big perfect anchor

Chapter 27 Short IDs

Chapter 27 Short IDs
Lele news, front page headlines.

"Rookie anchor Haozi's original single "Just Met You" has become popular on the Internet, and everyone is competing to sing it!"

"I happened to meet Lele, I happened to meet the Internet, I just happened to meet tourists, I just happened to meet noble people. Haozi used an original song to thank all those who supported him on the spot. This is a song sung for everyone."

Under the headline news on the front page, there is also a link to the video, which is the video of Chen Hao singing for the second time in the live broadcast room. The transition between the voice lines and the control of the voice are played to the extreme, which makes the audience happy. Many experts who criticized him for wasting his voice can only keep his mouth shut. No matter what kind of song it is, it will fall on a good song in the end. It is undeniable that "Just Met You" is a good song. The "I Just Met You" sung by Hao's mouth is even better to hear the explosion. Even if you put on headphones and repeat the single, you won't feel tired.

Nowadays, no one asks who Haozi is anymore?
Yesterday was a potential anchor among the newcomer anchors, and today she is an Internet celebrity. Lele has absorbed the advantages of some online platforms, such as this video that has been officially certified and uploaded to the official website, with the anchor follow link, you can click below the video It took only one night to follow the anchor, and the number of followers on Chen Hao's Lele ID reached 100 million, and this number is still climbing rapidly.

It can be said that today's Internet celebrities are not famous in Lele, so they are not Internet celebrities at all.And being famous on Lele is enough to prove that you are an Internet celebrity.

The live video channel, game channel, and online and offline activities are very well-known every time. Every once in a while, there will be real big stars live on the official channel of Lele, and there are many second- and third-tier artists. Live live in Lele.

Here, when Chen Hao came back from a morning run, there were three missed calls on his mobile phone, and several WeChat messages, all of which were Gao Hongbo.

"Sorry, I just went out for a morning run."

For this reason, Gao Hongbo has nothing to say, what is the worst thing about Internet celebrities?After so many years of summarization, it is undoubtedly an irregular life and a more and more moth-like lifestyle. Haozi is just on fire. The backstage just withdrew 10,000+ yesterday. According to the analysis of normal people’s temperament, what he should do at this time Float up, even if you don't float, you still have to enjoy the joy of making money, but look at the time now, it's past eight o'clock, and you have already come back from your morning run. If there is no urgent matter, Gao Hongbo will abide by the unwritten rules of the Internet. I will call the anchor casually, because there are not many anchors who get up before noon, especially the big anchors. If this is the main reason for the second- and third-line anchors to grab the slot from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] am, no matter how many people there are on the platform, At least at this time, there are no top-line anchors to snatch tourist resources.

"Some executives of the guild have added your WeChat account. Please pass it through. I will send you the list in a while, and you can also record their phone numbers. If there is anything that needs to be dealt with urgently, you can call directly. .”

"Okay, thank you."

"One more thing, Brother Tian just filmed a few short live broadcasts, and he asked you to pick one."

Chen Hao gasped, he didn't dare to think about this kind of thing, what he thought about was to live broadcast through formal channels, and after the number of people in the live broadcast room stabilized over [-] for a period of time, he would apply for five and four live broadcast rooms with the official ID.He didn't even dare to think about another legendary channel for obtaining the ID of the short live broadcast room. He didn't expect that one day it would fall on his head.

It can be regarded as one of the more local tyrants in the official consumption of Lele. Most of the channels with short IDs are purchased directly from the official through bidding. Things are just like phone numbers and license plate numbers, and their value is getting higher and higher.

"There is a 222, a 333, a 1000, and a 55555. My brother tells you to pick one and use it. Don't wait for the official short ID."

Chen Hao pondered for a while. Obviously, the first two are more valuable. Of course, the shorter and more upright the ID is, the higher the value. Brother Tian took out these four short IDs, each of which is worth a lot of money. Gao Hongbo is quite envious. , This is Brother Tian really likes this Haozi.

"Just the last one."

Gao Hongbo was a little surprised by Chen Hao's choice. With such a choice, would he not choose the one with the highest value?Will you not choose the one that is easiest to remember?
Why didn't he have that choice?Instead, I chose the one with the lower relative value among the four numbers.

"you sure?"

"Well, that's good enough, it's not good to be too greedy."

