Big Time 1958

Chapter 987

Chapter 975: Pies From The Sky

This explosive news shook the whole of Europe. Of course, the Western European countries facing the Warsaw Pact were stunned by this happy event. The four major clusters of Soviet armed forces stationed in Eastern Europe have always been the nightmare of Western European countries. The scene of tens of thousands of tanks roaring, always appears in the dreams of the leaders of these countries.

So now even if there is just one news, it is enough for these countries to be ecstatic. Many newspapers reprinted it for the first time, and it has spread all over Europe in a short period of time, and there is an increasing trend. No matter how much troops are withdrawn, even if there is only one division, it is good. The absolute disadvantage on the ground has reached the point where no matter how hard they try, they cannot be moved back. At this time, the Soviet Union will withdraw its troops, which is simply a pie in the sky.

“I also heard the news. I have to say that the meeting in Zurich was very effective. It seems that peace has really come!” The first person to make a statement was Federal German Chancellor Kohl. The Federal Republic of Germany expanded its army to 750,000 in the 1970s. , maintains NATO’s second largest standing army outside the United States, and the country is under enormous pressure. But even so, the balance of power is still completely out of balance, and military spending has become a huge expense for the Federal Republic of Germany.

Even the people of the Federal Republic of Germany laugh at themselves. Once the war begins, they will suffer two consequences. Either they will be occupied by the Soviet Red Army at the first time, or they will be occupied by the Soviet Red Army after fierce resistance. The final result is the same.

This sentiment is not only in the Federal Republic of Germany. The entire NATO camp appreciates the sincerity of the Soviet Union. It seems that starting today, the Soviet Union has suddenly become an angel of kindness in the eyes of the world’s media. All previous attacks on the Soviet Union did not exist. This unanimous praise aroused Serov’s vigilance…

“I didn’t expect that I would enjoy Gorbachev’s treatment!” Serov frowned. Gorbachev, in the jubilant praise of the Western media, tore down the Soviet Union little by little. The general secretary who has received praise now not only has no joy in his heart, but instead has a feeling called nausea.

Since he is so sincere, should this year’s Nobel Peace Prize be considered to be awarded to him, the general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union? It’s not impossible, is it? The big deal is to donate nearly to remote mountainous areas and improve the infrastructure.

“You can cheat a little bit!” Seeing the touts of the Soviet Union in various newspapers, Serov stood up with goosebumps.

After Federal German Chancellor Kohl’s remarks, French President Mitterrand and Italian Council of Ministers President Bellinger all expressed their support for the decision of the Soviet Union and spoke highly of the Soviet Union’s efforts for peace in Europe.

“I think that General Secretary Serov can definitely be a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize.” The remarks of Bellinger, chairman of the Italian Council of Ministers, caused another heated discussion. Whether the Nobel Peace Prize should be awarded to Serov seems to have suddenly become a more realistic issue.

Soon, Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko tactfully rejected this proposal, saying that General Secretary Gao Fengliangjie did not care about such a false name, but really considered for peace in Europe and so on. Of course, the most fundamental reason is that the general secretary is so disgusted by this kind of question.

This **** drama, although European countries have expressed great sincerity, but Serov did not want to accompany these people to play. The so-called Nobel Peace Prize nominations should be given to others.

Three days after the Komsomolskaya Pravda published the news of the withdrawal of troops, Serov officially stated his position on the news of the withdrawal, “Closing the gap between the two camps in Europe is what the Soviet Union has been pursuing. A divided Europe and the world do not meet the needs of all countries. interests, and the Soviet Union now believes that the allies in Eastern Europe are now sufficiently capable of defending themselves.”

“Our allies are no longer the weak friends 30 years ago. After so many years of development, any country has enough ability to protect itself.” Serov said in a televised speech in front of the Soviet Union, ” Of course, this does not mean that the Soviet Union will allow its allies to be threatened. Some countries that are hostile to the Soviet Union should not go to countries that are misjudged because of the goodwill of the Soviet Union. What we want to emphasize is the countries that can trample the dignity of the Soviet Union without paying the price It doesn’t exist in this world.”

“With regard to the timing of the withdrawal of the northern group, in line with the implementation of the Intermediate-Range Missile Treaty, we will reduce the strength of the northern group in Poland by two-thirds within two years, and arrange the ownership of these soldiers in the next few years. Neither the soldiers involved in the army nor their families need to worry.”

