Big Time 1958

Chapter 979

Chapter 967: Hold On, It Hurts!

In return for Western Europe, the Soviet Union should also show a little sincerity and withdraw some troops, but it will never disarm. Instead, it reinvested military power into the Caucasus for a decisive layout.

As long as the goal is successfully achieved, the hegemonic foundation of the United States will be successfully dismantled by the Soviet Union, and the blood-sucking network circulating around the world will no longer function. This is what Serov wants to consider. In order to prevent the United States from blowing up at that time, the construction of underground bunkers in the Soviet Union has been advancing at a high speed.

Sheloff doesn’t believe that Star Wars is a complete scam. Even if the scam was Reagan’s original intention, investing so much money will definitely not have no effect at all. Later, through the implementation of this plan, it will drive a large number of high-tech groups. development in order to maintain the leading position of the United States in the economy, military, science and technology, etc. Even if most of the ideas cannot be completed, the theoretical basis has been done.

It is impossible for    to invest without any effect. This is also the reason why Serov decided to follow up. Besides, if he does not follow up, the continuation of the Cold War will continue, which is not what he wants to see. Similarly, Reagan will not stop. Now that so much money has been invested in the Star Wars project, it will stop without seeing any results. Reagan can’t stand this slap in the face…

“We are implementing the Star Wars program to better protect the United States. This will not stop because of the protests of any country, Mr. Shelov, you can’t scare me.” Reagan said fearlessly, “No matter what the Soviet Union uses in exchange , the United States must continue to implement it until the day when the United States is completely safe.”

How dare you say it! Serov would not believe a word of the actor’s words. Regarding Reagan’s entire Star Wars program, Sheloff knew that there would definitely be some results interviews in the end, but to achieve Reagan’s vision, Reagan’s current age would definitely not see that day, and maybe Seloff wouldn’t even see it.

But for this kind of self-confidence, Serov has no good solution. The person in front of him is very stubborn, so stubborn that he is about to get dementia, so it is useless to persuade him, “In the end, you will see who is the real one. winner.”

Want to use an arms race against the Soviet Union? As far as the gap between the rich and the poor in the United States is concerned, as long as the strength of the Soviet Union is not too far from the United States, Serov is absolutely sure to drag the other side to death, rather than being dragged to death by the other side.

“Thank you General Secretary for your understanding.” Reagan changed the subject, “Actually, the United States can also win over France, General Secretary Serov. For France, Libya’s interests are far less important than the security of the European continent.”

“It’s not easy either!” Serov pointed to something, he understood that Reagan was going to stabilize France first, and then deal with the Soviet Union alone. As for the comparison conditions, Reagan didn’t say, he could guess and agreed to sign the Intermediate-Range Missile Treaty in exchange for France and the U.S. stand on one side to resolve the Libyan hostage crisis.

The Soviet Union can win over France, and the United States can also win over France under the same conditions. This is a common thing in the Cold War, but both sides have to be active and passive. France generally does this on its own initiative, and there is another country that does so, namely China. In effect, France may be even more successful.

Reagan’s idea is very good, but unfortunately there is not a normal person next to him. If it is replaced in the game, Sheloff’s role can be regarded as Yuri. The thinking in Reagan’s heart can be felt by the big spy around him, and then he formulates what the next sentence should be. Answer, the game is unplayable.

After two days of mutual testing, Reagan successfully fell out of the pit and prepared to use the intermediate-range missile treaty that the Soviet Union seemed to care about the least, and seemed to be only used to deal with allies, as a condition to win over France. As long as France and the United States stand together to put pressure on the Soviet Union and immediately resolve the Libyan hostage crisis, the United States agrees to formally sign the INF Treaty. It must not hurt the ongoing Star Wars project though…

After three days, their meeting has occupied the pages of all influential newspapers around the world. The talks at this time are also coming to an end. At least from the point of view of the process, the two are still very friendly in front of reporters.

“We in the United States have never said that we cannot carry out nuclear disarmament and keep the world away from the threat of nuclear war. This is what our successive American presidents want to do. We have always been open to the issue of medium-range missiles deployed in Europe.” When speaking to reporters, Reagan showed his demeanor and expressed the outcome of the talks in a very high-profile manner. “Now we are waiting for the position of the Soviet Union. I believe that the next time the treaty is officially signed to destroy missiles, it will not be too far away.”

