Big Time 1958

Chapter 981

Chapter 969: Amend The Constitution

“We don’t lack ports in the Mediterranean, and we don’t need to rely too much on Libya. Of course, the Mediterranean fleet can go over and overhaul it without any problems. It is a statement of position.” Serov’s response was very dull. For a long time, the port problem has been a major factor that has plagued the Soviet Red Navy. , the huge tugboat has almost become the standard of the Red Navy.

But now the Soviet Union is really widened, and the four major oceans of the world, the Soviet Red Navy, have no shortage of ports that can be docked. So Gaddafi’s goodwill, Shelov does not think it is very important. He would rather watch the nonsense of European and American newspapers and at least smile. Isn’t Reagan’s performance very attentive?

If there is anything else, it is listening to lectures. Of course, the general secretary is ignorant. Except for the industries related to anti-revolutionary workers, his other aspects of knowledge have been evaluated by Valya as an amateur. Since it is an amateur, it is necessary to study more. There are people who are not amateurs in the Soviet Union, and there is no shortage of such people in the Academy of Sciences and the Planning and Economic Commission.

How to adjust the national industrial layout of the Soviet Union, and how to use these two years to make adjustments, is of course a matter worth discussing. The layout of productive forces originated in the Soviet Union and was a form and means of the Soviet Union’s planned economy. In the Soviet Union, the distribution of productive forces is an arrangement of the regional division of labor, and the regional division of labor refers to the spatial expression of the social division of labor between production locations and their sum. Determining the regional division of labor first requires an in-depth analysis of various conditions including general conditions, sectoral conditions, and local conditions, and finally, arranging comprehensive regions nationwide.

Comprehensive territory is to determine the territorial combination of different branches of production, which takes into account the social needs for material materials and the social labor necessary for the production of these materials on a national scale, and takes into account the distribution of labor among the various departments. Distribution and configuration across regions.

“This involves the population issue, regardless of our country’s huge territory, but also to take care of national security. How to adjust it is very worth discussing, Comrade Tikhonov is very old, I think this matter can be discussed with Comrade Romanov. Just a moment.” Sheloff said as if I fully understood, but actually didn’t understand it at all.

This matter is really only suitable for Romanov at present. Tikhonov does not have the ability to put forward groundbreaking opinions. Of course, even this 80-year-old prime minister is still better than his general secretary.

Call Romanov and assign a mission, this is what Serov can do. As for making a macro suggestion for Romanov to implement, isn’t this a joke, how can the general secretary have such ability. The big spy as the general secretary is only better than the map of Ge.

“This industrial adjustment must be coordinated with the leap-forward improvement of the planned economic system, and the party and the state are paying close attention, so I must choose a cadre who is the most capable of economic development in our era. Comrade Tikhonov’s When you are old, you may not be able to keep up with your energy. Only you can take on this responsibility. I don’t have any suggestions, and you are solely responsible for this matter.” The general secretary who does nothing wrong is at least an expert in poisoning chicken soup.

And the words also named the fact that Tikhonov is 80 years old, but don’t get me wrong, a non-existent chairman of the Council of Ministers Serov likes it, if Romanov has the illusion that he is the next chairman of the Council of Ministers. , This has nothing to do with Serov at this time, it is purely Romanov’s own imagination.

The effect of   poisonous chicken soup is very significant. Romanov nodded very solemnly, as if he felt the great responsibility of the party and the country and the ardent hope of the people. This kind of ideological awareness is higher than that of Serov, who is a **** stirrer or a **** stirrer. Soon the General Secretary proposed that Romanov, Secretary of the Central Committee and Leningrad Oblast, be the first secretary, and concurrently serve as the first vice-chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers, assisting the work of Tikhonov, the chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers.

“There is news from the UN General Assembly that our proposal has been rejected again.” Koschelleski, director of the Central Office, was helpless when reporting the incident. In the past two years, he has reported the same news countless times, without exception, bad news. This news is that the Soviet Union proposed that all the republics count the votes of the United Nations.

After World War II, the Soviet Union emphasized that the founding member states should be the countries that declared war on the Axis powers. When the United States insisted, the Soviet Union proposed that all of its sixteen republics should be listed as founding members. In the end, the three countries of the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union compromised with each other, and the Soviet Union became a country with three votes, which is commonly known as one country with three votes.

