Big Time 1958

Chapter 16

Chapter 15: Give Me A Yuri Change

Under normal circumstances, the rubles in Serov’s pocket are only enough to buy a pair of military boots, which are about four hundred rubles. Now the ruble in his pocket has been in his pocket for three months. Except for the two ice creams he bought a few days ago, he has forgotten the concept of money. Usually, the expenses at home are controlled by women.

Every day when I go out, I let Valya drive him to work in the car that the KGB distributed to me. When the car runs out of gas, I go directly to the KGB gas station to fill up. I wear the military uniform distributed by the KGB and eat the flour and sunflower oil distributed by the KGB. . Connecting with the KGB’s own postal system, this kind of life really doesn’t cost much money. After several years, Serov has almost become a spiritual proletarian, and it feels as if the ruble has nowhere to use.

Serov’s situation is not serious. In some towns where large state-owned enterprises need to build for production, this situation will be even more serious. People carry out production tasks in accordance with administrative orders, and their children go directly to the schools in the towns of enterprises. The General Directorate of Internal Affairs of the enterprise is responsible for maintaining law and order, the Procuratorate of the enterprise is responsible for verifying cases, the enterprise court is responsible for the trial of criminals, and the postal system of the enterprise is used. These state-owned enterprises are directly responsible to the departments under the USSR Council of Ministers. It is responsible to the Ministry of Petroleum Industry and will not have any relationship with the local government.

So sometimes this problem occurs. A town in a certain place has no difference on the surface, but in fact this whole town is composed of two parts, one part is the original residents of the town, and the other part is the employees of large enterprises and Family members, such a town has two sets of government agencies with exactly the same functions, two general bureaus of internal affairs, two public prosecutor’s offices, two courts, each has its own postal system and gas station, and divides the land around the town.

The two internal affairs bureaus in the town divide their jurisdiction. Sometimes an incident occurs in a street. If it is on the left side of the street, it is under the jurisdiction of the local government internal affairs bureau, and if it is on the right, it is under the jurisdiction of the enterprise internal affairs bureau. .

Under the planned economy, there is no problem with this kind of life, and society has always wanted some people to be workers and some people to be farmers. It’s just that the units in charge are different. People carry out production according to the plan, and there are institutions to ask any questions. The necessities of life are allocated by units. After a long time, many people will have a problem, that is, more and more rubles in their hands. , but there is no way to spend it.

This is just a few months after the collapse of the Soviet Union. There will be a lot of people who don’t look like rich people, wear very old-fashioned clothes but have a lot of rubles in their hands to buy goods. But it was only temporary, and soon these ordinary people who had not experienced capitalism were drained of their savings accumulated in the Soviet Union for decades by skyrocketing commodity prices.

The more large-scale enterprises are concentrated, the more serious Serov’s mentality of what is the use of money now will be. It is because the people who have been in this mentality for decades, the country that protects them suddenly collapses, how can they be the opponents of the oligarchs without any awareness of prevention, once the socialist country collapses, the people are like being slaughtered when facing the capitalists Lambs are weak and weak. With such a group of unsuspecting people, it would be a shame to not exploit their conscience. On the ruins of socialism, the oligarchs born will be more brutal and shameless than their counterparts in capitalist countries.

Shelov’s idea is very simple. As long as he lives for one day, whoever wants to move the public ownership will die. There is no need for the appearance of Kazan Prison at all, such people who care about state property should be killed on the spot. If the country has problems, it can be corrected slowly, instead of waiting for the country to die immediately.

This premise is that I don’t want to die young, and I need to adjust my body to the level of my spiritual awareness, instead of always crashing like a cerebral thrombosis patient.

“Director, your physical fitness has improved significantly. It’s unbelievable that this situation has occurred in just one month!” The gym of the General Administration of Military Administration has almost been contracted by Serov. The doctor wearing a white coat and a mask with only eyes showing There is no expression, but judging from the tone, there is still a bit of excitement.

If it wasn’t for Serov, who is now the director of the General Bureau, and two beautiful secretaries watching the situation with their arms over their shoulders, he would doubt whether the doctor who could not see his expression would have cut himself up as a test subject.

“Comrade Serov, I want to draw some blood for research!” The doctor’s words made Serov’s face change. Did he really consider himself an experiment? Do you still want to go out to the General Administration of Military Administration alive?

“I’m just an ordinary person, what’s there to study!” Serov refused calmly. He was not afraid that his blood would be fine, but that there would be a problem. Besides, what can an ordinary doctor study, if he can study a group of biochemical warriors to destroy the United States, Serov will immediately bleed.

stood up from the bed frame without stopping, and asked Issamotney, “What’s your schedule this afternoon?”

“No, Comrades Kuznetsov and Medvedi will come tomorrow. I have selected ten elite soldiers from the Moscow Military District. They are the best in the Red Army in terms of physical fitness, firearms and will!” Issey Motney lightly opened her red lips and said, “I believe it can cause some trouble to our world champion Mr.

“Alright, I’ll meet these selected elites in the afternoon!” Sheloff said very funny, then turned around and opened the door to the bathroom next to him, elite warriors? Is it the one with three stars in red alert, please give me a Yuri change…

“Lucani!” Isamotene turned her head slightly, Lucani knowingly walked out of the room and followed Serov.

“Destroy all test results!” Issemotti supported her hat brim and gave an order coldly, “As before, the director’s test results cannot be retained…”

“Major Isamotney, there’s no need to do this!” The doctor who examined Shelov took off his mask and joked, “Could it be that your director’s body still involves state secrets?”

Issey Motney slowly set her eyes on the doctor like a machine, and told these people a piece of news with super fast speech without any jerky feeling, “I went to the General Administration of Health Care yesterday to send the comrades’ The files are brought here, you are no longer the doctors of the KGB General Hospital, as my subordinates, if I say destroy it, destroy it, there is no reason…”

Sheloff returned to his office and started a regular sketching tutorial, constantly measuring the vase by the window, waiting for the arrival of the ten kings of soldiers, and meticulously sketching the lines on the white paper.

“Why are you always giggling, what were you and the chief doing in the bathroom just now?” Seeing Lucani’s blushing face always giggling, Isamotene asked suspiciously in a low voice.

“What are you talking about, this is the unit! Will he be messing around…” Lukani twisted for a while and leaned into the ear of the girl next to her, “It seems that Mrs. Valya is going to work in Ukraine, and the director will go home early to accompany him recently. Madam’s…”

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