Big Time 1958

Chapter 68

Chapter 67: The Child Must Be A Spy

Serov doesn’t quite understand the types of tigers. It’s like seeing black people. Unless he knows that the other person is black enough, all black people look the same in his eyes, that is, a group of black and bright! Having said that, black and bright shoe polish now occupies a high position in Serov’s mind. After all, it is a well-known trademark of his hometown.

“Yulia, look at your father below…” Isamotney stood on the edge of the fence and hugged her daughter, teasing her while mercilessly stabbed Serov in the heart.

“Baba…” Shelov’s daughter stretched out her little hand and moved forward. Shelov hurriedly hugged it without forgetting to scold Issemottni, “This is what it deserves. Didn’t you order the Caspian tiger to protect it when you were in Azerbaijan?” Valiya The rippling smile is like a little fox. After Serov left Azerbaijan, with the rise of status, the Ministry of Internal Affairs around the Caucasus has been punished more and more severely for the crime of poaching. Among them, the Caspian tiger is the key object to be protected. So it can only be seen at the Kyiv Zoo.

Caspian tiger is a subspecies of tiger that has become extinct in later generations, but it was protected because of a secret agent chief. It is a wonderful irony. Without staying here for too long, Serov took his daughter to see the brown bear.

“медведь, медведь…” The little guy in Shelov’s arms kept tossing and shouting vaguely about the bear! This warm feeling made Shelov have the idea of letting go of everything, but it disappeared immediately. He has the responsibility to protect the current peaceful life, and people cannot live as simple as animals.

After leaving the zoo, I went to the Palace of Culture again. My daughter didn’t leave his arms for a day. She didn’t return to the apartment until the evening. Today, Isamotne and Lukani didn’t stay here and went to the KGB. ‘s guest house. Serov has only completed the rise and transformation from the floor to the big bed.

“You’re a poor mother. Your daughter doesn’t kiss you at all. I wonder if it’s the daughter I had with Yelena, not with you? Yulia almost doesn’t know you anymore…” Serov hugged himself His wife, put one hand on the slightly bulging belly, where his child was being conceived and formed, but his mouth did not spare the daughter next to him. To say that this woman is good everywhere, there is no problem with her appearance or work attitude, even if she is outstanding, her body also makes people linger, but there is a problem in this area, as if the child has nothing to do with him after giving birth.

“Am I busy? How can I say that I’m also Yulia’s mother, and no one can change it!” Valya snorted and said with a grievance, “Who gave birth to your child? It’s me. Not some director secretary. It was I who met your needs, but you went to another woman…”

This is God’s conscience! Serov really wanted to say something, that is, “Aren’t you my secretary at the beginning? It’s just that you were a little early!” Just think about this sentence in your heart, and if you say it, Valya will definitely explode.

“I have to have that idea. With my current status, I can fill the Lubyanka Square with women! If I give birth to a million, a few more people like me don’t have to worry about the population problem of the Russians. Thinking about it makes me worry. According to this year’s statistics, the Russians have lost another 0.4%!” Serov said with an irritable face, “It must be stopped, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!”

The current Russian population is still close to 60%, and in the 1980s it was only a little over 50. By the year the Soviet Union disintegrated, Russians will occupy half of the population. It is a terrible thing for a country without a main ethnic group. It has been less than fifty years since the fall of the Hungarian Empire.

“Is it so serious?” The Soviet Union was hit hard by World War II and didn’t re-publish population data until the 1960s. The average Soviet people didn’t know about this subtle change, even Valia didn’t know. After listening to her husband Only after these words did I understand Serov’s worries a little, “That’s why you asked me to eliminate the Ukrainian language, and you want to re-divide the nation?” As Serov’s pillow neighbor, Valya is very smart and has already understood from the clues. Men’s thoughts.

“Of course, what part of the Soviet Union is out of our sight?” Shelov kissed the woman and said, “You can name any industry, and it is in our sight! Demographics are no exception. Seventh The internal name of the General Administration, the General Administration of Surveillance and Investigation Management, is responsible for this aspect of work!”

Departments under the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, the KGB has all. The Soviet Union has the Supreme Court, the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office, the KGB has a secret tribunal, and a special investigation department. The Soviet Union has the Ministry of State Communications, the KGB has the Eighth, and the General Administration of Communications. The Soviet Union has the Red Army, the KGB has the General Administration of Military Administration, the Border Guard, and the Internal Affairs Forces. The Soviet Union has the reorganized Ministry of Internal Affairs, the KGB has the Fifth Secret Police Headquarters, and the Ninth Police Headquarters. The Soviet Union has the Organization Department and the KGB Personnel Administration. There is even an anti-corruption bureau within the KGB, which has the same functions as the departments under the Soviet Council of Ministers. What the Soviet Council of Ministers can do, in theory, the KGB can do.

The KGB is like a huge auxiliary department, but unlike the general auxiliary department, the KGB assists everything that the Soviet Union has now. It does not matter if there are emerging industries. The KGB has several vacant general bureaus. It can be done overnight. The flag of the General Administration was raised in between and began to work.

“Okay, don’t blow it! Being a spy has become a sense of mission. My son grows up to be an educator!” Valya, who was pregnant, felt a little down, and rubbed against Serov’s arms.

“Of course my son wants to be an agent, what’s wrong with being an agent?” Sheloff didn’t say it out loud, but he had already made up his mind, if it was his daughter, forget it! Responsibility cannot be resisted by women. If it is a son, he will be sent to the School of the General Administration of Defense of Internal Affairs from the beginning of his literacy. When he grows up, he will be sent directly to the Lenin Technical School, and when he is sixteen, he will go to the Kaulstroff Military Academy in Berlin, the GDR. Study, and then be sent to a neutral country to start an internship. Before the child in Valya’s belly was born, Serov had already planned a boyhood route for him.

Shelov will never show mercy to his children, especially his son! Sooner or later in life, people will face some problems. The strict education of the Soviet Union is the foundation. The kind of happy education advocated by the United States is completely fooling the people like pigs. People lack self-discipline, especially children. They must be brought up to adults with a strict attitude.

After staying in Kyiv for more than a week, Serov, who had recharged his emotions, set off on his return journey. Before leaving, I told Valya that she must take maternity leave and return to Moscow in three months, and let Yelena watch it before she got on the train without worry!

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