After   Selov became the general secretary, he frequently began to try to break through this restriction. He repeatedly proposed at the UN General Assembly that the Soviet Union was an alliance of countries, not a country, so each republic should have corresponding UN powers.

In addition to the Soviet Union itself and the Warsaw Pact countries, not only the US camp will not approve this proposal, but even neutral countries will not approve it. Therefore, every time it is voted, it is rejected by an absolute disadvantage. Of course, other countries will not agree. The Soviet Union, with one country and three votes, is already like this. If 15 votes are represented at the same time, will the United Nations change? You must know that the term of non-permanent members of Ukraine has just expired. When the Soviet Union launches some republics to compete for non-permanent seats, it will be easier.

“Call Comrade Ligachev, the second secretary, to come over, I have something to discuss with him.” Serov ordered disapprovingly.

The reason why he took office began to repeat the old tune, but Serov was disgusting the United States at the United Nations in the name of equality. He never meant to strengthen local rights. He just knew that the United States would definitely object, and he kept asking the Soviet ambassador to the United Nations to propose this. A proposal that the United States must not accept.

“General Secretary, is our proposal rejected again?” Ligachev obviously knew about this.

“That’s right, since our proposal is not accepted by the international community, then I will prepare to amend the constitution! Article 18.” Serov said. The “Soviet Constitution” adopted in 2036 stipulates that each member republic exercises state power independently. , whose sovereignty was protected by the Soviet Union. The “Soviet Constitution” also stipulates that the republics have their own flag, national emblem, constitution, and reserves the right to freely withdraw from the union.

In the 1940s, the Soviet Union made changes to the Soviet Constitution. Article 18 of the revised “Soviet Constitution” states: “Each member republic has the right to develop relations directly with foreign countries, sign agreements and exchange diplomatic and consular representatives.” In addition, the new “Soviet Constitution” also gave the member republics The power to build your own armed forces.

In fact, the reason for the revision of the Soviet Constitution was to gain an advantage in the United Nations in the event of a sure victory in World War II, so that all its republics could become founding states. Belarus became the founding country.

In this way, the revision of the Soviet constitution is meaningless. Serov deliberately took the constitution and challenged US President Ronald Reagan, who was the most hostile to the Soviet Union, hoping that the United States could veto the Soviet Union’s proposal, thus making this law meaningless. It is possible to break away from the legal basis of the Soviet Union.

After the Soviet Union’s proposals at the United Nations kept hitting a wall, the external conditions had been reached, and the international community would not accept the fact that the Soviet Union was an alliance. When the external conditions were met, the Soviet constitution would have no basis. Amending the constitution was a must. step.

After the 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in March, Serov was officially elected by all the Central Committee members as general secretary, which was approved by all the members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and representatives of more than 140 fraternal parties. Now he is the fully real General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

What Serov needs the second secretary to do is to provide a theoretical basis to show that this revision of the constitution is legitimate and desirable. As long as Serov wants to, the revision will definitely be passed. After all, he is also the chairman of the Supreme Soviet.

“Draft the document, get the approval of the Central Presidium, and we will officially approve it at the end of the year.” Serov ordered, Ligachev nodded, knowing that this matter would be discussed by the Supreme Soviet, and then passed without incident.

Libya, Gromyko is still running between Switzerland and Libya, while presiding over the process of the Intermediate-Range Missile Treaty, and the process of the Libyan hostage crisis, facing the situation where France and the United States stand together. Gromyko showed his own true character, an extremely rigid robot style, no matter what the United States and France say, he needs to try his best to ask Moscow for instructions.

Of course, in every negotiation, Gromyko would not give in at all, that would be too obvious. Just under the guise of the public opinion of Arab countries, I hope that France and the United States will consider the views of the third world. Tough mouth but no obstacles, that’s what Gromyko is doing now, while also creating the impression of American hegemony in Arab countries.

While in Zurich, Switzerland, Gromyko changed his face and talked about peace in Europe, saying that the Soviet Union would coexist peacefully with European countries for a long time. quantity.

The meaning of the Soviet Union is very simple. Either two things can be solved together, or even if the United States is tied to France to exert pressure together, it will never succeed. With the Intermediate-Range Missile Treaty as bait, we are not afraid that European countries will not take the bait.

“We can achieve two important consensuses at the same time in order to cause a sensation. If we solve one by one, we will not have such a great achievement for those who work in the diplomatic field.” Gromyko said to the French Foreign Minister.

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