Big Time 1958

Chapter 113

Chapter 112: Little Defender

“I don’t care where I live, as long as the facilities are complete!” Serov doesn’t care much about living in the villa. The only thing he cares about now is to see Valya and her son after giving birth.

“But the problem is that your house is too small for more and more people, isn’t it?” Shelepin returned to his office and said, “We will polish your investigation report in the United States, and then let Goliu Nove published in TASS, of course not necessarily in Pravda, maybe in other newspapers!”

“I only hope that the country can show the real situation to the people, but don’t make generalizations! The consequences of deceiving the people are very serious!” Serov knew that during the Khrushchev period, the Soviet Union did not have a great deal of propaganda. The fault is mainly because Khrushchev has loosened restrictions on the cultural world, and the same is true in propaganda!

Maozi likes to go to extremes, either like Stalin’s absolute centralization, or Gorbachev’s self-disarming, like Andropov’s clearly distinguishing between the enemy and ourselves, and there are not many cautious reformers. . The unfortunate part of the Soviet Union is that Andropov, who was in the KGB, knew all kinds of contradictions in the Soviet Union well. When he came to power, his health was already dead. If Andropov was given ten years, the Cold War would still be fought…

“Don’t worry, Goryunov is in charge of TASS, don’t you worry about him?” Shelepin laughed and scolded, “Get out of my office, go home and see Valya, it’s time for dinner Ordered, are you going to have dinner at the headquarters as well?”

“Chairman, you’re a good idea, Valya has just given birth, isn’t it a little bad to let her cook!” Serov, who was really about to leave, sat down again. Let Shelepin call the cafeteria. I just need to say a little second drink…

The apartment complex of the KGB family members is not big, and it is still a yellow wall with poor aesthetics. It may be that another year has passed, and the walls of some apartments have fallen off, exposing the cement walls inside, which has a desolate taste in line with the cold weather in October. This is of course not comparable to the splendor of the Hessian Casino, but this is his home! No matter how luxurious or brilliant other places are, it can’t replace the position here in Serov’s heart.

The outside is nice but it is not his home, his home is here, here is his wife and children, the Soviet Union has everything he has. Serov has the KGB’s cash flow in the hundreds of millions, but never paid attention to that money. Even if no one can find out, he will not go to guard and steal. Because as long as he loses the KGB organization, he can’t take the money alone. It is better to use the money to build the KGB into an indestructible fortress.

Serov, who is under the wing of Sherepin, has been trying to break through the limitations of the KGB. If history does not change, the leadership style of Semichasny will at most remain the same as the KGB. Its power is not enough to protect Shelepin and the others from being attacked. The current KGB is only the most powerful part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The General Directorate of State Security became the KGB, and the rest remained within the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to normal history, the reason why the Shelepin faction without the support of the Red Army maintained an advantage over Brezhnev in the first two years was because Khrushchev had two years before he stepped down. Completely abolish the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Responsibilities and power were incorporated into the KGB, so to speak, during the years when Semichas was chairman of the KGB. The KGB has re- annexed the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and it has become the complete body of the Beria period in size, but the name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs no longer exists, but it has re-survived under the name of the KGB.

Brezhnev used more than two years to make the layout bit by bit, and the most important step in the KGB’s actions was to re-establish the Ministry of Internal Affairs and split the KGB into two parts again. After the success, Brezhnev understood that it was impossible for the KGB to protect Sherepin, and replaced Sherepin in Semichas, and defeated the Sherepin group that caused the greatest threat by itself.

The biggest purpose of going overseas is to keep the KGB stuck in its neck and still be able to support it, to use overseas companies to maintain the KGB’s hematopoietic ability, and to find opportunities to bring back the departments that were demolished by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The most important thing is to be independent. The right to judge is taken back, so as long as the chairman of the KGB is not suddenly attacked like Beria, unless there is a civil war, it is impossible for anyone to kill the people supported by the KGB without a single shot.

Serov, who got off the Volga sedan, chose not to take a ride. In the last part of the road, he chose to walk back by himself to relax. As a secret agent chief, Serov considers himself to be working hard to eliminate threats to the country, whether at home or abroad, but sometimes when he calms down, he always has a feeling that his work seems to be never finished.