Over the years, what Sheloff has learned is not to be dead on, but to use ambiguous language as much as possible. For the two years of the withdrawal of the Soviet Union’s northern group, the reason why the speech was linked to the time of the intermediate-range missile treaty is because Serov urgently needs to eliminate the threat of intermediate-range missiles to the Soviet Union within two years. However, it cannot be clearly stated that Western European countries can only be tempted to put pressure on the United States by tying the withdrawal time to implement the destruction as soon as possible.

As for the arrangement for the return of the northern cluster, the statement is even more ambiguous. Will it be resolved in the next few years? More than one year and less than nine years are called several years. At that time, the Middle East must have been fighting long ago, and the northern cluster must still be useful.

The official statement of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union indicated that the Soviet Union really wanted to remove the northern cluster stationed in Poland. Although the northern cluster did not have as many troops as the western cluster, it was also a 300,000-strong army group that was attacked by the second echelon of the Soviet Union. Together with the Western cluster, there is enormous pressure on the Federal Republic of Germany.

“Today we ushered in the dawn of peace!” French President Mitterrand publicly praised, “This is the best news for Europe in several years. The dark cloud of war that has been hanging over our heads for decades has finally dissipated. Some, let the warm sun shine on the faces of the European people again, I make no secret of my joy. At the same time, I understand the efforts of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Serov, here I have to say, Comrade Serov, thank you… ”

President Mitterrand called Serov a comrade in the name of a member of the Socialist Party. The French Communist Party organized a parade to celebrate the passing of the period of confrontation and the arrival of the period of relaxation. The Socialist Party and the Communist Party took to the streets one after another. In the ocean, the French waved their arms happily, expressing their yearning for peace.

“It’s too early to be happy. I didn’t know there was a man named Chamberlain a few decades ago, and he also claimed to have brought a generation of peace?” Sheloff hummed, but this is better, for a strong country, the best The solution is to solve one problem at a time, instead of starting two wars without being forced to do so.

A country’s strong comprehensive national strength is the guarantee based on the invincible forest in the world, and the economy and military are the main indicators to measure its national strength. All these positive factors exist in the Soviet Union, and Serov just broke through in another direction.

Originally this year, the Soviet Union in history is still supporting the war in Afghanistan, the civil war in Nicaragua, the civil war in Angola, and the border war in Vietnam. And now that the civil war in Angola has long been clear, the only war that is still tug-of-war is the civil war in Nicaragua. This consumption was completely bearable for the Soviet Union. Destroyed Central America, but had little effect on the Soviet Union.

News of the Soviet withdrawal has won praise in Europe, but has had another effect in the White House. Reagan was also a very practical man, and it was very unusual for the Soviet Union to withdraw its troops voluntarily. The United States is far away from Europe, and there will be no such thing as being dazzled by such joy, and we can observe the European continent more calmly. In layman’s terms, it means standing and talking without back pain…

The Soviet Union could not withdraw its troops and continue to maintain strong pressure in Europe, because during the Zurich talks, Reagan did not put pressure on the Soviet Union on this matter. I can’t fathom the opponent’s mind. Unexpectedly, not long after the talks ended, this pie-in-the-sky thing happened.

There must be a reason for what happened. Reagan also didn’t believe that the pie fell from the sky, and the chief spy suddenly became a pacifist? “Do you really think I’m one of those reformed communists in Europe?”

“There must be a problem in the Soviet Union, but we all know that the domestic environment of the Soviet Union is very closed, and Serov is from a powerful department. It is not difficult to conceal the real situation in the Soviet Union now, so we don’t know.” Reagan said Looking at Casey, the CIA director said, “If it was your KGB chairman, could you do it?”

“If we in the United States can’t do it with our department’s capabilities, if it’s a department like the KGB, it should be possible.” Casey is also completely guessing, this matter is indeed rather strange.

Reagan thought for a long time, this time longer than ever. If Serov knew Reagan’s current expression, he could tell at a glance, which was similar to Brezhnev’s state after the stroke. Reagan’s illness was getting worse at a rate he couldn’t feel.

“Is it because the Soviet Union’s military spending has had a major impact on the economy, the Soviet Union had to consider its own real situation and removed one of the Soviet Union’s heavy military groups in Eastern Europe.” Reagan expressed his thoughts, although the Golden Canyon operation almost Let Reagan step down, but there is no problem militarily. At present, both the Pentagon and the White House feel that the military strength of the US military has been fully restored, but there is still a lack of confidence.

“We should test the determination of the Soviet Union to withdraw its troops. If the withdrawal is unshakable, it is true.” Defense Secretary Weinberg said, but it was rejected by Reagan. At this time, France and the Federal Republic of Germany could not decide which side they would stand on.

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