Big Time 1958

Chapter 104

Chapter 103: Chief’S Difference

Can    stop it? cannot! Although Khrushchev’s visit to the United States did not gain much from the US government, it was the first time for the American people to meet the Soviet leader. People who are concerned about current affairs already know that the Soviet leader is not the devil they used to know. image. If you reject the idea of Serov’s contact with the American Communist Party at this time, it will only make the people feel that the government is making a big fuss.

Not to mention that Serov’s legs are on him, and the headquarters of the American Communist Party is there. Should the National Guard be sent to surround the headquarters of the American Communist Party? What is the face of the free country, even if there is such an idea, it cannot be implemented. As long as Shelov stabs out the U.S. plan to restrict its own actions, it is uncertain whether the impact will be good or bad for Nixon, who is about to be elected. Detectives from the Bureau of Investigation are done.

However, Nixon still seemed to remind him kindly, “Doesn’t General Serov think that the security of the United States is not good? Why go to such a dangerous place?”

It’s a pity that Serov is not the kind of person who is frightened. He glanced at Nixon with a slanted eye, put out the cigarette **** and said slowly, “As long as the US government is not dispatched, if the ordinary mafia wants to find trouble, I am very willing to put it out. My own anti-rebellious work has come to the United States, and in view of the current good situation in the United States and the Soviet Union, I can deal with public security issues in the United States without receiving wages!”

Serov took his own counterattack without leaving any traces. The general mafia wanted to practice with the KGB people. Serov didn’t mind brushing the experience points in the United States. If some American colleagues were ready to do it, they should be careful of the Soviet KGB’s revenge. . The unspoken rule of the intelligence department is not to play assassination on the enemy. In particular, you can’t assassinate the other party’s government officials, otherwise the reputation will stink in an instant. And it will lead to the most tragic revenge from the other party. As for cleaning up the traitors of their own organization, no one can control.

Shelov had a lot of opportunities to kill his opponents, and in the end, he played the tricks according to the normal planning process.

The next day Khrushchev and Gromykotu-114 flew to China, and Serov entered the Soviet embassy after seeing him off. A country’s embassy is equivalent to its own legal territory in another country, and attacking an embassy is theoretically equivalent to declaring war on the country. In theory, it depends on whether the enemy is strong or not before proceeding to the next step. If the opponent is the United States, whether the Soviet Union will protest or continue to protest. Or an outcry…

For Serov, the place where the Soviet embassy is linked to his work is that it is a place where intelligence can be blatantly collected against the United States. The Soviet embassy in the United States has more than 500 personnel, plus the Soviet Union’s personnel working in the United Nations. There is no problem at all in taking out 20 or 30 to protect him in the United States.

Serov did not know much about the current Soviet ambassador to the United States, Feliubin. The only place I know is that this is Furtseva’s husband, but from the information collected privately by the KGB, Feliubin is a typical Russian personally, both in character and style, a strong man. Doctrine is reflected in all aspects, and it is fair to say that Furtseva married this man, not to mention a flower on cow dung. Almost as much. Feliubin is also the reason for relying on Fortseva’s husband. Sitting in the highest level of ambassadors abroad, the British and American ambassadors to the United States.

I believe that Fei Liubin will return to China soon. A reunion with Fortseva. Fortseva’s full name is Yekaterina? Alexeyevna? Fortseva, because she is a woman but has such a high status, rumors have continued in Moscow, and some people even secretly called Fortseva For Catherine III, to describe the status of Fortseva.

“Comrade Feliubin, my remaining task is to conduct a real investigation of the United States in private, instead of looking at the packaging of capitalism according to the American itinerary like the first secretary! I do not believe that the entire United States is New York, Los Angeles, of course, I also want to record the great side of New York and Los Angeles! Let our people see the real side of America!” Serov talked eloquently to Fultseva’s husband, not forgetting to get close, saying that he How good is the relationship between his wife and Fortseva, who is an attractive lady and so on…

“So Chairman Serov is trying to make the real America, including the prosperous side and the depressed side? In a sense, the people of the United States are indeed better off than the people of our country, but the marginal people at the bottom live better than the bottom of the Soviet Union. It’s even worse! But I have to admit that if we separate out the white class and exclude people of color, what people see in the United States is the ideal country in the world! The people of this country are prosperous and the national strength is strong!” Although Fei Liubin I don’t want to admit it, I can only tell the truth at this time.