Standing in front of his house, Serov didn’t knock on the door this time. He took out his key and opened the outer door. He pushed open the door before entering his house. The living room was still furnished as it was, a bit rustic but still warm, so he took off his shoes. to the bedroom. A blond beauty with a jade body is sideways holding her baby’s breast milk, and the little guy eats it very sweetly.

“Back?” Valya raised her head and looked at Serov, as if she had known her husband was back today.

“It’s back!” Sheloff’s answer was equally simple, watching a pair of mother and son open their mouths and didn’t know what to say, and finally stammered, “Why is my son’s hair so long?”

Um? Valiya frowned and immediately said proudly, “The production workshop is big enough and the nutrition supply is sufficient! The hair grows right after birth, which means that it has grown very well in my stomach, and my child is born stronger than others. !”

“Yes, Mrs. is right!” Serov hurriedly acknowledged that the production workshop was referring to Valya’s physical condition. As for the nutritional supply, it naturally referred to breast milk, which is now bigger than the child’s small head. Serov, who had personally tested it, agreed with 120,000 points and sighed, “I used my power and handed over all my wages, and finally got the treatment of my husband. On the contrary, this little guy is much luckier. This is the kind of treatment you have when you are born…”

“Even your own son is jealous?” Valiya pointed a finger at another nutrition supply workshop and said proudly with a smile, “There is another one, I believe it will make you full! There is so much nutrition in it, no one is better than you. It’s clearer!”

How does this speak? If it weren’t for the fact that you had just given birth, the big mouth would have been screaming! Today, I don’t have the same knowledge as you, and I forgive the woman’s presumptuousness in my heart. Shelov asked, “Where’s Yelena?”

“I heard from Chairman Shelepin that you are back and went out to buy vegetables!” Valiya said, standing up holding her child gently, “You haven’t seen your child’s birth twice, so name your child first. !”

“Boris Alexander Yefimovich Serov!” Serov remembered the name.

“Defender? Ruler? Kindhearted? Aristocrat?” Valya savored Serov’s name with a complicated expression, and sighed secretly. The two are husband and wife, he still doesn’t know the meaning of the name? “Did you put your son into the KGB’s establishment just after birth? Killing people like you?”

“I’ve never killed anyone myself!” Shelov kissed the woman’s forehead, without concealing his purpose, “It’s okay to maintain the security of the country, right?”

“But your decision has killed a lot of people. You are safe now because you are very careful to protect yourself! Bring KGB soldiers with you at all times, but you can’t let Boris start directly from the director. Someone is staring at him. What to do?” Valya said worriedly, Valya is not a patriarch, he knew from a very early time that if a boy was born, Serov would definitely get him to the KGB, and his daughter would not have this risk!

Hearing Valya calling out to her son Boris, Serov knew that Valya did not insist on this matter, and comforted, “No one will target my child, but for your peace of mind, I will go tomorrow. Find Tikunov and ask him to pull out the file of my son’s newborn from the Ministry of Internal Affairs! That’s all it takes…”

After a while, Yeliana came back with the vegetables and let Valya rest. Shelov went to help wash the vegetables. Looking at the busy figure of another woman at home, Shelov found that he seemed to ignore the feelings of one person, and put the washed vegetables. Putting it aside, he whispered, “I will transfer you to the GDR for an internship for a year. Lieutenant General Markus Wolf, the director of the GDR Foreign Intelligence Directorate, is my friend, and I will ask him to fake a marriage certificate for you. Proof, you stay there for a year! Then come back…”

Shelov is obviously trying to solve Yelena’s identity problem and always stays at Shelov’s house. If Shelov is promoted, it will definitely attract the attention of some people. He is not afraid of others. Shelov really has nothing to do, the big guy doesn’t eat hard and doesn’t care, he doesn’t care about anything!

“I’m going back to Kyiv next month, and next year I’m going to start with freshmen! Russian education still needs to be popularized!” Valiya said with a spoon, “There should be less resistance to start with freshmen, but there is still more to do in Western Ukraine. Think about it, now with Shilekov’s help, it should be much better!”

“I’m going to the GDR for a period of time as an intern!” Yelena glanced at Valya and said somewhat lacking in confidence.

In front of Valya, Yeliana has always had this kind of guilt. She originally came to help, but ended up getting together with Serov. This kind of thinking has been affecting her until now. “Go, it’s better to go abroad to relax!” Valiya said in a tone that seemed to be unconscious. (To be continued~^~)

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