When Reagan made outrageous remarks, Serov was very cooperative and was not angry at all for the other party’s behavior to gain public support. Not only was he not angry, he was also afraid that Reagan would regret it later.

After Reagan finished speaking, it was Serov’s turn to speak. His speech was very simple. “The Soviet Union conducted this negotiation to protect the interests of other European countries. As a European country, the Soviet Union can absolutely shoulder its own international obligations. I believe this is also what brother countries are willing to see.”

Shelov didn’t want to continue wasting time here. When he went back, he had to go to Madrid, the capital of Spain, because the chairman of the Spanish Communist Party, Ibaluri, was critically ill. The news was sent by Anguita, the general secretary of the Spanish Communist Party.

In all fairness, Serov, as the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, basically has no foreign leaders who can challenge the authority of the Soviet Union on the communist line. But there really is such a person, whose qualifications are terrifyingly high. After being reminded by his assistant, Serov had to go to Spain to visit in person.

After the two finished speaking, Reagan first stretched out his hand to show his demeanor, sticking to each other’s ear as if he had just met, and said, “The Libyan hostage crisis will be lifted immediately, and the confrontation will continue at that time.”

Serov’s eyebrows twitched, and he whispered with a smile, “I don’t have any gifts for you, please bear with me!” While speaking, he held Regan’s hand and suddenly strengthened. A squeak…

“Soft tissue contusion, just go back to recuperate for half a month. As you get older, it may take a little longer.” Sheloff looked at the secret service personnel behind Reagan with a smirk, and sneered, “Hold on, this is all reporter…”

Regan withdrew his hand expressionlessly, then put it in his pocket. As the other party said, he can’t fight back his anger here, he can only endure it, secretly scolding the rogue means of this big spy, and still stand together and act with the other party.

In the last period of time, the play could not be played out. In the end, both of them disappeared in front of the reporters and began to prepare for their return to China.

“I have told the captain that I will be docking at the Spanish port.” Little Valia just reported back from the captain’s room, and at this time the world’s only Soviet Kirov-class known as a battlecruiser, had already left Iceland sails above the sea. The purpose was Spain, not the original plan to return to the Soviet Union.

“Well, this is a must!” Serov nodded, looking at the information from Ligachev from China. The other party does have such a qualification and weight, Dolores Ibaluri, the current chairman of the Spanish Communist Party. At 101 years old this year, he should belong to the leader of the Spanish Communist Party during the period of Lenin and Stalin. Let alone Serov, he is older than his predecessors Andropov, Brezhnev and Khrushchev. Stalin was barely a contemporary of hers.

With this qualification, now the Spanish Communist Party has a chairman position, unlike the general secretary of the general country. Like the average European Communist leader, Dolores Ibaluri was once in exile in the Soviet Union. It was not until after Franco’s death that he returned to Spain, and the Spanish Communist Party is now the third largest party in Spain.

When he arrived in Madrid, Serov, the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was welcomed by King Juan Carlos I of Spain. The general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union had just returned from Iceland and was going to visit Spain immediately, which made Carlos I very happy, but Carlos I also knew that Serov was mainly visiting Chairman Ibaluri, so he just expressed the friendship between Spain and the Soviet Union symbolically, and let Serov leave.

Spain was once a place where the Soviet Union also fought. During the Spanish Civil War, the Soviet Union and Germany and Italy supported the Republic and Franco respectively. Everyone knows the final result.

It is easy to understand that Germany and Italy supported Franco. The Soviet Union was thousands of kilometers away from Spain, but they had to participate in that war to support one side. It can be seen how far the Soviet Union lacked friends at that time, and how much they wanted the world’s second largest A socialist country, let yourself no longer be alone.

“Comrade Ibaluri, long time no see!” In the hospital in Madrid, Serov greeted Ibaluri on the bed. The other party had been in exile in the Soviet Union for a long time. The two must have met at the meeting, but they did not stay. deep impression.

“You are KGB Chairman Serov? No, you are already the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.” Ibaluri looks a little weak, she has no malignant disease, if there is any disease, she is old…

“It’s me. I heard that you are sick. Originally, the second secretary wanted to send a representative to visit, but I happened to be visiting Iceland, so I came by myself.” Serov was not angry because of the KGB chairman, a real revolutionary, Especially the revolutionaries who have experienced the era of sacrifice at any time must know that the Cheka is to protect the department that he established.

“Can I still have something to eat?” Serov was holding a Damascus steel knife, just saw the apples on the table, and was stunned.

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