Big Time 1958

Chapter 954

Chapter 942: Restoration

It is the will of the general secretary and the will of all Soviet security cadres to   whitewash Beria. Therefore, it was unanimously recognized by Chebrikov, Tsvigon, Bobkov, etc. Beria became a villain one day, and Serov, as the general secretary, always felt that there was something wrong with his origin, and this kind of thinking also troubled all the security cadres in the Soviet Union.

I believe that if Andropov lived long enough in history, he would also think of this question. It’s just that he doesn’t have the time, and Serov is different. He must whitewash the historical issues about this department. After realizing this problem, at least a little test, I know that Chebrikov and the group agree in their hearts.

Restore the rank of Marshal Beria, and correctly evaluate the merits and demerits during the Great Patriotic War. Serov still needs some people who are still alive to come forward, Molotov, Malenkov and Kaganovich. In a few years later, if this group of people died, things would be difficult to handle, and there would be no first-person identification and materials.

This also involves the role of Khrushchev’s first secretary, so Serov must also be careful and take care of the importance of it.

Malenkov was insignificant in Serov’s eyes. This heir, who originally had the most favorable situation, had a good relationship with Beria, but in the end he was able to be turned against by Khrushchev to Beria, who was in his common camp. In the end, it is also appropriate to play Khrushchev. The battle between Malenkov and Khrushchev is completely different from the relationship between Brezhnev and Shelepin. Brezhnev himself occupied the best position, and then took every step of the way. Although Shelepin was powerful and noble, he could not restore the decline. Malenkov is a character who is being counterattacked.

You thought I would sympathize with you? I almost laughed out loud! After calling Malenkov, Serov directly stated his thoughts, and also pointed out that it was the thoughts of all the security cadres of the Soviet Union, giving the former heir a precaution.

“This should have been done by you. If it weren’t for Comrade Malenkov’s sway at the critical moment, how could our minister be suddenly attacked? Who in Moscow has the whole ability? Dare to touch us?” Serov told Malenkov from the position of a security cadre. Said these things, but definitely without being domineering, because it wasn’t necessary.

Malenkov did not challenge Serov, what time is it now? Can the giants of 30 years ago still turn the world upside down? Molotov had some Stalin supporters at his side, Malenkov had none.

“I remember that Khrushchev once promoted you vigorously, but now you actually want to whitewash Khrushchev’s enemies. I wonder what he will think below?” Malenkov didn’t expect Serov to find himself, at least he didn’t expect to. So fast.

“It’s a bit difficult to operate, but I am a security cadre and have my own position.” Shelov said after a moment of silence, “The definition of a major purge should be avoided. Like everyone at the time, you pushed the security cadres to blame. The Great Purge does not mention the advantages of destroying the enemy, don’t think that Minister Beria’s death is over, he can’t be responsible for the Great Purge alone, and every leader of your era has a responsibility.”

“Either the Great Purge is redefined, or each of us, including the living and the dead, must bear the same responsibilities, isn’t it?” Although Malenkov was not an important issue in the Soviet Union for a long time, he has been working in the central organs for a long time. He is not old enough to understand the code words.

“It’s not impossible for you to understand this way. This is what you owe Minister Beria.” Serov poured a glass of water for Malenkov, but don’t get me wrong, this is not an inducement, it is purely to respect an old man.

Malenkov occupies the most favorable position and can be counterattacked by Khrushchev. This talent is comparable to Comrade Ge Tutu, who disintegrated the country. He can’t even keep his position. What about protecting the country. In the case that Beria was not tolerated by all the giants, as the heir, instead of protecting him, he turned around and killed Beria, putting himself in a more isolated situation.

“You must be clear, without the protection of Minister Beria, you would have died at the hands of Zhdanov. The devastating blow to the Leningrad Group was also carried out by you and Minister Beria. Your The counterattack caused him to lose to the first secretary. If you are unwilling to come forward, I will have a talk with Comrade Kaganovich.” Serov added weight again, “About using the GDR as bait , forcing the United States and the Soviet Union to withdraw their troops at the same time was also proposed by you.”

At present, the general secretary is ready to pick up the banner of withdrawing troops at the same time, and he should not respond to the United States. Now that this policy has been picked up, Beria, one of the proposers, is still a traitor, so where should the current general secretary’s face be?

is peddling the traitor’s initiative everywhere, and the general secretary is also a security cadre. Will the Soviet people have some bad associations? This cognitive confusion must be avoided, and Beria’s re-characterization is imperative.