No ordinary person would say this in front of KGB personnel, because it is likely to lead to an investigation by the KGB, knowing that the KGB has always been very interested in this kind of unstable guy. The reason why Feliubin dared to say it was because Serov had already made it clear about the relationship between Valya and Forcaeva, which made Feliubin let down his guard.

“This is exactly my purpose. I want to select 20 people from the embassy’s internal affairs guards as security personnel. Comrade Feliubin, please help me contact the American Communist Party and the leader of the black affirmative movement in the United States, Martin Luther King! These two itineraries must be carried out, and then I will choose a prosperous small city and a dilapidated city as the inspection sites!” Shelov said all his itineraries sincerely.

“Okay, no problem!” Filiubin, who was holding the cup, nodded and said, “I will contact you. The current chairman of the Communist Party of America is Gus Hall, a fifty-year-old Polish-born man who just took office this year. We are still in contact!”

“What kind of contact is better than meeting directly, it just so happens that I’m still in the United States! I won’t have such an opportunity in the future!” Serov said with a pun, not taking advantage of Khrushchev’s popularity just passed, and come here in the future to compare Difficult.

In Serov’s view, the propaganda of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union is really problematic, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the enemy is in the Soviet propaganda department. Propaganda can focus on different angles, or even tolerate generalization. But we can’t say that the American people are in dire straits every day and don’t report any positive image! In this way, once the Soviet people learned the real situation and watched Pravda’s propaganda, it would be a huge turn of events.

At least the countries that will always be in the primary stage of socialism in later generations are stronger than the Soviet Union in this regard. If you say that our country has a large economy, then we count as per capita! If you say that the imperial capital is prosperous, I will release the poverty-stricken counties. The country is so big that it can always find poor places. We are in the primary stage of socialism. As for what the middle and advanced stages are like, no one knows! When you have reached the level of the United States, you can consider declaring that you have reached the intermediate stage. As for what the advanced stage looks like, I still don’t know…

When Serov planned to inspect the United States, at the same time in the CIA headquarters at the Lincoln Monument, the FBI director Edgar Hoover with a ferocious face was sitting in a swivel chair, his eyes did not shy away from directing. Looking at CIA Director Dulles, he tore Dulles’s documents into waste paper and threw them into the trash, and said slowly, “Dulles, don’t play your intrigues and tricks on the mainland and send someone to assassinate you. It is a very dangerous move. You will incur retaliation from the KGB. If you are really capable, Serov spends more than half of his time in another country. There are many opportunities, but you have to do it in the United States!”

“Because we are very confident in the United States, we can pass the buck to the gang!” Dulles looked like a university professor, and his aura instantly weakened when facing Edgar Hoover. few. It’s not that the CIA is worse than the FBI. In terms of authority, the CIA is even more powerful than the FBI. The problem lies with the two directors. Edgar Hoover has done thirty The five-year chief, he was much higher in the security system than Dulles.

“No, I don’t agree! I can’t kill a KGB vice-chairman at the risk of American politicians being targeted by the KGB!” Edgar Hoover refused somewhat arrogantly, “Don’t involve the mainland in your fight with the KGB. There are so many countries in the third world, some of which are the battlefield for you to fight! To put it bluntly, the CIA under your leadership cannot fight against the KGB. This is because of your ability as the director. Government employees get revenge by the KGB!”

“Shelov is going to visit the Communist Party of America, isn’t that what you want to see!” Dulles pushed his eyes and said the news.

Edgar Hoover put his top hat on his head, turned around and said, “I know this news earlier than you, so what’s the matter? The American Communist Party can be supported by a vice chairman of the KGB? You treat him as God, right? If you have lost your self-confidence in the process of fighting against the KGB, I hope you resign as soon as possible and replace the CIA with a capable person!” After speaking, he put on a suit and left Dürer s office.

Edgar Hoover disliked Dulles’s actions that always proved his worth through small actions. This time, he thought that Dulles had grown a little bit, but he didn’t expect to call him here to let the FBI cooperate with the assassination of Sheloff, a global phenomenon. The intelligence agency of China actually wanted to solve the problem through assassination, which made Edgar Hoover look down on him, and directly warned Dulles not to cause violent retaliation from the KGB. (To be continued~^~)

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