"Okay, I will operate it, and you will chat with me privately when you go online later."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Hao had just passed the WeChat of those executives, and had just edited their phone numbers into the phone, when Gao Hongbo called again: "You are very lucky, the short-digit live broadcast room ID matching 55555, There is also a personal short ID as a gift, Brother Tian said that it will be given to you as well, and you can directly overwrite the existing Lele ID when you go online and operate it."

At this moment, Chen Hao didn't feel that he was overwhelmed with luck, but was full of gratitude. He had never had any contact with Brother Tian in private. From the initial signing of the contract to the gift for himself before, to the gift of personal and live broadcast room at this moment The double short IDs are still the same 55555, and the value of these two IDs alone is as high as six digits.

"I'm a bit afraid to accept it."

"Live well and remember Brother Tian's support for you."

At ten o'clock, Chen Hao sat in front of the computer on time, got the perfect anchor system, and now his career has just started, let alone let him go out to play, everything outside is unlikely to attract him, buy a good mobile phone, buy a good computer , Changing some equipment and other things, he is not interested at all now, whoever it is, after a few days, the attention has risen to 100 million, and he will not have the mind to do other things.

Work is the best form of entertainment that Chen Hao can indulge in. He really likes the feeling of sitting in front of the computer and performing for everyone, it will give him a sense of accomplishment.

Personal ID, Select Override, Personal ID Number, 55555.
Live room ID, select coverage, live room ID number, 55555.
After finishing all this, Chen Hao admired it for a few minutes, five five, it is no longer a foot wrap, in any environment to promote, we can add one more sentence besides paying attention: "My live broadcast room is five five , there will be a live broadcast every night, everyone can watch it, my personal ID is five five, don’t be fooled by people who don’t pretend to be me with this ID.”

This feeling is the same as getting a Wulian phone number. I can't put it down. It's a bit too much to sit there and giggle, but it's true when I click on the information. It's also a status symbol.

At around [-]:[-], Chen Hao put his account into the "Golden Melody" channel. He didn't want to withdraw all at once, and he also had some feelings for this place, and he was also grateful for the management and field control here. I don't want this channel to be banned, so I shorten my mic climbing time and try to come here to sing a few songs every day.

As soon as Chen Hao got on the mic, the public screen became lively. He didn't wait for his own mic order to pull attention, but after he got on the mic, he was ranked fifteenth, and after typing hello to everyone, he directly pulled attention, with millions of followers Internet celebrity, at ten o'clock, in the sub-channel, within 3 minutes, 2 people came in, all wanting to see the demeanor of this new Internet celebrity.

More than 2 people, this is the number of sub-channels that are close to the front line in the entire singing channel. All the management and field control in the sub-channels are fully motivated. You must know that this can be directly linked to their salary levels and bonuses. No one wants to have a disgraceful picture on his resume, and he doesn't want people to see that he once worked as a management field controller in a banned sub-channel.

Now there is a new potential internet celebrity anchor coming out of the channel, and he has not forgotten his original intention to come back to increase the popularity of "home". Chen Hao's actions have left a very good reputation in the hearts of the lowest-level staff on the Lele platform. In Lele's headquarters, employees also have to chat with each other, and the anchors with word of mouth naturally convey the good side, and those anchors with arrogance and bad attitudes do not get good word of mouth and recognition among employees.

"I just met you."

"I just met you."

These five words were written all over the screen. No matter how clear the video on the Internet is or how good Chen Hao's singing is, it's all in the past tense, and it's far less enjoyable than listening to the live version.

There are some anchors on Mai Xu who leave Mai Xu very tactfully. They know that with their singing level, they need a big heart to resist the scrolling of the screen at this time. Instead of doing that, it is better to sell a favor to Haozi , everyone is considered as the anchor of the same period. Now that he has stood up and maintained a good relationship, he may not be able to ask for anything in the future.

Just when Chen Hao arrived at Ermai and was about to go to his concert, 6000 people entered the channel at once, and quickly occupied the public screen after entering.

"Who is Haozi?"

"Who is Haozi?"

"Are you worthy of being an Internet celebrity?"

"Are you worthy of being an Internet celebrity?"

Chen Hao frowned slightly, the remote control soy sauce was aimed at him.

(End of this chapter)

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