Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2631 - kill without spilling blood!

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Salute first?

Isn’t that what you mean by hands-on!

The disciples of Zhenxian Pavilion’s eyebrows are locked with the audience!

“Huh! What hammer is first, then the soldiers, hypocrisy is not hypocrisy, just ask you this **** Universal Temple is hypocrisy?”

At this time!

Outside the hall!

A rude voice sounded!

I saw a group of reckless men coming in!


These reckless men!

No one seems to be human!

Although these scammers are humanoid, the breath that they can exhale is the breath of a murderous creature, and this is the scammer, and it seems that half of the foot has stepped into the supreme realm!


Which lineage do these reckless people turn into!

Are these from the holy beast domain?

All worlds merge!

The Holy Beast Realm is also directly linked to the heaven!

The Sacred Realm has become a Sacred Realm!

And it’s just beyond the heavens in the northwest of Dixian Territory!

and also!

The reckless man transformed by these murderous creatures does not conceal his breath!

This shouldn’t be to grab Zhenxiange to Baoxianyi!

It may be that you want Zhenxiange to build some fairy armor!

So I stood up to speak to Zhenxian Pavilion now!

“What are you guys!”

Claiming to be the head of the monk of the Universal Temple, he collected the Universal Pill and stared at the head of the reckless man who came in at the moment!

“The hypocrisy rolls away. This seat is from a fierce mountain. This seat is not as hypocritical as you. This seat does not engage in servants and soldiers. This seat is clear. Today is to grab two treasure treasures in the Zhenxian Pavilion! The treasurer of Zhenxian Pavilion, I haven’t sent those two pieces of treasures to me!”

The head of the reckless man grinned, glanced at the monk of the robe, his head moved, and he grinned at the shopkeeper of Zhenxian Pavilion!


This Nima!

Obviously grab!

These reckless creatures have turned into a reckless man!

I didn’t speak to Zhenxiange just now!

These guys are also here to grab those two treasure costumes!


Troll Mountain!


There is no such thing in Taishang Heaven!

The reckless man transformed by these murderous creatures really came from somewhere outside the original domains of Taishangtian!

The disciples of Zhenxian Pavilion and the inside and outside watchers can’t help but retreat at this moment. These murderous creatures transform the reckless man, especially the head of the reckless man. If the splendid empress do not show up to suppress, the others in Zhenxian Pavilion may be unable to hold back!

“Giant Mountain? Which domain do you inhuman things come from?”

Monk robe asked indifferently!



The head of the reckless man raised his hand to the monk of the robe and slap!

Supreme power!

The creatures inside and outside the Zhenxian Pavilion were shocked!

All the audience slipped out in an instant!

This man!

Although not supreme!

But there is supreme combat power!

If the splendid empress no longer shows up, those two treasure treasures hanging in the head office are afraid that they will be snatched away by this reckless man!


The celestial light on the monk of the **** robe lit up, blocking the first slap of the mangman, but then listening to the sound of tearing, the **** robe of his body split!

Seems a bit embarrassed!

But it seems to have blocked this supreme palm!

“Huh? Your hypocrisy, there seems to be something. Let’s try Laozi again!”

The head of the reckless sneer sneered and rushed to the **** robe monk in front of him, and kicked at the **** robe!


The monk of the robe does not retreat!

Zhang took the pill!

Instant breath soaring!

Supreme power!

This is also supreme!

Can the Universal Divine Pill give people supreme combat power?

The creatures inside and outside Zhenxian Pavilion are shocked!


Two supreme forces collide!

Zhenxian Pavilion shocked!



The head of the reckless man was separated from the monk of the robe, and then rushed to the two treasures of the treasures hanging in the lobby of the main hall at the same time!


Everyone knows why they can’t get to each other!

So take a step back!

One person grabs a treasure costume!

“Lo shopkeeper, they want to grab the fairy clothes!”

A disciple of Zhenxian Pavilion exclaimed, the new shopkeeper’s face sank, and he snapped his teeth, urging the source to stop the two!



A strange scene appeared!

The man who had rushed past and the monk of the robe suddenly stopped at once, and in front of the two treasures, there was one more person!



Who is this person!

Who is this young man!

When did this young man come in!

The people of several parties were startled!


The monk of the Universal Temple opened his mouth, his eyes flashed with horror, and then his face was somber to the extreme, staring at the young man who appeared silently in the Zhenxian Pavilion!

“No one can stop what our master wants! Do you, human race, want to stop me from being a bully!”

The head of the reckless man roared low, and there was a tear in the roar, as if something was broken!


In an instant!

The breath of the head of the reckless man soared!

Up to half of your feet stepped into the supremacy before!

At this moment is really stepping into the supremacy!

This seems to be a kind of blood power!


A man’s head turned into a beast’s head, and under the violent roar, he burst out his strongest way!



The strongest way of the reckless man has not yet hit the young man!

Suddenly, the flesh of the man is shattered!


The rest of the reckless men are horrified!

The audience was horrified!

The people of the Universe Temple were also shocked!

The instinct of the robe monk retreated instinctively and took a deep breath. He had secretly divided his mind and asked other disciples of the universe to withdraw!

“This tyrant mountain barbarian!”

The head of the reckless man shattered his flesh, Yuan Yuan shouted violently after he stayed, and his strongest way would be blasted!



Same as before!

His primordial spirit also shattered instantly!

The head of the reckless man fell!

Only the Divine Pattern Fragment is left in this Zhenxian Pavilion!


At this moment, inside and outside the Zhenxian Pavilion, no matter which side of the soul, whether it is a person or other, are terrified!

This man!

This young man who appeared silently in Zhenxian Pavilion!

It doesn’t seem to have any mana!

But it seems more terrible than the ordinary supernatural beings!

kill without spilling blood!


Stop talking about blood!

I don’t even know how this young man killed the head of the reckless man!

“Chen… Chen Zu… But Chen Zu… Little Yao Bao, who had seen Chen Zu in a thousand-world world… Awake an old man, that old man is the reincarnation of Qinglian Jianxian…”

After a moment of silence, a disciple of Zhenxian Pavilion began to tremble!

“Chen Zu!”

“Chen Zu?”

“Which Chen Zu? Isn’t it spreading Saying that a person who draws the mysterious power of the Holy Emperor with a sword is called Chen Zu, this will not be…”

Inside and outside the Zhenxian Pavilion, several parties were shocked!

Chen Zu!

These two words!

Yesterday, it spread to the fairy land!

It is said that the person who appeared in the mysterious power of the holy emperor is Chen Zu!

That Chen Zu was in the Heavenly Workshop of Daluo Xianchao Refinery City!

In front of this young man!

Wouldn’t it be the mysterious Chen Zu!

“Luo Yixiu, the head of the Zhenxiange head office, meets Chen Zu!”

The treasurer of Zhenxian Pavilion stepped forward step by step, respectfully and respectfully worshipped. He recognized the fairy clothes on the young man in front of him. The fairy clothes on the young man were the masterpieces of the splendid empress!

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