Big Time 1958

Chapter 77

Chapter 76: Visit The Market

Five minutes later, Serov walked out of the room with a debt-collecting face and brushed his teeth. After rinsing his mouth, he directly threw the toothbrush into the trash can. This is not a waste of Serov. The toothbrush is a one-time product from Kazan, and the toothbrush bucket is only a little stronger than a plastic bag. , The toothbrush head and toothbrush handle can overlap 360 degrees, and soft hands can’t hold it. It is mainly distributed to prisoners. This design is to prevent prisoners from using the toothbrush as a murder weapon.

“Vegetable market? Understand the private economy or what? Meet ordinary Soviet people? Does this guy think that every Soviet Union is under our surveillance and is a slave of communism?” Serov, sitting in the car, closed his eyes and thought about the problem. , so that the blood in his eyes faded a little. He thinks that the KGB has great powers, but he has no such unrealistic idea. How can workers go to work and peasants farm land to monitor, and how can intellectuals and scientists who have reached the level of monitoring by the KGB have to be reputable university professors and scientists? It is not enough to have regular access to research results and to monitor the entire Soviet KGB expanding fivefold. Besides, who will pay for this?

“It should be Nixon who was told by the American embassy, otherwise he wouldn’t have known that the farmers market was a place for the private economy when he just came to the Soviet Union!” Isamotney analyzed, “Nixon should have thought that our visit plan was an arrangement. Okay, so wanted to see what life was like for an ordinary Soviet!”

U.S. Embassy? Shelov didn’t want to think of these incompetents at all. The headquarters of the Seventh Division of the Second General Administration was less than 200 meters away from the US Embassy. At least Shelov knew four years ago that the group of rice buckets in the American Embassy have not yet discovered, such a stupid opponent. Where to find it? The General Administration of Technology has developed a new type of monitoring equipment. The only side effect is that people who are often within the monitoring range are prone to increase the risk of cancer! It has been buried in the US embassy for more than three months.

It didn’t take long for Serov to arrive at the farmers’ market. He didn’t even have to look to know where Nixon was. There were more than 100 people watching, didn’t it mean that the crowd was unique to the Chinese? Is this inconsistent with what Shelov saw? Walking over and crowding into the crowd, several Soviet guards saw their boss coming, and immediately came over to report the situation, “Mr. Nixon came to visit the farmers market, and we came over to call the boss, it was a woman who answered! ”

Needless to say, it was picked up by a woman, right? Serov just wanted to ask this person, where is your position? With so many people around, they can only pretend they didn’t hear it and ask about the current situation.

“Yes, the head of the Soviet secret police is here!” Shelov stared at the translator next to Nixon, and said in English in a moderate voice, “I understand English, and I have studied lip-synching! Can you please find a professional? It’s easy to be embarrassed if the person who ordered the translation is not good enough!” Serov walked to Nixon’s front and said in the tone of a tour guide, “Dear guest, although there are no longer plans to visit here, I think you are already familiar with the Soviet Union. I have an understanding of the lives of the people! For the rest of the time, I am willing to go around with you!”

The appearance of    Shelov caused a stir, and in recent months Shelov’s photo has always appeared in the newspapers, more easily recognizable than Nixon. The men and women around them whispered, “Comrades, the motherland teaches us to treat guests with enthusiasm, so even in the crowd, it’s good for everyone to be a quiet audience!” Shelov turned his head and smiled and said to the crowd around him, his voice and words Not light or heavy is very comfortable.

Nixon was very surprised that Serov did not drive the surrounding Soviets, but he immediately said with a smile, “I already have an understanding of the life of ordinary people in the Soviet Union. I visited the vegetable and fruit stalls here and found that the variety of vegetables is very limited, and the fruits and vegetables are very limited. There are not many types, and it seems that people in the Soviet Union are not rich!”

Ise Motney translated Nixon’s words, but not to Sheloff, but to the surrounding people, which immediately caused a commotion. Although people didn’t say anything, this condescending tone made people very uncomfortable.

Nixon pointed directly at the problem he saw, and Serov thought for a while and replied, “Most of the Soviet Union’s land is in the cold zone, except for the endless coniferous forests, general cash crops cannot survive there! And our brother country is a big country. Parts are also at the same latitude, so it is not easy to eat a variety of tropical fruits! So what you see is true, after all, we do not have our own United Fruit Company, and we can directly use a small country as a puppet and directly destroy the local area The economy of the United States only provides a single fruit supply for its own country. First of all, congratulations to the United Fruit Company for entering the oil industry, but one company controls 60% of the imported fruits in the United States, is it not enough to meet the anti-monopoly law?”

Isemotny also translated Serov’s answer, so that the Soviet people who had just been reminded of their quality could not agree with words, and could only express their approval through collective applause.

“Mr. Shelov seems to know a lot about us in the United States, but our problem is the lack of farmers’ fruit in this market, not other problems!” Nixon was surprised at how well Shelov knew some things in the United States, but he immediately thought of Shelov’s occupation. Don’t take it seriously, the size of a company doesn’t make much sense to intelligence organizations to prevent them from investigating real data.

“Some kinds of fruits cannot survive in the Soviet environment, but the production of vegetables and fruits can be increased. We will correct this problem. As for me, I don’t really know about you in the United States. The last thing I want to know is your complicated Law, under your complicated laws, ordinary people are legal illiterate! And with all due respect, many laws in the United States are simply inexplicable!” Serov walked and chatted with Nixon genially, followed by a group of Soviet people.

“I want to chat with a regular Soviet guy!” Nixon said before leaving the farmers market.

“Okay, Nixon can chat with anyone he wants, after all, you are all equal!” Sheloff stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, what happened to Nixon? I can still chat and laugh with him.

Nixon chose a man in blue overalls, walked over to the side and said through an interpreter, “Hello, I’m Nixon!”

Serov watched from behind the Soviet man pretending to be busy with work and was about to leave. He shook his head slightly, walked up to him, asked his name, tapped the worker on the shoulder, and said proudly, “Comrade Svilikhtin, this is Mr. Vice President of the United States, Just chat casually, don’t be nervous and just treat it as your neighbor looking for you to drink!”

Shelov’s gesture greatly eased Svilikhtin’s nervousness, and Nixon asked a few simple questions about how old he was and what kind of job he had. “I have a good life, no problems with housing, no lack of anything…”

Serov, who bowed his head, was speechless. In the end, there was still some problem. The first thought of this man was not to be embarrassed in front of imperialism and to maintain the dignity of the Soviet motherland. Kill the Vice President of the United States on the spot. Having said that, the problem that socialist countries have too much face turns out to be a common problem…

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