A few days later, the Komsomolskaya Pravda published Malenkov’s personal evaluation of Beria, in addition to some crimes, but also emphasized Beria’s credit, including Beria’s leadership of Soviet intelligence during the Great Patriotic War achievements, contributions to the development of the Soviet nuclear industry, safeguarding national security, etc.

After Stalin’s death, Comrade Beria did work that was beneficial to the country and the people, including: reforming the country’s leadership system and establishing a supervisory mechanism for leadership; rehabilitating wrongful convictions, punishing those who committed wrongful convictions, and restoring the legal system; reforming the country Security system, streamlining the organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; correcting mistakes in ethnic policies, improving ethnic relations, and strengthening ethnic unity; opposing the cult of personality and strengthening collective leadership; changing the policy of economic construction and reducing capital construction projects; easing the situation with Germany and improving the relationship between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. relation.

Beria’s important propositions were all supported by the Central Presidium; all the major measures he took were approved by the Central Presidium. The cadres, including myself, supported them. Comrade Beria could not be held responsible for some policy mistakes, but was the collective responsibility of the Soviet Central Presidium at that time.

After the Komsomolskaya Pravda issued a signal, the GRU leader, General Alexei, issued an initiative, which was approved by five members of the Soviet Central Presidium, General Chebrikov, General Tsvigon, and General Bobkov. The opinion on redefining the historical merits and demerits of Marshal Beria was sent to the Supreme Court of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

“Under certain historical conditions, some of the decisions at that time were cruel and ruthless, but they definitely did not cause huge damage to the Soviet Union as some hostile forces said. In those war-torn years, there was no sudden outbreak of death rates. , if someone wants to use the law thieves group as evidence, maybe we have to let the hundreds of thousands of thugs come back from the United States.”

When the feeling was almost brewing, Serov, who was already the general secretary, couldn’t wait to jump out. It marks the official start of the level of whitewashing for Beria, which is not enough, Serov needs more people to stand up. This person immediately stood up. After hearing that the Soviet Union redefined Beria’s merits and demerits, Rankovic, the general secretary of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, said that he had received a personal letter from Beria in the early 1950s, expressing that Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union The letter of normalization of relations was also immediately sent to the Supreme Court of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as evidence.

After Rankovic came forward, Erich Honecker, the first secretary of the United Social Workers Party of Germany, came out second. Although he did not expressly correspond to Serov’s opinion, he did not express any doubts about Beria’s original definition. Applauding, “We must point out that even if Marshal Beria promoted German reunification at the time, there was a great chance of failure. We did not see a response from NATO to General Secretary Serov’s proposal to withdraw troops together. One-sided kindness can achieve the goal. We should remember that there was such a close opportunity. But don’t dwell on this matter, but better develop socialism and wait for the day when the opportunity comes again. ”

The Soviet Union is not an obstacle to the unification of Germany. Through some secret channels, Serov also instructed the fake propaganda department to carry out propaganda. The purpose of rehabilitating Beria is to create opportunities for German reunification. Of course, this is only propaganda for the GDR alone.

For a time, the image of the Soviet Union was more consolidated in the GDR, and it was even whitewashed in the Federal Republic of Germany. Brandt, the leader of the German Socialist Party, as Kohl’s biggest political enemy, and the prestige of the former chancellor questioning the current attitude of the Federal Republic of Germany to be hostile to the Soviet Union will only deepen the hostility and estrangement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR.

The number two figure of the German Socialist Party, the Stasi ace spy, stood by, thinking about when he would see the day when the two countries were reunited. Turn a deaf ear to Brandt and Cole’s confrontation in Congress.

“I finally waited for this day!” General Alexey said, “Under your leadership, the security system has surpassed the time of Minister Beria! I heard that you have supporters in the Federal Republic of Germany. Germany is the country with the least influence of the Soviet Union after the United States!”

“That’s when they saw the hope of unification, but who will unify who is still an important question.” Shelov replied with a smile, “No matter who it is, you are not as happy as you are. You have finally waited these days. And you guys. A group of remnants of Belial.”

“You are right!” General Alexey did not deny it!

A week later, the Supreme Court of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics announced that Marshal Beria was not guilty of treason, the rank of Marshal and all honors were restored, and the medals won during his lifetime would be reissued to the family.

However, for Serov, how to end it is still a problem, and more people cannot be bitten because of the vindication of Beria.

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