel satisfied.

The family has a tacit understanding and no one asks about the past. No matter whether Chen Hao is in Yanjing or his parents are at home, Chen Hao wanted to wash the dishes after eating, but was pushed by his mother and refused to let him go to the kitchen. She went to the kitchen to wash the dishes , a family of three sitting side by side, watching TV together, a very homely atmosphere, and there is nothing to talk about. Occasionally, there is a cut in the TV, and a few comments will follow. I don’t feel that this is a family that has been scattered for more than three years. family.

At 09:30, the mother laid the kang, and was still talking about getting a TV for her son’s room. They haven’t had the habit of staying up late for many years, but my son is different. Young people like to go to bed late now.

Chen Yuanping is still the old-fashioned northeastern rural patriarch. He obviously wanted to say a few more words to his son, but he didn't take the initiative to speak up. He agreed with what his wife said in his heart. He was severely reprimanded by him.

"It's fine if I have a computer in my room. I don't need a TV. I'll go to bed after taking a shower and watching a movie."

"Oh, the water may not be hot enough. I'll boil some more boiling water for you." Qiao Xinmei was worried that the hot water in the heating pipes in the upper and lower rooms would not be hot enough, so she had to put on a coat for her son to boil water. The old man did it himself, but my son has not taken care of it yet.

"Mom, you can lie down and rest. I'm not a child. If I use it, I'll burn myself. Besides, I haven't practiced for nothing in the past few years. I take cold baths in winter and summer, which is called exercise. "

Walking out of the upper room, the wind was very hard and cold in the late autumn night. Chen Hao ran a few steps quickly and rushed into the 'wash room' on the side of the lower room.

This cold wind is not enough to dispel the warmth from the family. On the first day of home, Chen Hao lived very comfortably, which was a hundred times more comfortable than his life in Yanjing. Listening to her mother's caring nagging, she felt that there was nothing in the world that could make people feel happier than this.

(End of this chapter)

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