Big Time 1958

Chapter 19

Chapter 18: Teach The King Of Soldiers

If this is spread out, will the old men in the Ministry of Defense think that they are looking for trouble for the Red Army again and are waiting for an opportunity to retaliate against themselves. I have to admit that Sheloff thinks too much, but if he is to assess what he has done in the past year. In the eyes of the old men of the Ministry of Defense, the threat to the Red Army may be ranked second by the United States, and the General Administration of Military Administration led by Serov is the number one threat.

“Director, why don’t you go up there and try, Medvedi’s body and strength are not necessarily your opponents!” Isamotney suggested, tilting her head, no one knows Shelov’s body changes better than her.

“I’m afraid of hitting him. I can’t replace him in the future Olympic Games!” Serov refused without thinking. For the Soviet Union’s gold medal in freestyle wrestling in the next ten years, Serov must hide his merits and fame.

Really? Isamotney nodded in agreement, and flattered Serov’s bragging behavior without any morals.

Medvedi’s victory lies in the protection of the rules in regular competitions. If you want to replace it with mixed martial arts and let these soldiers play freely, the result may be quite the opposite. That is to say, these kings of soldiers are fighting with their hands and feet bound. No matter what kind of result is a good thing, the victory of the military will naturally help the image of the Red Army, and the victory of the athletes will also inspire the people. There are no losers in this confrontation.

The confrontation on the second day turned into a one-man show. After the confrontation on the first day, Kuznetsov achieved a complete victory in the following projects. There is no suspense in the decathlon confrontation to teach the soldiers to be human beings. .

“I remember just two days ago, you seem to have said that you will not necessarily lose! Now I have seen the result, and I can see your failure at a glance…” Shelov walked back and forth in front of the elites of these various units. The mouth is very cheap to give this group of losers ridicule. This group of scumbags really don’t know how high the sky is. These two athletes are people who have left legends in their respective sports in future generations. If they can defeat them by finding some people in the army, what else do they need to do? Athletes will do.

“Comrade Serov, under the protection of the rules, we are naturally unable to defeat professional athletes!” The soldiers of the Dzerzhinsky division looked ahead, still reminding Serov that this result could not be counted.

Shelov blew a sigh of relief at his hand with an innocent expression, and secretly said, “This sentence is to remind me, are you okay?”

“The result is that you lose. The confrontation with Comrade Medvedi can be said to be under the protection of the rules. You can’t play the housekeeping skills of one-shot kills, but you are completely defeated in the confrontation with Kuznetsov. Competitive sports have no excuses! The fact is that you all lost in javelin, shot put, long-distance running, and long jump!” Issey Motney defended bluntly, “Soldiers don’t make excuses for their failures…”

Ise Motney was originally defending what her boss said, so she didn’t take into account the feelings of these soldiers. As the sharp knives in their respective units, the praise they usually receive cannot allow such a thing to happen. Like a spark falling into a frying pan, Issamotney’s words were successful in terms of provocation.

The soldiers of the military believed that the one with the bigger fist was the master. Issemottny’s mocking of them immediately attracted a burst of rebuttal. The tit-for-tat quarrel forced Serov, who threw a shot put, to come back to smooth the game.

“Little girl, it’s like it’s true. We are not good at this sport. If we are good at something, we can make the two athletes lose badly!”

“What you are good at is making excuses for your own failures, which is a very dangerous performance from the point of view of thought!” Isamotney gave these warrior kings hats indifferently.

The atmosphere of the quarrel between the two sides was very warm, and the level of devotion made Serov, who holds the rank of lieutenant general, feel a sense of being ignored. His presence has dropped to Canada next to the United States, and he is currently moving like Laos next to Vietnam.

“Little girl, you are just a recruit, don’t speak so aggressively!”

“At least I won’t make excuses for my failure. Don’t think that my rank of major was picked up!” Issemottny said confidently, “From a military point of view, I am more qualified than you. Now let’s compare marksmanship…”

The semi-invisible Serov finally found an opportunity to gain a sense of presence, and said, “Let’s go to the shooting range of the Kuibyshev Internal Affairs Bureau to compare!” Serov really wanted to give himself a mouth when he said that, but he was habitually fanning the flames. Woolen cloth? Export the aftermath of the revolution.

The quarrel stopped instantly, this turning point was too stiff for Serov to react. Both sides agreed with Serov’s proposal very much. Since both sides are soldiers, it is best to solve the problem with guns.

“Comrade Kuznetsov, Comrade Medved, do you want to go to the Internal Affairs Bureau!” The confrontation is over, the stadium still has to be closed, Serov has not forgotten the two athletes, it is not good to be locked inside.

Kuznetsov, who was at the end, didn’t look good. From time to time, he looked at Serov’s back with bewildered and shocked eyes. When Serov was a transparent person just now, he went to see the military administrator with curiosity. The shot put by the chief of the bureau, if not for cheating, this KGB agent would be horrendous, farther than his decathlon world champion.

“Is Isemotene confident?” Serov asked Lukani next to him with some uncertainty.

“If it’s a pistol, these soldiers will lose!” Lucani said very seriously, “Sister Issemotti has been in Garzna for twelve years. Although not all courses are excellent, the firearms courses It is indeed very strong, since the age of eight, target shooting has long been a part of life! At best, these soldiers have only served for a few years, so they should not be the opponents of my sister…”

I am relieved! Serov let out a long sigh. In the Kuibyshev Internal Affairs Bureau shooting range, Isemotney, who had taken off her coat, had a charming smile, took the provided TT33 pistol, and said with a smile, “The effective range of the TT33 pistol is Fifty meters, you can hit people within 100 meters! In order to take care of your emotions, I have asked the comrades of the Kuibyshev Internal Affairs Bureau to set the target symbolically at a place of 110 meters. Bullets are fired, and the result is consistent with an additional round…”

“It’s as if it’s the same thing, it’s better to let the results speak!” Not to be outdone, the ten soldiers took over the TT33 pistol. They were no strangers to this pistol, which was the main sub-weapon of the Soviet Red Army. .

“Is that so? I’ll be your instructor after you lose…” Issemottny looked at the soldiers with a bright smile, and with just a few movements in her hand, the parts of the pistol were in their state. At this time, she looked down at the scattered parts. On the pistol parts on the table, he said in a low voice, “Recruits, let you see the strength of Gazna!” While speaking, he took out a silencer from his pocket, and kept holding the pistol with one hand in his right hand. , As soon as the voice fell, the pistol that was still in the state of parts just now has been restored to its original state, and the silencer was screwed on by Isamotney, showing a satisfied smile.

【If you don’t want to look away, it’s fine, I didn’t beg you! Are you going to the book review area to disgust me? Just you have knowledge? Who reads Soviet novels who do not know the history of the Soviet Union? Do you need some information from Baidu to teach us? You have such a moral high ground, why are you a pirated reader? People who don’t have any fans of a book can come from a moral high ground to talk about doctrine. Capitalism is really good. It pays attention to copyright.

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